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The Mexican Chad The Disciple of Brosnan 06/22/2024 (Sat) 21:36:44 Id:156afd No. 50939
Yo man, Mexican guy with Massive Filipina gf. You there?
>>50939 How do you do? Yeah, we’re still doing the couple thing. Life’s good, my girls fat as ever, she’s come out as poly and that’s been an adjustment. Going back to school to, so that’s nice but more stress. But that’s relationships after the honeymoon phase turns into normal life.
>>50940 How does that work? Aren't you in a closed relationship? I am not judging but I still am confused as to how a monogamous couple would do that?
>>50948 It’s pretty simple. Sometimes the person you’re dating realizes something big about themselves like they’re gay, or trans, or in her case poly. We’re still a couple, we’re just ethically non monogamous. It doesn’t change things too much, maybe I have to open up my mind a little to new experiences but that’s a good thing. Jealous love isn’t love.
>>50952 Respectfully, is she able to pull people though?
>>50954 What do you mean exactly? We’ve had some fun experiences with couples, some solo fun as well. She pulls dudes fine. Women don’t seem as open to hooking up with fat people.
>>50952 That pride month globohomo merchandise is in the trash for a reason. Gays won't stop gaslighting themselves and getting into dumb fights cause the left can't run an organization to save their lives. It's the same reason Trevor Project is dead. Without the smoke and mirrors, it's run by elderly liberals in their enclaves who want to grift
>>50952 I think you're an impersonator.
>>50958 You found the imposter.
>>50958 No. I am the real boyfriend. I have a massive Filipino girlfriend.(no one’s uses feminine nouns in English amigazo).
>>50967 How did you guys meet?
This might be an imposter if he can't tell us how they met.
Cred for the “Disciple of Brosnan” sn though. 100
>>51558 Tots.
(195.13 KB 1170x1113 IMG_0917.jpeg)
>>50940 >>50940 Hey OP, its me!! im the one you are looking the above poster is an imposter!!!
>>51578 Tell us then. How did we meet?
>>51581We met at a Halloween Party when we were in college she was a cat
>>51582 It's him.
How have things REALLY been?
