/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflation Games Anonymous 07/16/2023 (Sun) 23:56:20 Id:fdd223 No. 91014
Yknow what it is. Small demos, simulators, whatever. Starting this thread with a Japanese RPGmaker game (link to game in desc of video) https://youtu.be/04b1ZfFFe5U
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It’s super awesome that bakery blowout is finally getting some love. As for the photos attached to this post, The three sprite sheets that I attached is two base updated variants and the base older more mature sprites. (I assume that for older and newest full sprite sheets were never released publicly). I did read an earlier post that others want a more mature look and I personally really like the new redesigns. I have never done pixel art before but it would be really awesome if someone was to make full sprite sheets out of both Old mature look and new updated look. The other two photos are of the coding of both dev 1.3 and the final release of 1.6 specifically on inflate player. In dev 1.3 I happened to find a bug that might be interesting. With specific circumstances of no Invincibility (The bug is easily seen when doing free play mode with perma-inflated enemy and 13 hyper EX and 2 “walls”) it allowes the ability to have the player inflated by 2 or more enemys at once. When this bug occurs the extra enemys all inflate at the same time so if two attached it would cut the time in half of how long you have to break free or seen as poping way fast. I brought this bug up to squishy softy at that time and she deemed it as balance breaking so she changed the code to how it works. Now in 1.6 no matter how many enemys attach at one time it will only allow 1 to influence the inflation speed but the animation still fluctuates like all are working together. I have had 4 enemy’s attach all at one using this method. Ultimately speaking as the games coding works there is a great many possibilities that are waiting to be found. I have seen some old posts of enemys inflating each other so that can be found or coded as an option at some point.
>>123278 Anyone at least have the sfx?
>>123180 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bczdRi7UGk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5mW6nu0Jrw Here you go, anon. >>123648 I can only hope you'll do the humanized ponies. See videos above. Millions of views.
>>123648 i cant seem to get this "getting more then 1 enemy to inflate me" bug and i cant seem to find that line of code in the 1.3 like it only goes down to 1006 or something like that because i was thinking on what would happen if i just replaced the one in 1.6 with the 1.3 (most likely will just break the game) but ya i would love to see a enemy that just goes around inflating other enemys (including the player), as for the more detailed version of the sprites i would love to see them in game ether as mini bosses or as its own separate version of the game (remastered edition? :o ) that uses those sprites sicne i feel like it would look even better and would probably make it alot easier to make new sprites for the enemys for those who arent as good at making pixel art look good
>>123648 Holy Shit, i thought those redesigns were lost to time. I do remember those, those were from a time she was on the fence about adding new enemies and redesigning the old ones, if memory serves me right, there were sprites of Inflatee with that redesign in all the inflation stages, and even one of her popping. I would love to have those on game, but i'm sadly not that great at spritework. I could try something, but it's gonna take forever and the result will probably be subpar. >>123657 Adding code to one enemy to inflate other enemies shoul be easy, but from a gameplay perspective, i belive she should only inflate enemies that are blocking her path, like inflatee-ex does. Also i finished viola and touched up all enemies to have navels as this anon >>123440 touched them, pretty great work. https://www.mediafire.com/file/b9e44iosgxtw8ko/BBO_modded_player%252Ballenemies.rar/file There are some wonky sprites for Viola, because my personal limitations but, here it is! Do you guys think that adding new sprites to represent how horny is viola due the penalty is a good idea? if so, how many states? I was thinking on 1 to 4 normal, 5 to 9 stage 1 of hornyness (face a little bit red) , 10 to 14 stage 2(red face and lewder expressions) and 15 desesperately horny. How would you guys like it to be represented? Also, voice clips? there are free to use voiceclips to use floating around the net, we could put them to use.
>>123671 Nice work, looking forward to see whats in. As for expressions, you have it right in my opinion. Keep it to the four. As for voice clips? I'm kinda on the fence about that but I wouldn't say no. Getting an "only inflate enemies blocking her path" would be fine.
