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christianity Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 00:32:47 Id:934f9d No. 46627
I don't expect there to be many Christians here but perhaps some people with knowledge or views on it So I was raised Christian, I left it on the backburner for some years but I recently started taking it seriously again. The strongest convictions I have is that we have been created and that supernaturally influenced events happen (miracles, "coincidences"). but i'm struggling with its views on sexuality, lusting doesn't really feel bad in the same way fantasizing about murder would for example and it has a strong biological imperative. I'd say monogamous relationships have a biological imperative as well, we start getting possessive if we like someone and infants need a provider and a caregiver. But who exactly am I hurting by looking at women I consider hot?, it justs gives me a happy feel like nice architecture or a sick painting. I'm starting to think the majority of Christian men who say they've sinned, lusted a bit and started self-flagellated themselves for it, none of their trials and tribulations have been really grand, to be honest most Christians are a bit boring. i'm not in a relationshit and virgin for what it's worth. And when I think about how I had a classmate in primary school who was attracted to a boy It's hard to say with conviction that homosexuality is unnatural. Some other views I dislike are that goverments are ordained by God and the classification of drug use in all cases as sin, I'm already conviced the latter isn't Biblical, just an easy scapegoat.
>>47089 There's nothing in the Constitution about separation of church and state.
>>47092 >Anon doesn't being in separation of church and state. Have being thrown off a helicopter by Trump because he wants to be a dictator or an ass slave for Biden voters then
>>47092 This nigga wants a theocracy
>>47092 >There's nothing in the Constitution about separation of church and state. Wrong. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." is about as explicit as it gets in the Bill of Rights.
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American Christianity is more closely associated with celebrating capitalism, though. It has no proponents in Europe. You're all missing the bigger picture.
>>47140 Elon Musk cannot sell his Teslas to fundies because he's a porn obsessed degenerate. Christians are always painted as wanting to kill mutants in X-Men or the villain in comics cause they don't celebrate shallow materialism.
>>46627 Congratulations on exploring Christianity. According to the Catholic Church, for the laity masturbation is usually a venial sin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_on_masturbation#Roman_Catholicism >By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. "Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action." "The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose." For here sexual pleasure is sought outside of "the sexual relationship which is demanded by the moral order and in which the total meaning of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love is achieved." To form an equitable judgment about the subjects' moral responsibility and to guide pastoral action, one must take into account the affective immaturity, force of acquired habit, conditions of anxiety or other psychological or social factors that lessen, if not even reduce to a minimum, moral culpability. >>46653 >In his attempt to explain John Paul II's Theology of the Body, Anthony Percy writes in his book that "pornography and masturbation represent the destruction of the symbolic and nuptial meaning of the human body...God gives all men and women erotic energy. We call it the sex drive. This is good and it forms part of that attraction between men and women, which itself forms part of the nuptial meaning of the body. Sexual energy, therefore, needs to find its outlet in love, not lust...In masturbation that erotic energy is turned in on oneself...Masturbation, therefore, is a symbol, not of love, but of loneliness." If you are a member of the laity, you are supposed to have a sex drive to some degree. >>46877 Something like a pinup is different from porn. >>47089 >>47092 The American concept of separation of church and state is derived from the Bible, and the history of Western Europe. A separation of church and state was fundamentally necessary for the United States at its creation because the Church of England is under the authority of the British monarchy.
>>46859 fake christian, you should be ashamed I'm closing this tab and not coming back because you grossed me out sufficiently to come to my senses
You all sound like faggots.
>>47160 John Paul II is quite the moral authority, having personally, knowingly enabled and protected 1,000s of child rapists. I've been an atheist all my life but I'm envious of faith in that it literally lets you get away with anything, including murder as long as you put together the right words to justify it. It's like watching 5 year olds play tag and make up new rules on the spot.
>>47173 >>47160 Right, have fun with Donald Trump, the son of German Immigrants who wants to make America like France and his counterpart, Orban from Hungary who doesn't want you to dilute Christianity with race-mixing
>>47173 I don't know what you people mean. We're living in the most straight laced times of our lives. Charlie Kirk and MAGA have more moral authority than libs and it eats them up inside.
>>47168 I was telling the truth if that makes me fake so be it. What are you going to do tell god ?
>>47168 And please never come back
>>47420 Just like fake union rehire list. They skip all the minorities so whites get on long term projects. Oh. Did I tell the truth again. Everyone is watching you dele's
you claim to be of god yet reside here?! Heretic
>>47437 I have all of you under my control. 24/7 I own you.
>>46813 thank you friend
>>46813 king
>But who exactly am I hurting by looking at women I consider hot? You're having thoughts not based on love. According to God that's wrong. And if you're addicted to porn, you're hurting yourself and making yourself anxiety prone, and not hitting on girls in real life.
>>47748 Larping gets dismissed in court.
>>47749 I never claimed to be god, but I research the paranormal, and jesus is involved.
It's no coincidence that as global standards of living and education levels have risen, along with the empowerment of historically oppressed groups, religiosity has steeply declined. Nor is it a coincidence that the most war-torn hellish dehumanized corners of the world are the most fundamentally religious, whilst the most liberated free-thinking countries are the least. Religion is not an ally of the oppressed and impoverished, it’s a friend of oppression and poverty, as evidenced by it’s objection to every human liberation movement through history. It's the single greatest barrier to progress, and imposing it upon children should be regarded as child abuse
>>46641 That's literally what Christianity is about, you degenerate.
