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Post Hot Skinny Girls Anonymous 01/20/2024 (Sat) 10:37:33 Id:1255e1 No. 43055
Fully serious.
good one m8
>>43061 Shit, that green dress brings great memories of a MASSIVE titty bitch i used to date. Thank you.
I see hot skinny girls, all my dick can think about is imagining what she'd look like with at least another hundred pounds on her.
>>43102 lmao same.
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>>43102 Word. Still hoping for that Syren de Mer weight gain.
>>43061 This is like the minimum for my dick to move an inch, barring exceptions
I'm so sexually repulsed by thin girls its unreal.
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>>43193 What's not to like, anon?
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>>43193 >He isn't capable of appreciating women at all sizes
>>43193>>43212 I'm not repulsed by thin women, but I'm pretty asexual, even if I think they're cute or whatever. Like this weekend I was at a bar and a cute thin girl starts talking to me about a book I had, and we turn into a 5 minute conversation and there's some flirty vibes there. Eventually it ends but I don't even truly to get her number because I think like what's the point she's not fat. It was a good, interesting conversation and human connection but the friends and the bartenders were watching, saying I fumbled the rizz but I know I wasn't sexually excited. Kinda frustrating this fetish at times.
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>>43219 i'm completely with you there. i appreciate a beautiful face and even a sexy approach of a thin girl. examples attached. but this is just an admiration of her beauty, not her sexual attraction (to me). i believe it would be wrong to pretend being sexually attracted to someone if you're not. stay truthful, to them AND to yourself.
>>43061 What is her name? I forgot it
>>43193 Same man
>>43219 Really depends on the individual person. I’ve been primarily into fat women as far back as I can remember. I had an old coworker who I had an on again/off again relationship who was an absolute stunner. She was around 173cm and probably just a bit over 55kg. Flat as a board too. I still think about her from time to time even though it’s been 10 years. Maybe I just like all women…
Honestly, I'm like a 4 on the Kinsey Fat Admirer Scale. Primarily into bigger woman, but more than a little often especially lately have I found myself attracted to more average size women, even those on the slimmer side. Don't think I'll ever find waifishness or the heroin chic look attractive, though. I just like femininity, I guess.
>>43193 Probably you are a faggot
>>44326 Men who like skinny women are closeted homosexuals. Maybe also closeted pedofiles.
>>44327 >Men who like skinny women are closeted homosexuals. Maybe also closeted pedofiles. Yeah continue with your delusional cope retard
>>44330 Ok, but why do skinny women look more like boys than fertile women?
>>44349 >>44346 >>44327 >>43193 You’re mentally ill. Get some help, retard
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>>44350 Mentally ill? You’re the ones jacking off to Emma Watson and pretending you’re straight.
>>44327 I'm amazed by the response to this. I thought bbwchan of all places would be willing to accept this truth, but apparently not. It's really not a big leap from young men who like super skinny girls growing old and impatient, and switching over to young boys who look identical to the skinny girls they used to be into. I mean really be honest with yourself next time you see a super skinny woman, with bones for ass/hips and a flat chest, is this person actually feminine? At all? This guy is 100% right. Yall are jerking off to emma watson and actually think you like women.
It's remarkable how much all of you took the bait. Mein fucking Gott.
>>44346 Probably it's strange but people used to be slim even in america, it's not normal nor natural to look like a fucking whale. >>44351 >cherry picking a vegan Really? You are clearly a fag because if you need something that have an abnormal and absurde body you clearly wont accept the female figure since the ancient age
>>44346 Fat is positively correlated with fertility up to a certain point and within certain body types. It's a secondary sex characteristic after all. So it's certainly manly to be fond of it but at the same time a primary sex characteristic of any species is males being larger than females. SSBBWs undermine that, it implies size domination and i'm sure there are different underlying physical mechanisms for why people like it. But arguing it's more hetrosexual to like large woman gives off serious small dick energy. Imagine a Fit Average/light BBW & a Average Man/SSBBW couple and honestly judge what looks more dimorphic.
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Milana. She can gain sometimes. If not for her career, I could imagine her being pretty chubby. Anyone know who this blonde is? Not fat enough for the Who is it thread but since this is for skinnier women, perhaps someone knows?
>>44353 This is a crazy my man
>>45727 It’s not at all crazy. The repressed homosexual pedofiles on this board just want to force their NAMBLA lifestyle on us all.
>>45729 Maybe on this site yes but in real life people are not repressed pedofiles for liking normal sized women
>>45729 Kisame here. A lot of these trans teens come from Catholic or Presbyterian homes.
