/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflation Games Anonymous 07/16/2023 (Sun) 23:56:20 Id:fdd223 No. 91014
Yknow what it is. Small demos, simulators, whatever. Starting this thread with a Japanese RPGmaker game (link to game in desc of video) https://youtu.be/04b1ZfFFe5U
>>91014 Is there any way to play this in English?
I recommend Growth Academy https://growth-academy.itch.io/growth-academy there's something for every type of fetish! but a bit slower than I think people want but I still recommend it
What about Bombshell Barista: Speed Dating by Tail-Blazer? https://cavitees.itch.io/bbsd
Another game, also Japanese https://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37720385?ss_id=781870b2-d053-4b49-a3e1-8aed215cb52c&ss_pos=15 >>91019 There’s a translators tool for these games but it’d be a bitch to translate everything. Give me an afternoon and I’ll see what i can do https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?threads/translator-game-translation-tool.102706/
>>91019 another user here made a fan translation of it in one of the older game threads. It isn't fantastic cause software struggles with Japanese but it's still playable. This has both the first and second game. https://mab.to/t/aZqmAW2gSOX/us2
>>91167 Thanks a bunch! Playing them now >>91082 Is this game also related to Windy-Chan?
>>91082 Found a another video of the same game but couldn’t find the actual game https://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm36662901?ss_id=8e5d1d4a-ed10-4159-b878-6ff5fca14b74&ss_pos=9&cp_in=wt_tg
Not sure about this one but , around 3:48 there a minigame where you have to stop her from exploding or something https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24824237
Left 4 Pop, fps with inflating and balloony popping https://madlad224.itch.io/left-4-pop
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Hot idea: You play as Kirby blowkissing enemies.
Does anyone know if any games with popular modding communities like Stardew and Starbound have any body inflation mods? Most of the mods I've seen in these games seem to be focused around weight gain/bbw type stuff...
>>91014 https://www.deviantart.com/squishysofty/art/Game-Bakery-Bloat-Out-V1-6-889854112 Bakery Bloat Out is actually super fun, I tried it and it's actually a decently fun game on top of having horny inflation stuff... there is a lack of music or voices and the controls are kinda weird, but it lets you change the button remapping and... yeah, it's pretty fun!
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Can you see how busty Cynthia is? You can do wonders with a few well-placed pixels.
Skie's Inflatable Adventures (Puplic Demo 0.10) by Skie-Maree on @DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/skie-maree/art/Skie-s-Inflatable-Adventures-Puplic-Demo-0-10-979489182 Dont need to say much more. I just love it.
>>94234 so i played it but i cant seem to 100% it, am i missing something or did skie not add everything for this update? i have all but 1 skill called "self control 2", do i need to get it to unlock more stuff and if so what can i do to quickly get SP, and yes i found the debug item in the basement.
Does anyone got the Gum’s Adventure from circle tools itch.io I not there
>>94452 In thext it is written that one sequence is disabled. So I guess it the one that still needs to be unlocked.
>>94535 Ohh ok but then what about skie and the robot girl?
>>94536 Skie is bugged in this version and Karen story isn't fully implemented but the pictures are already drawn.
Otiiz's Adventure 3 just got updated, not much in the way of inflation, mostly wg, but there is an inflation scene towards middle part of the plotline.
>>94758 Link?
>>94452 Have you done Karans quest completly, with the lvl.2 chrystal? And for Skie, you need to get every lvl for every bodypart. That would be 4 belly, 4 breast, 2 Butt, sp 10lvl. 10 water 10 air 4 Milk 4 Food Then you have to find the full body secret (small hint, popping - high pressure) Any question on this board, I ll look it up.
>>94773 https://bxtt.itch.io/otiizs-adventure-3
>>94778 Is that for Version 0.10 or 0.11? I tried inflating breasts, belly, and butt, but no luck
>>94821 Apparently the full body scene is disabled in the public demo. A real shame I was hoping to see it.
>>94778 The lv.2 Crystal doesn't show up for me >>94823 Welp guess I'm not playing the game anymore until she fully releases it or if someone leaks the newest version of the game
>>94823 3 bugs to get it. He really isn't that expansive as an Artist and its literally his job to draw Inflation Art and now programm that game. If you want to help him, Patreon is your place to go. Or just wait, till new stuff gets added, then the current Full Version gets released. Like his Art, he draws a picture 6 month till its on DeviantArt, if you wanna get it early, Patreon. He only wont make art public if you as his customer want it just for your own pleasure.