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>>123671 The horny increase over stages would be fantastic. I have photo of the bug being exploited that I took today. I did modify the arcade auto spawn numbers to 150 to explain why so many enemies are on screen. I also made the game run at 160fps and 160tick rate which greatly speeds up timed actions. I also wanted to include some other pics. hyper without a hat for the current version sprite which can be implemented to the main sprite if so desired. Another pic is the proof of enemy interaction like I mentioned in my last post. Also I wanted to include the only booba version of the main character portrait. Could be useful perhaps. For the last two the viola one is so if someone was to pick up the sprite on the newer looks that a more simplistic version does exist. Finally the OC work in the new style is absolutely beautiful and is an example of how wonderful the game could look with the updated sprite style. In terms of the updated sprite style plus the older mature looking sprites, I think that for the ease of use and accessibility to others would be to make templates for the styles so when the styles are ultimately released it can speed up both first time sprite editors and those constantly improving the games design. No rush. In terms of the enemys being able to inflate each other I personally think it makes sense to have enemys inflate when ko state and picking up where an npc was left partially inflated. This would probably have to be a setting so it be turned off and on for the purpose of balancing but for a fun “ravenous” crowd willing to inflate anything in there way would be awesome to have. In terms of finding, making, and executing this plan I think a Free For All mode would be a wonderful addition as well and would be Able to utilize the code for this to make a player “2” npc helper
>>123681 Yeah, using templates would be ideal. Its gonna be a pretty hard task, but i can try to make something after i finish the "Penalty to horny" system. The coding part is finished, but it has some bugs in freeplay. The game recalculates what sprites to use only after a grab, so if you manually increase your penalty, it wont show until you either change size or escape from a grab. I'll upload some posible faces for the higher horny states when i get to them, so you people can choose which one you like better. Also wet panties or something for the last two stages or something. In the last uploaded version, i've exctracted the sprites on a folder, if someone can try to make a better sprite for the later inflated stages, i would really apreciate it, since mine are pretty lackluster. >>123675 I said that about voice clips because it is possible to add different voices for the characters, and play different sound clips depending on Viola's penalty so it could make for a pretty spicy addition, but first things first, i'm going to start doing her horny sprites now.
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>>123683 >>123681 >>123675 So what do you think about this for horny 1 and 2? Also i was thinking about giving viola inflatee's eye color for horny 3 (15 penalty) since the thing with curse from the lore of the game, what do you think about that?
>>123700 Looks good to me. Nice work Anon
Honestly, great stuff. You're already doing god's work with the sprite edits and modding the game, only thing I would suggest if it's in your artistic bounds is making her nips more apparent each horny stage but these sprites are plenty good as is. Also, how feasible is it to add said horny system to the enemies as well as Viola? I know the enemies overall are more simplified, having less sprites and the base game mechanics are all about getting rid of them some way, but perhaps it's something that could come into play with multiple waves of the same enemy, etc etc. One last thing, and more of a question than a ask: Any plans to touch up the EX enemies? It always bothered me that the enemies look the exact same in their extreme versions, made getting to the point where they spawned kind of pointless besides the challenge. Only thing I'll suggest at that point is alternate spicier costumes for the EX variants if you have time/patience for after you're done experimenting with the other systems.
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New FREE Demo-Version is available: https://www.deviantart.com/skie-maree/art/1091899249 Please give feedback and I hope you will enjoy it.
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>>123718 >only thing I would suggest if it's in your artistic bounds is making her nips more apparent each horny stage but these sprites are plenty good as is Sure, will try later. >Also, how feasible is it to add said horny system to the enemies as well as Viola? I know the enemies overall are more simplified, having less sprites and the base game mechanics are all about getting rid of them some way, but perhaps it's something that could come into play with multiple waves of the same enemy, etc etc. It is really complicated since the enemies have no penalty system implemented, i would have to add a way to handle how many times they have been grabbed. It is something that i'm not actually thinking on doing, but can give it a go after i finish doing other stuff. >One last thing, and more of a question than a ask: Any plans to touch up the EX enemies? It always bothered me that the enemies look the exact same in their extreme versions, made getting to the point where they spawned kind of pointless besides the challenge. Only thing I'll suggest at that point is alternate spicier costumes for the EX variants if you have time/patience for after you're done experimenting with the other systems. Sure, that should be pretty easy to do. Maybe i could try to adapt the newest designs for the ex enemies into the old artstyle using the old ones as a template. Also, preview of viola's face for horny3 with purplish-pink eyes. Found another possible bug on the penalty to horny system, will try to fix it once i'm finished with the sprites.
>>123723 All good, was curious- Those eyes are looking good, good luck with the horny system bugtesting.
