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Feabie Drama Observatory 2.0 Anonymous 01/29/2020 (Wed) 01:02:46 Id:58336f No. 165
New board, new thread. Got screenshots, complaints, gossip, drama about our favorite social media site for camgirls and cat ladies? Post 'em here. Pic related, it's an authentic real life woman talking about her 100% true real life gains. (She can't share any pics because of an ex.)
Feabie hasn’t 404’d itself yet? Shame.
Lol, I actually follow her. I have no pictures of myself on the internet due to the same reasons. Whats so dramatic about it?
She kinda talks like a femcel or like anyone of us when we were 18 and wating to look intelligent and deep.
>>181 If it's not blindingly obvious to you that "she" is a catfish, I don't know what to tell ya.
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My two favorite girls are having a catfight :3 I never thought I'd say this, but I'm siding with Big Fupes on this one
So I donated to some skinny chick, and asked her once whether the paypal dono reached her or not, and she just responded in the coldest most edgy way possible. First I thought it was a joke, until I asked for like the nth time, and she got pissed, and showed me a super vague screencap of her paypal. After that I told her that "ok probably paypal's fault, not the first time I've had problems with em... I'll send em an email and see if we can't get this sorted, so you can get the money I sent you". Next thing I know, I'm blocked, and she's made a post about how I blamed her for stealing her money, and that I called her a fat bitch... Bitch what?
guess that's what I get for being nice, and thinking the skinny fucks on the site actually are in it for the gains.. lmao, what a retard I am "hehexd"
I deleted my profile this morning, I'm over that shitshow. Had someone I met on there also call me an incel, so I'm over that entire shebang. I was just there to fap to the fat chicks anyway. 🤷🏼‍♂️
>>224 From what I remember of her back when I actually paid any attention to her statuses, she raised valid critiques once in a while. I can't say that's really one, especially given the obvious sarcasm here. >>225 >>226 >Throwing money at girls on Feabie ISHYGDDT
>>224 i find it hard to believe a real girl would have the name "fupatrooper69" but i guess it's possible if she prides herself on being funny or used comedy to get through being made fun of in high school >>229 >ISHYGDDT yeah, i was gonna say... why the hell would you just give some strange thot your money for nothing in return... that's just craziness.
Has anyone actually manage to hit it off with any of the social invertebrates on Feabie? I can't imagine anyone spending a nonzero amount of time with anyone on there without the the desire to paint the nearest wall with skull meat creeping up on them.
>>258 Depends on what you mean by "hit it off", because I've made months-to-years long friendships as well as met up with a few people, with varying degrees of success, but relationships and hookups haven't happened. Honestly, I've had the rest overall outcome with the people who don't constantly piss and moan in the feed. Also, I've have more success with women who are either vanilla or don't obsess over their enjoyment of kink-related stuff.
>>258 I have dated a few bbw and a few ffa feeders met through feabie. Gone to a few meetups. Generally have had a good time of it.
>be thot >post slutty pictures >get mad when mouthbreathers objectify you on your posts/DMs >make 9999th post complaining about this >make 9999th post complaining about how terrible men are, all while relying on them for their livelihood >profile is just cashapp venmo "spoil me ill spoil you" and a clips4sale >has Date, Relationship tagged in Looking For Man, it's almost as if you behave like a whore, people will treat you like a whore. And maybe all decent dudes have nope'd the fuck out by now so you're only left with dogshit.
I tried Feabs when it first started back in 2012/2013. I still check it maybe once a year out of morbid curiosity, and see a lot of the same faces that were there before still posting regularly. I suppose it works for some! I never met anyone new in person on there, but did start talking to quite a few interesting women while I was active. There was a reoccurring issue though. I'd like to think I'm excellent at communicating my intentions, but on more than a few occasions, I would be messaging casually with someone, and when the matter of meeting up came up, I would say something like "Absolutely! We should meet up sometime." (I kind of wanted to continue talking to someone a little first, so I know I'm meeting a someone I'd get along with when I'm not stuffing them full of copious amounts of food or fucking) and I would continue the conversation normally, hoping to gett to know them a bit more. On a few occasions, the other person would freak out, acting bitter like I ended the conversation or wasn't into meeting them. I'm not about to rush into driving hundreds or miles or having someone visit me who I barely know- but so many women were willing to dive head first into meeting, regardless of distance or situation. Same thing would happen if I didn't message someone back for more than a day. It was the days before the app, and I usually like to keep myself busy.But again, women on Feabie would get angry and assume I wasn't interested and end the conversation if I didn't respond soon enough to their liking. The fact that this happened more than once with at least half a dozen people (some of whom I STILL see posting on the main feed) is interesting. I can understand being jaded on a site like that, men are terrible, and I'll be first to admit it. Most dudes suck at banter and general correspondence, and message girls like they have their dick in their hand. But I was surprised to see so many women just saying "fuck it" without any patience or even asking for (or even being interested in) clarification. There are some cool, accepting, and genuinely hilarious folks on the site, but there's also a lot of tools, regardless of gender. I do worry that it suffers from being an echo chamber of sorts, it just seems like people on that site create and perpetuate drama where it's really not needed. Some folks seem to treat it more like Twitter than a fetish website, or seem to take it way to seriously. At the end of the day, isn't it mostly a dating/hookup site or a place to express yourself within your fetish?
>>305 What I find interesting/ironic is that this whole dynamic is reversed for straight women on other dating apps/sites. I've had a moderate amount of success with Tinder and many of the women I've met through it tell me that a lot of men are like this; i.e. they throw their toys out of the pram if she takes too long to reply to a message etc. On the other hand, you're spot on with this: >Most dudes suck at banter and general correspondence, and message girls like they have their dick in their hand. Especially they bit after the comma. To anyone here who hasn't tried online dating: you would be amazed how far you can get by simply being respectful and not coming off as thirsty. if you'll allow me to go on a tangent, the reason I only use Tinder is because I live in a pretty small country, and Tinder is the only app/site with any decent number of users. For this reason, I haven't looked at Feabie at all.
>>306 That struck me as odd, too. I never had any issues like that with any other dating sites, but on Feabie, it just kept happening to me. I suspect part of it *could* be that since it's such a tight knit community (I remember a lot of members constantly being in tinychat rooms together), they could have talked about who they were talking to? And I, as a semi-reasonable and respectful adult was rarely just messaging with only one person if conversation was still casual. Of course I would get to know multiple folks at a time,; I would then single out the person I have the most connection with, and pursue that person accordingly. I'm not going to stop in my tracks to message with one person at a time exclusively. Even then, I'm just guessing with the info I have- it's only happened to me a bunch on Feabie, and once on fantasyfeeder, and that is the only reason I can even suspect. I've used Okcupid to great success, PlentyofFish (never again), and even Tumblr was a great way to meet people back in the day. But Feabie got cliquey in a hurry, and in a way that isn't really inviting.
>>306 >many of the women I've met through it tell me that a lot of men are like this; i.e. they throw their toys out of the pram if she takes too long to reply to a message etc. I've heard a lot of women on Feabie complain about guys doing this, to be fair. Never had a woman gripe to me about taking too long, on the other hand. >To anyone here who hasn't tried online dating: you would be amazed how far you can get by simply being respectful and not coming off as thirsty. This, seriously.
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>>316 This is a problem with people in general, I got unmatched on Tinder the other day because I didn't message them fast enough(I was dealing with a death in the family :/ ). People seem to have a problem with not being made your #1 priority as soon as you start interacting. Sorry, I don't go out of my way for someone I haven't met yet. Anyone else giggle at all the dudes LARPing as women and posting DAE MEN ARE BAD posts? I swear most of the userbase has serious mental issues, and it's obvious the copious amounts of pharmaceutical drugs are only exacerbating the problem.
>>326 >(I was dealing with a death in the family :/) Sorry to hear. I guess I'm speaking strictly from experience as far as timely responses or lack thereof go, wouldn't be surprised if it's not uncommon for it to go the other way around too. >I swear most of the userbase has serious mental issues, and it's obvious the copious amounts of pharmaceutical drugs are only exacerbating the problem. Honestly, I feel like the echochamber exacerbates things more than pharmaceuticals. All they see from people who don't lockstep with them is the fringe, so they presume that anyone that doesn't 100% agree with them is basically the same person as someone who actually believes that women can only ever exist to pump out kids and be subservient to the guy they're with. >That first pic This is something that could very well apply to both men and women. Most guys aren't attracted to women who act like giant assholes, and would prefer someone with a more kindly nature. I can't tell if Hedonismbot here believes that women should have a different standard of behavior because their outrage is completely justified according to him, or he's just oblivious to some of the genuinely toxic women on Feabie and other platforms because some of said women are probably friends with him (Your MischiefBiscuits, Bexxes, etc.). If you swapped the genders on most of the "Men are trash" statuses posted on there, you'd get temp, if not permabanned.
>>295 The amount of cope I see from thots is staggering. Here we see Fupatrooper bragging about being an ewhore, yet will routinely post about how there are no good men left in the world... Gee, maybe there's some relation to how she conducts herself and her ability to find someone who wants to seriously date her? No..couldn't be. Guys are totally okay with dating thots who sell softcore porn to betamales, right?
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>>332 oops, didn't add the picture Xd
Too lazy to post screenshots but Feabie is melting down over petty drama yet again lol. The thots are swearing that this time it's serious and they're going to take their ball away and never come back but we all know they'll be back on the newsfeed a week from now as if nothing ever happened
>>335 You can tell if someone's in the Feabie clique if people start screaming when they get banned, even if it's only temporary. Just about every #freex campaign involves one of the people that degrades the quality of the site.
>>337 >>335 It's funny, the people complaining and hashtagging when someone gets banned are always the most insufferable.
>>337 >>338 It's always over the dumbest shit, too. On what website, in what universe, would "we're going to complain about you to the App Store and try and get your app removed until you respond to our tantrum" NOT be a banworthy offense?
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>>335 >someone tries to report the app to google/apple to try to get Grokio in trouble >encourages other sycophants to do the same >gets banned because you tried to fuck with the money stream I just don't understand how this could happen. Won't someone think of the thots!?!?! #MakeFeabieSafeForWomen
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They're really buttmad 😂
>>341 Hoes mad (x24)
>>341 Not only are they buttmad, but they're flat-out lying. https://www.fontsquirrel.com/license/lobster-two >Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify, redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font Software, subject to the following conditions: >1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components, in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself. >2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled, redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user. >3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as presented to the users. >4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written permission. >5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole, must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply to any document created using the Font Software. Literally nothing against a site using the font for commercial purposes in the way that Feabie is.
>>341 >>343 please help me delete my account so i never get mad about this shit again
And to think I was thinking about signing up for the place. These people are neurotic as fuck. How the fuck are they able function in their day-to-day lives without any self awareness of how nuts they look to every other normal person around them?
>>346 Honestly, this thread is an inaccurate representation of the site as a whole. The overwhelming majority of people on the site don't participate in drama bullshit, it's literally a few dozen people at absolute most. If you can ignore that little group of people, it becomes magnitudes more tolerable.
>>346 I just have an account just to see if there any fat girls that live near me and there are. I just don't pay attention to their bullshit. I had a few girls talk to me on there but they dropped it for some reason.
>>349 You're not wrong. Feabie is only bogged down by a (VERY) vocal minority. Even when there isn't drama, I think a lot of the folks that frequent it can be pretty interesting/fun to banter with at times, even on the main feed. It's just a bummer that a lot of the users can't be united by the love of fat and getting fatter- it's a polarizing, fringe fetish, so you'd think users would want to establish more of a sense of community between feedists. Maybe it's gotten better, it's been years since I've been active there.
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>>341 >>343 Amazing website, tbqh. I can't imagine getting upset over an account on a fetish website, or like, anything I didn't spend a significant amount of money on. Thots, man.
I had my share of bullshit with the Feabie Modstaff. I got fucking banned from there for two weeks for some thor reporting to them about a photo I posted on Curvage! Think about that one... I emailed the modstaff to find out why I was banned, and they gave me some generic answer about posting in other sites. I hid my post, and asked which photo was Feabie property. Had no clue. Also, am a mod at Curvage, and I suggested that instead of banning people, giving them a warning, and I don't know, making it apparent what photos are fucking theirs by using a watermark. It doesn't help at all that a lot of users are posting the same photo to multiple social media platforms. Instead, they told me that I had to take down any photos I see on Curvage immediately. Nobody is special, they can fill out a dmca request like everyone else. I don't have time to do their job for them on a site that's not theirs. That site, and their shit modstaff can lick my balls.
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So who do we think the Feabie admins who "attend events and have lots of friends in the community" are? I have some educated guesses. And is the language about how they're not "male-identified" a weasel word for their not being biological women?
