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Topic [Feeding Behaviors] Picture 05/15/2024 (Wed) 14:42:41 Id:277c64 No. 49324
[Read this on sevral sites and agree.] So that the Public can understand our community. It not really a fetish. This is a Biological Instinct, with caring and nurturing aspects. Eating and Storing Nutrients are Core Biological Instincts. There are many animals that display Feeding Behaviors. Humans are Mammals. People and animals that dwell in Chilly environments with frequent wet and blizzard conditions, Have thicker bodies. Mammals: Bears, Sea Lions, Marmots, Hippos, Elephants, porcupine, Seals, Otter, Walrus, Species. Bee, ants, and Termite Queens. [ fed to large size.] Honeypot ant species [ Larders] For women bodies prepare for multiple Pregnancies and years of breast feeding. Their bodies can try to retain adipose tissue for next pregnancy. The Brain uses a constant large amount of Calories, so having these adipose reserves is important. There is also Buoyancy, for long distance swimming. [ Chilly rivers, ponds, lakes.] It can be established that this is Biological Nurturing Instinct. It can be practiced as safe and consensual. List animals with feeding behaviors.
>>49324 "Feedism" — feeders feeding feedees — is a fetish. The enjoyment you get from caring and nurturing for someone is something else.
>>49324 The natural instinct of caring for animals with food can play a role into feedism, but it's mostly a fetish since the feeder is getting turned on by the idea of fattening their partner up and vice versa. Also there is no care into death feedism, since you are basically killing someone for getting too fat and you are turned on by the idea, and once that happens you jump to the next victim.
