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Feedist Unpopular Opinions Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 02:06:36 Id:a8b48e No. 52065
A little vent thread to express opinions that would get you kicked from feabie, lynched on tumblr, or blocked on twitter. While some people look great at any weight there is definitely a point for most people where being fat doesnt enhance their looks at all. It becomes a corruption fetish past that point. A lot of feedists go too far with themselves.
Male sexuality is sadistic. Check the most popular videos on Pornhub and you'll see a lot of degradation and someone inflicting some kind of discomfort, if not outright pain. Feedism is just an offshoot of that, and in many ways not as cruel. >there is definitely a point for most people where being fat doesnt enhance their looks at all Most people find any amount of fat past 30 bmi or so disgusting so "too much" is always gonna be subjective. That's why FAs who neg on models or influencers for being too fat, or the wrong kind of fat, are ridiculous.
>>52081 Personally I think gaining is a genuinely beautiful thing, but when the body stops changing shape and just becomes… flabbier and bigger it loses its luster. 350 is perfect theres no benefit to ever going higher unless youre a death feedist or have simply gone insane with addiction to food/kink. I actually hate death feedism and think its one of the most cruel fetishes there is. Creeps me out how accepted it is in these spaces. Wanting to fuck a fatty is harmless wanting to literally kill someone is sociopathic
>>52081 > Male sexuality is sadistic. Check the most popular videos on Pornhub and you'll see a lot of degradation and someone inflicting some kind of discomfort Do some research. That porn is more commonly consumed by women than men. Women’s sexuality is intrinsically masochism. Same as breadwinning, women force men to be performatively sadistic then cry victim. Nice try Becky.
Every woman has a "golden weight" range. Some can look good skinny, chubby, or BBW, others look their best BBW to SSBBW, and some are unlucky with their weight distribution and were simply never meant to go past chubby. This is most prevalent in cases where they completely blob out and lose their womanly shape, another tragedy is when too much fat goes to their face and they lose their attractive features for the massive cheeks and gross neck. I'm all for women living out their fantasies of gaining, but more often than not they get too big. all imo: Alissbonython went past her golden weight BUT her belly shape makes it okay Thicccollegegirl is within hers, if her, candii, and reiinapop stayed the same size i wouldn't complain but all three could easily go up to heavy bbw ThickHungryHoney is pushing it a bit but similar to Aliss she's got a great belly and both women happen to be very naturally beautiful, their range is definitely skinny- light bbw Candii is SUPER safe within her range she should be good for at least another 100-150 lbs BC Skylar and Udderly are also within their respective ranges. they'd look good anywhere from chubby-ssbbw DestinyBBW was who got me into all this and i hate to admit it but she simply got too fucking big. Even SHE didn't like it. I'm not totally sure what the specifications are but im pretty sure she hit USSBBW level and NO ONE should ever try that. her golden range ran from bbw-ssbbw TDLR: Gainers reach a point where they gain too much or are unlucky with their gain and imo that's when their face gets too fat or they lose their womanly shape. Research suggests that the pear shape is by far the luckiest shape for a woman to have as she gains, followed by hourglass, and then apple.
> While some people look great at any weight there is definitely a point for most people where being fat doesnt enhance their looks at all. A corollary to this is that weight gain makes a hot woman hotter and doesn't really benefit a less attractive one. It just amplifies what's already there, for better or worse.
>>52123 worlds normiest taste for a bbw enjoyer, how you can like fat women but not fat features is beyond me
>>52127 I guess it's normie taste, but I like pretty much everything else Fat features I like: Bellies Boobs Arms Hips Thighs/Legs Face/neck/chin (chubby) Fat features I'm indifferent to: Hands (Now that I think about it, they're pretty hot, just not what first comes to mind) Fat features that just don't work for me: Face/necks/chins (past chubby; blown-up face, no visible neck/chin) FUPAs (meh) It's not the end of the world if she's chubby above the shoulders, I would honestly hope she is bc a super skinny face would make zero sense. Imo it's just really hot to me if you could never guess a woman is morbidly obese just from looking at her face. In short, I like it when a girl is massive but still has a visible neck. First two: housecow
>>52121 Women who are masochistic are that way often because of upbringing and experiences. Men who are sadistic are that way often because of upbringing and experiences. I believe it's both.
