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I don’t like to see girls eat Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 00:22:55 Id:159a9d No. 49041
I like fat girls but I find videos where they're eating repulsive. I don’t understand how anyone can get turned on watching a woman eat, especially if she is sloppy about it.
I find eating gross (they’re fat, I know they eat). What I can’t get enough of is watching them shit. Just a bizarre gross spectacle.
>>49046 Why are you watching scat porn if you don't like it? Especially when you have to deliberately go out of your way just to find some. Also sidenote, is the blonde's weight gain the result of a injury? I remember hearing about a news anchor gaining a bunch of weight after breaking her leg or something like that.
>>49050 not sure if you typed wrong or read wrong but he said he likes scat
>>49041 Different strokes for different folks. I just like seeing them enjoy their food and how it will obviously make them fatter. I do not care for it if they eat sloppily as you said though.
It’s annoying to me when they start wiping it everywhere and sauce ends up all over their stomach. Ditto with those dumb baby oil videos. But in terms of just eating a lot and often, it’s cool with me, it’s visual reinforcement of the lifestyle they lead and why they’re fat. The news anchor gal in the OP is one of the most hilariously thirsty threads on Curvage. “Oh man she’s into it! The news director is a feeder himself!” Sometimes reality isn’t that interesting, like injuring yourself + also being a midwesterner.
Used to not really like or understand it as well Things kinda changed now Being with an ssbbw wife certainly helped tho I really love when she can't resist treats and can't put them away or craves candy, chips and stuff like that (she's no gainer and doesn't want to actively gain weight, so it's seriously hot and really cute when she has a desire to just eat it and lacks willpower to put it away once she started) I always buy sth and at the end of the week it's definitely gone ^^ My brain has made a eating or craving = gaining/= hot connection I think So I like it now and I get hard when that happens what I described above irl I don't really need it in vids, but it's not a turn off for sure I still hate that exaggerated, acted/staged messy food running all over me stuff tho That's just too overdosed and kinda stupid But I get why some people like it