>>94855 There aren't going to be anymore public demos. 0.10 was it. Says it right in the description for the post. All subsequent demos are gonna be posted on report my post only. Which is fine, dude has to make money.
>>93996 Modability when?
>>94861 welp guess we are going to have to ether wait for the full game to release this year but i dout its even close to being finish so most likely in a few years it might be done but who knows if its going to be free or behind a paywall or just have someone leak the new versions of it but its going to be annoying having to completely restart every new update
>>94508 I gotcha fam https://archive.org/details/gums-adventure-circle-tool
Does anyone have the interactive game Defy Average from backpainart?
>>91176 Afraid the files arn't available anymore...Mind reupping them?
>>96372 https://mega.nz/file/2mJmVAZI#u-SQ52vQAd-BGEMYdcrQYzbPCVc456zr7Y1CrPa94NA
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Swelladia just dropped its demo. It's an RPG Maker game primarily focused on inflation and permapopping. The demo is fairly short, but from what I've seen and read, it's got a lot of neat stuff planned. https://verblimp.itch.io/swelladia
Well for the skiemaree game that would be great to have at least the 0.11 just once by link. here's 3d videos of BE and I have other things to share. https://mab.to/t/JtJhwnEOybE/eu1
>>96589 Thank mate, owe you one.
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>>96594 >Male inflation
>>91030 https://mega.nz/folder/27JkDKjL#k9bSnwOOv4slQqdJwGweCQ
>>96355 >https://archive.org/details/gums-adventure-circle-tool >>96355 how to i play it
>>97962 Download the "Gum's Adventure.exe" "options.ini" and "data.win", put them all in one folder (preferably a folder for just those three things) and start the exe file.
Anyone have success using RPGmaker? Looking for the paid version online since the freemode is timed and kinda sucks.
Does anyone know any site that mainly has inflation games or attest doesn't have a bad search like itch.io or some site that collects the links to abunch of different inflation games from different sites?
>>96621 Shut up.
>>98611 Nothing I've found that has exclusively inflation, but the weightgaming forum has an inflation category. pretty sparse offerings for purely inflation but it's better than nothing.
Check out this one.It is really good . https://nursestrange.itch.io/egoventure
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>>91176 >>91167 Could you give a new link to the translated versions ,cause this one doesn't work :( https://mab.to/t/aZqmAW2gSOX/us2
https://www.deviantart.com/verblimp/art/Swelladia-Demo-Now-Available-985272277 its just demo but you can try
Check out these ,these are amazing https://silentobserver.itch.io/soulmirror https://glaciepuff.itch.io/dungeon-of-the-devourerer
This game/demo has very nice sprites and the game is quite good. https://silverearsentertainment.itch.io/arias-dreamland-dissonance
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Dunno if this is the right thread for it and it not lmk and I'll move it. Trying to find out the name of the game in this video. Uploader doesn't say and all his stuff is Patreon Locked. And even using Kemono I couldn't find any info on there. So I'll Ask here. Thanks in advance if anyone does know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPNaHwHDRa4&t=9s&ab_channel=Kusemek
>>99799 man is pregnancy game
>>99799 https://hellbrain.itch.io/for-the-goddess
>>93996 Does anyone have a 100% save file for this game? Want to see all the extra stuff but I can't be assed to git gud to beat all the absurdly difficult stuff.
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Modding existing titles sounds easier than making a new game.
>>100136 Well actually yes and no more or less making source code from scratch will cost you maybe a year or two of your life versus using somebody else's but then there's the downside of the whole unity thing where the source code owner could always pull the rug out from under you versus if it's your own you literally own it.
Well seems like there's a update for sukis inflatable adventures so if someone wants to leak that they can or wait until 0.11b comes out first then leak 0.11a
>>100246 I doubt anyone will, I don't think we have anyone who is a member high enough to get the benefits of early access. Plus there's no more public releases after the one we got.
>>100578 i know thats why i was hoping there was someone could share the 2nd latest or latest version of the game but ya im with you about the whole no one here being a high enough member for it or if we do they most likely cant seens they might try and find who leaked it then get banned
>>97124 >https://mega.nz/folder/27JkDKjL#k9bSnwOOv4slQqdJwGweCQ Reup?
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>>100136 On model mods would be gold.
could someone share Skie's Inflatable Adventures latest update?