>>359 >And is the language about how they're not "male-identified" a weasel word for their not being biological women? It's probably them trying to avoid accusations of bigotry because saying just "male" is transphobic nowadays, apparently. Also wouldn't be surprised if at least one or two admins were trans. Honestly, I don't know how they can continue to support groups of people that unconditionally hate them and what they do. Every time they capitulate to the clique (see also: adding a "Don't mention Feabie to media outlets" rule after the Mamahorker shitshow), it's never enough. Seriously, if they just told said people to fuck off, the losses to the site would be minimal. Most of the people on the site don't give a shit.
>>359 Fupes did you steal this screenshot and put it on imgur
I used to have a paid account. Since have gone to the free account and also deleted the phone app. The only reason I still even have an account is to periodically check if there are any new girls in my area who are worth talking to. I just got annoyed with the constant bitching and keyboard warrior stuff on my TL. Also got annoyed with the fact that the vast majority of the girls are EXTREMELY liberal to the point where they'll refuse to even talk with a moderate like myself
Can't help but feel bad for some of the users of this site, contrary to most people here. One girl recently broke up with their partner and wrote about how they have no friends to talk to about it. I can already see the flood of messages she would get from her 1000+ followers from guys who say they would be her friend but obviously have ulterior motives. (Although ngl it kinda turns me on how they have clearly fucked up their life whilst also being huge and fat)
the drama this week was entertaining, but seeing the drama llamas perpetuating the false idea that feabie suddenly allows 17 year olds to join is tired. And complaing about the photo rules that haven't been changed in 2 years. theres plenty of legitimate beef to be had with the admins, no need for this false outrage. detracting from the real issues really. but they dont really care about that, they say they do but they start drama over little stuff for some clout. Also had a lol at the feabie blackout they tried pushing, that all 3 people participated in. wow I'm sure that really showed the admins and proved a point. at least it made the site a bit more enjoyable for those 24 hours lol. and im glad they banned the girl who reported to the app store. what did she expect? thatd thgey roll over and allow it? and who tf is she to put one of the few places feedists have at risk? for what other than some bs clout. also, i used to know someone who was in a groupchat with some of these people and the hypocrisy is comedic. they'll talk about how they reported someone but then be in the newsfeed posting #FreeSoAndSo. i bailed on meeting up with a girl once because i realized she was friends with a lot of these people and figured that was a goood indicator of who she really was..
>>351 sauce?
>>305 >(I kind of wanted to continue talking to someone a little first, so I know I'm meeting a someone I'd get along with when I'm not stuffing them full of copious amounts of food or fucking) and I would continue the conversation normally, hoping to gett to know them a bit more. >>308 >I suspect part of it *could* be that since it's such a tight knit community (I remember a lot of members constantly being in tinychat rooms together), they could have talked about who they were talking to? And I, as a semi-reasonable and respectful adult was rarely just messaging with only one person if conversation was still casual. I've been in a relationship since before Feabie came out so I've never used it for dating (I made an account just to check it out but noped out quickly.) But this is one of the worst things about the online fat community, which is a small world where everybody knows everybody. As someone who knew he wanted an LTR with the possibility of marriage, the fishbowl effect made it impossible to have a casual, "getting to know you as a person so we can decide if we want this to be serious" kind of dating relationship. Even with women who are good people and don't get involved in drama, the moment you cough in their direction, EVERYBODY in the community knows about it, making the space in between "NSA hookup" and "we're getting engaged and moving in together" a giant minefield of gossip and drama. I feel like I dodged a bullet by meeting my eventual wife (who's fat, but not involved in the community) on a vanilla dating site.
>>374 > I feel like I dodged a bullet by meeting my eventual wife (who's fat, but not involved in the community) on a vanilla dating site. I consider women being involved in the community as a warning sign these days.
Does anyone remember a gal named Explorer? She disspeared, but I don't know why. Suddenly she was just gone. I talked a lot with her.
I got banned for using a VPN a couple months ago, which I guess is a thing they do now? Honestly I'm glad it happened, I was spending too much time on there and the community keeps getting smaller and smaller anyway. I got tons of nudes though so no regrets.
>>367 >Also got annoyed with the fact that the vast majority of the girls are EXTREMELY liberal to the point where they'll refuse to even talk with a moderate like myself Honestly, they're probably doing you a favor by not talking to you. >>369 To some degree, I agree with you. There's certainly no shortage of users who have had shitty upbringings, with body mockery being a part of their emotional issues. I've noticed this usually leads to one of two things: The first are the people who lash back out at society, the ones that call basically everyone that doesn't completely agree with them trash. The latter are ones that still suffer from some degree of depression or similar, but genuinely try to improve themselves and the world around them. I genuinely feel awful for the second group, not so much the first, since they're merely perpetuating the negativity they were raised upon. Actually spent some time with a girl off Feabie some time ago who fell into the second category. Was probably the most genuine and enjoyable-to-be-around person I've hung out with in a very long time. I hope with every fiber of my being that things turn around for her, she genuinely deserves it. >>371 I looked at the tag, and lo and behold, only like 1-2 dozen people actually posted in it. Out of literal thousands of people that are online at any given moment. I could count the number of people that actually changed their profile pics because of it on my hands. >i bailed on meeting up with a girl once because i realized she was friends with a lot of these people and figured that was a goood indicator of who she really was.. Probably not a bad idea. I've come across a grand total of one person in that crowd who's a genuinely decent human being who is just stuck with a shitty crowd. Beyond that, the people who are in that group, I've found are either impossible to approach, or simply not worth putting effort into communicating with. >>374 The fishbowl effect only really seems to apply to women who are involved with the community. The ones that are disconnected from it seem to be fine. Also worth noting that most of the disconnected ones are vanilla, which seems to make them easier to talk with for the most part. >>376 Can't say the name rings a bell. I've had a few girls suddenly nuke their accounts without a word to me, even if we'd talked for months or years. >>381 I'd guess it's an anti-troll measure.
>>391 Too bad this happens to other guys too. She was gorgeous, funny and Norwegian. Young, fat smart and all you could ever hope for a BBW to be.
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>>326 >Anyone else giggle at all the dudes LARPing as women and posting DAE MEN ARE BAD posts? Oh my god, this. I have IRL trans friends who are good people with real world accomplishments and who just want to be trans and get on with their lives, so I do my best not to take these people as representative of the trans community as a whole... but pretty much every online kink community these days is plagued by creepy "trancels" who think that ~zomg I'm totes gay, DAE hate men~ is a magical password into the DMs of biological females. Pic related, I didn't even need to click on their profile to know by the tone of their written voice that it was one of these, and of course I turned out to be right.
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>>428 Yep, we got a live one here
I have no idea why I'm bothering arguing with someone on Feabie on what's going on with the whole Ohio University thing. I already know it's not going to convince anyone there.
>>433 I've learned not to argue with people on there. Never worth the time or effort. On an unrelated note, has anyone else noticed a really strong correlation between a person's username and the sort of person they are? >Username contains "Queen" and/or "Goddess" >They usually are only on the site for money (which kinda makes sense) >Username has some sort of fat or food-related pun >Person is usually the "correct" kind of toxic on the site
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Yo, can someone get their skinny, pasty, little brother pretending to be a chick ASAP?
>>478 Yeah this was the dude I was arguing with earlier.
Got the chance to talk to this one lady on feabie. She felt a little uncomfortable talking to be because i was younger than her, (She's 28, and i'm 21). She ended up giving me her number. The next day she texts me at a bad time (I was in the middle of working out) I already get pretty distracted at times so i told her that i'll talk to her when I finish. After wards she became kinds distant, from what i gathered it was becuase i didn't give her attention around tat time. the next day I tried to explain myself but she said I was "Too busy". Sucks becuase i was trying to take her out on a date Sunday, and it all fizzed out on Monday Shame too she had a nice body, she made a post yesterday about wanting to find someone consistent, gave me quite a laugh.
>>524 Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Women with entitlement complexes like that aren't worth the hassle. >Local girl joins the site >Age gap is pretty similar to the gap in your post, except I'm the older one in this case >Reach out to her, as I usually do with local girls at least once >All of her first few responses are zero-effort messages >Okay, guessing she isn't interested >Try for a bit longer anyway >She opens up when affection gets brought up, maybe she'll be a loosen up a bit socially now >Basically all of her statuses since she joined have been her beating up herself and having zero self-esteem >Feel bad for her, continue talking to her, even if she isn't really opening up outside of affection talk >Eventually stop >Haven't heard a word from her in several days now, almost want to reach out to her again but it's honestly not worth the effort On one hand, I really do feel bad for her. Her life so far's been a shitshow, which has clearly done a number on her self-esteem, which is something that would requires years to recover from. She's still young, so it's possible for that to happen. On the other hand, she's exactly the sort of person that the shitty part of Feabie would prey on to bolster their ranks. I really do hope for her sake that she realizes she isn't as undesirable as she makes herself out to be. I kind of want to be honest about her situation, but I feel like she's one of those people that just wants positive reinforcement, even if it's insincere in nature.
>>526 That's what I see with a lot of girls on there in their early 20s. They all have self esteem issues. I don't know if it would be good for them to stay on that website for too long.
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I refuse to believe anyone is desperate enough to inbox dudes larping as girls at all
>>376 On a related note, anyone remember a girl from feabie named shyfatty0 (or some other number?)
>>326 >>326 >>326 >>326 >>326 Fucking this. I know that a fetish might be technically, possibly classified as mental illness but the newsfeed on feabie is full of spaghetti and flaming retards >>326
>>603 That guy's a mess tbh
>>165 A lot of the women on there aren't particularly right in the head, or at least the ones who use feabie as their personal blog. I've met my fairshare of them or due to my looks have gotten messages from some. One was an upper class fat girl who's downright gorgeous. Only problem is she got clingy superfast despite not meeting yet and felt offended that I didn't respond within a very short period. Like I can't date someone who I have yet to meet but already acts like we're in a relationship despite it merely being an online acquaintance. Those type of things are just major redflags. When you see them bitch about how they cant find somebody, that usually means something is wrong with them. >>526 Yeah def sounds like he did >>526
I've deleted my feabie after several years of having it and a few thousand followers. I don't miss it at all. I hate all the bitches there
C'mon, Fupes, we know you read this thread so spill the tea. I'm really really hoping this is about randomlancila/fatandsassy and her "totally not a feeder" boyfriend lol
>>769 Is this the dude whos dating Fatandsassy? If it is tho she literally deserves all these things happening to her.
>>769 Just saw the spoiler text XD, so yeah seems like im not alone in thinking this.
>>769 Naturally I gotta ask if somebody has pictures of the gain.
Why are there so many profiles were literally every post is "Man, I've not been fucked in ages, I wanna get fucked and spanked". But then there's literally 20 guys thirsting after them. Now, I understand not all of them will be local - but there is no way you're struggling to get laid with all that attention. Right?
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>>791 Female psychology 101, lad. She wants to be fucked and spanked, but by an attractive high-value man who potentially has other options, not by a loser willing to shame himself by a public display of thirst and desperation. And by their personalities, a lot of these women have already disqualified themselves from the dating pool of attractive men with options.
>>791 Because that's the extent of their personality. Eat, sleep, and fuck. That's all they offer. They want a guy who they think can handle all of them, but can they?
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>>796 Yeah because she seems so happy <eye-roll>. Most of the girls on there seem super depressed. I'm glad I don't need to resort to Feabie to vent about how unhappy my life is because I have no real-world friends. Same thing with FupaTrooper. If all I did was sit around on Feabie complaining all day, it's no damn wonder nothing in your life ever changes.
>>798 It's just a fat version of Facebook to them just with more of an echo chamber.
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lol ok
>>801 Well since we know she browses here: How does it feel to know you are going to die childless and alone? Great thing about being male is, it doesn't matter how old I get, I can still have kids.
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>>796 >>801 Honestly the first thing that came to mind when I read these.
This is great feabie drama. Thank you spanxbeluga!!
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>>814 it keeps happening
"Happily in an open relationship" says everyone until the guy leaves her for the prettier girl. Have fun with that bucko!
>>814 You gotta love the bootlickers in there hoping that their bland, white noise, NPC support will finally get her to open her pussy to them.
>>817 >bootlickers ya mean simps, or whiteknights.
>>814 Does she have ANYTHING better to do? I don’t know go read a book or something.
speaking of this quarantine business, i wonder who on feabie got, or will get, infected. pneumonia and super morbid obesity already find each other too easily, so i doubt it will only be a string of mild symptoms amongst them.
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>>814 >pic related >>816 >"Happily in an open relationship" says everyone until the guy leaves her for the prettier girl. If it wasn't feabie, i'd give it a pass. But because it IS feabie and the average user is not the most confident thing around...
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Feabie is a cesspool of mental illness. No wonder everyone there is depressed lol, they're all fucking degenerates.
>>1100 This guy and so many others on there. Ugh. I've been on Feabie for a years - only use it for the occasional conversation with the limited non-crazies I've met or hooked up with there (and that's very few). Otherwise, it's a bunch of dudes who have no idea how to talk to women except for "white-knighting" and gimme-pigs that claim they can't find "feeders" out of a group of cheap-skates that don't want to pay for porn (duh, why pay for what you can get for free?). If there wasn't good wank material there, I wouldn't even bother going to Feabie. And the day that happens, there won't be a Feabie anymore.
