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christianity Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 00:32:47 Id:934f9d No. 46627
I don't expect there to be many Christians here but perhaps some people with knowledge or views on it So I was raised Christian, I left it on the backburner for some years but I recently started taking it seriously again. The strongest convictions I have is that we have been created and that supernaturally influenced events happen (miracles, "coincidences"). but i'm struggling with its views on sexuality, lusting doesn't really feel bad in the same way fantasizing about murder would for example and it has a strong biological imperative. I'd say monogamous relationships have a biological imperative as well, we start getting possessive if we like someone and infants need a provider and a caregiver. But who exactly am I hurting by looking at women I consider hot?, it justs gives me a happy feel like nice architecture or a sick painting. I'm starting to think the majority of Christian men who say they've sinned, lusted a bit and started self-flagellated themselves for it, none of their trials and tribulations have been really grand, to be honest most Christians are a bit boring. i'm not in a relationshit and virgin for what it's worth. And when I think about how I had a classmate in primary school who was attracted to a boy It's hard to say with conviction that homosexuality is unnatural. Some other views I dislike are that goverments are ordained by God and the classification of drug use in all cases as sin, I'm already conviced the latter isn't Biblical, just an easy scapegoat.
Christians men are supposed to have sex with their wife as an act of love and for procreation. Even looking at another woman with lust on your mind or in your heart, or appreciating as you say, is a sin. Really, all you're doing is rationalizing your behavior. The longer you do that, the easier it is to sin and the brain rot sets in. Just go back. Take it from one whose life has been ruined by porn.
>>46629 Well she saving herself for someone else. Her patterns is off.
>>46627 stop larping as a christian, you're fundamentally degenerate and this post really shows it
>>46627 Like >>46629 said you're just cherrypicking and rationalizing your hedonism. When you started babbling about biological imperative as some sort of justification my stomach turned. You are disgusting and your stupidity is astounding. Mind rot. I'm not even christian, but I have studied it. But I wish you self-serving retards who don't even believe in it and misuse it as a trendy contrarian ideology should leave actually religious people the FUCK alone.
The new hippy pope says god made sex feel good because it’s godly.
It's a big book written a long time ago by multiple people over centuries. There are hundreds of contradictions and a lot of downright weird shit in it. As a result every flavor of Christianity picks and chooses which parts to emphasize and which to ignore. Fundamentalists and Evangelicals here in the US love certain parts of Leviticus and forget others. And as Republicans (mostly) they almost totally disregard both OT and NT teachings on mercy and charity in their politics. The book is also pretty adamant about the sanctity of life and the possiblity of redemption yet you have practicing Catholics endorsing the death penalty, and very often non-defensive war. Christians don't own the franchise of course — Judiaism and Islam are the same. I'm an atheist personally but not anti-God per se. I actually like the idea of building community around the ideas of self-improvement and actualization. But I've yet to see a large-scale organized religion that isn't a method of control and/or an outright grift. A belief system centered around an impenetrable mystery that's nonetheless crucial to living a "good" life and ensuring a nice afterlife, that requires subserviance and payments to a human authority to unlock, is sketchy.
i'm really sceptical of men who claim they can see an attrative women and not feel a tingle, like c-mon that sounds really unrealistic and with the way the world is nowadays shunning it serves women more than men I feel ike Islam handles the whole thing more fair with women covering themselves and arranging marriges so sexual frustration is kept to miniumum you're even promised virgins in Heaven while the Bible says you won't experience sexuals feelings there whatsoever IIRC >>46629 Why are your here lol? Do you have images turned off too?
>>46653 >like c-mon that sounds really unrealistic You don't know what love or proper marriage is, and neither do a lot of other "people". Divorce rate is high. You're a porn addicted incel one explanation of evolution, and cause and effect away from identifying as atheist. Why did you make this stupid thread? >>>46629 >Why are your here lol? Do you have images turned off too? He said his life has been ruined from porn, he is probably still addicted. Fucking listen, you retarded child.
>>46655 I'm never going to identify atheist and i'm sceptical of macro-evolution until biologists actully obeseve it. I do compulsively view porn, especially this board but I can easily abstain from masturbation (longest streak was 4 years, currently on a 2 months streak). Even if you cut out porn I can say from experience you will replace that with a other way to look at women. I've been staring and desiring women including popping boners since I was in lower primary scool. It's clearly nature and i'm not accepting guilt feels until i'm cuffing a chick.
Christianity is difficult to follow. To read and to improve thyself. Be like Jesus https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/The-Mind
>>46657 good morning sir
>>46627 Finding a woman attractive is different to wanting to fuck her brains out. The latter does not hurt anyone but yourself. You should not focus on women just for their sex appeal. Though this thread gave me another question, more focused to the fetish of the site. Is feederism/ wanting your loved one to gain weight a sin? I mean, it is not only a questiong of lust but also gluttony. Opinions?