>>102180 Is this from the speed dating game, Trail made?
>>91014 any good games with blueberry inflation?
>>103789 There isn't anything to it, really. not worth making a video on. The inflatable part is just the suits being puffed up, but deflating acting as boosters to double/triple jump, then puffing back up once you land again. Other than that there's no inflation at all.
How difficult is making a game?
>>104440 It's a bit hard but it mostly depends how you are planning on making the game like is it going to be 2D or 3D and what can you do in the game
>>100136 I mean very true but it comes with its own risks of copyright and stuff I would highly recommend at least avoiding anything Capcom or especially Nintendo. Heck even if you work from the ground up on a fan-made project for Nintendo properties and they are still egregious for takedown notices or worse. Capcom lately been on a streak against things themselves sadly but mostly nudity based so as long as your resident evil/ street fighter balloons have braws and underwear you should be good. Also game idea 💡 Balloon fighter. Street fighter fan game or mod project where the fighters inflate themselves into beach balls! example Chun li vs juri And the characters goal it to bumper ball each other until the other pops, there can be other tools such as pins to pop characters, pumps for boost effects like overinflating yourself for extra bumper damage, or overinflating your enemy to weaken their skin or if full enough popping. But doing so would also boost their strength stats because of their size. Also what about a re mod for 3d games like re4 remake where you play as Ashley or ada balls and the goal is to not take too much damage or you pop. Also enemies become pancakes when you flatten them. And can be inflated to pop dig dug style to perma death them Up to you if you want to use it for a re game mod or something else entirely
>>104461 Remind you any of these games could be their own original game concept as well that remove the potential of copyright risks and probably gain less problems and more benefits as a result. Balloon fighter has been just a idea I've sat in for years at one point wanting to do it myself but I just don't have the time or skill to do it justice
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Imagine making a chess game and when you win you inflate her and increase difficulty.
>>105252 Dont pay for it if she dont want ur name on it. What she think youre stupid? We all know. She. To niave to believe her own subconsciousness . Garbage man makes more then a therapist I wonder why.
>>105255 Come again?
>>105255 schizo moment
https://bxtt.itch.io/gcmfb just remember to shoot into mouths while they are open.
We need a hero to share Skie's inflatalbe avdenture. Got half a mind a week ago to try and download the last version but patreion would not take my payment methods So I let myself simmer down but i guess this is the only possibility I have. I often share videos here and i will for this too but this is a game thread and i don't have any game to share I guess a lot of people would love to get that game too
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>>105391 here is the 11b version of the game and from what i can tell it seems to have less content and purposely soft locks you before you can finish the prolog even tho theres a lot of images in the files that i have yet to see in game so ether im just stuck or this does just have less content oh and small warning the main area that you will be at drops your frames HARD like i go from 100+ down to 40 or lower and theres no way to fix it from what i can tell but if you get past where i got stuck at then please let me know https://mab.to/t/sI16lDLg9cW/us2 oh and if you ever want to look at images in the game files you can use this website to view them: https://petschko.org/tools/mv_decrypter/#restore-images
Thank you very very much Hero whom even puts bonus and useful info just started uploading some bendy brooke on its thread
well maybe i have the same bug the quest seem to drag on and i'm still waiting for the new outfit. maybe at lvl 5 it unlocks i tried filling all buckets tanks and milk in vain
all right just got through this prologue you have to be fully inflated and cross path with the red haired girl who walks in the village it's mainly mansion puzzles from there but just make sure you craft almost everything especially the 5th item on the weird machine in robot girl house
>>105629 you mean like you have skills for inflated 2 right? because nothing shows up for me in the robot girls place after i made the flashlight but i will try
>>105636 oki i just did it and wow im surprised that it only NOW gives me this dialog but every other time i walked passed her while fully inflated it doesnt happen
>>105639 happy to help yes i find it weird too sometimes in the game there's not enough detailed objectives but i guess part of a "old school style" game is you have to experiment with the game to eventually finish it If I may give my little advice on that game, it is tremendously well done for a fetish game I had the real feeling of 16bits gaming pure fun, the mansion quests with the ghosts are genuinely good gameplay but the rest of the game is great quality too I think. skiemaree have to keep up the good work and when the final version 1.0 is made i am sure he could dive in his money
>>105639 I already made it a little bit more easy to trigger for the next version. ;) >>105657 Thank you. That's a big compliment.
