/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(394.15 KB 2083x2500 tifa_exp_by_tail_blazer_d98l5i1.png)
Enjoying Inflation Anonymous 02/16/2020 (Sun) 06:19:56 Id:f2514f No. 1468
People enjoying their inflation, smiling, grinning, 'gasming, everything! No bad fee-fee's allowed.
>>121118 Artist?
>>119911 >edging closer and closer to orgasm and yet never achieving it I like to imagine that when a person keeps edging, their sex fluids just keep getting pumped back into their body, making them inflate.
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>>127760 Name of artist in the first two pictures? I can't read the signature...
>>128359 That’s AllAnchorsAweigh, @JustSomeAnchor on Twitter.
(2.13 MB 400x224 cat-come-here.gif)
>>128360 Pov I'm either gonna give you the blowjob of a lifetime or give him a big wet boy kiss. Goddamn whoever inspired this idea please I beg of you commission the artist some more wild ideas like this as it's the sexiest thing I've seen all month and I might just collapse from dehydration from bursting to it! I will not be participating in no nut November this year as this has fueled me past the point of edging. I'll instantly loose at the thought! >Bless you anon I wish whoever commissioned this and the artist who gave us this god tier sequel two years good luck, a good life, and you win the lottery or at least a plushie or ps5 or something ABSOLUTELY DESRVETED! GOD I WANT HIS BLIMPED COCK IN MY MOUTH SO FUCKING BAD! HES SO GODDAMN VIOLENTLY CUTE!
>>129116 Sorce
(195.70 KB 2048x1360 growingdevotion.jpg)
>>119582 does anyone have a source for this
>>131400 Artist is Fusenchan on Twitter I can't find the post but you can probably just search 'bunny' might be from this early year
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(8.19 MB 3500x4500 futaba__by_shab_eru_dfgjb3n.png)
>>133180 And this thread is older with more posts your point? But good mention when this inevitably locks we can go to >>96823
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>>134970 Artist on the first one?