>>46659 Feederism is a "sin" (aka, immoral) when it involves manipulation. If it's mutual and not done to excess where someone's health is in danger, then I don't seem the harm. Unlike the way Christian sects manipulate people, by attempting to control their minds, bodies, and relationships via threats and exclusion. Catholicism to Scientology, it's the same playbook.
>>46659 >Is feederism/ wanting your loved one to gain weight a sin? I mean, it is not only a questiong of lust but also gluttony. I consider it is and as such we are all sinners who without Christ would all perish in Hell. Problem with this is that to be forgiven by Christ we have to no longer sin as when we are forgiven by him you promise that you won't do it again. So you either have sex with your chosen wife(least sinful way of getting your rocks off) which even in vanilla couples could be considered lustful (as you are doing it for pleasure) not even mentioning those who are into feederism which explicitly indulge in gluttony, lust and sometimes sloth. In my mind to be a christian which has a shot at going to heaven, you would have to reject all worldly pleasure among other things. Which, as we are all sitting here on a fat fetish imageboard, is not what we are doing at all.
Why does being created and serendipity mean you have to believe in the Abrahamic Christian god? I was raised Christian but holy fuck this is a dumb thread, just going to cause arguments and there’s no answer for OP anyways. It’s like you’ve already decided god made this structured universe with intelligent life and miraculous coincidences just because I guess, but as soon as you try to graft that belief onto your lived experience it collapses.
>>46658 Very good morning https://dailyverses.net/mind
>>46682 unfathomably based wish you all the best mornings
>>46682 Good morning saar
>>46682 >>46686 >>46689 Do you realize how fucking ridiculous you guys are being? On a fetish porn sharing site posting bible shit and jerking each other off for being "based." And like every child abusing priest or thieving evangelical preacher, you hypocrites give yourselves a permanent Get Out of Jail Free card. Just fall on your knees and beg for forgiveness... which you'll get, because they need that tithe. Rinse and repeat til you die, the lights go out, and you're eaten by worms like every other thing that's ever lived on this planet. If that makes you feel small and insignificant, then you are.
>>46726 Womp womp
>>46653 Hard dis-agree on the Islam being fair. Islam gives those who choose to read an interpretation of their text an excuse to treat all women like utter shit. You can't argue that Islam handles that well, it doesn't. I couldn't wait to give all my enforced church going up, there's my father trying to be the pillar of the community, using our forced church activities to go fuck around outside of his marriage. Religion is a sham. Too much porn I believe does do you harm, you lose focus, and keeping it in check is far more healthy. In the same way that a few beers is great, but hitting alcohol so hard you're struggling to function isn't. I'll stick to my regular porn visits here to scratch my ssbbw desires without disdain. Fuck my 320lb wife regularly and tell here she's hot as fuck. Drink loads on a weekend and tell people over the top religion is a cult, because it is. All things in moderation ain't a bad motto to stick by. Just waiting on the schizo-autistics around here to rinse me for my comment. Gotta get them railed.
>>46742 Ch brother came into his defense to say he did not indeed fuck eph but we alll know its lie. Why the friendship end lmao
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your god is a lie
>>46747 and that still happened
>>46747 This is pretty shitty even for AI art: weird hands grasping vines? He’s supposed to be nailed tot he cross.
>>46726 you don't get what's funny and overreacted bigly open the links the wholesome indian sent and tell me about being eaten by worms and child abuse or whatever again...
Views on sexuality https://biblereasons.com/adultery/ >>46754 correct me if I'm wrong
>>46627 All religion is just a social opiate
I don't know what you mean because Christianity is actually on the decline in the west due to the general population not attending church. It's just rebounding among communist countries in Latin America and Asia because the government refuses to do anything about crime or poverty. In America, fundamentalism is merely seen as a distraction.
>>46742 Porn doesn't sell because of the vanity of the FBI. It's the same reason P Diddy and TI are getting hit by the militarized feds
Fun fact: Most people who claim to be any religion do not study and are not scholars of their on religion. There is also a problem in english seminar schools where they require that you reaffirm the inerrancy, which is stupid and means that at no point could anyone have ever mistranslated or miscopied a word or letter. All this means is that people will cherrypick out of context punishments that were given to specific people, one time, for specific crimes and use that to justify their entire worldview. I'll give 2 examples: There is no where in the bible that mentions masturbation specifically, but alot of places that say not to be sexually immoral like specific groups. Schlors think that those groups were raping travelors, but we don't actually know what they were doing. The other major reference to masturbation is with a guy who's brother dies, and under law its his job to impregnate the widow so that she has a son to take care of her, and that son would be called his brother's son lineage wise even though its technically his. Instead he goes behind the building and finishes by jacking it and he's struck dead. Some people use that to say "masturbation bad" instead of violating your duties bad. If you believe the religion, read the book, don't take other people's word for it, its too easy to quote a specific verse out of context. If you want a wild trip look up the verse in the new testement that says homosexuality is bad, the look up what the old greek word means, unless newer research came out... no one knows. They just decided to throw that in there. Some scholars think that it actually may have meant prostitution or another word I cant say here.