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>>123727 >>123723 >>123700 Some small updates, finished horny3 for size1. I was messing around with two things, first one, nips on horny3 Second one, inflatee-like makeup for horny3 Keep in mind that in horny3 (penalty 15) if they grab you, you cannot escape, so i was going for a "Inflatee transformation due to curse-thing" but i'm open to suggestions as always.
>>123735 Looking amazing already, makeup change makes sense considering the effect of the curse. Nips on the horny also look great, don't know if on the larger sizes you want them to poke through the clothing slightly or slip through the bottom but I'll leave that up to you/ general consensus.
>>123720 i tried copy pasted my saves over but the hud is just gone like everything around the 4 bars are gone and i cant seem to enter the cloths building (forgot her name) ether without getting a "failed to load" error. is there a way to transfur saves or does 11b not work with 12b? oh and btw yes i have debug mode on
>>123749 The new version does not repair a savegame. There also might be problems using older saves. The only thing that could possible help is if you talk to one of the marchant. Depending on the version you old save is from it might fix it.
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>>123735 >>123723 I saw You were planning to do a original redesign for Ex forms so I do have some re-designs that are in the older style if you would like to use them instead to be an immediate option. Also, absolutely wonderful work with the horny sprites. In terms of start penalty I will acknowledge that even with setting start penalty 15 in the code (both in PlayerAS.gd and PlayerV2.gd) it will always revert to 0 after respawn.
>>123735 I took a minute to check the coding on start difficulty and found that in the [_game_over] category it always resets everything to 0. Perhaps some coding could be added to make it check on starting penalty setting for the number desired after respawn.
>>123735 personally I'm not a fan of the makeup (not really into tf myself) but I love the nipples. I like the idea of the sensation being all in her mind rather than it being an external curse.
>>123743 Not the guy making it but I'm totally for the idea of them slipping out the bottom. I think it'd make sense to have more clothing damage depending on the size. Not sure how feasible that is considering the sprite work required.
>>123762 >>123764 >>123772 >>123770 I can make her nip to poke in size 1, and make them gradually slip from size 2 and upwards on horny3 if you guys like that approach. >>123762 I'll try to make something similar to those one for the Ex forms, but that is going to take a while >>123770 >>123743 Can make both versions, it's practically no effort
>>123778 >I can make her nip to poke in size 1, and make them gradually slip from size 2 and upwards on horny3 if you guys like that approach. I like this idea a lot I wonder if it would be possible to incorporate nudity? IDK how it would be implemented but it's just an idea I feel like I'd throw out there.
>>123790 In what way? having an alternate mode with nudity? That's fairly easy. Having a dynamic system for nudity? sounds like a nightmare to code. Also i was thinking, it is a better idea to add the nipples starting in horny2, since in horny3 you cannot escape enemies anymore. That way you can actually play as nipple-slip viola.
>>123796 I figured a dynamic system would be too complex, but maybe an alt version where she looses her panties starting with horny 2?
>>123800 or just loses all her clothes at that point
>>123796 >since in horny3 you cannot escape Didn't consider that. I would go with nipples for horny2 then. The shit you're doing is lowkey fucking awesome btw
Also pls, if anyone's modding the game to do more than just swapping out the art, pls unlock all the win-locked content. Trying to beat the game with all the settings needed to unlock everything is just too much effort for me to care enough to gamble on if I think I'll like the rewards or not.
anyone tried the tree EATER game by Daniel Arturelli?? dunno if its worth getting or if anyone has it?
>>123760 the savegame was from 11b but i already finished the prolog on a new save so its fine but i have found another bug and i have no clue what to do next in the game, so the bug i found is that once you full max out all your skills and inflate yourself in the garden to do the becoming a massive water balloon event, after you wake up from poping and go back to the garden the hose is stuck endlessly pumping and you cant interact with you what so ever so its just stuck like that, luckly i saved before doing it so i can just go back to that one but i also noticed that i cant seem to get skie to trip if you fully inflate a part of you because i remember seeing a image of it. so far i talked to the 2 guys that are fixing the city door and i havent done the old lady's quest nor have i done going into the basement (cant seem to set the game to night time with the debug mode) and i havent been able to enter the deep forest (idk if its behind that weird rock blocking the path next to the city or down from the city door) so is there anything else to do in the game right now after all that or no? and yes i know lym is back to eating my frames but i feel like that is already a very known bug that im sure will get fixed at some point.