Mochiibabii is a case study for this. her fat distribution is catastrophic.
>>52160 I didn’t want to call her out in my long ass golden weight post but YES VERY MUCH SO 💀
>>52123 Extremely autistic way to say "some women look better at a certain weight" but go off king My take is that nine times out of ten watching a woman eat is fucking boring. You've got to be a good talker or be doing some extremely depraved fat shit (like Juliet Summers eating a tub of butter, PleasantlyPlump eating lard, Layla gorging herself until she literally pukes although I'll be the first to admit I can't really watch that lmao) to hold my attention. Any time it's just the girl sitting silently eating takeout I'm out.
Candii Kayn is overrated
>>52172 Lots of words does not equal extremely autistic Fellas, is it retarded to have fun when talking about fat women
Some of these probably aren't unpopular, but here we go: I don't like: - inflation - fake feedes and fake calories (like 10k weight gain shake etc.), fake weigh ins etc. - vore - farts - overly messy eating - grunting and pig cosplay (on all fours eating cake while not forcing a mess is fine) - deceptive women (obvious roleplay is fine by me) - dumb women like Jae who claim they eat like 1000kcals a day if she's lucky - stuffing videos where a women eats like two slices of cake and claims to be about to pop, like b*tch your not 400+lbs if you eat like this Also this might be highly controversial but I don't think weight gain suits everybody, but probably the only way to find is to gain weight and ruin your body in the process. So I wouldn't judge someone over this. Another thing for me are women who are already fat then gain so much to the point they get health problems and are forced to loose weight. It feels so sad knowing they could have just stayed at their weight but now they are deflated :/
>>52180 Yes! This is my exact list.
>>52163 Dont feel bad its not like her or any of these other models would feel bad saying they think men who gain weight look bad. Lol
>>52173 > Candii Kayn is overrated Same with Jelli Kelli and every other normie hot girl blows up to 235-280 pounds. I got that at home. Most don’t have the hips to pull off getting huge. Girls like this are the gateway drug to ssbbw.
>>52180 I can’t fucking stand messy stuffings.Complete turn off for me, regardless of the model
I would rather watch content from someone who isn’t actively gaining or super massive if they’re one of the few people in the space that can act or create entertaining RP scenarios. I think at the end of the day I’d rather watch someone who can sell me on the fantasy of gaining than an active feedee who makes boring content.
>>52183 Thanks for agreeing with me on my list. Nice to see that someone put their shares my options. >>52198 Yeah, like don't forcefully rub half the cake you were supposed to eat in your mega stuffing video all over your face/body. It looks hideous and make you look like a 5 year old. To be honest I would probably even prefer a public restaurant stuffing with proper table manners over your average fast food stuffing. Sad thing is that I have yet to find a massive "sophisticated" stuffing. Closest thing to me was Boberry's food diary on her birthday where she went to the Londoner and ate 8820kcals over multiple courses. For me just the pictures and the calorie count are enough to get my thoughts going, but it's a real shame she didn't film any of her 10 day gaining challenge... :/ Ps.: if anyone happens to be into numbers or wants to know how the 10 day challenge looked like from a calorie pov, here you go: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10r02b51TyOIpt06_orgRnVNlO10vkQaK/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=103867339362310639482&rtpof=true&sd=true
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all of you are super, super weird. first anon had it right- I can't imagine being into fat people without sexualizing their health issues. it's a constant push and pull for me. I think fat is nature's way of punishing hedonism. it's a physical manifestation of your gluttony, laziness, lack of accomplishment. to have even 100lbs of excess fat on your body means you are generally a lazy, useless person. I know this because I consider myself to be a lazy piece of shit who loves food, but basic restraint and independent living get in the way and make it impossible for me to gain weight. inb4 "anon, plenty of accomplished people are fat!" yeah, but regardless, they cannot control their lust for hedonism and it shows. they have a vice- food, inactivity, whatever it may be- and they cannot hide that. that's why they're fat. but, generally speaking, it's almost impossible for a 400+lb "person" to make