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No Nut Forever Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 21:36:35 Id:b9fcd7 No. 56097
So I read through Project 2025. It’s like a zillion pages, so a lot of it I just skimmed through. Some of the stuff in there seems fine, but some of the stuff these guys want us to start doing after Trump is elected is pretty bizarre. Making porn illegal, for example, will be a pretty big change for me. I don’t wank every day, but I enjoy from time to time. But understanding that the government will have the authority to start tracking devices in order to prosecute porn usage it just one of those things that forces a change of habit. Could be healthy though? No-Nut November turns into No-Nut Forever lol
>>56097 You're a fucking moron
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>>56097 t. Sneako experiencing post-nut clarity after gooning to Andrew Tate's dick pics for the 23rd time today
What does that remind me of.. Ah yes, the prohibition Which went pretty well as we all know.. I wonder how much of that vision would actually make it to real life policies if Trump was elected Usually a lot of things planned by think tanks and politicians don't last too long I feel like a prohibition of porn might be one of those things.. And let's be honest Most people have heard of vpns, many things are illegal (that people are more or less addicted to) and no prohibition has ever stopped anything completely In fact I'm sure the majority of people who describe themselves as deep red would be negatively affected as well and only a minority does truly want that to happen, so.. On the other hand quite a number of people probably have no clue what exactly project 2025 contains The way more interesting thing, especially for this scene, is What would happen to models still creating content for international viewers on US soil..? The new drug dealers of 2025? xD
>>56097 Trump IS winning, but it's unknown how much Kamala can swipe his lead after Election Day. >>56099 The David Duke types vote Green. The far right hates Trump cause he's a conman.
>>56100 Trump hates family values conservatives cause they're loyal to the constitution instead of him. He operates over whether it can save money and making him wealthy. I doubt Trump will win. The only clue I have is an increase in early GOP voting, but he still needs in day voting to put him over the top.
>>56098 Look, listen to Kisame, I grew up with dysfunctional people. The religious types don't like the beltway enough to legislate morality and the ones who do aren't moving from Florida or Atlanta or Dallas. The ones who do like the Daily Wire are just prima donnas who want to become an actor or artist, but can't cause it's no subversive. I have better things to do with my life than make more expansion art for a niche crowd.
>>56097 Trump couldn't finish even half of his promises the first time. You're honestly stupid if you think he even has banning porn on his to-do list. The diaper wearing orange didn't even finish the wall he started. Let alone the other unfinished projects that won't get done within a 4 year span. >Project 2025 is an effort by the Heritage Foundation, not Donald Trump That's like saying back in 2008 that a nigga could do whatever he wanted just because Obama got elected.
>>56100 That’s a good point. Once porn was illegal, I figure there would be a sharp decline in modeling. Like, the money just wouldn’t be worth the risk of jail or whatever. Especially as a fat chick. Either way, knowing that the White House wants to track down what I look at probably opens up a level of technology I couldn’t work around. I mean, look at the CCP operation these days. And that’s just China…
>>56113 Trump is winning, I argue the press is losing sanity putting stock in AI and data telling them Harris will win. Data has no needs or wants like humans so it doesn't care if it's wrong.
>>56114 I admit I don't know who will win. I argue the left are performing worst than 2020 which can cripple their strategy. Kamala just doesn't inspire confidence
>>56121 >>Trump is winning >>56122 >>I admit I don't know who will win. The schizco contradicts himself once again.
>>56125 Kamala is just not the revolutionary hero that the left paints her as. Schizos know she's just a simple paper pusher who can't hold a gun. I guess this is a bad thing in the sense that if schizos don't believe the government is out to get them, then things are normal. The internet costs money to operate and people are watching Netflix
>>56125 The only clue to Trump's victory I can provide are the series of strikes occuring during the Biden years. MAGA men are just a convenient distraction from the world's problems
>>56126 >>56127 Sounds like something a Schizo would say. Also learn to reply in one comment instead of making multiple ones, especially when you're replying to the same person ffs.