>>105657 I am stuck at the mansion puzzle. I've gotten 3 pages of each diary and have already turned on the water pump in the basement. From my understanding i should be getting the Magical water from the fountain to put out the fire but the dialogue remained the same when interacting with the fountain. I am not sure if this is a bug or i am missing something.
>>105678 Need to craft water pump (green thingy) at craft place
anyone recgonize this game? went thru the guys patreon because thats where he sources them (like a cunt) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1WeFH9fn1o&list=PL6-wFntSmvJUhWEYozg3W5JJk3Hp6e6ft&index=49
>>105709 it's a game call Chaos Rounds Out. It was on itch but the original maker took it down. That youtuber didn't make the game.
>>105709 Ya I recommend just avoiding that youtuber because he basicly just steals content and doesn't say the name of it or the original creator who made it
>>105769 Oh the passive type.
>>105657 What do you think about the Local Taylor and her background/ design?
>>105778 the tailor shop layout is good, maybe in the room up right make it possible to change outfits here in the future and maybe a small quest in a future room upstairs, maybe a kind of puzzle game where Velma ;) the tailor needs an item from upstairs but she can't find it because she has not the time to tidy up and organize her storage maybe like pushing and pulling crates... The character in itself has nothing wrong to me , I thought the artist would go for a futa scene between skie and velm... sorry Viktoria, but i have to say that's not my personal taste but do it for the players who want it. And i like the small funny easter egg that the pixel model looks like velma
>>105790 You're good in interpretations. Upcoming Stories of Supporter-Characters are written after what the Owner of the OC wants. So Vickies Story isn't definitely not finished but there is no continuation, yet. The Velma Pixelart is a wanted coincident tho, XD
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>>105795 Thanks Bro
>>105797 You're welcome * sis And RiP Apollo
>>105446 could we get a reup?
>>105911 https://www.deviantart.com/skie-maree/art/Skie-s-Inflatable-Adventures-Puplic-Demo-0-10-979489182 I recommend playing the puplic versions, they are the most stable. Test versions contain bugs that need to be found.
Has anyone found how to to get the giant outside water inflation and the morning milk boobies inflation in skies inflatable adventures?
Can someone reupload Skie's Inflatabe Adventure?
>>106154 https://www.deviantart.com/skie-maree/art/Skie-s-Inflatable-Adventures-Puplic-Demo-0-10-979489182
>>106151 Belly and boobs to max level, then pop her. Milk triggers after you get some certain levels, I think you need boobs on 2 and then survive to a certain date.
I'd like to have 0.11b version
Skie's Inflatable Adventures latest update https://mab.to/t/mY0tPq9lFnm/eu1
>>106834 not anymore, it just updated to 0.11c
Anyone remember a game discussed on the last games thread? It was one where you had to make potions to feed to a girl by combining 2 ingredients
>>106834 Does this run like ass for anyone else? I remember the public releases running smoothly.
>>107042 Thats not the latest version. The latest one I tested at least 10 times and that runs at a minimum of 80fps for me. 8GB RAM, 3060Ti
>>107042 it runs really well for me other then lym's main area like where skies house is just drops frames down to 20fps
>>107059 Yeah something about the main town area just tanks the FPS. I think it might be the engine itself being poorly optimized or something. No idea.
>>107059 >>107085 The Problem is because of two important PlugIns I need for Events in the game. Somehow their FPS drop when there are too many Events on one big map. However with the latest update I was able to make a workaround by improving other things. Lym still runs lower FPS as other Areas but the overall FPS have increased. See the poll on my report my post.
>>107137 Damn...I have forgotten that the Name of this OnlineService is forbidden here. Sorry for that. ^^°
>>106942 this one? https://jjambong.itch.io/alchemy-shop
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sorry, who know why I have this error in ego"s advanture?
>>107137 Sounds like a limitation of the engine then. It's still an impressive piece of work all the same.
>>107143 That's the one! Thank you
>>93278 Defunct.
Anyone have that one game from itch io where you play as a lab assistant zapping your boss with a space bar press and if you do it wrong you inflate instead?
>>108345 https://lachevite.itch.io/labgrown I believe this is the one you are looking for
>>108383 Thanks anon
Anyone have the current v0.2.1 of Project Realism? The link on Kemono isn't working
anyone got skies' inflatiable adventure 11c?
does anyone have 5$/10$ march cheat code for hungry girls game?
Anyone have recommendations for any VR inflation games?
