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The Insane Asylum Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 02:42:25 Id:708ede No. 54261
Why does this image board attract so many mentally ill trolls? >Kilotroll >Wafflestomping troll >Animal crushing troll Are there any other's I'm forgetting about? Why are they so dedicated?
It's the internet, people write anonymously, some are here for trolling only.. Does it really surprise you to find a concentrated number of internet idiots in places like this (and probably any other similar board for different preferences)? That's probably why We always had idiots, any town in middle age or whenever had its idiot You always had that one stupid or weird guy in class, no matter when and where you went to school Now they just communicate with the whole world and group ;)
Wafflestomping appears to be a real phenomenon . I think a few people talk about it too often. Scat fetishes are gross.
>>54267 I’ve had at least two significant others struggle to fit on standard us toilets.
I dunno as I think the media could be publishing false data as fact or trying to predict the election before people cast their ballots. I don't know anyone who unironically supports Harris. It's been empty in the streets lately
OP is sus Reminder that 20,000 Philistina kids were killed. Take extra note of even the slightest of vibe killing. I love diversity.
>>54261 >Are there any other's I'm forgetting about? Wildcat/Hubbub/DinkDoink, even though he isn't a troll but merely an aspie who's been shitting up /bbfurries/ since at least 2022.
>>54276 I can see how that preening faggot JD Vance is hurting Trump's chances with that rumor, but hopefully people will vote in the polls. I forgot Ohio was Pennsylvania only gayer.
I’m not a huge fan of the whiney Aussie. Everyone sucks, I’m “traditionally handsome” and masculine but can’t get a date because I’m scared of women and a neurotic pussy.
I dunno, the Ukrainian Army doesn't want unbalanced schizos
Kisame here, now that P Diddy is going to jail, Dems have nobody but themselves to blame. Schizos like me with our shoddy skills are busy
Cause we’re legends.
Playhouse imaginami/Tanner appears to be another schizo autist a la Wildcat, but I haven't seen him do anything egregious yet.
The trolls were the main reason I was so adamantly against the now current norm of lax modding... pretty much every thread nowadays deviates from actually sharing content and instead is filled w/ walls & walls of text (usually the nonsensical ramblings of virgin trolls OR illogical advertising from subscribe-shills).