>>524 This is why I give up on women. They get mad at literally everything like a 2 year old. And I'm not gonna act all simpy like the cuck white knights festering in that place. I'm just there to look at fat bitches. I remember telling a fat chick in real life I like fat chicks and she got all pissy. I'm fucking done.
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>>1107 >telling a fat chick you like fat chicks Rookie mistake
>>1114 I actually had pretty good luck online dating being really up front that all I was interested in were fat girls.
>>1107 I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the women may not be the issue here. >>1114 >>1115 I feel like I've mentioned it in another thread, but I think it's a YMMV sort of situation. On one hand, some women interpreted openly liking fat girls as a form of seeing them for just their bodies, rather than them as people. On the other hand, some women see not openly liking fat girls as closet fetishism. Best play seems to be finding a bit of a balance between the two.
>>1115 Chad confirmed >>1117 >>1114 >>1107 It depends on how you put it, too. If you say "I LIKE FAT CHICKS" that's going to be met with some disdain. If you put it more politically correct ("thicc") you'll be able to get away with it more. It's like saying you like tits and ass vs saying you like curvy women. There's just better ways to put it. Regardless, I conceal my "preference" unless specifically probed for an answer about it, then I say some MOR shit that doesn't indicate I'm some fat fetishist weirdo (which I am) but doesn't exclude them. "I like all types of women. Nothing wrong with being thicker". And if they talk about losing weight, say you support them! And mean it. I do. But let them know they're fine the way they are too. Don't let your preference get in the way of their goals.
>>1120 I agree fully. If that conversation ever happens you should word yourself very carefully. I once straight up told a girl I prefer bigger girls. This was at an online dating side, so she looked bigger than she actually was and seemingly got offended by me saying it, despite her calling herself fat several times. Still, she was definitely chubby. If not smallfat. Anyways, saying things like plus-size girls are so much better to cuddle with is a very PC way of expressing you're feelings for big girls, and I believe that's something almost all of them will appreciate. When girls have talked about losing weight I always try to be like you look great as you are now, but if you'd like to lose weight I would of course support you. Kinda hinting that I prefer the way they are now, but not forcing my opinions on her. Of course, I'd hate to see them lose weight. In my opinion it's morally wrong to go lengths to stop them from losing weight, and there isn't any way to do that without appearing as an idiot.
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Anecdotal: I've never come out and told a girl I admire their size right away; and judging from what I've heard and read, that was a smart decision. I guess it's like telling them you only admire them for their breasts, only worse, because big breasts aren't considered a character flaw. I can obsess over why this is, and go crazy, or just accept that it's a third rail and not go there. I have had women (even fat chicks at work) try to get me to spill it, so not everyone is so insecure about it.
I remember years ago looking up what women think about us - disdain, it's believed that we'll either manipulate a woman to gain weight and that we see women as nothing more than a hot piece of ass, its generally advised to get out of a relationship if the person your dating is a chubby chaser. After reading many threads about chubby chasers I told myself to keep my fetishes/interests to myself. Some years later I got the bright idea to let people know if they ask - that was a horrible decision, 2 were neutral the rest didn't like it, and I mean they REALLY didn't like it, they shattered what little confidence I had. So yeah I've went back to keep my fetishes to my grave, so far so good.
Haven't read every post but gonna chime in on the latest convo. I grew up a big dude myself but in the last couple of years slimmed down immensely. When I was bigger I told the whole world I appreciated big women, no one cared. Hell the big women I dated enjoyed that aspect about me. Now that I'm much slimmer when I've repeated the same I've gotten blow back, including from women I'm intimate with. It's like now that I'm not fat myself I'm see as this weirdo fetish guy. It's like they want to be seen as ugly but you're just a guy making an exception because of their personality or some bullshit.
>>791 Because it's all BULLSHIT. They can't get fucking laid locally and are smart enough to not let some out of town creep drive up to them. Let's also remember you have a lot of dudes on there that flirt with women, get off for the day, and then ghost them tomorrow.
>>1143 I know a girl that is 300+ pounds and to be honest, she isn't really a looker. Not even from a FA's standpoint. Yet this girl keeps getting laid. The moment she's horny she has unironically 10 guys she can call. And if she manages to get dozens of messages a day from local guys on Tinder, I believe any girl can. And it isn't like she lives in a megacity either. I know, because I've been one of these 10 guys. And for some reason fucking her involved listening to her rant/brag about her sex life for some reason. (all of these men want to sleep with me, but no one wants to be my boyfriend) The term “Women sleep with who they want. Men sleep with who they can” is sadly rather true. Even if they are a morbidly obese goblin. I guess it would be a harder if you only use Feabie and only want contact with FA's in the local area. But I doubt many girls are like that.
>>1148 I really mean the people on Feabie brotha but in general I completely agree. I even would go as far to say that more men could get laid if they took their head out of their ass and you know, cut their hair and put on a nice shirt. From what I've seen (I live in NYC) the people the use it as a hookup site just used it for that. Little posting and commenting. The people we see using the shit day in and day out are the losers we're discussing.
Well I suppose I should share my experience on feabie, which honestly was a good one. I fucked mad bitches on there. I remember my first true feedee experience was with a chick on there that came to my house, ate a large pizza with her belly out and then I proceeded to fuck all the while she said things like "make me fatter". I thought I was living in a dream. Then I fucked this other bitch who was probably in the 230 range but had a pot belly. I went to her crib and she ate a whole pizza and like 20 wings, true story. Then I smashed. I also smashed this other chick who wasnt even a feedee and was 240 and I somehow convinced her to gain and she got up to 300. I was on a roll on there, I even flew to north carolina to fuck some chick i met on there. I fucked 2 500lb chicks on there as well, it was not what I expected though. Those ssbbw pussies have orders. If you can look past that then its cool. I been on a recent drought though, its been hard since i moved to a different state with a shitty local feed. Oh and i used to have that lunarose bitch sext with me a few years back. She used to send me all kinds of videos, wish I still had them but oh well. Feabie is what you make of it, if you can look past the bull shit on there you can truly have some fun. Don't take my word for it though, I'm just some random guy on the internet. (None of this is proofread so excuse any errors)
>>1148 >And for some reason fucking her involved listening to her rant/brag about her sex life for some reason. (all of these men want to sleep with me, but no one wants to be my boyfriend) Women are the gatekeepers of sex, men are the gatekeepers of relationships.
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>>1150 I forgot to mention that I got Brianna's number as well. I was plotting on her as well but she got mad because I didn't give her enough attention.
>>1150 >>1152 This wasn't on Feabie, but I had a conversation with Porcelain on social media years ago. She was surprisingly flirtatious with me - especially considering she had a bf at the time, who I'm pretty sure is the same guy she's still with now. I brought up the fact that I have family in Scotland and I recall her asking where exactly they lived and if I'd be visiting any time soon, so make of that what you will.
>>1153 Out of curiosity. Did you just send her a message on social media just asking what's up or something? Not that I have any plans contacting her, but she's definitely my favourite underrated SSBBW. I've always wondered if it works with popular girls. Myself I have actually slid into the dm's of a few random fat girls on Instagram (not models, just regular girls' profiles) with success. To be more precise, if they have their snapchat in their bio, I'll hit them with a follow request, and if they accept and ask to follow me back, I'll add them on snap. Most are surprisingly interested in getting to know more people! Weirdest one was a 18 or 19 y.o BBW that happened to own the same obscure 80's Nissan shitbox as me. And I ended up driving a few hours to have a car meet at her house.
At the risk of sounding like a fucking toolbag, getting replies and eventually nudes on Feabie isn't all that hard. It's not some impenetrable fortress like some dudes on here make it out to be.
>>1154 >Did you just send her a message on social media just asking what's up or something? Basically. She had her kik username on her tumblr if I recall correctly (or else I DM'd her on tumblr and she sent it to me). We chatted for a while, but I managed to piss her off by complaining about the scarcity of (SS)BBWs in Ireland and that was the end of that. Which in retrospect was a bit of a dumb thing to say, seeing as I have managed to date a few since then. But then again, they sure as shit aren't exactly common here lol.
>>1150 You sound like a total douchebag. My guess is you're handsome so it's easy for you. Not trying to hate bro but you just sound like a douche who thinks it's easy because he's handsome. Good for you and all but get real here. Not everyone is gonna find it this easy. I've been using feabie for years since the beginning and while I don't consider myself ugly I genuinely think it's harder to use than back in the day. I used to get dms from women periodically. >>1156 it USED to be easy but now the site is flooded with simps and grifters trying to make a quick buck off of gullible idiots. Not to mention these simps also target the girls and flood their inboxes so it makes it harder to get through the noise. Ive been using feabie since day 1 and it was WAYYY fucking better, even though it was a dumpster fire even back then. Seriously. There used to be a pretty decent supply of hot feedees who would initiate conversation with you and sext at the drop of a hat. Now they seem to have dried up. This is coming from someone who has been asked to hang out by certain "big names" in the community. I never went through with it because of my own personal reasons, but yeah. Something's off now and I reckon it's the fucking legion of simps that have flooded the market. For some reason the prototypical soyboy is like the god of feabie too, and that's just not me. I also don't have a gimmick. If you're not mr eboy internet ironic shitposter guy, a glasses wearing beard having marvel fan who likes being pegged, or just straight model tier handsome it's like you're non existent to women. Maybe it's because I'm not active or I don't put myself out there, but you're fucking insane if you think I'm going to 100s of profiles a day looking for a hot chick and dming just to have the driest conversation ever if I get a reply. I used to just message girls just to talk to them, not even interested in sex and you could have a great convo. Now it's like they have their defenses up because of the influx of idiots. Give me sub 10k members feabie Anyday. I knew when the women started encouraging "sex workers" it was over. Now they've changed their tune because these "sex workers" are stealing all the men's attention and they're not even really into this shit. I don't think it's a coincidence that most of the cool people I've talked with on feabie over the years have all deleted their profiles. The place is garbage now. It doesn't help that any chick who is mildly attractive thinks she's gods gift and can take 3 days to reply. Give me a break. And what pisses me off is big girls should be easy to date FOR EVERYONE. But that's more of a larger symptom of this fucked up dating market. The pussy bubble (lol) needs to burst already.
>>1168 You sound like someone who has no luck on mainstream dating sites so you tried one with fatties thinking it would be easier when in reality the mistake was yourself. FOH with that nonsense. Anyone that dates on a regular basis can tell you the women on Feabie are braindead easy.
>>1169 >>1169 >>1169 No. I have plenty of luck on any dating sites I go to. Feabie included. I'm just sick of any girl locally that is facially pretty developing a goddess complex because of simps. You said it yourself, you live in NYC. You can have any bridge troll you want over there. You guys have plenty of people in the region. I don't. Pickings are slim and I'm not trying to hit up whatsherface in Britain just to have boring dry convos that go nowhere. I'm a FATTIES ONLY type of dude. I don't want them because they were easy. My main gripe is that they used to be easier but the growing user base and dating culture in general has ruined it. Searching New York, where you're from, and only females warrants more results than nearly all of the Midwest combined. You're just playing a numbers game and winning and not seeing why. My state literally has MAYBE 15 women users, with near none being attractive enough to warrant a message imo. And I'm not making cross country treks or flying girls out randomly sending dms throwing Hail Marys for that. I don't have the time for it. You are in a sea of poon but not seeing the bigger picture. I get pussy all the fucking time, I just want to expand my horizons. So often when we discusss these things we resort the the incel accusations. I bet you I'd kill it in New York just like you. Isn't New York also majority women?
>>1170 Ah I hear you brother. I apologize I miss read. You know how flat text convos can be. NYC is great for dating, not really for dating plus size women. It's just a smaller city and the younger the demographic the smaller they get. Honestly every woman I've met from Feabie locally has been crazy crazy. Not silly quirky but fun but plain old fashion crazy. I have more luck finding fatties on OkCupid that hide themselves than Feabie. I feel like as a woman once you've gotten there it really says something... (at least in a big city) I'm from a small town originally so I understand the struggle homie. My best advice is to be a dog. Respectful but be a dog.
>>1171 >I have more luck finding fatties on OkCupid that hide themselves than Feabie. POF is great for this. I've probably sexted dozens of ssbbws on there over the past couple years.
>>1171 Good looking out man. I'll have to try it. How do you find them when they "hide themselves"? >>1184 Nice, what's your strategy? How do you find the ssbbws?
>>1186 The biggest tell is having only 1 picture. And to be honest I've never met a woman in person I met online that wasn't fatter in person. So usually if they look large online they're pretty big in person. >>1184 POF is cool but man the fucking spam/bots. Do you still see that shit if you pay? Also a lot of hood/ghetto women on there which may or may not be your thing.
