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How to overcome fetish porn addiction? Unhappyfapper 12/06/2024 (Fri) 07:10:42 Id:410e41 No. 57345
I know this probably isn't the place to ask. I have no moral qualms against porn so long as it isn't straight up exploitative, but I have come to the conclusion that fetish porn is ruining my life. I'm into stuffing / gaining / women with bellies ... I have been all of my life so it's not just a side kink it's the core of my sexuality. For many reasons which I'm sure I don't need to delve into I have found it next to impossible to indulge in this stuff offline, even just meeting women with a belly (who aren't extremely insceure) has proven impossible so porn has been my only outlet. The closest thing has been a few sexting / LDRs with feedees overseas who I met on feabie, but those always fall apart eventually. It pains me to say it but I actually find kink porn sexier than real life sexual experiences without any kink invovled... plus there's no risk of STD, pregnancy, drama etc. To be honest I'm not even really into women who don't at least have a belly - I've tried having sex with regular thin women and I couldn't even perform. So for a while I stopped even trying to kindle real life romantic/sexual relationships. But I've realized that htis approach is only going to lead to misery and loneliness long term. I've accepted that I'll never get rid of my kinks. I've tried many times and failed. But I think I at least need to give up porn or cut back on it. But I genuinely don't know how. I have tried strategies like every time I feel an urge to crank the hog I do pushups instead or pick up the guitar or something but that only gets you so far. The pleasure / rush I get from any sort of kink stuff or seeing chubby women offline is so much more intense than anything else in my life as pathetic as that sounds which makes it tougher to give up than most people with regular porn use. Should I just accept the way I am and keep trying to meet a woman who ticks these boxes? I know belly fat isn't healthy and I wouldn't want to encourage my partner to be unhealthy so that would leave me feeling guilty. And what if she decides to lose all the weight? Should I stop trying and just indulge in porn? Should I see a sex therapist? I doubt they could give me much insight that I haven't already thought of. I honestly don't know what to do about it? Anyone got any advice?
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>>57345 Tatakae.
Theres no such thing as porn addiction. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/women-who-stray/201808/science-stopped-believing-in-porn-addiction-you-should-too Did you grow up in a religious environment with sex/porn being seen as sinful? Or something similar. Could talk to a therapist about you feeling shame about sexual desire/interest. Or is it just porn of fat women/feedism specifically? Is it because society stigmatizes fatness, or unfairly derides fat as disgusting? There's nothing wrong with having kinks/fetishes. Just make sure you treat your partner like a real person. Outside of the porn industry in general being exploitative, the women making fat/feedee porn are fully consenting to it and making money off of it. No more exploitative than how we all have to work to survive. A lot of the reasons fat people have health issues is because of a good chunk of fatphobic doctors refusing to treat fat patients. Also sedentaryness (there's plenty of ways for fat people to exercise and stay healthy, sumo wrestlers generally only have problems when they stop working out). And there's plenty of sexual and non-sexual activities that involve health risks that people find acceptable. Skiing, football, MMA. Why are we as society suddenly concerned and think it's exploitive to enjoy when it comes to be overweight? Can't possibly be because people don't like it like they do anorexic bodies. It's just like BDSM. If all adults are consenting, it's perfectly fine.
What sort of cuck shit it this above me, Off course porn addiction exists. Everybody in this site is a testament to this. Of course this interacts with your everyday life. You publicly kiss the hot girl that everyone loves. Meanwhile you can't get hard for her so you come online and jerk off to women that everyone in your friend group would be disgusted by! I love fat women and being turned on by them, but I don't need this cucked bullshot about how healthy and normal this is. It's clearly not
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>>57351 Tatakae.
>>57352 Porn addiction is the symptom. There’s a bigger mental health issue you’re clearly neglecting. Is your mom a cunt? Were your siblings abusive? Do you hate your life and yourself?
>>57351 DeviantArt and Bluesky wants nothing to do with NSFW. This is just modern academia trying to be hip and using faculty language. It ignores that soft sciences like Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins are frowned upon by Neil Degrasse Tyson, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates for not having discipline. It's the same reason the radical left can't build a party. Hippies want to stay in Vermont
>>57354 I don't know anon, the internet is regulated nowadays. Credit Card companies want nothing to do with consumerism. Even Patreon is getting rid of artists
They don't want your boring white guy talk
>>57351 I argue that artists are not grounded in reality and chasing a fad instead of being original. Retro gaming isn't coming back cause it doesn't make companies money. It's why Hasbro is quietly getting rid of DnD fans or World of Warcraft is distancing itself from the orgies at the Hyatt, or Anime Matsuri and all the anime conventions are getting rid of the weebs.
Just read this again and again until the information clicks. I'm 35 days clean and it's been hella easy. https://read.easypeasymethod.org/
>>57374 read, read, read again also drop the guilt, we live in a toxic world and everything makes you sick. if she doesn't have a fat gut she'd have something else making her unhealthy. you like what you like, psyopping yourself into feeling guilty is going to, funnily enough, make YOU unhealthy. enjoy life, enjoy fat! ditch the porn and date the fattest girl you can find, then make her even fatter. women are generally pretty receptive to feedism, you may be surprised. meet a girl irl, talk to her, and ditch the parasocial crap on feabie. you will thrive king!
Date BBWs who are happy being fat and are addicted to food
>>57407 This
>>57415 OPPs one of my favorite influencers how the hell did I forget! Sorry!
>>57345 2 things 1) work on your mental health. you'd be surprised how much the two correlate 2) find something else to replace the habit with
