/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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One last draw thread Anonymous 10/19/2023 (Thu) 01:42:13 Id:0c3008 No. 98083
At least we should share one last time before the site shuts down. Well I'll share some pics I have made recently
>>127225 Woah! Glad you decided to go ahead and finish it! It looks amazing~
can someoen draw misato from evangelion mid blueberry inflation? all curvy and plump
>>127339 holy shit hot like a chili pepper amazing work anon, especially the pussy leaking, very subtle touch. also im anon from here, >>127474 if anyone wants anything because ive been begfagging id be happy to write something as I cannot draw very well.
Anyone seen >>108393 it's been awhile since a request was made and said working some requests but never came here.
>>127339 You should draw it more
>>127559 this, you're really good at it anon.
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Requesting horrid Henrys mom as a big puffy cute blimp because why not puff her up big and help her relief the pressures of life with a good taut smutty release. Also because funny
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>>127362 >>127475 >>127559 >>127649 Thank you, happy to know you're been enjoying the pics. >>127718 Done
>>127858 you've been*
>>127858 Beautiful work
can someone inflate Jojo from Close Enough https://closeenough.fandom.com/wiki/Jojo , like this https://www.deviantart.com/sxdeluxe/art/Lauren-Needs-a-Hand-1072243764 ?
Guess I can throw my hat into the ring for this one. Would love to Kay from GuP as a giant inflated blimp or just swollen up. Puffy cheeks an all.
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Requesting Daphne Blake and Velma Dinkley as huge food balloons
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Requesting Dawn from Total Drama Revenge of the Island inflated and bloated like Wendy here.
>>127858 Gonna throw my hat and request Bulma from Dragonball inflated like either of these two girls here.
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Requesting: I'd like to draw inflated Fluttershy nude from Equestria Girls
requesting kairi inflated into an orb. bonus points if she's nude with a swollen pussy
Can I possibly get to see some supreme west Kai inflation art with big puffy balloon ears. Full blimp
Anyone seen the person who both made this thread and did requests because there are two requests that are robbed from being made.
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I want any of these girls to be inflated...
(612.25 KB 2250x3000 total drama request.png)
>>128530 There you go, Anon.
>>130658 Not the requester looks nice. Also nice to see you again.
>>128371 so is no one gonnaa do this one?
>>130673 This is the exact reason people won’t do that one, no one owes you any edits or art or whatever, request and wait patiently, if something happens something happens
>>127019 I'm just Bumping this for someone who wants to do it. And for that don't, plz just ignore
>>130673 Be patient.
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Random idea do whatever you will with it But it would be fun to see mama Kamado Ueshita from future diaries get overinflated to bursting hous size by yuki or something via bike pump because spoilers it was kinda sad how yuki took her out with a gun in the original timeline and it might be fun to see a goofy alternative where wholesome orphanage mafia runner mama Kamado gets puffed into a big burstable blimp until she pops like confetti. Again just a random idea if anyone's bored and looking for something to draw I prefer a about to pop size or look but if you want to do bonus parts where she does burst into rubber confetti scraps up to you and only as bonuses. Depends on if you're in the popping mood I guess but at least implied I'm gonna blow energy would be appreciated and massive size. Emphasis on the big head a little maybe kinda like a Uber inflation but without the big puffy eyes puffy hands and bare feet is up to you through. Mostly have fun and enjoy. Just a crackpot idea I had I don't think I'm gonna go any further with
>>130991 Some more references also my bad I meant crazy bitch yuno at the bike pump. It's probably most fitting giving she is a psycho killer to pump someone up til they burst. I'm mostly doin it for the laughs and I think Kamado Ueshita would look cute even rounder.
>>130658 Nice. Will be working on the other two requests you said you work on last year.
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Requesting Ty Lee inflated.
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Possible ideas Nico Olivia and bellemere from one piece balloon porn? Basically milf versions of robin and namis mom's. Both inflating each other via sex or preferably belle inflating Olivia making her blush maybe getting chubby from air blowback. Nude or outfits you decide + bare feet. We honestly need more inflation porn of these two in the world
(727.73 KB 2250x3000 Bulma inflation request.png)
>>127858 You open for more requests? And also do you have a report my post account?
>>132284 Nice art even if I’m not the requester. I don’t need to say how long I’m waiting on mine.
>>132291 You mean you've waited one year for this >>100744. That's a long time of waiting even the sequence version also this way as well.
>>132284 Very nice! Can you try to draw this >>128543
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I would love to see Marle from Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 inflated just like in this picture with the size, angle and everything
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(408.91 KB 2048x1617 GeuHyU0XIAAbyLK.jpeg)
Can I request a drawing of Carmen from spooky month inflated like the image on the right. It doesn't have to blueberry inflation but you can be add as a alt or smth.
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>>132284 Original requester here, I love it. Bulma looks so big and sexy inflated. Would you be willing to do up another request, maybe one involving Violet Parr from the Incredibles, inflated (using the reference in the spoiler image)?
>>132298 What are you trying to do?
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>>132298 >>133295 Hello, I apologize for not getting your request in time, last year was a trainwreck for me, and got barely any time for doing art, so I took some small easy requests for that matter, I couldn't take any sequence because of the time, I'm very sorry, I don't want to look like those Twitter artists that barely do any art excusing themselves with having ADHD kek. >Also I'm cooking up something, as for your request I didn't understand what exactly you wanted, please explain it again, once again, I'm sorry
>>133318 As I said here >>100744 Marianne is inflating Leonie with the help of Yunaka. Leonie says “ I learned my lesson Marianne please no more or I’ll pop.” Marianne doesn’t believe her with the right side of the first photo shown she will never forget that moment.
>>133318 Excellent work even if it’s a work in progress.
>>98083 Two deliveries!>>126911and>>123008
>>135201 DUDE U D E Real jelly of requester here.
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Would someone be willing to draw a request featuring Petra and Dorothea. Petra pours something into Dorothea’s drink causing her breasts to rapidly inflate. After her bikini top rips and she is done inflating Petra uses the now inflated Dorothea’s breasts as a place to sunbathe with a satisfied look on her face to Dorothea’s annoyance.
>>135830 What's the deal with these type of posts, is this mods keeping track of shadow bans or something?
(384.37 KB 600x1239 valentine2.png)
Can someone draw/edit the image of Enbi-Chan from Dororon Enma-Kun MeeraMera as Valentine from Skullgirls I want it to look as good as possible.
To whowever's interested, I would like a pic of Saki-chan from Magician Senpai (The one with the bright orange-ish hair) with the black rubber suit she's wearing in the image but filled to the brim with water, visibly struggling as she drags her massive water balloon of a suit across the sand
