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JP Based Plus Sized "Escort" Service Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 15:41:09 Id:e76754 No. 52226
About a year or so ago I made a discovery on Twitter of these guys just following JP based BBWs out of the blue. They actually followed me back when I followed their locations(which they have more than one of). Seems to be an escort chain that specializes in titfucking and facesitting with plus sized women. I was just curious to see if anyone here knew more or had actually used their services. A lot of the girls seem to be cool with foreigners too(at least based on Google translate, which is all I have to go off of)
Can you post a link???
>>52265 https://bb-w.net/sp/top.php Forgot. Whoops
I'll probably use this at some point within the next month or two tbh. I've been planning on using the service before, but it'll be a first for me to use delivery health and each time I've planned somehow I have been delivered natural bbw experiences just by chance which I'm not complaining about. When I do I'll report back Usually though with delivery health services like this afaik it's illegal to sell sex explicitly but there's a legal loophole that the client and seller "fall in love" during the act so sex is fairly common. エッチ良いですか?or something along those lines is a signal. Idk haven't done it myself yet.
Do health delivery services like this accept female clients? Totally not asking for a friend.
