/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 02:11:17 Id:e9c419 No. 126814
I heard EdgeOfMind deleted his presence online, so here are two great pieces from him that I had saved before he got rid of everything. I believe he deleted the Maya picture long before he purged his galleries (and honestly, it's better than the one he did later on).
>>126814 https://e-hentai.org/g/2934048/a106f5cffd/ Why can't you people just use the lost media thread?
>>126814 they just tweeted a new picture about 5 hours ago?
>>126821 https://nitter.poast.org/edge0fmind/status/1842701232151912564#m OP is stupid
Fellas fellas, EdgeOfMind deleted MOST of his gallery. We do lowkey need this thread as hundreds of epic photos were lost.
Got this too
Oh yeah his DA and FA are gone. Shame. Twitter only now? Damn, that just means no nice .pngs
Does anyone having that one pic that EdgeOfMind did with the girl from that one crayon shin-chan movie where they inflated into a huge ball from there farts?
please tell me someone saved his wyldstyle pic
I remember seeing inflation porn of Lisa Simpson, who, is 8 years old, amongst his gallery. Won’t be missed.
>>126849 B r u h Why the fuck would any sane person use TWITTER
>>126982 Why do any of you act like twitter's worse than this place? This is literally just 4chan but for inflation/fat fetishists. One of the most popular threads on this board is a fucking rant thread. What's the problem with twitter compared to this place,someone's gonna "cancel" you just because they disagree with you? At least they aren't gonna call you slurs there and you can just block them.
>>126989 Because here we can get to the art and find what we want. On twitter you have to scroll through mounds of stupid posts the Twitter account insists on you seeing before you can see the art. And if its really old art you're looking for? Good. Luck.
>>126982 Exposure, biggest userbase >>126942 This one?
>>126998 I was thinking of a different one, but nice find!
>>126989 ex-twitter artist here. i hate twitter. that place is the energy of the rant threads combined into multiple accounts with peoples names attatched. not that it matters because most of the site is bots now.
>>126982 I'd rather use Pixiv
>>126849 It's so retarded. >I'm going to delete my deviantart and instead use a website that's just as bad if it not worse. I could understand not updating the DA, but deleting it is just dramasperg behavior >>126998 >exposure You'd have a point if they weren't going around deleting everything.
>>127022 Not to mention he already deleted half of his DA posts months back,so most of his old stuff was already gone for a bit. He had no need to delete the whole thing after he already wiped half of it clean.
Anyone have a higher quality version of this Mileena pic?
Why he deleted Half his shit in the first place
>>127074 Underage characters
>>127064 Thanks
Did anyone ever manage to save that one Lily/Psychonauts pic he made?
Ignoring the example of Lisa Simpson, what other example is there of those?>>127076
>>127524 Here Someone made a mega of his stuff for a recent 'lost media' thread, that should still be up
Found it, few months old now but still a shitload of his stuff aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci95VTBDUmFvQSNFRVBCel96MG9pNXdrOTB3cnYwcHFn (decode base-64)
>>127539 Uh, can you put the link to that?
>>127590 they did
>>127596 Well, I am trying, but nothing worked. Give me the link one more time.
>>127601 Its encoded in base64 as a minimal layer of protection against bots. Just put the block into a base64 decoder.
>>127015 Okay, HERE'S the one I was looking for.
(26.40 KB 414x292 IMG_6860.JPG)
(32.60 KB 375x317 IMG_6861.JPG)
(151.36 KB 1105x723 IMG_6862.JPG)
(38.00 KB 375x322 IMG_6863.JPG)
(33.49 KB 622x350 IMG_6864.JPG)
Anyone have these in hi-def? Also wanna get my hands on the Android 18 piece where she's fighting 21.
(2.69 MB 4096x5462 XKB7jLWG_2x.jpg)
Here's my all time favourites made by them (Spoilers for Furry). Does anyone here consider that it's art got worse over time? Or is it just me?
(75.94 KB 1280x1163 Make a Ball out of You.jpg)
Does anyone have the high definition version of this image?
