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Any Czech speakers here? Anonymous 07/20/2024 (Sat) 18:10:54 Id:ca69f9 No. 51917
Don't know who remembers Cecile/Cleopatra/Adrianna from back in the day. I found this clip (https://xhamster.com/videos/swingers-and-a-very-very-fat-and-horny-woman-xhw6fx7) which I hadn't seen before. I'm curious as to what her and the cameraman say 9:20 minutes in. I thought it was amusing that he came so fast after pounding the biggest girl there.
such a great scene. would save my cum for the bbw too
Lol I also just yesterday made a post looking for Czech people
Cecile was super underrated.
>>51917 >https://xhamster.com/videos/swingers-and-a-very-very-fat-and-horny-woman-xhw6fx7 this could be Polish, Bulgarian or Slovakian too
>>51947 Sure. Any idea what they're saying?
>>51947 I can't tell what their saying but it defizdpes not sound like polish to me.
>>51954 *definitely
>>51951 It is likely not Hungarian (which is similar to Finnish), it can be Ukrainian or one of the hundreds Russian dialects (that shall be a collection of different languages, as it is Hindi in India and Mandarin in China). Something sounds familar, but I can not give it word by word back. It is just that I may have heard sentences similar. At least Czech is no real Slavik language (in opposite to Slovakian), but Indo-Germanic actual. Polish may be the only slavik language with Roman letters throughout (but two times as many time forms as in Germanic languages).
>>51988 Look, I'm not trying to mansplain you about your own language, but basic words (numbers, words for relatives, etc.) do look like words that are shared with Slavic languages. These words are normally an evolution of the preexistent language instead of loanwords from other languages. Of course, this doesn't mean that Czech isn't closely related to other Germanic languages due to contact. In fact, as an example, Catalan comes from the vulgar Latin spoken in the South of France/Northeast of Spain, but it has come closer to Spanish due to contact.
>>51996 Well but but Russian shall have been influenced by a lot of languages, which may be included to it (in English too, like German words as kindergarten); one Ukrainian 18 years old girl (looking like 15) said Russian is more similar to German than to Ukrainian for her Basque is not related to any European language, but to Arab (as it could have been come by the maurs)
>>52035 My man, either use Google translate or spend some more time on Duolingo.
>>52050 The first is not always good, but better than is used to be around 2007 or even 2012. I have heard Bubble Fish do it too, where you can even learn a bit of the language. I had once an device where I could tip the words in it, just for translation, but this may be 13 to 15 years ago.
It could be Slovakian, as Slovakia was created by different Slawic stripes, reigned by a fascistic priest, during world war second. But most of them speack Czech as well.
I've just watched a few parts of the video and I'm pretty sure it's my language lol. It's kinda difficult to hear, but the guy that came says something like "Ty ji máš nějakou úzkou ne?" meaning something like "You've got her (pussy) pretty tight, don't you think? / You have a pretty tight pussy, don't you think?" (he doesn't say the word pussy, but implies it) Followed by her saying "want more?" and then "or not?". Then they proceed by exchanging a few words about her tight pussy lol and the other thin girls saying "you know how to make a guy cum girlll". Hope that clears any confusion :D
But that SSBBW looks like Romanian, although they doesn't speak a Slavic language there (just in Moldawia) Though I have watched some videos of her, already maybe more than 5 years ago.
>>52132 Ah I see, it wasn't the cameraman speaking but the guy himself, I was mistaken. Thanks so much dude! It's so much hotter knowing what is being said. That girl also appeared in a Czech tv show if anyone else is curious: https://zeny.iprima.cz/tloustici/morbidne-obezni-kristyna-zabojovala-s-vahou-206-kilo-v-poradu-tloustici-o-zivot
Is there a list of her scenes somewhere? Also why do the Czech seem to be so active in the porn industry?
>>52167 https://xhamster.com/posts/876219 This post and the comments is pretty comprehensive. There was a full version of the one orgy listed in that post online at some point. Don't know if that can still be found.
>>52167 There are a lot Czechian people (some may have orientalic roots), but I suppose in Romania and maybe Bulgaria as well (if these didn't move to central Europe), some are possible gypsies
I meant obese people
I guess the obesity-rate in Czechia is almost 50%, there are a lot of overweight women here...
>>52285 I wrote in another thread about my experience in Brno, every single person inside this random Tesco was obese. CZ is definitely gonna be my next holiday destination if it truly is that good.
>>52082 How about DeepL?
>>52294 Have not tried it yet, but I think an instructor told us during English class about one page, which was maybe something like dictionary.org or similar and possible of Langenscheid online (or something else with "L" in the beginning)
>>52293 Some may have been from Arabian countries or gypsies (maybe Turkish too). It is possible that in Southern Europe are more fat people than in Scandinavia (where the average height is probably higher), although Sweden has also some overweight women. In Spain are many more obese women than men I think, these are BBW to SSBBW, but are rather Mediterianian taint, African or Arabian mainly. Somebody mentioned here Malta; that is since the second world war close connected to Australia.
What are some of the Czechs plans?
Here in Wroclaw are also some female fatties (if not many), espcially at the Zoo and around it They use to have pretty big tummies and wore often either tight clothes of have parts of the belly uncovert
>>53154 But these are in general white (narrowly all), very rare black or Arab BBWs.
>>53284 Přečetl jsem si v místních novinách, že ve městě byla velká žena. Je hledaná kvůli výslechu ohledně legálních i nelegálních aktivit. Muž je prý v kómatu.