>>45729 You’re mentally ill.
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Simply and only.
>>45907 Heavily freckled faces and red hair are absolutely gorgeous on women. These are honestly all really attractive, thanks for sharing.
>>43061 In what world is this considered skinny? I swear some of ya'll have been jacking off to BBW/SSBBW for far too long for this to be seen as skinny. Of course any other girl compared to Adeline or Boberry would be practically skinny. That girl is clearly fat. You need to take a break from this website
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What do we think of these women gentlemen, I personally fucking hate Billie eilish but she’s hot
Error 404 Not found My definition of skinny starts where other people would probably start to say slightly chubby xD Yes they can be cute and have a nice face and all that (personality and all non looks aspects aside), but I'm basically asexual when she's not at least mid bbw range It's always been like that for me
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Mmmmm women
>>46302 Yeesh dawg those girls are a little unwell
>>43055 Dua Lipa been doing something to me this year and I'd boy anne hathaway. Most of the slim girls I like still have a hip to waist ratio that i could only describe as....promising. honarble mention to hilary duff. I wanted to include one black celeb but I couldn't think of one
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>>46541 had to follow up Jessica Biel was hot when I was just a young ass man. eva mendes also just a proper baddie
>>46541 Fully understand all of this
>>45926 Freckles SUCK >>46060 >knows enough about her to hate her 1st mistake. Just appreciate pretty face and nice tits.
>>46544 true man of culture
>>46563 You suck and you sound like a faggot.
>>45907 Quem é essa primeira aí, anão?
>>46907 Diablo
>>45907 I would shoot ropes all over that last girls face so hard she'd act like she just walked in to a spider web.
I think I just had a revelation after slowly falling in love with a petite filipina classmate of mine: I don't just like BBWs; I just don't like girls who are model thin. Also MILFs rock, fat or otherwise.
>>46907 Quem dera eu soubesse, anão, só sei quem é a segunda, mas essa primeira eu achei no 1500, se você perguntar lá é possível que descubra. Eu queria ser irmão, mas não consigo deliverar. >>46921 Your caterpie would use stringshot, based, I would do the same. >>45926 Yeah, these heavy freckles normally needs to meet the woman, some are gross and others looks good, like this one, but about the red hair, every good man needs to agree with it.
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>>47041 Absolutely, I’m fucking feral for older women and I have no idea why
>>47062 >>hyper-cringe lingo "feral" >>refers to girls as women Go away, lesbian zoomer
>>47064 I was being sarcastic plus I’m just a Marisa tomei fan
>>47041 i feel ya bro. I had a similar epihany after thinking it had to be a certain weight. I still like bbw's ssbbw and curvy women, but i also just enjoy a woman with a nice shape who enjoys food. was also triggered by a petite girl. no comment on the older women part tho, if they're older they better have that wagon lol
>>47094 Tots. I saw this amputated but fit woman on a skateboard the other day and just got rock hard. Idk why. Maybe mobility related or ease of use.
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>we need an insufferable wannabe it-girl
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Some more to make the thread better.
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More to make it better.
>>45907 I dated a couple of chubby/fat girls, but one time I dated a bitch built exactly like this. She was horny af and I can assure you, that was the best ass that i have ever feel., till today. She was crazy af, i liked her, sadly she decided to continue with her toxic siftie bf
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>>49075 My condolences, i see why chubby and fat bitches are good and all, but you are right with it, normal weight bitches are really good, just need to have a little meat over the body, be good at the eyes and have a good personality, you will find other like her, assuming you aren't alreafy content with your fat bitches.
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Even though I fap to bbws, they are only a fantasy. They are not worth dating or marrying, only fucking. In real life, normal weight girls will always reign king and are the only ones worth actually have a long term relationship with. Fatties are only good as discrete side pieces at best.
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>>49115 Yes, you are right, my friend, usualy a woman who let's herself degrade to the point of being fat and, with this, affect her body for the rest of her life, isn't a good option to teach your sons in a life of virtue and elevation of the soul. Another point is the chat, all the fat girls I chatted where dumb, who can convive with a dumb woman? It's too much to ask.
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Always loved skinny redheads, They fit the vibe.
>>49115 I simply do not know how to have sex with that.
>>49739 What does that mean
>>49739 You need some upgrades, unlock one ability that depends on the route you take and, when in a checkpoint, spend points in "will to start a health and long family".
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Helps that I love her music too, but damn...
