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Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 13:14:01 Id:c1741e No. 53986
Ozempic is a hell of a drug
Yes. If we're lucky in 20 years time having a 40 lbs overweight gf might be possible without allegations of abuse. logic goes something like, obesity is undersirable and these drugs are likely much safer than fat-related risks. They're going to get cheaper, there's going to be intense pressure to be normal weight or at least have normal test results -> any remaining actually fat people are going to be treated with suspicion.
>>53988 Part of me thinks (hopes) that there'll be serious long term side effects and it won't be used for weight loss. It seems too good to be true for weight loss and people will cycle having periods of being fat and then not as fat so maybe there's still some hope
>>53986 Not gonna lie, he looks like a cancer patient.
A lot of people get really sick from GLP peptides. My wife ended up in the hospital after a few months, and she gained all the weight back plus some. I think women in particular have a harder time with them because they tend to have more gallbladder problems than men. But for sure if you dont make any serious lifestyle changes that are permenant you will gain it all back.
destroying your internals organs for years for the sake of a social media "gotcha" moment is utterly the most retarded thing I've seen on the internet.
>>53986 Head is literally egg shaped. Newcado looks like a cult leader.
