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I'm going to do something really stupid and get someone else into this fetish Anonymous 08/09/2024 (Fri) 09:08:27 Id:eafa15 No. 52933
Can someone send the hottest weight gain animation to have so I can show it to someone and turn them on to this fetish?
Willy Wonka and the blueberry scene
(65.30 KB 829x1024 1722455469798197.jpg)
>>52964 >mfw watched both the 1971 and 2005 Wonka movies as a kid >Appreciate both berry sizes on their own individual merits >Still retain blueberry fetish, even after developing an interest in fat women
>>52964 That is a literal child.
>>52983 Roald Dahl hated dumbing entertainment down for children. He would be okay with Wonka as a Tory who makes Violet a blueberry to punish the spoiled youth. He wasn't an incel like CS Lewis
>>52990 Kisame here. CS Lewis was a man of god spreading the good book through allegory. JK Tolkien idolized Nordic runes and paganism. GRRM is just a lazy fat guy whose really good at writing descriptions of pub food and it out one true savior.
>>52992 CS Lewis was a loser Anglican who converted cause Tolkien wanted him to be Catholic. It's just that Tolkien wanted to be pure Latin Mass Catholic and not whatever the Tory Culture was.
>>52992 I don't know why people are bringing up Kisame at this juncture. I freely admit that I don't know what's going with the preg community.
>>52996 > I freely admit that I don't know what's going with the preg community. A bunch of middle aged predators jerking off to pregnant teenagers. I'm waiting for the day the FBI raids Preggophilia.
>>52998 They got rid of the autistic who can pump out pics in 3 hours per day so nothing I can do.
>>52998 DeviantArt is already cracking down on all that hyperpreg fan art to make way for AI. Pixiv is doing the same.
>>52933 Maybe try EightXL's donut machine animation if you have to go with a video, really I'd opt for a drawing or something irl instead as there's more peak in those fields
>>52933 That's not how any of this works you braindead fuckwit. They're either into fat chicks or they aren't. Your spank gifs from deviantart aren't gonna change that.
>>52933 https://www.deviantart.com/kim381/art/The-secret-ingredient-1041466448