>>1171 please expand on "being a dog"
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EVERY SINGLE TIME LOL. To all the women who encourage this behavior, you are retarded, and you really shouldn't reproduce.
>>1205 Is that a dude? I can't even tell anymore.
>>1206 Unconvincing trans
>>1168 >If you're not mr eboy internet ironic shitposter guy You can just say JillianMichaels
>>1168 "big names in the community" you can just say it's Heather, my guy. worst kept secret in the scene is that she looooves to slide in the DMs.
>>1227 Lol not who I meant specifically but he definitely fits the bill, though there's a ton of them on feabie. He doesn't strike me as someone getting booty though. Getting a friend zoned vibe. >>1227 Incorrect I've never talked to heather. Isn't that the older woman who used to do stuff?
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>>1199 Be assertive, dominant
>>1234 that girl is weird. I've been following her for a while and she spends like all day at feabie tumblrposting. I'm talking about 10+ posts a day and she complains about the weirdest things. She also apparently doesn't like girls that do these onlyfans things and are begging for money, which is a bit surprising because she seems like the exact type of person to do that. She still has an amazon wishlisht of snacks, which is funny since Amazon isn't even in her country and shipping there costs like 52 trillion euros. Regardless, her body is very impressive. Probably has one of the highest age-to-weight ratios on the site. 22 and close to 100 in BMI (or so she claims. But no doubt it's very high).
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>>1237 Yeah I'm mostly in for her body because she's just strange with her takes. I find it strange to say that though.
>>1237 Pretty sure I had her on follow some years back before I got tired of all of said Tumblrposting. Can't say seeing that "You can only be friends with me if you hold the same political views as me" post made me regret it.
>>1242 And it's pretty hypocritical to say that she won't push her beliefs on others when she is doing it right now. It says so on her profile.
>>1242 Agreed. I feel like she's a perfect example of how American bullshit PC-culture is poisoning Northern-European political discussion. She probably only says that because she wants people to think she's "woke", and doesn't actually believe in what she says. She's the type of person that cries out racism/sexism when there is none, and is silent when there actually is.
>>1245 Probably she put it there because if she wrote that she's Christian without that disclaimer she would have been attacked by her fellow tumblrposters questioning her LGBT and abortion beliefs and all of that. But yeah, definitely hypocritical.
>>1234 That girl's life is one huge fucking mess, the tumblrposting is just the tip of an iceberg with her, also she totally takes video requests as well, she just doesn't promote it
>>1150 >Oh and i used to have that lunarose bitch sext with me a few years back. She used to send me all kinds of videos, wish I still had them but oh well. Lol, I used to chat with her YEARS ago on a BBW dating site. She lived within driving distance and I was down to meet up (for an actual date, not just to fuck) but she kept playing the push/pull game where she'd respond enthusastically to my messages for a while, then ghost without warning, then reach out unexpectedly after a few months as if nothing had changed. She's good at hiding her true feelings behind the ~mysterious gypsy sadgirl~ act, so I could never quite figure out if she was just using me for male validation and an occasional ego boost, or if she genuinely had anxiety/depression issues that made her afraid to connect with people. Probably a little of both. Either way, I'm a grownup and don't have time for that bullshit, so I blocked her and moved on. Well done getting her vids.
I'm getting kind of sick of people casually complaining about how much their lives suck. they'll say shit like >well, looks like I'm going ANOTHER day without eating. this also marks day 5 in a row of working a 15 hour shift and only sleeping for 3 hours a night. Also my car broke down again and someone stole my amazon packages. oh well. who wants to buy me pizza? bitch maybe if you waited to move out until you have a decent job you wouldn't have so many problems?
>>1259 very much looking forward to the day the mysterious gyspy sadgirl online persona isn't trendy or fashionable anymore
>>1265 I've also noticed that a lot of fats on Feabie and Tumblr very often seem to have massive personal problems. >my house just burnt down in the middle of the night and killed my nans cat My life nor anyone else I know seems to have such dramatic lives.
>>1265 Isn’t it fucked up how they feel the need to share every terrible aspect of their lives, hoping for sympathy likes and attention? If I’m going through some shit in my actual life the absolute last people that are gonna hear about are some randos on a fat fetish facebook. I don’t get the need to treat the place as some kind of diary.
>>1274 I think the reason they treat it as such is that their IRL support network is next-to-nonexistent. As such, they cling onto whatever network will put up with their shit, and there's a group of people on Feabie who basically are the same way, so it ends up turning into a support group of sorts. Except they seldom, if ever actually genuinely improve in the long-term, instead opting to wallow in their own misery because people will still feed them positivity, no pun intended. I've probably said it before ITT, but such people genuinely need to find real-world assistance, Feabie is doing them zero favors on that front.
>>1275 agreed. few likes and some "I'm here for you" comments might feel nice for a minute, but all those people who reached out will also make a most a month later saying "it's ok to tell your friends that you're emotionally exhausted and need a break" If women in their 40's are posting about their "social anxiety" shouldnt that be a wake up call that you don't just grow out of it? or that it wont sort itself out. Stepping out of your comfort zone is one of the few things you can just do without spending money or too much planning ahead of time.
>>1168 >My guess is you're handsome so it's easy for you That's not entirely true at all. You can be a stunner in looks but if you're socially awkward it can be a buzz kill for a woman.
Why do I constantly read your posts? They’re highly entertaining, even though I’m a woman, on Feabie and friends with most of the people you bitch about....
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>>1286 Because in your heart you know we're right. You emphasize that you "are a woman." Cis or trans?
>>1286 Because we're high lighting the bad points of these people and showing the flaws of the website. It is somewhat entertaining to look at though. Wish some of the people on the website can see how ridiculous they act sometimes. If you are friends with most of them hopefully you call them out on most of this stuff they say instead of enabling it. Being in an echo chamber ain't good.
Oh. I know. I talk shit about it all the time. In theory, it should be perfect to meet men into fat chicks. But all the cluster B bullshit cancels it out.
And no, I’m not an echo chamber. I rarely discuss politics on there- it’s a fetish website anyways, it shouldn’t have a place there. I recently got blocked by two mutuals for mentioning being an independent/ libertarian. It’s sad that people in their 30’s can’t hear differing viewpoints without losing their shit .....
>>1292 Yeah a lot of people act really childish over there. Can't be opposing anyone's political ideologies over there without getting mobbed on by their posse.
>>1286 because you are a woman and women are addicted to drama
They’re an echo chamber because they go after everyone who calls them out.
>>1296 Bingo. I've seen plenty of good women leave the site because of the vocal minority that "runs" things.
I don't know about you guys, but I thought Feabie was only for fap material and trying to bang fatties? I'm not there to listen to the ramblings of a bunch of retards.
>>1301 It’s what makes the social media shit so tiring. You have to entertain all their stupid, vapid, surface level political opinions before they’ll show their tits.
Those girls are crazy easy though. They’ll show their tits and start making wedding plans if you’re conveniently attractive. The rest have to kiss ass and throw money their way before they get anything.
>>1305 If I have to read "STAY HOME/WASH YOUR HANDS" from some ewhore sitting on her fat ass shilling her onlyfans, I'm going to vomit.
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Most of the times I can't tell if some of these stories are true because it reeks of Tumblr blogging.
>>1314 uhh, yeah, this never happened lol. Even if it did, if you're that insecure in your sexuality that you start crying when someone questions it, maybe they're right lmao.
>>1316 That's what I was thinking. Why do they always have to cry on social media for validation and lie about shit that never happened?
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>>1292 >I recently got blocked by two mutuals for mentioning being an independent/ libertarian based. sounds like they did you a favor. feel free to call out their shit here :) >>1317 As other people have mentioned, none of these people have any IRL support networks. Personally I think they've had too much IRL/online support to the point where they've never been challenged in their lives, and thus any attempt to do so is a personal attack on them. You see this behavior in girls who go down the content selling rabbit hole, they'll make a post "should I start selling content??" and they'll get betas and other ewhores telling them to go for it. Obviously, nobody is going to give them differing opinions on the matter, but you sure as shit are judging a girl when you see that clips4sale/onlyfans link in their profile.
>>1294 To be fair, so do men. I mean take a look at us posting shit they're saying. We enjoy observing this stuff.
>>1292 > It’s sad that people in their 30’s can’t hear differing viewpoints without losing their shit ..... They did you a bigger favor than they did themselves. Shitty people and that bandaids been ripped off quick rather than slowly.
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>YOU MUST DATE DUDES LARPING AS WOMEN IF THEY CUT OFF THEIR PENIS. The sense of entitlement to being accepted as a woman is astounding. You. Are. Not. A. Woman. No amount of butchering and hormone "therapy" is going to change that.
My thoughts on feabie.... men are viewed like disposable fodder and are mostly desperate, dumb or white knights (usually all three). Women are some of the rudest around and always looking for some sort of conflict or fight. They're more concerned with social justice issues than even talking about fat. The moderators will literally block you for anything. All it takes is someone to just hit "report." In other words, this site is mostly a waste of time. This person just blocked me for commenting normally on her latest post. I'd file this as the usual type of feabie woman.
That's honestly a fair question to ask, people are on feabie for various reasons. I literally ask that question in every conversation so I know what the individual is looking for, it amazes me how people can be so ignorant and offended by a simple question.
It's the typical lazy viewpoint of someone who just expects someone to fawn over them with no effort of their own. She posted a meme about how she's dating again and has "low expectations." No surprise she's 41 and still single. Just all part of the lovely women you can meet on feabie!
>>1328 oh god. Imagine people wanting to talk about fat on a site dedicated to fatness. If there is one thing forums for fixing Chrysler Neons, chocolate chip cookie baking and Soviet coin collecting have in common, is that they all almost certainly have an off-topic board where they exclusively post things not related to the site, such as Grey's anatomy or MCU.
>>1326 >Why is the issue of whether or not it's transphobic to not want to date a trans person almost always centered around pre-op trans women? Because A. The conversation is usually revolved around guys, since they're the ones who usually have to pursue a relationship to begin with, and B. Porn has basically made trans inherently associated with pre-op trans women. And as a result of the latter, when guys say they won't trans people, they mean pre-op trans women specifically. Post-op/trans men/nonbinary people probably aren't even on their radars. Even by her own admittance, sexual compatibility is important, and some guys simply aren't attracted to artificial holes or masculine/androgynous features. Nothing inherently wrong with that. The implication that post-op genitalia does the job perfectly is laughable, though. >>1328 That's an entirely valid question to ask, particularly if someone has an empty profile with basically zero statuses. I'd prefer it over presuming why someone is on the site, as has happened to me multiple times, even being asked things my profile very clearly says I'm not.
>>1328 I think the worst inclusion on that site is the fucking public feed bar. Should have never been added when they made the site. I guarantee you the drama would drop like a rock if they didn't just spam the shit out of their activity post to get noticed on the front page nonstop.
>>1326 BASED
I'm done with Feabie. I went into it with an open mind and I'm totally put off. Politically, I'm left-leaning and as liberal as they come and even I'm repulsed by the toxicity of some people on there. I got shit just for wishing people a happy 4th of July. Apparently that's a bad thing because of what the US government is doing. Give me a fucking break. The world isn't black and white. Not to mention it's chock full of women only there to sell content. I even had one woman pester me for money and she blocked me when I said no. It's not a dating site, even though it's marketed as one. I'd rather date on mainstream sites.
>>1341 Sir, I was appalled at how much degeneracy and e-whoring is on there.
I once got a week long ban for simply commenting under a post about how science agrees that trans people are the gender they chose and gender is an abstract. I asked "if trans women are women then why differentiate and call them that term?" Immediately the feabie clan started to gang up on me and aggressively called me a "transphobic turd" and every other slanderous name under the sun and twisted my question to make it seem like I agreed with killing them off or something. It's a more toxic place than something like facebook that's for sure. It's a haven for mental illness but men feed these women the power and narcissistic ego trips. I'm not surprised they would attack someone for writing happy 4th of July. I'm surprised you didn't face a week long ban for just doing that.
I agree, feabie is a haven for mental illness.
>>1328 My rule of thumb: The more shit I see you posting for the feed, the less I desire to talk to you privately. I've seen her come up a lot. Always snotty comments like that. If you you only want to talk to your BFFs you've made on this site, why not speak to them off the website?
>>1351 I'm in kinda a weird limbo as far as that goes. On one hand, I tend to presume that women that almost never post are effectively inactive, so I tend to pass over them. On the other hand, posting constantly implies underlying issues, although I do get along with a few people that at least used to post statuses pretty frequently. So generally I look for somewhat of a balance, if anything.
Honestly sites like pof and okcupid are better for meeting plus sized women that are normal than feabie. The only down side is they aren't into feederism but if you can get past it you'll have better luck on dating sites than that mental institution of a site.
Better start saving up!
Well she's going to die alone no man is going to waste time on that.
>>1369 her cats are already picking out her casket.