>>109177 sadly there arent really any good ones but i do know theres avatars on/for vrchat that have belly, butt, and boob sliders but none really get big big so you could try looking on neosVR, chilloutVR and vrchat but otherwise if you find any vr inflation games that use steamVR i would like to know
Hey, what was the name of that interactive novel where you had two choices and one of them was a fairy woman feeding the reader and there's an ending where drinking a whole potion made you really big and you kept burping? I can't remember the name...
>>109295 It's on itch.io, BTW
>>109295 Nevermind. I found it... https://sonftboiz.itch.io/sonftboiz-ttag-beta
Is anyone having problems with the water pump in skies' inflatiable adventure? After unlocking the level 1 breasts i cant figure out how to use the water hose. Anyone knkw how to progress in the game?
>>109342 could you take a screen shot of your main quest so i can see what step your on?
>>109342 I guess you need to "Hold" the button pressed down? :)
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>>100136 Pokémon. Completely normal porkyman game with an extra mini-game after the battle. If you win and defeat a trainer you get to inflate the female trainer, or his or her female waifúmon, or both. If you get defeated as a female trainer or have female waifu mon in your team, this happens to you. Optimally this comes with multiplayer. There are three modes: cute, lewd, and bloody. I don't expect to finish it anytime soon.
Can someone give the latest version of Skie's Inflatabe Adventure?
>>110124 If cube son is in the film with 50 ant davis makes an appearance. Bad boys 4 THE BIGGEST 2 CHAINZZZZ
>>110125 We like to release A+ movies in june😉
Dig Dug remade. Three modes: safe (cartoony pops), NSFW (wardrobe malfunction and nudity), and horror (guro and gore) Only the player character can be male.
anyone have the early access of DDLC: of love and berries?
>>111229 THIS NEEDS TO EXIST! SOMEONE BUY THE FUCKING LICENSE! side note miss digdug too
>>111266 >player character can be male or female >npc's are female >you need to beat safe to unlock nsfw, and you need to beat nsfw to unlock horror >pooka's and fygar's can be ridden like gif related >while pooka are slow the fygar can run and spit fire but are difficult to control >the female PC can dress up as a pooka or a fygar, and only she can be pumped up and popped
Hope any of you are familiar with this game.
>>111422 never played plok but it does have that jammin' tim follin music. Didn't know it had inflation in it.
>>111433 The third boss battle has it so yeah.
>>111422 > plok dang i hope its an acutal mod
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Does anybody still have this game? Circle Tool took it off of his page on itch and can't find it anywhere else.
>>111449 https://mab.to/t/qtqH6IUvUXR/us2 here you go. to bad he still does the whole locking there twitter for some reason
>>111450 Thanks, wish we can see most of his work that he locks up on there.
>>111450 wasn't it confirmed he's just burger kurger
>>111456 Thank god there isnt post trauma tax benefit sheesh
anyone got skies' inflatiable adventure 11c?
>>111480 you should contribute with a game or something else first. Or just wait for august the 0.12 will be public and free. This game is outstanding quality so it is desirable, but I strongly feel that the author should be supported given the work he puts into it.
>>111450 Again leading theory why is they are based in a country that frowns on fetishes like these and they worry about potential info leak or something like that that could cause the IRL issues. Or something like that was what I believe someone said in the old thread? Either way I understand there feelings still I wish they would share their artwork on DeviantArt or something outside closed doors. Alot of people find it very cute and absolutely adora it and all I hear from most people who ask about tool circle is simply that they wish to see and appreciate their art. That's all it comes down to. But if they wish to remain private I guess we should respect those wishes and outside whatever tiny bits of artwork that leaks now and then I guess that's all will ever get unless tool circle themselves ever change that. Again for as much drama that went down in that old stupid thread alot of people genuinely loved and care for their work and That's what genuinely frustrates people.
The Great Goat Balloon, a tricky platformer openly inspired by Getting Over It (It is fur and male though, I know those are both dealbreakers for some) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51836154 https://the-great-goat-balloon.netlify.app/ If anyone else can make it to the end and find out the secret word(s), please share
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https://someoneinflative.itch.io/ddlc-of-berries-and-love Strange banger of a VN, came for the porn, stayed for the plot, and then came because of the porn
>>111527 Aye, there is much storywriting and lore bound to this. If you look up his DeviantArt you will notice some Lore from the game already existing in older Artwork from a decade ago. Pirating Taylor is one thing, cause her stuff is unworthy of paying high prices for soulless garbage. But Skie bleeds for this project and the price for Patreon Access is rather small. So be patient for the free acces and glad that it is free or just pay a small tribute for somones work of life they need to make a living off.