>>56128 I don't believe in Project 2025 or AI. Us schizos don't care for the blaring neophyte or the billionaire. It's been Lichtman v Silver over whether Trump wins. I, who make 27k in fast food, don't care
>Making porn illegal... government will have the authority to start tracking devices in order to prosecute porn usage Vote Trump for FREEDOM
>>56133 Pornography in America is already released under Comstock which makes production of obscene material and abortion a federal crime. This was done to curtail the obscene Union soldiers. Feminists were okay with Comstock, Prohibition to curtail disorderly conduct
As the resident schizo, I have no idea who is going to win thanks to mail in ballots and I am not waiting two weeks just to watch boomers authentically mumble for Kamala Harris. All I can say is that might be over due to high GOP turnout
>>56133 Not offense, but making porn usage illegal is part of the Republican platform as I read in Project 2025. My first thought was “they’d never be able to do this” and then they laid out exactly how they’d do it. 8/
>>56138 You need to find a law book that goes past the 19th century. Miller v California established that the US is too big and diverse to nail down a single set of standards that could definite "obscenity," the legal term used to define "pornography." The practical application is that states and municipalities can set their own standards, so Salt Lake City has one idea of what's legal and San Francisco another. It's similar to marijuana in that you're still not allowed to import the stuff (because the Feds are in charge of borders), but you can smoke it in more places than not these days. That said, at any time the Feds can reassert their authority over our sexual freedom, banning porn from coast to coast. Not to mention marijuana, or abortion for that matter, so the bottom line is still the same: For a party that talks a lot about FREEDOM, they have a fairly narrow and Evangelical Christian-based definition of it. I'm sure Trump personally doesn't give a fuck how you get off but he's gonna be listening to the same Federalist Society types with whom he packed the judiciary last time around. If he winds up with a Republican Senate and House, led by the paleoconservaive McConnell and religious fundamentalist Johnson respectively, the ideas in Project 2025 are very much gonna be on the table. Keep that in mind when you vote.
>>56154 I grew up in fundamentalist circles and the Billy Grahams have been replaced by Rick Warrens or Joel Olsteen. You're directing your anger at firebrands who haven't been relevant since the 70s. America is more Catholic and Matt Walsh, Bishop Barron are the face of the right. Tucker Carlson is just controlled opposition. I am sure he's going to hell judging by that demon assault, but the old fundamentalist saying goes, Idolators, Whoremongers, Backslidden will be cast into the lake of fire and get death. The wages of sin are death. As for Trump, to err is human
>>56154 >At any time, the feds can assert authority over sexual freedom That’s the part of the GOP platform (especially as articulated in Project 2025) that makes me uneasy. I don’t like the idea that exchange for getting Trump the White House, they get to track people’s porn usage and prosecute accordingly. I can only imagine explaining the details of the indictment to my family 😬
>>56162 Merrick Garland wants to hunt militias for sport. He doesn't care for extramarital affairs. Trump would be hampered by old age, two wars, and trade to deal with commercial art.
I think the left has dementia if they believe I am staying till midnight to watch Harris win. I know pollsters take comfort in data, but data has no human needs.
>>56162 I can verify I see some confederate flags off Hempstead Turnpike, and Trump trucks on Queens Blvd, which MAGA walking their dogs on Hoffman
>>56171 >Algeria People live there?
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Don't worry, I am radical enough to brake out the AK-47, Howitzer, and conical hat to defend my burger fields. Sometimes the river is painted red in the blood of Nazis.
>>56113 >Trump couldn't finish even half of his promises the first time. I think everyone knows that, the fear is what his cronies behind project 2025 is going to try and get him to push., He's easily manipulated by flattery, and thats how they'll spin it. These retards want a theocracy that the right wing controls and they won't stop until they get it. If Trump gets in the way, they'll just have him removed and push couch humper up. I think he's really the one to worry about.
>>56175 Really this is on Harris. If the polls don't match her results, then it's her problem
I have no need to protect my stuff as Kisame17 cause there's no competition. I rather retire
>>56097 >Shit porn >Fugly actresses >Pornhub purge >Xhamster not upgrading at least to HD 720 >Everyone at /bbwdraw/ not bothering to archive and post shit but only to nag about: "me wants to see banagalactic slop NOW" Project 2025 wasn't even conceived and this fetish in general is reaping with some many L's, congrats on making everyone retract and think about their porn addiction.
>>56179 Harris is getting bad Intel about Trump from boomers and neocons. She's under performing in the polls to the point that fixing it to magical 270 in simulations isn't going to help her.
>>56179 Me making big boobed May and hyperpreg Digi tamers doesn't magically mean I am the resistance. Early voting is already at razor thin between right and left. I argue that virtual reality AI has bloated the egos analysts similar to how PowerPoint made people think they were gods.
>>56175 Honestly, I’ve been thinking for a while that Trump’s team basically wants a pseudo-monarchy, where every decision is made by the king’s inner circle, while the king remains the figurehead the public look to. No need to worry about elections, unlimited power with minimal oversight, and provided you can suck up to the king enough (for which Trump is really easily flattered) you’re basically untouchable.