>>1370 No kidding. Even though I would consider myself to be a generous person who likes buying gifts for loved ones, it's a big turn off for me when somebody is too focused on money. Makes me question their values. Definitely a red flag for me. I'd rather be with somebody who is selfless, helps others and isn't only out for personal gain. At least she's up-front about it.
Holy shit she’s being honest for once and admitted she’s a gold digger.
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Remember guys, you can report sluts for selling their private album photos. I reported this bitch today and it seems like she mad, lol. (No, I didn't ask to see hers or anyones photos. I just like reporting whores. I google boobs 1 gorillion results.)
>>1379 Doing the Lord's work, thotslayer!
I really cant take the beta males flocking to her post commenting. That slut deserved to be reported I been had the bitch blocked after she was always looking for attention on the local newsfeed with her ridiculous posts. Look at her response, these bitches really dont give af about anything but a dollar sign. You did the lord's work by reporting her.
>>1318 >You see this behavior in girls who go down the content selling rabbit hole, they'll make a post "should I start selling content??" and they'll get betas and other ewhores telling them to go for it. Obviously, nobody is going to give them differing opinions on the matter, but you sure as shit are judging a girl when you see that clips4sale/onlyfans link in their profile. This is what gets to me. The "sex worker" groupthink deludes women into believing that they can sell porn as a side hustle, while they continue looking as normal for a boyfriend/husband using the same damn Feabie account! And then they wonder why the only men who show interest in them are thirsty orbiters or "fuckbois" who bust and yeet. If you want to make money selling your body, sure, go ahead and do it. But it's not like delivering pizzas or driving a rideshare, where you can move on with no consquences when a better option comes along.
>>1369 bruh words can't describe how much I hate this mentality. HOW can someone be this far up their own ass? WHY do simps still kowtow to this shit?
>>1369 Ya know, there are women who are genuinely worth putting lots of time and effort into on Feabie. She isn't one of them. >>1379 I wonder if this falls under being bannable under the naming and shaming policy? May be worth looking into if people start doing this. >>1398 Most likely because they're simply incapable of finding someone that genuinely respects them, so it's a desperation move. Or they're just the sort of person that's simply self-loathing so they flock to people that treat them like shit. There's probably underlying psychological reasons for it, but that's not here nor there. >>1399 >NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T BE FRIENDS WITH SKINNY WOMEN IF YOU'RE ATTRACTED TO FAT WOMEN THAT'S ILLEGAL NOOOOOOOOOOOO But seriously, this sentiment is uncomfortably common on there.
That DaniellaDaLilla bitch is also a known scammer
>>1428 Not our fault they attract supposed weirdos like this.
>>1428 Well I took the bait and looked up her profile. Right there in her bio "I don't casually date". What the fuck does that mean? I should only ask you out if I plan on popping the question on the third date? Casually scroll down her posts... 2nd or 3rd one is tearing down some dude trying to flirt with her. PASS
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>>1428 Where's the lie, tho
>>1437 I would presume it means that she's looking for a long-term relationship, but as you pointed out, she doesn't have the emotional maturity for that sort of thing. Maybe she'll grow out of the instability some day.
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>>1446 lol, nu atheism. What a luxury it must be to be ignorant of the long history (and violent suppression in many cases) of leftist religious groups. The snuffing out of religion was a big contributor to the atomization of Americans, not to mention to rise of megachurches And Biden is a sexual predator as well. Get back to me in November after your party goes the way of the Whigs.
>>1446 Jesus Christ what a retard. Michael dude seems okay. A bit stupid how Katri feels that she needs to explain herself for being religious and proves that she's one of them by going against Trump. Still can't wrap my head around how political messages and anti-religious propaganda is apparently okay, but not discussing religion itself according to OP.
Literally everyday I login to the site this girl is posting this status about how she's going to be "kicked out" of her home unless you buy the videos. I checked down the profile and all the previous posts that said this are now gone. I don't know but to me just sticking balloons under your shirt seems pretty lazy. To each their own I guess.
>>1446 Shockingly, a girl who weighs 500 pounds is retarded.
>>1451 >Katri feels she needs to explain herself Purity testing when it's convienient. #VotePooNoMatterWho I don't even blame Luna so much, it comes from the top. The libs are making their base look like hypocrites and fools
If the libs fail it’s a tragedy for us all Do you hear that? It’s the sound of middle class wealth being siphoned away for the benefit of a few multi-national corporations, while we’re distracted by President Trump and the chump change he hands out Bargained away our liberty in order to trigger some libs, thanks
>>1459 The libs are complicit. Look at Warren. All that talk about preserving the middle class turned out to be hollow when she presided over the biggest wealth transfer ever. Look at Obama's (and now Biden's).cabinet picks. Larry Summers was that guy's guru? No wonder we're still in a recession with that psycho at the helm. And it's going to fuck Biden in November when he can't meaningfully challenge Trump on anything. It'll just be "cheeto man bad" and no proposals. Like most general elections.
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>>1462 >It'll just be "cheeto man bad" and no proposals You seem to be under the misconception that Biden will still have a mind by then with the rate he's deteriorating. If there ends up being a debate; even if Trump holds back, Biden will get raped so fucking hard that even the most die hard of Trumps supporters will feel the urge to look away.
>>1463 Touche. For the life of me I can't see the guy's appeal. The party of women, minorities and millenials nominates a sex pest segregationist boomer? Whose brain is melting? And his opponent is a literal speed freak? It's just flexing at this point. They don't want your vote and get paid either way. In fact, maybe Dems should get out of politics altogether. They're more at home in conference rooms and lobbying firms. Certainly they don't know how to campaign. In fact, the more people hear them speak, the more their numbers drop.
forget about the cheeto man for a minute, I know it’s hard because you love him, or you used to but think about Mitch Mcconnell, do you trust mitch mcconnell? Do you trust him not to fuck you? It’s not about the democrats, i don’t give a shit about the democrats. The democrats have hardly any political power right now. It’s whether you trust mitch mcconnell and the republican party or not And I trust mitch mcconnell to do one thing, which is to shepherd the multinationals as they rob you. We’re all going to be corporate serfs if we aren’t already if this keeps up imo
forget about the cheeto man for a minute, I know it’s hard because you love him, or you used to but think about Mitch Mcconnell, do you trust mitch mcconnell? Do you trust him not to fuck you? It’s not about the democrats, i don’t give a shit about the democrats. The democrats have hardly any political power right now. It’s whether you trust mitch mcconnell and the republican party or not And I trust mitch mcconnell to do one thing, which is to shepherd the multinationals as they fuck you. We’re all going to be corporate serfs if we aren’t already if this keeps up
forget about the cheeto man for a minute, I know it’s hard because you love him, or you used to but think about Mitch Mcconnell, do you trust mitch mcconnell? Do you trust him not to fuck you? It’s not about the democrats, i don’t give a shit about the democrats. The democrats have hardly any political power right now. It’s whether you trust mitch mcconnell and the republican party or not And I trust mitch mcconnell to do one thing, which is to shepherd the multinationals as they fuck you. We’re all going to be corporate serfs if we aren’t already if this keeps up
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>>1464 >I can't see the guy's appeal A return to the status quo. >The party of women, minorities and millenials nominates a sex pest segregationist boomer They never were, Democrats only saw them as easy votes towards keeping their power and Biden is showing them for the rats they truly are. >Dems should get out of politics altogether As trash as they are, the only way I'd ever want them to totally be gone is when there's another party to replace them. I don't like the idea of being stuck in a one party system. >>1466 > do you trust mitch mcconnell? Do you trust him not to fuck you I don't trust any politician not to fuck me, they're all pieces of shit which is why the game isn't choosing the one who says they're gonna do things you like but instead choosing the one who'll be the least rough with you as they work your ass. >>1466 >The democrats have hardly any political power right now They hold the house, the states that are blue, almost all of the mainstream media, and all the big platforms on the internet but after that impeachment bullshit and all the crap they've been pulling during Coof season, there's no way in hell they're gonna keep the house. I used to be someone who didn't give a shit about politics and voted Democrat just because but after everything they've been doing during the Trump administration, I think I'd rather vote for Harambe if he was still alive and was born on American soil. >We’re all going to be corporate serfs if we aren’t already The head of that hell has been Silicon Valley which can easily be seen in that one slave cage that Amazon patented to go along with their current borderline slave labor habits, how social media won't allow you to speak your mind while mining your personal data, and whoever made that ID chip injected underneath the skin (think it might've been someone in Europe).
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The future is basically Shadowrun but with shittier music from TikTok.
Biggest fakes on Feabie?
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>>1477 Yes once women are in positions of power all war and suffering and injustice will end, as Thatcher and Clinton have demonstrated
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>>1482 I wonder if she's really Finnish or just some 1/100 mutt that's LARPing. I mean, she had a complete meltdown a few weeks ago when Bernie dropped out of the race.
>>1484 I really don't understand why other countries get involved with other countries politics? How does it affect them at all? Especially with Bernie. She doesn't even live here.
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>>1484 >>1485 Ehh, Bernie was a way out. He had supporters abroad, just as Trump does. Conversely, Corbyn/Johnson and Le Pen/Melenchon had supporters here. Certainly we haven't done jack shit for the global community in 20 years other than fuck their economies and flood them with refugees. I'm old enough to remember when the world was in love with the fucking United States. The last three presidents have done nothing but crater our reptuation and enrich some boomers who don't care what happens to their kids two inches down the road.
>>1484 >>1485 It's because SJWs are largely an american phenomenon. The domestic events and politics of a small country like this doesn't offer much for the local nu-leftist types to talk about, and doing hot takes on finnish matters also doesn't earn them enough likes/reblogs/reddit karma from their leftist echo chamber (which most of the time is over 90% americans)
ah yes isn't that the woman who claims she'll "knock your teeth out if you say Finland is a Scandinavian country?" I'm Finnish, living in the US and I honestly felt embarrassed reading her crap.
>>1484 Katri had a meltdown? Nah, not even close. There was literally just one calm post about it. Though she does likes him for some reason. I guess she just refuses to see what a filthy populist scum Bernie really is. Her surroundings and scenery proves that she is at least somewhere in Northern Europe. >>1485 It actually does affects them quite a lot. However most people do not realize that. In Katri's case though it is rather clear why would she care so much. She's a very kind soul, she did not yet learn to not give a fuck about those things. I understand that from somewhat personal experience. >>1487 Have you been living under a rock or something? How can you seriously state that? Yes, Obama was a total international failure train. GW though was rather fine, the only thing about reputation in his days was probably shoe throwing. Trump is a whole other story though. His actions are swift and he really keeps winning. Even this whole corrupt media empire has a hard time hiding that. Many many places are in love with United States nowadays. >>1493 Why would that embarrass you in any way? That quote, "Be kind to bees or I'll break your knees", "While you re at it you might as well pick a blade I'll poke you with" and other Katri's quotes makes her admirable as fuck! As someone who shares her nationality you should be proud of her.
>>1494 fatvikingbabe has posted
Most cringeworthy post of this thread but I do hope what you posted was sarcasm instead. :)
>>1492 People like her are unironically the reason I, despite being a leftist, refuse to join any organisation or political party related to that. They are full of women (and some men, of course) that are circlejerking about who is the most woke about issues like that. But they are too afraid to actually take on any problems happening around them, so they'll rather try to fight problems in a country on the other side of the world. Same with anti-Americanism. It's one of the most toxic traits of European communities on the internet. Sure, I agree. Our government needs to stop worshiping the US and do everything they wants us to do. But that does not mean everything the US does differently from us is inherently bad. And especially I cringe when I see Europeans (usually Brits) mock American people for the stupidest things. Of course, Americans themselves are no better and come all the time with ignorant remarks about Europe.
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>>1494 > GW though was rather fine lolwut? Now you're showing your age. Trump won in large part by kicking the neo cons out of his party. The Bushes are deeply unpopular on the right. Remember how he turned a blind eye to illegal immigration because it benefited his corporate friends. He took the largest surplus ever and turned it into the largest deficit ever. And invaded a country without an exit plan. Then fired all the Iraqi military and police and let ISIS take over. The strongest defense you'll hear of Bush is that he was dim-witted and not totally 'there' during his administration, so he wasn't directly responsible. Oh well that's alright then. Bad anon. I give this reply five pinocchios > Trump is a whole other story though Yeah, sure. They said the same thing about Barry and Dubya and Bubba. I'm sure they said the same about Ronnie Raygun, also. I'm guessing Trump will prove another disappointment. Then we'll move on to the next messiah. Sure, he throws a bone to the working class, which is more han you can say for most presidents. But stick him in a room with a bunch of hedge fund guys and he gets wet. That's his first allegiance. I also get a big kick out of the bodies piling up from Covid (9/11 deaths per day) while the POTUS brags about not wearing a mask. Probably because Fox is afraid of a recession in an election year, and they're feeding him propaganda. Not that he has much to worry about with Chuck and Nancy in charge.