>>111532 I'm pretty sure they're Japanese judging by the text on their Twitter profile, and if there's one thing I know about the Japanese, it's that they've got wayyyy weirder fetishes than inflation going down there. BUT, I also know that Japan (from what I've heard) has a pretty conformist culture, meaning anyone who deviates from the norm is likely to face a lot of mockery and/or scorn, and being known as an inflation fetishist would certainly make them a target of that should their real identity get leaked, so I think I get where they're coming from when they wish to have only a small circle of admirers. That being said, there are plenty of Japanese artists whose specialty is weird kinks like this (Pixiv is pretty good proof of that) who post tons of artwork pertaining to these odd subjects, and seemingly without any of the fears circle_tool harbors. I'm torn on this whole situation; I'm VERY curious to see what circle_tool has been making, ever since I found Gum's Adventure as well as some of their leaked work, I've been dying to see what else they've been making, their style is really unique and works well with TF/inflation shenanigans, and I know a ton of people love their work too. At the same time, I can sympathize with them wanting their audience to stay small so as to avoid trouble, as I myself am a guy who once posted artwork online but eventually stopped because I didn't like some of the attention I was getting. I sincerely hope they will reconsider and unprivate their twitter so we can enjoy their fruits of their labor, but if not, I can at least understand their perspective. One last thing, which is actually related to the topic of of the thread - apparently Gum's Adventure has a sequel? At least that's what this tweet is implying: https://twitter.com/Jattoska/status/1719568978845257982
https://www.deviantart.com/pballooned/art/Inflatable-Sumo-Girl-League-complete-game-1036537583 Checkout this game and other ones made by this guy
>>111682 Really good, thanks for the link.
Anyone want to post Skies inflatable adventure 0.12?
>>111549 Great game. Heres the secrets: iambaby ilikeblimps speediskey illhuff I have no idea what speediskey does but the others are pretty self explanatory.
>>112643 Where do you enter these?
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Does anyone have that VAM scene where you can fatten and grow the boobs of a streamer?
>>112686 press "I' when in game
>>111450 Is it possible for a reupload?
I need some help locating an inflation RPG that I forgot the name of. What I remember from it is that it had a dryad that turned the PC into a blueberry in a forest, a Hanzel and Gretel reference, an orca that inflated the PC with bubbles, and an elephant or a rhino that was captured by hyenas that you broke out of their wooden cage by inflating them.
>>113052 I believe this is the game you are looking for: https://noone-fa.itch.io/ftag
>>113057 Thanks. Too bad that I think this game is basically dead.
Dating sim. >you play a customizable male you'll never see except in one mirror >minimum of six love interests (l.i.): farm, shy, party, sports, fashion, books >three levels of interest (l.o.i.): she can start out not, kind of, and very interested in inflation >three arcs to every story: you need to go through more arcs the less interested she is >i.e. low interest means you have to finish your chosen l.i.'s third arc >high interest means action after the first arc (if you ask her) >interest is randomized, 18 stories must be written, and all three l.o.i.'s must be present >i.e. you can't have more than four highly interested females, there must be one low and one mid >they can tell each other and there's a low chance for a threesome >backgrounds: garden (garden hose), beach (water hose, air pump, air compressor), gas station (tire pump), etc. >homes: you need to complete your l.i.'s story to get invited into her place >more dates can be unlocked: two royals, a school bully you can reform, a trio of singers (foursome), etc. >you can unlock the playable female you can customize and never see except in one mirror >unlock rule 63'd version of the six love interests after you've unlocked the playable female I'm not trashing on Bellyful of Life or Quimbly, only presenting my own idea, is all.
>>113605 You can inflate them as much as possible down to them growing into straight room sized orbs. But if you put too much pressure past that they'll start to strain and eventually violently wobble. If you stop right there they will become dizzy and dazed and she'll nervously smile saying something like close one I thought I was a gonner. If you proceed to pump her for longer than fifty seconds she'll explode into scraps and rain upon you giving the bad ending in which you are shown laying back in the bed covered in cartoon rubber woman as your face is shadowed and obscured to keep up illusion of a blank protagonist yet depressed as you're balloon wife is gone.
Anyone got some mobile ones?