>>56188 I don't know if Trump will win, if he does, it's mostly because newspapermen are using data instead of talking to people. I don't see how the left can appeal to anarchists, corporations, neocons, and celebrities.
>>56193 Kisame, you should really just start making tiktoks. Record every little thought you have about politics, put it out there for the whole world to see.
>>56193 I think it trends deeper than just a simplistic data vs people interpretation. There’s a lot of evidence that when a person holds a viewpoint deeply enough, there is no level of information that runs counter to it that can change them of that viewpoint, and that sometimes contrary information can even strengthen the belief. It takes a degree of personal emotional effort to even begin to change a person’s mind in that state. You’re not wrong though - the media have deeply misunderstood the strength of belief that people have in the concept of Republican Party and / or Trump himself, and have been trying to change people’s minds through the more analytical methodology, such as using data, which has just been bouncing off his supporters. I don’t necessarily think it’s entirely on the media however. Trump’s team have been running with indoctrinating rhetoric for a long time, and while the media should’ve been challenging it from day 1, they were never going to manage that. When I say “indoctrinating rhetoric” by the way, I mean stuff like “If the news isn’t positive to Trump, it’s fake news”, “If a celebrity doesn’t endorse Trump, they’re a nobody”, stuff like that. It’s purely designed to try and limit a person’s informational intake to a few sources, to be broadly non-critical of those sources, and to assume that when they make broad, overgeneralised statements, they’re talking about you specifically. Thing is though, that this rhetoric has been ticking along in the background in a more minor form for years. The Republican Party, in my view, has been effectively eating itself alive since at least 2007 (probably before that point though as well). While the party has been undergoing a very significant political shift, its rhetoric of loyalty to the party’s ideals has created a real disconnect between the concept of the Republican Party, and the reality? It’s sort of like a rotten core at the centre of the party, where the views of those on the periphery (ie actual voters) don’t actually matter at all, instead being able to be placated by very broad and overly general language. “Small town values” = cheer. “Radical liberal policy” = boo. It’s fucking soundbites and buzzwords, and just sound and fury on the campaign trail, so people feel nice and happy ticking the little box next to Trump’s name, cause he’s standing for the same things that I believe in, when no one in that equation really believes in anything at all (Christ knows why I’m actually bothering to write this out… I’m writing this on a fucking BBW porn chatroom which is a 4chan spinoff… caffeine and insomnia is a hell of a combo…)
>>56197 I think boomers need a hobby that doesn't involve Russia hacking into Georgia. Like, I think Raffensperger is delusional to think his pencil pushing skills and hacking skills will go after the GOP. Normies hate Elon Musk
>>56207 I've seen enough, Trump is up in Georgia, he somehow flipped Savannah, I hope I'm wrong, but it's just proof schizos are red
I just have a hard time believing there will be a porn ban from some guy that owes his existence to 4chan.
>>56219 Trump is doing better than 2020
>>56175 Lmao,Trump is almost 80. He's going to spend half the presidency talking shit online and playing golf. And that's not even including him spending the other half fighting his legal battles. All in all, Trump isn't going to get shit done once in office and is only in it to stay out of prison.
>>56221 Trump won Georgia, North Carolina, is up in PA because Harris is a fucking aspie
I never realized how retarded you Americans are. You do realize that porn exists in other parts of the world, right? Just use a VPN and shut the fuck up. If you people put this much effort into a pointless election than you do saving the site, then you would actually be accomplishing something good for once.
>>56223 Trump is winning and taking the election.
>>56223 The Amish are screwing over Harris
>>56224 My dick is leaking, come fix it.
>>56198 Trump won. Don't say I didn't warn people data was bad. Nate Silver is out of a job
OK so Trump won and yes we can use VPNs to get around a possible porn ban BUT what about the content creators? All the sites require them to provide their IDs, socials, addresses etc in order to post content so they can report to the IRS. Will we lose some American content creators?
>ITT: the same losers who would be making fun of QAnon believers, unironically believing in project 2025
>>56231 American leftoids and rightoids are two sides of the same retarded coin.
>>56230 No, Elon Musk wants to get rid of the globohomo, and the Republicans win the Senate. Yes, preg artists will be reported to the IRS
>>56236 STFU Kisame
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>>56237 No, you were warned, you didn't listen. You will be audited by Hulk Hogan and Elon Musk.
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>>56237 You will be a good indentured servant for Massa.
>>56230 >>BUT what about the content creators? All the sites require them to provide their IDs, socials, addresses etc in order to post content so they can report to the IRS. They've already done this if they're selling content. It's a 1099 job. You niggers are fucking stupid.
