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Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 02:02:38 Id:bd837e No. 54155
>be me >open /pol/ >see thread with picture of ex https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/481385041
(151.87 KB 840x1024 IMG_7214.jpeg)
Weird thing to take candid picture of if you wanna complain about how fat people are. That chick probably isn't even half the size of the fattest person in the building.
>>54158 Girls wearing pants like that always had the weirdest daddy issues and would let often older men do the worst things to them
>>54163 This is the same as people posting in fat hate groups that just “stumble” upon fetish content
>>54167 Yeah anon is probably just feeling insecure because his dick got hard after seeing a chubby girl
>>54171 I mean, why do people here act like it’s impossible to be attracted to women you despise and find disgusting? Shit play, geriatric fetishes, amputees, midgets, etc are all objectively gross and weird but people still get off to it. Fat people are dead weight on society and evidence of decadent societies. Fat women get a pass because they don’t need to perform physical labor or get drafted into war.
>>54155 >That fat and no ass >Dressed like that in public Anon you dodged a bullet
>>54175 Haha definitely. Main reason I broke things off with her was because of her lack of respect for her father while he provided so much for her. New girl has much better fat distribution.
>>54158 Holy shit she's really something wow
>>54178 Told your ex had daddy issues. What’s it like fucking the town bicycle? Did you at least get her tested before and during the relationship?