>>123843 i got back in the game to explore a bit more and just found out that both the air inflation in lym and the water inflation in the ghost mansion are also broken after doing that massive waterballoon event in the garden
>>123845 ok last one for now but i went through the game files and didnt see anything related to the whole you can pick rather or not to make skie a slut or to give her a BF so im guessing its not in the game yet and i was also wondering is there a way to take both paths or see the interactions from ether side in the book where everything but the chats and minigames are automated?
>>123651 Try to use rpgmaker decrypting program to extract from the gamefiles. I use it often to get images and sprites ,so it should be useful.
>>123843 I will look at the garden hose after this Fullbody, Waterballoon-Event. Thank you for letting me know. >>123845 Most of your problems sounding like because of issues caused by using the Debug-Mode. Please keep in miind that it can also "Destroy" things. When I have followed your explination correctly you got the Skills to trigger the Garden-Sequence way to early. You have to talk to the "Old Lady", do the Ghost mansion and than you are able to learn the skills officialy and most of your problems should be fixed. The Deeo-Forest-Area is not available in the Demo. >>123847 Yes there isn't anything about that in the game right now. I will check how the whole progress is going because first I wanted to made it more dynamic depending on multiple decisions. But doing complex multiplepath storylines is not on my roadlist in the moment. I am currently focusing on core gameplay features. I am currently working on"Farming" to provide an alternative to the "Deliveries".
>>124184 I presume the rate at which you gain XP and money goes up over the course of the game? Because maxing out the skill tree in the current version takes incredibly long.
>>124187 Yes, but slowly in the moment. I will trim that when I think you need all skills to continue the game. :)
any update on the modded bakery blowout?
>>124279 Not much, still working on the sprites, but slowly since i got sick. It's a lot of work since i have to do 3 sets of faces (at least) for every stage of inflation. I'm actually working on size2. But yeah, i had to slow down a lot due to me getting sick.
>>124283 ah ok just wondering but that sucks that your sick but good thing your taking it easy to recovery just dont push yourself c:
Well, technically, I almost finished the recent demo of Skie Inflatable Adventure, but I couldn't find the stone. Does anyone know what I'm missing?
>>124283 You’re the best thing to happen to this damn thread in ages. Keep up the good work.
>>91024 Dude this fucking game, I went for a wank and read a love story instead. The Alice story fucks with me bad because of the parallels with my highschool gf sans the impossible size parts but my real life story ended in the third act conflict. If that betterwithsalt artist did all of Alice's sprites I'd pay money for it. I want to see the good end. I feel kindof sad now.
>>123382 Is it only good if its modded to shit or is it still worthit on default
new astro bot game has some inflation stuff in it
>>124928 >add pic to post >post won't upload >not sure why, image isn't too big or anything >remove pic >post instantly goes through
>>124917 its worth it on default, the only reason people are modding it is because the chibi art style of the game makes the characters look to much like kids according to people here and because some of us wants to give them a less chibi style look and hopfully add more to the game
Ya boy Jad is back with a small update to the archive. Nothing too much has changed but scrounging through my old files I found BBO's versions 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 so I went ahead and added them just to keep em backed up. I also added the original rar for "The Storage Accident" since it came up not too long ago that Kraban is remaking it, and I thought some people would like to try it instead of hunting it down. If anybody has anything they want me to track down and try to add (nothing that's already available on itch) lmk and I'll try to find it. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bZQ8JdNuEiP-3oDPuDjqcUKG1iDDoVVc?usp=drive_link Also fantastic job cracking BBO, broski. I didn't even know you could break open godot like that, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how far we can push it now that someone's gotten this far.
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Bumping with the interest of keeping this thread alive, and also supplying some form of content for the thread. Below is a small feeder/inflation game, Vaporeon Belly Rubs. As the name would suggest, this is furry and whilst I know this isn't the furry board this should be sufficient enough warning if you're not into furries. A novel game where you simply feed fish into a willing vaporeon girl, though additional word of warning: She gets progressively gassier (from both ends) as the more you feed her, which can be turned off in the options (and the need to cover her mouth to stop her from deflating). All in all, not a bad game to pass the time with: https://xisdead.itch.io/vaporeon-belly-rubs-15 >>124283 I'll also use this post to ask how BBO modding and spriting is coming along, you're doing god's work with all the effort you're putting in, and I hope it's going well.