>>56242 Don't bother with them, I am sure the landlord will kick the artists out for being behind on the 4k rent
>>56242 But if there was a porn ban they wouldn't be allowed to create anymore because they are American. Would porn companies will just have to purge all the American content creators. The creators would have to make content for an overseas company that accepts Americans.
>>56097 they better not its in there but it better be forgotten cause god damn so much shit would go wrong if this actually went through
>>56247 If there hasn't been a ban yet, what makes you think it's going to happen now? Again, you niggers are fucking stupid. But I guess that's the norm here.
You dumb fuck's do realize The Heritage Foundation has been doing these Project things for years now? How many of their suggestions have come true? How many have any of you read them before the 2025 one?
>>56250 > The Heritage Foundation Next you're going to whine Willam F Buckley, Prescott Bush, Robert Reich, worked to back militias, Nazis. Trump won cause normies are tired of lefties. Bend the knee
>>56249 Kisame here, don't bother, Ron Desantis will beat these nerds into submission. Cocaine Mitch isn't going to save them
>>56251 No dumbass. I'm saying this is where it came from and that Project 2025 is a nothing burger and not even remotely related to Trump. This thread is full of retarded chicken littles crying that the sky is falling.
>>56253 The left already made their movie about Trump. They even paid extra to have the Winter Soldier bang some Bulgarian chick.
>>56253 Arab, Blacks, and Latinos supported Trump giving him the advantage over Harris.
>>56251 > Prescott Bush, Robert Reich, worked to back militias That did happen: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot >>56255 > Arab, Blacks, and Latinos supported Trump giving him the advantage over Harris. It’s less that happened than minority men got tired of the demmies lobbying for college degree and boardroom positions for women, white faggots, white transvestites… Meanwhile college educated Latino and black women are massive gold diggers who benefited from feminism then turned around and left their men behind. All the left offered men of color was nagging and bullying. At least Trump wants to run up the price of crypto and help these men afford to buy a Ukrainian war widow.
>>56256 Don't care
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>>56256 Trump plans on ignoring the Heritage Foundation. At best he'll govern like the Gottis or Gambino's, at worst he'll behave like the Hells Angel's
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Ok so I feel like this was one (among many) fuck ups by the Democrat party. They pissed off the Amish. If you know the Amish they don’t do Jack shit when it comes to ‘English’ things, get kicked around and take it.
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>he actually thinks they will ban pornography jesus christ you are retarded
Will obesity increase under a trump admin? Will america become fatter, and less people take ozempic? Any correlation or am I pure tardmode cope
>>56282 Like I said, Trump is going to make America a mob state and not the upper crust country clubs that conservatives frequent. He's not going to ban pornography. The feds can't even dismantle Jackson Heights. Already the left is going peak boomer blame socialists, forgetting that Hemingway and Steinbeck were men
>>56283 Obesity will definitely increase. Ozempic is a high-demand treatment, and healthcare will only become more privatized now, meaning the companies will have more freedom to raise prices to make more profit; so they will definitely price hike Ozempic until it's literally impossible for the average person to afford. It will be a rich only drug. With that said, food regulation in the US will also decrease, meaning more people are likely to get sick from all sources of food (fast food, groceries, home grown etc), and this might actually inhibit weight gain overall, but that seems like a stretch. People will probably just get sick more often, while also staying fat and getting fatter. When the mob runs a country, it's basically a free for all. Porn will still be readily accessible, it'll just take a few extra steps to watch it, and the models will have a few less layers of safety.
>>56291 Kisame here, I work in fast food, chains are already going bankrupt because Americans don't have time to eat McDonald's, TGIF Fridays, Starbucks, while getting groceries in a Ford Fuck Truck
>>56282 Disney and Nintendo already has an army of lawyers at their disposal shutting down pornography online cause it damages the brand. WB, Toei doesn't care cause Dragonball and Naruto, and Gundam generate billions of yen that they can afford a loss.
>>56198 Bit late to the conversation, but you absolutely hit the nail on the head. Loyalty is everything, and Trump has taken that to a new level. As others have said, I am not terribly worried about Trump, as he’s easily distracted. It’s his enablers who worry me, the people who whisper flattery in his ear like that advisor to the king of Gondor Lord of the Rings. (Don’t ask me his name, I haven’t read the books in forever) That’s how Vance got the VP slot, that’s how some Fox News host is being tapped as SecDef, that’s how a sexual predator is being tapped as Attorney General, that’s how a vaccine denier is being tapped to be health secretary. And it casts a massive cloud over every damn decision that he makes. Most of all, I am concerned about the long-term damage to our society that this is causing. Policies can be reversed easily enough, but the undermining of public trust in electoral security, the entrenchment of the idea that these people and their agenda is acceptable… that’s going to be disastrous in the long run.