a name for themselves and do anything productive... besides commit. Commit to your role as a glutton, provide entertainment and pleasure to the actual contributors of society. BEG to be fed, kept alive and relevant. Beg to be given a purpose and live the life you locked yourself into. Do the only thing your weak flabby body can do at this point- submit and grow. That's my line of thought everytime I masturbate or look at a morbidly obese human. What a lazy fuck. Get me off so I can go back to keeping the world turning, you useless hog. But that's why it's such a push and pull for me- I can't love somebody I don't respect. I can't love a fat, useless, lazy, blob- but there isn't anything else in the world that can trip my trigger quite like that. So, alas, I will never fulfill my sexual fantasies with a woman I love. I could never say that to the hordes of useless blobs and their pathetic ranchers on Feabie, but it's truly how I feel. Do you feel otherwise, my accursed friends?
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>>52208 My line of thought goes more like: “Holy fuck, she looks so big… and soft… and heavy… GREAT SCOTT!! IT’S EVERYWHERE!!! IT’S ALL OVER THE WALLS!!!” Works like a charm Not when I’m just looking though, that’s a whole other thought process
I have an inflation fetish and pretty much ended up with a more general fat fetish because fat girls look blown up. Once they start getting too saggy and shapeless the whole thing stops working for me.
This opinion probably isn't that controversial, but I'll post it anyway. I do enjoy jacking off to pictures and videos of fat women. I wouldn't be here otherwise. But by far the biggest draw of this fetish for me is the actual IRL sex. I find sex with a fat woman immensely satisfying in a way I can scarcely describe. It's just so goddamn nice. So much to grab onto and play with, all the softness, all that weight on top of you... It must just be the way my brain is wired, but I can't imagine a greater pleasure. I think of having sex with a fat woman as like driving a Bentley or sleeping in the "bed that's too soft" from the Goldilocks story. "Luxurious", in other words.
>>52208 I think the idea that feedist has to be about gluttony excess and slothful hedonism is bullshit and at least to me unsexy. I also hate porn but here I am so I will spare you the moralfagging.
>>52250 I think sex with a fat woman is pretty great but theres something more voyeuristic about it for me. IRL I actually think sex is best with someone around 200-260ish. I love seeing and feeling heavier bodies but sex is best in the lower BBW weights to me. Once theyre too fat sex kinda sucks but maybe its cuz my dicks on the average/smaller side
>>52254 Same I just like fat women lol Gainings awesome but it can be done in conjunction with exercise and it doesnt have to be overly hedonistic. Its like bodybuilding to me. I have a corruption kink for sure but it creeps me out so its better to just not act on it.
>>52261 Thank you glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
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>>52254 >I think the idea that feedist has to be about gluttony excess and slothful hedonism is bullshit I'll never understand it, but it is true that many people are just okay with loving fat women "because of the attraction". I mean, of course. I would have never done such extensive soul searching if my dick didn't get hard when I look at fat women. Regardless, when I get to the bottom of *why* I find it attractive, it's always the reasons I previously mentioned. Once I realized that, I could never go back. I understand everyone views it differently and may not take such a sadistic stance on the fetish, but the facts still hold true. Sure, they're attractive, but go ahead. Date a woman who's over 400lbs. Perhaps I'm jaded, because it takes a special kind of fuck-up to have a 60bmi before the age of 20, but both girls I dated were total robots. Braindead gluttons through and through, and it wears on you more-so than ANY typical "annoying GF". They never want to go out, they can't do anything, they obviously don't care about themselves, can't even try to hold conversation, etc etc. As far as a life partner goes, it's absolutely a no-go for me. Even if it was a total fantasy come true, it's life draining even being in the same room as them. Honestly. >>52261 >it can be done in conjunction with exercise and it doesnt have to be overly hedonistic. Its like bodybuilding to me. I respect this take a lot, and it sounds like the answer to my problem. I just don't think I'd get the same thing out of it if health risks weren't involved, plus anyone willing to go over the 300 mark probably has a low self worth IMHO.