>>1499 >despite being a leftist, refuse to join any organisation or political party related The left is hilariously fractured. I'd go so far as to say they're a glorified pressure group. People tend to overstate the size of the left, but the strength of the right has always been their ability to move past minor differences and come together to achieve a greater purpose. The left purges (literally or figuratively) people over minor differences of opinion. So of course, people see them as the most miserable fucks who hate everyone who's not down with "Death to Amerikkka" IDpol is unpopular, and taxing the rich is a dead-end for them. Because most people (for the moment anyway) still want to be independant and seek material goods, and voting left is admitting defeat. Add in all the noise from the communists and dangerhairs and you have a really toxic combo. It's unfortunate because I believe most people identify as center-left, they just don't trust the left to do anything but make a bad situation worse. So the world is going to be stuck with conservatives for all eternity now, and we probably won't even like them. But we'll vote for them regardless.
What are you even talking about though? The center left was just in power in the United States for 8 years. The conservatives were just as fractured in 2008 or 2012 when ‘Romney’ ran for the nomination in 2012. What Liberalism will be tomorrow nobody can say for sure, but any sober minded person can see that the actual hope of achieving our commonly held dreams of technological and social freedom lie down that road So either accept the fate of being a corporate serf, or seize your freedom
>>1508 Son, allow me to educate you. I won't overload you with redpills because that's counter productive. Liberalism was a disaster for the left. Oh, on the surface, it was so clean and orderly and promised us peace by making us reliant on other countries economically. The original name for neoliberalism was, in fact, economic rationalism. Who could be opposed to that? But Thatcher let the cat out of the bag when she bragged that "we forced our enemies to change." Unable to keep the flame alive into the 80s, the left changed tactics. The new strategy was just to find middle ground. Policy doesn't matter. Just keep moving to the middle. And it continues today. Obama kept outsourcing torture, kept bombing brown people, and soured people on healthcare reform with his bungled rollout of a Romneycare plan. Of course, nothing they promised came to fruition. Liberal economists love to insists that sweatshops are good, actually, because third world countries will gradually develop and start paying living wage. In reality, they remain third world shitholes, but with a wealthy ruling class on the top, siphoning their riches to investors over here. Meanwhile we improvish our workers by forcing them to compete with said shitholes. And immigrants flocked here to steal our already-low wage jobs and send money back home, which further discourages reform in said shitholes. It didn't even promote peace in the long-term. I need hardly go into that. But the worst part is, they cannibalized the Rockefeller Republicans, the so-called center-right. Suddenly the Republicans were forced to loop around and adopt policies that were traditionally the realm of the left. Trump is the apogee. Pro-working class, pro-union, anti-trade deal, anti-globalization, anti-deep state. The result? Democratic Party, New Labour, Australian Labor Party, Italian Liberal Party, etc. Parties no one would wish to create if they didn't already exist. A rump of bad fiscal policy and wishy-washy social issues. They're remarkably ineffective, considering how the public is sympathetic to everything they stands for. And every election is a slam dunk for the conservatives. The only positive to come out of this shitshow is that the South Parkian idea of "centrism" being inherently good and everything else being "extremist" is finally shown to be false.
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>>1508 >The center left was just in power in the United States for 8 years. The conservatives were just as fractured in 2008 or 2012 when ‘Romney’ ran for the nomination in 2012. Personally, If you're talking actual by-the-book leftism/whatever the fuck, Obama and the "left wing" are really conservatives with a new branch of democrats they don't get and a smattering of other randos- if you'd like proof, Obama's method for rebuilding after the recession was entrepaneurship, which is a hallmark of liberalism. The current "republican" party is little more than facism. They have thrown their lot in with Trump and held him as their demogauge, only because 1) it'll make it easier to huck blame onto him after he's gone (look at how people think Mitt Romney is a good person after his ONE vote in the impeachment) and 2) it's the only way they can maintain power, though obviously there's really nowhere to go after facism except onto Faye's Horseshoe map. >>1515 >Liberalism was a disaster for the left. I think I largely agree with you, but I'll be honest and admit I'm nowhere near smart enough to go into the detail you have. >They're remarkably ineffective, considering how the public is sympathetic to everything they stands for. And every election is a slam dunk for the conservatives. God, isn't that the truth? I'll admit part of this is your standard personal bias, but there's some behaviors the "democrats" continue that make no goddamn sense to anyone. Case in point- Iowa is a HUGE area for wannabe left leaders nowadays, but Iowans are rather pro-2A. I canvassed this last cycle, and by the last 2 weeks it was a fucking joke- I couldn't EVER tell people what Pete wanted 'cause it changed every day, Warren sold out, Klobuchar was just a soccer mom NOT on meth, and I was left batting for Bernie whom was/is light on details of how he'd get anything done. In a time when we literally have a wannabe dictator as a president and the news is full of actual refugee camps packed to the brim, you're still anti-gun? They began selling military gear to police... and you're still promoting gun control? >>1501 >Probably because Fox is afraid of a recession in an election year, and they're feeding him propaganda. Not that he has much to worry about with Chuck and Nancy in charge. Only a system of fuckups like the Democrat party could fumble this. Any other president, any other time and COVID would spelled their doom simply because of the memory and connotation. Chuck and Nancy are jokes. Their "resistance" to the red has been laughable at best- they all act like they'll be friends again after it's all over, like a buddy drinking too much after a bad break-up. Sorry fucko, but your neo-con beer buddies died with McCain. They all hate you now- because FOX and their few alt-right supporters told them too, and if they don't drink the Kool-aide they get the same shoulder and closet to work in like Justin Amash.
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Rethuglicans and Demobrats Thanks I'll be here all week, tip your waitress
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>>1589 >Only a system of fuckups like the Democrat party could fumble this "The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa
>>1600 As a Trekkie I'm salty that we continue to slide into irrelevance, whereas Star Wars is enjoying a meme renaissance
Feabie makes me feel like I have zero value and that all white males that are "cisgender" deserve to die. If you were to post this on there they'd label you an "incel" and other millennial buzz word attacks that are used ad-nauseam. This would further would prove this point.
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We interrupt this episode of political shitflinging for what's considered a perfectly acceptable statement to make on Feabie. >>1604 It's best to remember that these women (and their orbiters) are a small, very angry minority. Just because you have no value to them doesn't mean that you're not capable of having value to plenty of people out there.
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Friendly reminder that there's a /bbwpol/ thread >>195 to soak up these kinds of off-topic derails.
I guess incel knows no gender. These ladies are unfuckable for reasons that rest mostly on them. (Like most incels.) They're broken people, and the internet allows them to avoid daily sanity checks ("everyone in the world is insane but me!").
>>1601 SW is at least fun to talk about. It's memorably bad, whereas Star Trek is just...there
>>1604 This is how you know you’ve done the right thing with your life. Remember, these women are incredibly poor, very stupid, low achieving, etc. They hate you as a cope for the fact that they’re never going to achieve anything other than needing a small crane to lower their casket.
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>>1609 >Friendly reminder that there's a /bbwpol/ thread >>195 to soak up these kinds of off-topic derails. Sorry about that. I will (I posted >>1589) but sadly, the last comment there was from Feb... and myself. Contrary to >>1607 this is actually a real good discussion showing how apolitical the U.S.'s problems are becoming. >>1607 >It's best to remember that these women (and their orbiters) are a small, very angry minority. Absolutely. I've met a couple like these in real life, and not to sound horribly mean... but they're the dregs of society. They put incredible effort into *sounding* intelligent, but they never challenge their views or even -work- in the english sense. For people with so much potential, it's very sad.
>>1617 Not to pry, but what region are you in? I've never met one of these specimens in the wild, not even in college
if banging fat tiddied stoners with denim jackets and stick-and-poke tattoos is wrong then i don’t want to be right bby
>>1619 bang em but dont wife em my man
Again-following this thread.... I commented earlier, but , I’m just curious, what are most of you guys looking for on there? I’m a woman in my 40’s, professional, single but otherwise have my shit together. I gave it the old college try- I met three men when I first opened my account. All duds. The majority of my other interactions were disappointing. I’ve used Bumble, Tinder, Match and hands down-Feabie is the worst. I dunno, maybe it’s mixing vanillas with the fetish stuff ( none of my kinks are feederism related). I can’t put my finger on it......
>>1624 Well lemmie just say online dating is not for everybody. Online hookups are fine but it usually doesn't translate to something long term. If you want something serious my advice is to avoid it.
>>1624 If you don’t have a feederism kink, don’t bother with feabie. If you’re looking for a good time with a chaser then check out POF. If you’re looking for a relationship then weirdly enough your best online option is probably tinder because of the sheer numbers.
I actually do better I’m person- I’m not afraid to approach someone if they give me the eye. My best experiences have been grocery stores and Starbucks. 🤷🏻‍♀️
>>1624 Personally, I'm aiming for friendship, though relationships aren't out of the question. I think the answers you'd get on here wouldn't be far off from the honest answers you'd get on there. Some are looking specifically for relationships, some are looking for kink shit, and others are just looking to get off. IDK how it works with guy profiles, but girls tend to be pretty straightforward with their site goals in their profiles fairly often. >I gave it the old college try- I met three men when I first opened my account. All duds. The majority of my other interactions were disappointing. That sounds about right. I've had slightly better luck with the women on there. One I definitely meshed pretty well with, but she vanished without a word sometime after we last met up, another stopped talking to me wholesale a few weeks after meeting, and one I still talk to with some degree of regularity. She was the best meetup I'd had in years. A lot of women either stop talking after a few weeks tops or can't sustain decent conversation for that long on there. >I’ve used Bumble, Tinder, Match and hands down-Feabie is the worst. I dunno, maybe it’s mixing vanillas with the fetish stuff ( none of my kinks are feederism related). I can’t put my finger on it...... I can't say I've used any of those, I casually messed with OKC and another site years ago, got two meetups out of the former and quite a few out of the latter. Overall I'd pretty much put both on par with Feabie in terms of meetup quality, and conversational quality in general. That said, you're probably about correct on why Feabie in particular has been rough on you. Even if you clearly say you're not into feeder stuff, you'll occasionally get people trying to drag you into it. I'd say the people not into feederism are pretty much on par with normal dating sites, and in general are better for relationships than a lot of the people on the site that are into it. >I actually do better I’m person- I’m not afraid to approach someone if they give me the eye. If you're having decent luck in person, I wonder why that isn't working out. I would imagine in-person stuff would have a slightly better sampling of people than online.
>>1628 That confirms what I've been telling people do for quite some time: Meeting people at places like grocery stores. Honestly, I think dating sites are a terrible idea, and I think they're terribly unnatural. People aren't honest (or unintentionally dishonest), or they play themselves up because without physically meeting someone, you don't know if you click.
>>1634 It’s past experience, I took about two years off of dating because the online dating was extremely...... disheartening. Just recently started becoming interested again...... and yes, face to face is way preferable to online. I like eye contact, social cues etc. I’m older than the average person on Feabie, going to bars was our only option back in the day. 🤷🏻‍♀️
>>1638 Online dating, or online friendships in general, can be pretty rough for sure. Definitely seems like in-person should be your go-to, given your preference for it. Honestly, if online wasn't effectively my only option as far as finding relationships go, I'm not sure I'd still have an account on Feabie.
>>1638 My general rule of thumb: Online - Better match in terms of personality/hobbies In person - More attractive
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>>1646 Wow the level of cringe in that post.... If she seriously feels that way then why the fuck is she on there? That's beyond embarrassing...
>>1648 To circlejerk with the other bitter women and self-loathing men on there about how awful men are, clearly.
Anyone ever feel these people are just train wrecks. PTSD, trigger warnings, talking about miscarriages then complaining about needing to get dicked down....... I dunno
Well being fat does often carry the stereotype of being lazy and stupid so maybe you shouldn't be so surprised.
>>1657 Of course they're trainwrecks, it's like a stereotype that people who are total losers who then become popular turn into total assholes.
>>1661 actually I've never heard of that stereotype.
>>1662 I think he means the oppressed become the oppessors. See: Zionists, TERFs, techbros, Magneto, etc.
oh wow I'm starting to notice a theme and then they call men "incels." The amount of white knights and apologists repeating the same jokes over and over about what garbage men are are cringe too.
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They all talk the same. Even their profile pics are starting to blur together for me. I had to scroll up and check that it wasn't the same girl over and over.
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>>1673 >>1671 >>1670 It just keeps happening, lads. Why do they think this is attractive behavior? You only attract dregs with this kinda shite.
>>1675 And of course she's single. She's going to continue being single and mad at other people while hating a group of people for no reason.
>>1675 lol, my favorite is the pedantic guy trying to do damage control.
>>1675 You can't converse with stupid.
>>1677 Which one?
well it isn't surprising because I've seen countless other posts just like this and the other one she put up but it is amusing. "Straight white men are trash, that's just a fact."
Surprised I haven't been blocked by people on that site yet for disagreeing with people. I heard that a simple disagreement gets someone blocked.
>>1682 I somehow doubt this too. If it is true that sucks but making shit up like this just to get pity is pretty dumb.