>>56608 Trump is a businessmen from Queens. They're easily distracted by turbo titted teens and other frivolous hobbies. South Queens and Long Island is full of men like him. It's only a problem because culture shifted away from the east coast to the west coast with it's posturing of cops, cowboys, and conservatives. As for Gaetz, he's from Florida. People go to Florida to have fun from North Carolina, South Carolina and neighboring Georgia. I am not sure what DC wants from the Donald. It's still a commuter state for people from Baltimore, Arlington, and Fairfax. David Icke, Pat Robertson, Kevin Hamm aren't coming back to form young earth creationism. All the other qualified conservatives like Nikki Haley, Ron Desantis are just not people person. They're squares. RFK Jr is just Bloomberg-Jim Carrey lite. He just parrots celebrity conspiracy theories like Kabbalah mysticism, chemistry is bad, and obesity is bad. Conservatives hate him cause he's going to make the South into supermen. I am sorry but the left had t
>>56614 I am distracted too, I don't see that as a defect.
>>56608 Yep. I'm with you. Not super worried about Trump, I also feel pretty confident that there will be a transition of power in 4 years (not the end of democracy as we know it, as some more panicky liberals are claiming). I'm more concerned about the normalization of bullying, the cheapening of the public office, and the fact that millions of voters are not just tolerating this but are feverishly happy about the direction things are going. It makes me pretty concerned about the future, regardless of who is in charge. Rome fell too, but it didn't have nukes.
>>56097 >Could be healthy though? No-Nut November turns into No-Nut Forever lol the reality of this happening is basically nonexistent
>>56097 How do people like you even exist? That shit is so extreme and niched wouldnt even pass an all republican legislator and would get vetoed by Trump. It literally is just propaganda to get whores and gooners to vote last minute for Kamala. Trump has married pornstars and had affairs with them. Its one of the last things he would do. A very small number of vocal pundits generally agree with project 2025. But outside of the dailywire hardly anyone seems to really care about it.
>>57874 I dunno. I shut off my schizo Kisame powers and went to treatment
>>57865 Conservatives were complaining about sexy Taylor Sheridan or how Yellowstone women like Beth and Sarah were ultrawhores There's a perception that men are using conservativism to indulge their fantasies. It's not like Fairy Tail where Lucy is the ultrawhore that she makes other characters lesbian.
>>57865 There was a serial killer in NY who targeted United Health CEO and his motive appeared to be mission based. Like most cult leaders, he complained that technology and video games were ruining people's lives and health care didn't make him superior future! Man I am glad the Donald is president to bully nerds into submission. Really, the left has become unhinged with Bernie and Warren agreeing with the shooter, RFK Jr and it's becoming clearer the left will say or do anything to harness anger at the system. Don't bother with them. Take it from Kisame, they wanted the right to be uptight money managers and the right are managing health care.
>>57874 I love how you think Trump applies the same rules to himself as he would to people like us. The Right has allowed him to say, do, and be whatever he wants as long as he delivers for them. All his life he's proven he'll do whatever is expedient to gain and retain power and money — he was a pro-choice Democrat til 15 years ago ffs. Republican legislators have shown little will to stand up to him, with very rare exceptions. Can you think of any current GOP Senators like John McCain? They've all retired or been voted out. Trump and the mainstream party leaders only disavowed P2025 because they thought it would scare away moderates. Now the election is over and they're running all three branches. Plenty of its ideas echo the Republican party platform, and the rhetoric of many if not most of its members. The think tank that sponsored it wrote up the list of Trump's federal court picks, and several of his advisors in the last administration are former members.
>>57902 I only know Trump as the real estate mogul guy from Queens. I am incapable of imagining him as a dictator that the left so desperately wants the Donald to be. It's obvious that counterculture cannot adapt to modern times and are just saying anything for clicks. How else are they going to explain the guy who sells pre-owned houses is going to be a dictator? Queens and Nassau are the most conservative parts of NY with people proudly wearing their traditions on their sleeves while fusing it with the Mets, Jets, Yankees, or Islanders. Compare that to the South which defaults to cowboys, standard oil, and pick-ups as represented by Taylor Sheridan's Yellowstone. I don't think there will be a porn ban because Gen Z doesn't even know who Mai Shiranui, Chun LI, Kasumi, or Ayame are. Lord of the Rings isn't even filling up seats and it's selling point is making a redhead with G Cups the main character as a selling point. Meanwhile Barbie and Wicked are making a billion in profits among the liberal audiences they crave.