>>52266 Damn dude, you really ARE jaded. I've met very well-adjusted women who one way or another ended up super obese.
>>52266 >Date a woman who's over 400lbs. Perhaps I'm jaded, because it takes a special kind of fuck-up to have a 60bmi before the age of 20, but both girls I dated were total robots. Braindead gluttons through and through, and it wears on you more-so than ANY typical "annoying GF" Ok this is fair. Being 400+ pounds at a young age definitely signifies some issues. Its exceptionally rare for someone under 25 to be that big and also be ambitious and mentally healthy
>>52266 >I just don't think I'd get the same thing out of it if health risks weren't involved I mean maybe you wont get as into it but you dont want to be a slave to your dick, do you? What does that say about you, right? You can balance the two. Have some pleasure but you arent missing out on life but not maximizing your dick feelings. Like you said, youre not even happy with these types as people. So you deserve some of the pleasure of companionship, too. Also, if someone is willing to go over 300 for the fetish it doesnt always mean low self worth. Sometimes it just means being horny and having the sense that weight can always be lost. You can always set the boundary that you dont want them over a certain weight. I promise, when you weigh out the value of true companionship, of a partner who stimulates you intellectually, who shows you nice places and has friends and inspires your soul, its worth it that they may "only" be like 260 pounds or something.
>>52274 I think its age that really matters. A 35 year old with a stressful desk job who's 400lbs is different from a 19 year old at the same weight.
Well according to this thread, my unpopular feedist opinion is that fat faces are insanely hot and IMO the best part of SSBBWs. Seeing a woman's neck completely disappear until it's just a fat head resting on a fat chest is insanely hot. Just a display of completely unrestrained gluttony. Plus on the less fetishy side, I find chubby cheeks and soft faces very cute. I wanna grab them.
>>52295 >>52295 There are different types of fat faces though. >Low class When the fat packs around their entire face, including the forehead. Commonly associated with the trailer trash you see on TLC shows. >Middle class When the fat primarily packs around the cheeks and chin/neck. An example of this is Adeline at her peak weight. >Upper class When the face remains disproportionately skinny compared to their body. Boberry is probably the most popular example of this. Keep in mind that upper class fat faces are not necessarily aesthetically better than middle class ones and it mainly comes down to personal preference. I don't know anyone besides blob fetishes who actually like lower class fat faces.
>>52305 I prefer low and mid class faces.
>>52306 I also hate porn but its addictive and I fear I can never escape. I hate the feedism community at least the mainstream. Too much porn brainrot and degeneracy. I hate it but here we are.
I like wholesome or soft feedism
>>52349 I honestly fw video collabs between bbw models where they’re laughing and joking with each other. There’s a worry in the back of my head that they secretly don’t like being fat, so seeing them genuinely happy is always nice
90% of all models don't care about the audio in their videos and it fucking sucks! there's always some kind of fuck-up, everyone records in a room with extreme echo or it's really dull and quiet, both make it really, really awkward to watch. not to mention the amount of "cameramen" who just grunt and breathe into the mic. fucking gross, dude. every fucking model always uses the lowest quality sound effects too. it's such a minor thing but it just pisses me off so much. audio is super important to videos and it's absolutely ridiculous how badly so many people fuck it up.
I don’t find Aliss Bonython attractive. There’s a rash of fairly featureless white chicks with PCOS. It’s not an attractive body type, it doesn’t signal fertility and she looks really meh with no makeup on.
>>52250 Who’s the lady in the pic?
>>52566 lovelyjademay on OF One of my favourites at the moment ngl