You know as a christian I have to wonder why you would bring this topic up on a porn fetish board. Oh I know I'm a sinner and degenerate and I'm in the same boat as the rest of y'all if God exists but why even bring it up ? Why are we debating about the mandates of a God most people here don't believe in ? Why just post fat porn, I don't like that I keep coming back but I normally keep that to myself. Look regardless of my faith in God, I will be straight. Religion is overrated and useless, OP of you really care about God, leave the site and go pray, go outside or even talk to someone. But don't go posting a useless thread no one cares about, nobody not even me gives a damn about religion, if your here you probably don't either. Even though I hate my actions, they are mine and no one cares. If it bothers you so much, ask yourself why you come here and what is the underlying issues. Otherwise shut up and and post porn like the rest of us.
>>46629 Not religious but I agree. Pick one. Your religion or this shit.
>>46835 You are correct most people do not read the bible and most of the verses they pick are completely out of context. I'm tired of religious moral hypocrites trying to use the bible to justify being smug and self righteous. I don't even see the point of christianity if you don't actually beileve in jesus aside from control. This thread is stupid and a waste
>>46860 Agreed you can't have both, and this is coming from a hypocrite like myself. Don't be me.
>>46861 Bible verse on ig bio's screams fuck the shit out of me but talk polite first.
>>46835 Yeah after some reading I'm coming to the conclusion that the Bible doesn't explictly forbid looking at women sexually, porn and casual sex with unmarried people. The common interpretation of the line from Jesus about comitting adultery in your heart is heavily coloured by what the word lust means today in stead of what in meant in Greek. The key of the message is that sin starts with the inner intention to do so. Looking at porn, I think the hardcore variant borders on prostitution and we are called to not take pleasure in watching people sin but at the same time both actors get paid when they do a scene, it's a grey area for me. The classification of casual sex as a sin seems to be extrapolation of what constitutes "sexual immorality" there doesn't seem to be a concept of GF/BF or FWB in antiquity, only marriage but it's not explained what exactly constitutes a marriage leading some people to believe it's the result of intercourse which is kind of weird. I've read the NT but not the OT yet were apparently sex wasn't per se restricted to one partner. A monogamous marriage or celibacy is the ideal if you want to be Christ-like, that's pretty clear. It's quite funny that questioning sexual ethics got athiests and Christians worked up equally almost like everyone loves condemning others.
>>46877 If it was written it was made up. God gave you life not words. Humans created words. Means nothing body langauge is the ancient language. Eye contact is how you read the soul. Not words. Bible isnt real made up of past experience of bible before the stock market existed. Hello
Your god isnt real. Look whats happening HAHAHA
My God real. 😈
in the age of lies and orange demons selling stolen bibles, it's interesting to see the number of people responding to a thread that they don't care for >>46861 >This thread is stupid and a waste so, you like it here? >>46878 >Eye contact is how you read the soul sorry, blind people, you're are out of luck.
>>46887 no but I fail to see the point of taking about my beliefs on a fat fetish porn board especially considering how hypocritical it would be.
>>46877 I disagree the bible certainly forbids looking at woman lustfully and porn is most certainly fornication. Causal sex isn't explicitly stated to be a sin but it doesn't need to be. Any sexual relations outside of marriage is a sin. Of course that implys you give a damn about the bible and as this thread has shown most of you don't and so it's a moot point.
>>46912 Because the bible is fiction. Any one who lives their life by a book or fiction, even one that is claimed to be "from God", is a fucking fool. You're the same as someone LARPing Harry Potter.
>>46920 Not gonna argue you here but your right, can't dispute that so I will leave it at that and not say anything else because who cares.
Idc what anyone says Song of Solomon's hot as hell
>>47010 kisame here. I really got the book thrown at me once for comments like that. The judge said to me did I have any reason I could use for my defense, I turned to him and said I was sorry 'but that kid is real sexy'. Got sent down. What's a black guy supposed to do around here? Children liked those burgers I sold. Least I got the medication I needed whilst locked up.
>>47076 Have fun being me because I am off the grid to be somebody else. I am going back to normal
>>47076 PS. I am an atheist and the medication reverted me back to longing for Hot Topic. I don't believe in God
>>47076 Now if you excuse me imposter square Kisame17, I am off to listen to System of a Down and Linkin Park
No offense but imposter Kisame17 speaks in idioms I don't understand since I R Dyslexic. Maybe imposter Kisame17 is a woman or a degenerate.