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>>1682 I love how they think they're winning
I'm surprised you haven't been blocked. You'll get some moron trying to report you to get you banned at times too. You can't have a conversation with people this dumb so it's pointless. The words speak for themselves. :)
>>1685 Probably because I'm BLACK. They won't block minorities.
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She deleting the current conversation, even the ones that are defending her.
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>>1679 Probably referring to the black guy with the vocabulary >>1682 Wait, so they KNOW everyone is posting screencaps of this? And then they go about their day, shitting up Feabie's reputation and reinforcing the worst stereotypes of 'liberated' women! If I were a woman, I'd be pissed at these vapid attention whores. Shit, if I were a mod I would ban their asses.
Love how you guys are posting anonymously on a forum to insult her. Shows more about your character than hers tbh. Pathetic
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>>1689 It's a fucking imageboard, you goon! Everyone is anoymous.
>>1689 How about YOU show yourself so we can all be on equal terms to bully you?
>>1689 healthy people don't dedicate their entire day to hating on people. cmon now, clearly the woman needs help
what did you think you'd see under a thread entitled "feabie drama observatory?"
>>1671 "Incel" is the female poster's equivalent of "simp": a word that once had a clearly defined meaning, but now just means "any man on the Internet who I don't like."
>>1680 What a lovely, sweet lady she is. /s This just further reinforces our beliefs that Feabie is just a toxic shithole. I guess they're doing us all a favour really, because at least we know to avoid this lot. I'd rather meet people who aren't psycho.
>>1675 this is great simp bait. he too hates the white man. he agrees to your every thought. until he don't and you have to post about dodging a bullet from a gun you put in your face. its happen a bunch of times they surprised and then repeat
>>1682 By her logic, I'm sure she'll have no problem with discrimination against Muslims or Arabs because of what happened on 9/11. They were all Middle-Eastern, so it's valid, right? /s
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>>1689 This is a fucking campfire circle, dude. Feabie has problems. A clique of self-obsessed weirdos have taken it over. Your house is on fire and you're yelling at a hydrant. >>1694 That's a pretty good comparison.
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>I’m new to BigCuties and I can’t wait until my site goes live so y’all can check me out there! lol, about that. I think I'll give it a hard pass. I know you're reading this: trust me, this is not a good look for anybody. Not even for an off-brand Emelia Clarke like yourself. Seems you delete threads often, because I checked your feed and I don't see any other examples of this babble. You may want to rethink doing this full-time, because you don't have the minerals for it.
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And the stupid continues.
>>1703 Maybe if you hadn't followed it up with such obvious troll bait, "Straight white men are trash, that’s just a fact".... Just move on and stop giving this low-effort bimbo attention.
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Onto the next dumpster fire. Not sure if this qualifies as drama, but I came across Youtube's Azismiss (holy cow she's a zepplin now) mentioning that she's going after StufferDB. Apparently, they've been shitting her on left, right and center in the comments for everything from her hair, to her sexuality, plus they floated a rumor about her being trans.
>>1657 I'm pretty sure just about everyone ITT is on the same page as far as that goes. At least as far as women like the ones in the screencaps here go. >>1670 A number of women don't read profiles either. I can't say I'm familiar with this individual, so I can't make a snap judgment on how big their entitlement complex is. Leaning towards the further end given they felt a need to make this status, though. >>1671 Well, credit where credit's due, at least blvsh is honest with herself (inb4 >her). I'd wager a decent number of women on the site try to suppress their own desires in order to appear more acceptable within the groups seen on that site. Of course, this doesn't apply to all women to piss and moan about guys, but it probably applies to at least some. >>1675 I feel like they're not concerned about attracting guys as much as they are crying out for attention from the "in" group on the site. That said, if you're specifically excluding a specific race of people from something because of their race, it's racist by definition. It's a more benign strand of it in this case, but I'm sure you could replace "white" with "black" here to make it a bannable offense. "Power + privilege" was, is, and shall always be a meme. >>1688 Eh, I wouldn't go quite as far as banning them unless they did anything wrong. Mind you, I still think the fact that only "marginalized" groups are protected from criticism or exclusionary posts is a shit rule that should either apply to all groups in general or none. The fact that it's perfectly acceptable to bitch about straight white men, ironically enough, shows that within the context of Feabie, they are, in fact, a marginalized group. >>1694 I think a better comparison would be "thot", if we're talking opposite-gender labels. >>1697 Same can be applied to literally any other group of people as well. If someone has traumatic incidents involving a certain type of person, they're going to be naturally mistrusting of that group of people. Passing on this mindset just causes it to perpetuate. Go figure.
>>1709 >The fact that it's perfectly acceptable to bitch about straight white men, ironically enough, shows that within the context of Feabie, they are, in fact, a marginalized group. At least on that point we agree. We're supposed be living in egalitarian times, you know. And that means taking the bad along with all of the good stuff. Others may whine about "power differentials" or some crap, but if we're serious about ending the cycle of discrimination then it's time to put your money where your mouth is. These ladies are about 15 years too old to be giggling about how white guys have tiny pricks tee hee, like a Fortnite player who just discovered the n-word.
>>1700 >resorting to posting about me on bbwchan because i delete their comments and block them Does anyone here actually reply to these Feabie posts? I assumed that we all agreed that it's pointless debating with these women so we just sit here and comment on the dumpster fire that is Feabie. >going after sdb OH SHIT GOTTA DOWNLOAD EVERYTHING >everything from her hair, to her sexuality, plus they floated a rumor about her being trans It's not a rumor she made some posts (that are now deleted) about some trans mumbo jumbo, also her profile says she identifies as female, male, and transgender... whatever the hell that means. Seriously she wants to take down her gallery on stufferdb because of some mean comments? For the love of all that is holy grow a fucking backbone! Also, what's with Feabie and the constant war on StufferDB?
The needle in the white men haystack.
They could start to understand by chopping off their weiner.
>>1710 Definitely. At the end of the say, someone has to be the bigger person. Evidently, it isn't them. Pun not intended. I generally don't bother engaging with people like this, it benefits literally no one, even if it enforces political echo chambers. >>1712 I wonder if he ended up getting dogpiled with sarcastic #notallmen responses. >>1714 And here's another fine example of "It's okay when we do it". Reverse the sexes in this post and you'd be dogpiled.
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>>1712 Good guy John.
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>>1711 Yeah I've ambivalent. On the one hand, yeah some of the comments were needlessly personal. On the other hand, toughen up, buttercup. You need a thick skin if you want to be a model online. Muttering about gender fluidity is not going to do you any favors, especially with gullible teenage boys who are already on high-alert for "traps".
>>1700 As a black guy I'm genuinely offended.
let's lighten the mood a little, dudes. is ninjahsmurf still acting like a "lollll xD so random" hot topic teen from 2007? my guess would be yes.
In other words, I know women are psycho cunts on here but I won't say so.
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>>1735 Yeah it's annoying. Also look at these sad tits. Still can't tel if she's a girl
>>1733 As a black man myself I'm not offended, I'm disappointed. You don't like white men that's fine, I don't like it but fine. She made a huge fucking deal out of it, instead of having it in her profile stating that she doesn't like white men she instead made a public announcement that she doesn't like - hate white men, she most likely did it for the attention, she wants to rile up some people so that she can find who they are and block them, sitting on her throne laughing triumphantly - with a dash of schadenfreude knowing she won the battle, ending the day drinking a cold glass of salty white-men tears. It's fucking childish, you're an adult why are you acting like this?
That guy she just broke up with was white.
im curious of this sites user base races/gender. she's insisting it's only white men here. as if women/asian/goblins can't be here. imagine if we whites were minority here>>1733
>>1682 >>1701 >I’m new to BigCuties and I can’t wait until my site goes live so y’all can check me out there! Imagine having not even launched your site and already driving away part of an already niche audience. If her BC quality is anywhere like the quality of anything else she posts, she could be the worst BC model in quite some time.
>>1738 For someone with such a divine body shape does gender really matters at all?
>>1749 There's a couple BBW related forums that are obviously majority black men. I wouldn't doubt this board has more than you'd think. >>1747 What's most annoying is she probably whites guys at the end of the day...
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>>1738 lol she seems harmless enough. Fitting that her comfy show is VOY considering it's like the McDonald's of sci-fi. >>1751 Like >>1701 alludes to, she's got a pretty face but it seems to have gone to her head. These sites operate on a different type of currency. If your personality is grating and your content is trash it doesn't really matter.
>>1341 The thing that really fucks up this site is that feedbar. It's a magnet for drama whores and eventually created what the site is like to day. You make a post, everyone sees it.
>>1758 Never thought of it that way. Yeah, it's stupid. No filters at all.
>>1759 Most of these attention whores wouldn't be posting nonstop like they do if the site wasn't twitter like. On top of this, it's a great way to shame and destroy somebody if they happen to dare go out of line in their thinking.
>>1760 But it is the whole point of visiting feabie to read posts like that. It tells a lot about people. Since twitter has limits and too generic. And since Tumblr was ruined feabie is the place.
>>1815 Too much of it warps you. Most fatties don't act like that or they're smart enough to hide it.
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>>1815 >Tumblr was ruined I'm still salty about that. Everyone rejoiced because they hate Tumblrinas, but it didn't even scratch them. It was a great place for curating porn if you wanted to. I found so many models and artwork. Everyone migrated to Twitter, a place I can't fucking stand, and now Tumblr is known for hosting adolescent political screeds instead of porn. What an improvement.
>>1760 There's some sad suckers that post every 15 minutes. It's like, don't you people have anything else in your life? Any other sites?
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>>1823 >I'm kind of a big deal on a fairly irrelevant social media site which inflates my ego.
Feabie reminds me of something like Jungle Habitat. That was a safari drive-thru amusement park in the 70s where you viewed the animals and were told to keep your hands in the car at all times and not open the windows.
so edgy
>>1834 >Greasy construction worker catcalling me as I'm walking home thingsthatdidnthappen.jpg
>>1819 Porn is still on Tumblr. They did one massive deletefest a little over two years ago but they never enforced it. Hell I still go to Tumblr for porn. That said, I'm not going to hate them for it, they weren't making any revenue to keep that place up since the sites reputation was that of a porn blog to advertisers.
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>>1834 >SHOW ME WHERE THE EMOJIS TOUCHED YOU lol, how much do you want to bet this bitch stans Liz Warren and thinks emojis are wishing death or physical harm >>1836 eh, fair but I don't have to like it. The good blogs were banned and the rest are private, so you have to jump through too many hoops to view them
>>1834 imagine talking to people like this
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Missing is a deleted post telling people to send jokes and if she doesn't laugh you get blocked. you can tell these people get a weird sense of importance in announcing their blocks
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Thank you.
>>1852 she was temp banned for something recently. if it was this i would not be surprised
>>1851 Not sure if drama whoring or getting ready to kill herself, either way it's pathetic and sad >>1831 was right, who let these people out of the zoo
>>1852 >88 likes Well, at least there's some sane people on the site. The comments are actually surprisingly rational as well, I can only guess that the angry ones ended up being nuked.
>>1866 it comes from the top. Whoever's running the site identifies with this faux-woke, outrage addict bs.
Ghoulio is having another breakdown because fat dudes aren't getting 2 dozen likes
>>1868 It is pretty weird how many fat women, on a site for fat positivity and fat fetishism, are openly saying "no fat dudes."
>>1869 Because this site is cancer, lol. Fat guys I meet in life are pretty chill and at ease with themselves, but the guys online have the confidence of a noodle. They really don't need some cunt snickering at them on a faux "positivity" site.
Speaks for itself really... what is this "scum of feabie" document?
>>1869 >It is pretty weird Not really. You can't force yourself to be attracted to someone you're not, and being attracted to fat people is an unusual sexual preference. Just because someone is fat, even a feedist, doesn't mean they can make themselves attracted to a fat partner, any more than an average guy who's not an FA could force himself to be attracted to them. Saying they're into "contrast" is a polite way of stating this. Once in a while a woman who's drunk the social constructionist kool-aid will try to shame other women by telling them that their inability to be attracted to fat men is "internalized fatphobia" and that they need to be less problematic. But sexual desire can't be altered by ideology. I say all this as a fat guy and mutual gainer, btw. But I don't pretend that my weird obscure fetish is somehow binding on other people who don't share it. All that said, >>1874 is right that online fat spaces tend to attract whiny, mopey, self-pitying fat dudes whose attitudes are guaranteed to drive women away.
>>1875 >what is this "scum of feabie" document? My hope is someone whom critiqued their onlyfans account, saying "Hey, you just don't seem into it and I can feel like you're just doing this for money." >>1876 >All that said, >>1874 is right that online fat spaces tend to attract whiny, mopey, self-pitying fat dudes whose attitudes are guaranteed to drive women away. That, or the weird self-entitled fuckers whom think that because the other person's fat means they aren't "conventionally" attractive and thus, are desperate for someone like them.
