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Any one know which issue this image comes from? Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 18:41:20 Id:5fc05f No. 48678
This is an Archie comic about the principal looking for a female sumo wrestler and this is how it ends, anyone know which issue this comes from?
Have you tried googling the words on the page? Hint, if you use the “”” symbols you can search on specific phrases.
>>48683 You can’t find it because it doesn’t exist. It’s another one of the Ned Sontag threads promoting comic book art that never existed. It’s a simulacrum, get used to them, they’res only gonna be more of them moving forward.
Doesn't look like one of his pieces, it does look like it was done in the Archie comics style
I tried but haven't found a specific issue, the reason I ask is because some art and information isn't available easily to me. If it was easily available, I wouldn't be asking. Just like in the Sonntag thread, if I knew where to find pieces of his easily, I wouldn't ask. Maybe understand that not everyone knows where to find certain images/information/videos/etc. and that's why people ask in the first place. If the concept that people ask for stuff on this site annoys you, that why are you using this site in the first place?
(56.54 KB 500x427 Cartoon.jpeg)
So I found this image as well, this tells me the image is legit, just need to find series and issue number.
>>48678 Betty And Veronica Digest Magazine Issue 156.
>>50151 Thanks!
>>50151 it was only 1 page nothing good
I saw, darn.
The whole premise of the story was sensationalist headlines. Like there's a vampire cabal in your community, a politician is a wizard who steals souls, or these two people are in a relationship. Just whatever shocks and provokes people can convinces people to buy papers/magazines or nowadays watch a video or read an article or comment on message boards. I just now worry if someone will believe the stuff I put down not understanding they're examples of sensationalism not me telling some truth. The lesson with that story especially now, is don't believe everything you read online. Don't believe that vaccines are full of mercury or that there are lizard people controlling us. Anyway the story was just claiming the principal wants a sumo bride. Again sensationalism.