>>47752 >>It's no coincidence that as global standards of living and education levels have risen, along with the empowerment of historically oppressed groups, religiosity has steeply declined. Nor is it a coincidence that the most war-torn hellish dehumanized corners of the world are the most fundamentally religious, whilst the most liberated free-thinking countries are the least. Religion is not an ally of the oppressed and impoverished, it’s a friend of oppression and poverty, as evidenced by it’s objection to every human liberation movement through history. It's the single greatest barrier to progress, and imposing it upon children should be regarded as child abuse. That is a bunch of bullshit dude,
>>47752 NY is more Muslim and Sikh now because all the libs hated our Puritan and Revolutionary War history. The only thing that's left are African American Episcopalian, Baptists, and Catholics who enrolled their children in those tax shelters called Christian Schools. I think Jews are the new White Anglo Saxon Protestants cause Daddy WarShekels is making millions investing in cheap Gaza land near Golan Heights.
>>50857 There's a lot of liberal theologians who hopelessly sold out to the government in favor of being feudal lord. One would think the failure of China, Korean with their educated women and single rural men would teach them that liberalism is bad, but the future of Christianity is going to be Asian Financial Tigers and fat guy from America who's lapsed Catholic.
>>46629 >>46627 Agreed. Don't look at it. I only go on this site to total other NORMAL FAs. I just look for nice fat Catholic girls.
>>50983 Catholic here, Catholic women tend to be nuts though. Radical Traditionalism has ruined a lot of them if you are in North America. You're going to be looking for a needle in a haystack to find any normal ones. Honestly, I think it's just better to find a woman who is either spiritual, agnostic, or an atheist that can respect that you have different beliefs then her. My last girlfriend was kind of spiritual, and it was one of the better relationships I ever had.
>>50990 Catholic girls already like to drink blood and worship their ghost mother. After being into that kind of shit feederism is nothing.
>>51004 Shut the fuck up you protestant faggot.
>>50990 Are you demented?
>>51010 I’m Irish and Italian you mother fucker I got raised on this sacrilegious pope cult. Catholic shit is weird voodoo and sorcery. Read the Bible and tell me where any of this transubstantiation or creating false-idol worship of the virgin mother or anything related to the pope and his perfect infallibility.
man will never be free until the last king has been strangled with the guts of the last priest
>>51033 Yeah because the church/kings sure created the affordable housing crisis. The world is run by corporates, the churches and kings are their pawns same as you are. Are you actually dumb enough to think quoting some French dandy from before the age of industrialized capitalism has any value? Read Engle, read Marx, you’re legitimately so much dumber than you think you are. No wonder you’re pretentious dick is drier than the Australian desert.
>>51031 Fuck off faggot. Read the Church Father pal. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WROTE THE BIBLE.
>>51038 Really? Can you point to me where in the Bible where Jesus demanded a photo-government of ordained priests delivering gods forgiveness as a human led sacrament? Mary was never supposed to be worshiped as more than a mortal woman (Luke 11:27-28). Catholicism is a bunch of made up shit from the 1st century that had nothing to do with Jesus’s narrative. That’s just a fact.
>>51044 Tons of things in the Catholic religion were even borrowed from the Pagans. Rosaries were just a Catholicized version of prayer beads. >>51038 Some of those Church fathers need to be taken with a grain of salt. St. Augustine had HUGE issues with women and that showed in his so called "teachings" regarding women. It's also unfair to say that the opinions of Church Fathers and Saints would be the same today. They didn't have access to endless information like we do on in the modern era. They may have come to completely different conclusions with what we know today. That's not my opinion by the way, that came from a Catholic Priest who taught the Catechism and explained not everything is a hard and fast rule. >>51011 No, I've just grown tired of the mental illness coming out of the American Catholic church.
>>46648 Despite what Catholicism/the world says, it requires NO subservience to humans, only Jesus, who I believe to be our Lord and Saviour. All you need to unlock a better (not necessarily good) life and infinite, amazing afterlife is to believe is to fully accept Jesus into your heart, and that He died and rose again 3 days later for our sins. To be clear I feel like a cock preaching (especially on a porn board lmao) but I’m just tellin ya the facts so that you could hopefully accept him too, cuz our main calling as Christians is to make more. I’m a Protestant btw.
>>51035 You read Marx sounds like your the real dumb faggot.
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>>51066 Socialism in my state is associated with Steinbeck, Hemingway, and The Great Gatsby. Zoomers want to be the Jazz Age in America and a drone for communism..
What we are doing here is a sin, and that's bad. It's lust. Best thing to do is to try and stop, pray. Masturbating is like gluttony, it's selfish pleasure without any love.
American Protestantism nowadays is a tax shelter for fundies to enrich themselves in Dallas, Atlanta, California outside of LA. I argue it's grown big enough to fund their own entertainment and politicians but still whine they're not part of Washington DC despite converting celebs.
>>51044 Can't believe I have to defend the True Church on a porn boarded but okay. John 20:22-23 New King James Version (NKJV) "And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” From the Protestant version bible. Beat that.
>>51084 Agreed Swede.
>>51049 EH one that isn't worn however the beads are more likely to come from the Jews AFAIK Chotkis are older than the rosary. The Fathers are not infaliable on their own they can make mistakes. Augustine is a bit weird. He's a former sex addict with
>>51049 unless you mean fuentes the faggot, I don't about anything bad as a movement in the church other than rad trads. Faithful trads are fine. I mean my best friend and I argue whether saint Joseph was assumed into heaved after his death is but we are still buddies. He is married and has 7 kids. My other friend has NINE He is a high school math teacher
>>51058 You need more than just to believe that heresy; He set up the Church for a reason.
>>51182 With sex issues
>>51183 Fuentes and the alt right want Calvinism and Puritanism. Even if they succeeded they would be accused of sorcery, witchcraft, and be hanged. 1/6ers are already guilty of sedition against the crown, which is a taboo in Puritan America and England