>>1875 there have been multiple lists, but basically there's a wide range, from truly horrible men (think rape) to others who just fail to meet arbitrary standards. any man that didn't leave them on the best terms could easily be on the list. though this shouldn't be surprising considering what they're already willing to admit publicly.
>>1869 It wouldn't be as upsetting if said women weren't the same ones bitching about dudes, fat or otherwise, talking to skinny or even "smallfat" women in any capacity, as if being attracted to fat women meant they couldn't so much as be friends with skinnier girls. >>1876 > All that said, >>1874 is right that online fat spaces tend to attract whiny, mopey, self-pitying fat dudes whose attitudes are guaranteed to drive women away. I think that goes for people on the site in general, definitely not exclusive to fat guys, or guys in general.
>>1890 You gotta love Amatrix. Noticed her in the scene over the years and she's always been an attention-whore-cry-for-help type. Honestly if you read half the shit she posts, her life sound empty, bitter and sad.
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>>1876 I can't argue with that. Curves on a woman is a plus, but if you're plain or ugly, no amount of fat is going to help. Not everyone is a Greek God, male or female. >>1886 >others who just fail to meet arbitrary standards could easily be on the list. Because that NEVER ends poorly...oh wait
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Gee I wonder why?
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>>1899 Don't be sad, afatvikingbabe. I actually can't think of ANYBODY the women on feabie want to be friends with.
>>1891 love the dude trying to slide into her inbox by pretending not to know what kinkshaming is lmao
also I am quite fucking certain most of the prominent male members of the feabie community are bbwchan regulars too.
>>1916 Not to start an argument, but what's your point
>>1916 Yup
>>1916 Shh.. do not tell anyone
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>undercover agents in our midst
>>1851 I tried my hand with her and dropping a joke a few months back. Didn't go block hunting then, but I swung and missed that day. Honestly, she's just another one-way crush for me. I keep her in my following feed for fap material, not gonna lie.
>>1918 no point, i'm just a former "community guy" who figures it's a dirty little secret that everyone's stealing porn/content from women they're friends with on feabie. i sure did.
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Hmmm black version of feabie that's invite only??? Anyone heard of this? Even better, anyone in it?
>>1939 First time I've heard of it. Sounds like it would even be worse than normal Feabie, and that's saying something.
>>1905 Mansplaining > Womanscomplaining.
>>1875 >>1886 Obnoxious as the newsfeed thots can be, there really are some bad guys on Feabie and in the fat community. Occasionally there will be a genuine rapist/predator, and there are more than a few run-of-the-mill scuzzballs who are secretly married to a thin woman while stringing along lonely fat chicks for side piece sex. Once or twice a year some girl gets the bright idea of creating a database (subreddit, google doc, etc.) to list these guys. Every time, it ends the same way. First, a bunch of SJW dummies with no sense of proportion flock to it and list every awkward interaction they've ever had with a man as a terrible offense deserving of name-and-shame shunning. ("He was supposed to text me back, but he didn't!") Then some girl leaks existence of the list to a guy who's on it. Massive drama ensues. Rinse and repeat.
Black version of feabie is called beabie and its way better than feabie. They don't tolerate all the bs that those crazy women post on feabie. The people are alot more normal. Its a kik group.
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>>1948 >beabie
>>1957 I'm just going to presume "ignorant and bigoted" is code for "People who don't have the same views on recent events as I do".
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Guess white people aren't on the same level as everyone else because of "white privilege". I hate it when people use that excuse. There's no such thing.
>>1967 >Finnish person says racism against white people doesn't exist. Yikes sweaty, doesn't even know her own countrys history.
>>1967 Vikingbabe is very sexy but shit like this just makes me unattracted to her
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I didn't think to save receipts (they deleted out of embarrassment), but I had to laugh when a thirsty trancel tried to pull the "as a queer and trans, I too experience oppression" card in someone else's newsfeed thread about the riots and got this response. Right now we're learning who gets sent to the back of the progressive stack when shit actually pops off. If I were just a little bit more autistic, I would correlate "number of screeching, snarky pro-riot newsfeed posts" with census demographic data. Bet cash money that the loudest "ACAB burn it all down fuck the po-po" voices are middle class suburban white folks.
The reason all these Feabians want rioting is because their lives are inconsequential to the greater picture. These people don’t own homes, are in their 30s and still have roommates working shitty retail jobs etc. why do they care if the world burns? They have no stake in it......
I was kind of surprised how many people on there were all for looting and calls for killing random people. But it's Feabie maybe I shouldn't be surprised. AFatVikingBabe would probably say the Sami people never had any hardships probably I'd bet or try to downplay it... that is if she even knows anything about it. Are a lot of Finnish people like this? I know an Estonian who is nothing like this at all so I find it very strange how she's so anti-white considering she's white herself. She really sounds like some American woman pretending to be from Finland.
>>1979 Honestly she seems to have just been consumed by the American media. Europe is far more where you come from as well as skin colour. That being said she's a total fucking idiot, girl got scammed for several thousand pounds by her ex, and took out loans for him which she now can't pay back. Girl just has no common sense.
How does a guy even scam a girl? Inquiring minds want to know....
>>1983 I mean she was super lonely, he was nice to her and started dating her, then he just became a twat overnight but still charmed her into taking out max loans for him. No wonder shes running to the UK to hide from them.
Isn’t her new guy British too?
>>1967 So, I guess Louis Farrakhan and the NEW (not the old one) Black Panther Party aren't racist against white people? Good to know. /s What a stupid argument. This is honestly the kind of shit that legitimises white nationalist arguments saying society's out to get them. Sure, I'd agree that racism against white people is a hell of a lot less prevalent than racism against non-white people but it's still possible in theory. These redefinitions of racism are dangerous and counterproductive. >>1971 This. Beautiful body but her personality is a complete turn-off for me. No amount of fat would make me want to date her with the crap she says.
>>1995 >Louis Farrakhan and the NEW (not the old one) Black Panther Party Those fossils? Uh I dunno, man, black nationalists exist but their impact is less than nil. The real black delegates are the ones who get invited to pow wows at the WH, the ones who co sponskred all those zero tolerance crime bills in the past twenty years Anyway, for the sake of argument let's say that since each race on the planet is racist (I live in NYC, can confirm), does that entitle all of us to a militia guarding our respective groups? How would society function? As for the Panthers, they did get their start exploiting their 2nd amendment rights to open carry guns in the Jim Crowe days, which I gotta admit is a Chad move. Then they spiraled into drugs and imploded for various reasons, mainly because they were not sophisticated enough to do something broader than carrying guns. A cautionary tale for sure, but not really a threat to the republic. If you want to continue digging up old feuds from the seventies, take it to the politics thread
>>1996 Says a bunch of racist talking point bullshit but qualifies it with “I live in New York” (Sure Jan) so it’s all okay
>>1997 I was trying to offer an olive branch but if you want to sperg and call me racist against whites (I'm German-Irish, lol), that's cool. Not particularly persuasive though Also someone explain to me how I'm using talking points when this guy is muttering about Black Panthers, and another is whining about Kent State on the other thread. Why do you all sound like fifty year olds wearing sunglasses? You don't see me complaining about Watergate or some shit.
>>1996 Stop. I actually live in NYC and work in Harlem almost every day. Uptown Manhattan and the South Bronx is still heavily owned and run by black nationalist money. Ever read of Red Rooster on 125th? Let me guess you rent a room in some four bedroom in Bushwick so you're this NYC expert. Stay quiet my friend. >>1948 So it's a big ass chat room? Black fatties are easier to smooth talk online than white ones anyways... don't @me Idgaf
>>1947 >who are secretly married to a thin woman while stringing along lonely fat chicks for side piece sex. Dear God tell you aren't trying to meet wifey material on Feabie....
>>2000 > you rent a room in some four bedroom in Bushwick oh, eat my entire ass, you Goebbels.
>>1978 Seriously. How many of these people are in their 30s working for $10/hr? Like we’re talking about hundreds of people for whom even a couple hundred dollars represents a significant outlay. I’ll be honest I really don’t understand how people live like that. I grew up poor and it was insanely miserable, why would you not do everything in your power to escape that?
That’s what any person with a brain would think but this is Feabie we’re talking about. Where people cry about being broke and depend on Gofundme to pay rent while they spend their money to travel and see their feabie palz!
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The riots are not even happening in her area. This girl is just way too stupid. She really doesn't understand what's going on outside her own bubble.
>>2009 The only good the riots can do is burning their "supporters" property into ash. >>2014 I wanna say they discovered cannibalism.
>>2005 Wow that's rough. What jobs do you think these heifers work? You can't be that big as a waitress or some shit.
>>2020 I see a lot of them working at nursing homes. So maybe that. That or mental health places.
>>1967 I messaged her about this post and she blocked me. I didn't say anything offensive to her I just asked for more on her opinion and why she thinks racism against white people doesn't exist. If you disagree with someone's opinion on feabie they just block you ffs.
>>1979 Not at all. The Scandinavia = socially super liberal and woke is a meme started by Swedes wanting to feel good about themselves. In reality Finns, and Scandinavian people, in general are far from as socially progressive as Leddit wants you to believe. Especially among young people many Scandinavians are more socially conservative than Americans. She does indeed sound like an American LARPing as a Finnish girl. But my theory is that she doesn't have too many irl friends, and just spends all day inside talking with people on American-majority sites such as Feabie, Reddit, Twitter or whatever and that's how she has got her world view. She lives in some random hick town in the middle of nowhere after all, and I'm sure 98%+ of the population there is white. I bet that she has never even voted in her own elections.
She claims to be a nurse. I don’t know how that’s possible when you can probably barely walk
>>2029 Probably at the reception desk. I saw a really huge fat girl working at the retirement home my grandpa was at. She was a receptionist.
>>2026 Got it in one my dude, she used to have some but just straight up pushed them away, the only ones she has now our feabie friends or her immediate family
Suddenly almost every person on there is a civil rights activist and historian who promotes the destruction of America. I wonder how many times the word racist has been typed in the newsfeed.
Based. I love me some fat receptionists. Their swivel chairs are always too small for them.
>>2029 I know a nurse who's 360 pounds. 360 sexy sexy pounds.
>>2064 Yeah, I make no secret that I'm on the left, but trust me: nobody has time for these trust fund anarkiddies chanting 'death to amerikka.'
It's just so obvious they drive to and from work and snack on whatever junk is within reach. The life of a fat office worker is sedentary , nd they don't eat healthy. Like, at all.
>>2071 >>2073 I swear, nurses are their own special kind of fat. They be 300 pounds and up yet somehow manage to work all day, then cram themselves into their 1990 Carina II or Civic, go shopping for more junk food then go home and clean their house and make dinner.
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>>1977 Okay, just this once. >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blairstown,_New_Jersey >6,000 people >96% white >1.12% black >median family income $92,063 I am shocked, shocked.
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>>2081 Every. Fucking. Time. Literally these people are the embodiment of privilege, lmfao. I saw this post today, bitch is literally too caught up in her own crusades that she doesn't understand that a franchisee is different from the corporation that sells them. Absolute retardation.
But you don't know what it's like being on the mean streets of Blairstown, NJ! They have to deal with Jason Vorhees after all! :P
>>2083 adored fat is black though. so that makes this... worse? i don't even kno anymore...
adoredfat is black and is having a hard time due to the current events in the US. she is one of the very few people that is drama free and isn’t on feabie looking for easy money.
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Serious question: if you're too fat to leave the car, does that mean they can't Reggie Denny you? >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cypress,_Texas >"The Cypress urban cluster ranks 50th in the top 100 highest-income urban areas in the United States" >"one of the Houston area's largest suburban communities" >"The 77429 zip code is one of the most affluent in Harris County; nearly 77% of the population has an income over US $50,000, and 42.65% earn over $100,000." >122,803 people >73.4% white >10.6% black not gonna lie this was more than I expected
I am so glad I'm not on that dumpster fire to witness the virtue-signalling shitshow. Instagram is enough, and goddamn, these internet hoes can't think on their own. Catidee is a goddamn bitten zombie. She must be crying crocodile tears at night because she's white. Jesus Fuck. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
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>>1999 >I'm German-Irish, lol Glendale, Maspeth or Middle Village?
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You don't even live here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUFT35S7Jb4
We all know AFatVikingBabe likes to creep and see what is being said about her. I’m curious to know what she’s actually done to help other than posting the same shit in 23 different ways.
>>2113 >https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oakham,_Massachusetts >population 1,902 >median family income $63,487 >98.33% white >0.36% black Not a typo, that's "zero point thirty six" percent.
>>2113 this is a take every side of the political spectrum should see as bad. antifa, trump, white, mexican, everyone
>>2170 The amount of soy that dude is sucking down is disgusting. "I would leave if it wasn't for my family" STFU pushy. No you won't.
>>2170 >patriotism is "grim" Love it or leave it, cocksucker
Thread is bumplocked, new one here: >>2175