>>46629 As a roving fundamentalist baptist I say you're wrong and are just repeating what people bastardized RA Torrey and DL Moody's teachings. You're just trying to bring back Rome by making Christianity organized. One would think that a 1,200 strong civilians attacking the capital at 1/6, Branch Davidians and militia movements would deter making worldly churches, but America hasn't learned. It's why you have Biden proclamatiing Trans visibility on Easter and Protestors at Easter. The founding fathers invented separation of church and state for a good r
>>47089 There's nothing in the Constitution about separation of church and state.
>>47092 >Anon doesn't being in separation of church and state. Have being thrown off a helicopter by Trump because he wants to be a dictator or an ass slave for Biden voters then
>>47092 This nigga wants a theocracy
>>47092 >There's nothing in the Constitution about separation of church and state. Wrong. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." is about as explicit as it gets in the Bill of Rights.
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American Christianity is more closely associated with celebrating capitalism, though. It has no proponents in Europe. You're all missing the bigger picture.
>>47140 Elon Musk cannot sell his Teslas to fundies because he's a porn obsessed degenerate. Christians are always painted as wanting to kill mutants in X-Men or the villain in comics cause they don't celebrate shallow materialism.
>>46627 Congratulations on exploring Christianity. According to the Catholic Church, for the laity masturbation is usually a venial sin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_on_masturbation#Roman_Catholicism >By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. "Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action." "The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose." For here sexual pleasure is sought outside of "the sexual relationship which is demanded by the moral order and in which the total meaning of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love is achieved." To form an equitable judgment about the subjects' moral responsibility and to guide pastoral action, one must take into account the affective immaturity, force of acquired habit, conditions of anxiety or other psychological or social factors that lessen, if not even reduce to a minimum, moral culpability. >>46653 >In his attempt to explain John Paul II's Theology of the Body, Anthony Percy writes in his book that "pornography and masturbation represent the destruction of the symbolic and nuptial meaning of the human body...God gives all men and women erotic energy. We call it the sex drive. This is good and it forms part of that attraction between men and women, which itself forms part of the nuptial meaning of the body. Sexual energy, therefore, needs to find its outlet in love, not lust...In masturbation that erotic energy is turned in on oneself...Masturbation, therefore, is a symbol, not of love, but of loneliness." If you are a member of the laity, you are supposed to have a sex drive to some degree. >>46877 Something like a pinup is different from porn. >>47089 >>47092 The American concept of separation of church and state is derived from the Bible, and the history of Western Europe. A separation of church and state was fundamentally necessary for the United States at its creation because the Church of England is under the authority of the British monarchy.
>>46859 fake christian, you should be ashamed I'm closing this tab and not coming back because you grossed me out sufficiently to come to my senses
You all sound like faggots.
>>47160 John Paul II is quite the moral authority, having personally, knowingly enabled and protected 1,000s of child rapists. I've been an atheist all my life but I'm envious of faith in that it literally lets you get away with anything, including murder as long as you put together the right words to justify it. It's like watching 5 year olds play tag and make up new rules on the spot.
>>47173 >>47160 Right, have fun with Donald Trump, the son of German Immigrants who wants to make America like France and his counterpart, Orban from Hungary who doesn't want you to dilute Christianity with race-mixing
>>47173 I don't know what you people mean. We're living in the most straight laced times of our lives. Charlie Kirk and MAGA have more moral authority than libs and it eats them up inside.
>>47168 I was telling the truth if that makes me fake so be it. What are you going to do tell god ?
>>47168 And please never come back
>>47420 Just like fake union rehire list. They skip all the minorities so whites get on long term projects. Oh. Did I tell the truth again. Everyone is watching you dele's
you claim to be of god yet reside here?! Heretic
>>47437 I have all of you under my control. 24/7 I own you.
>>46813 thank you friend
>>46813 king
>But who exactly am I hurting by looking at women I consider hot? You're having thoughts not based on love. According to God that's wrong. And if you're addicted to porn, you're hurting yourself and making yourself anxiety prone, and not hitting on girls in real life.
>>47748 Larping gets dismissed in court.
>>47749 I never claimed to be god, but I research the paranormal, and jesus is involved.
It's no coincidence that as global standards of living and education levels have risen, along with the empowerment of historically oppressed groups, religiosity has steeply declined. Nor is it a coincidence that the most war-torn hellish dehumanized corners of the world are the most fundamentally religious, whilst the most liberated free-thinking countries are the least. Religion is not an ally of the oppressed and impoverished, it’s a friend of oppression and poverty, as evidenced by it’s objection to every human liberation movement through history. It's the single greatest barrier to progress, and imposing it upon children should be regarded as child abuse