>>127539 Reup?
BTW, this gallery on sad panda has a lot of edge's old stuff https://e-hentai.org/g/2934048/a106f5cffd/
>>126995 twitter has a gallery now, unless the artist is constantly spamming dogshit memes, which is also pretty uncommon and easy to wade through, you can browse through all their art pretty easily.
(5.72 MB 5502x3559 Candy Canyon Mishap.png)
Well, what could you expect from an accident in a world full of candy, or was this all intentional? Jax seems to be enjoying what is happening, with Ragatha and Zooble swelling all over the chocolate puddle below and where they fell in. Inside, ragatha is wondering what's going on amidst the laughter of Jax, who seems to be enjoying the moment as the doll swells more and more. Zooble, on the other hand, simply disregards everything that's going on wondering various things, with Gangle watching her in a bit of surprise. How far will they go with this increase in size? it will be a matter of waiting to see the result... (I love this image so much)
(64.57 KB 1280x956 Candace Getting Huge.jpg)
(8.55 MB 3000x1942 Mega Maya.png)
I just found out he deactivated his deviantart and furaffinity accounts for no reason How long is it till you think he'll just randomly delete his Twitter account and leave forever? I say within a year
>>129355 Probably, I wish they uploaded somewhere else than Twitter because Twitter compresses images so much that the resolution on them isn't good
>>129148 Does anyone have the high res version?
(9.64 MB 3000x2478 Marina Inkreasing Sizes.png)
(1.29 MB 4096x3378 20240725_101909.jpg)
(202.11 KB 1366x613 Masterful gambit sir.png)
I don't like to indulge this thread since the E-hentai archive is perfectly fine and makes this whole thread redundant,but guess what? Edge made a new deviantart. The old one died for nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>129478 I don't think making a new DA account is gonna help because with how things have been on that site lately, most of their stuff will probably just get taken down again
>>129486 DA is very much like that, they'll just nuke your account without warning, sucks
>>129478 Did he ever say WHY the old account was deleted? I can't check because I don' have a Twitter account
>>129504 No he never talked about it, but I guessed that it was because DA was taking more stuff down
>>129512 I can confirm it wasn't anything to do with DA, he started removing things before DA ever could. If I had to guess, he was prepared to leave the scene altogether as they cut ties with a several other artists.
>>129513 Yeah, I remember they had a lot more stuff on their account before but they started taking them down one day
>>127008 Did anyone save the other Weiss pic he did?
(381.52 KB 1689x1481 20240921_122702.jpg)
>>129526 Which? this?
>>129544 Yes, that one. Did he ever post it on DA before deleting his acocunt?
(372.79 KB 2035x1856 20240806_085247.jpg)
I remebrer that there was one they made base on Sinon and Asuna from Sword art online Sinon was inflated while asuna was a blueberry no matter how hard i look i can't find it
(1.59 MB 3227x3405 Peni Orb.png)
(5.59 MB 2869x2397 Itsy Bitsy Swelled Peni.png)
(76.08 KB 1280x548 Asuka Caught.jpg)
(155.26 KB 1280x1092 Asuka Caught (1).jpg)
(360.09 KB 2202x1932 You can (not) turn violet.jpg)
Better return her to normal soon, she looks like she’s bursting at the seams.
(100.62 KB 1280x934 Pumped Up Porsha.jpg)
Didn't this guy literally draw f*rts? Why was he not run out of the community a long time ago?
(138.23 KB 782x546 460mt82nzbo61.jpg)
It has probably been said before, but ¿why did they terminate everything?
>>129657 Slow day in the berry thread,huh
>>129657 >>129712 shut up faggots
(252.95 KB 2187x1827 20240806_085238.jpg)
>>129512 if that was the case then why take down the FA one too?
>>129763 I honestly don't know
High res version, please?
Does anyone have it in better quality?
Anyone have the high definition version of this image?
>>129819 Somebody?
>>129813 https://files.catbox.moe/16dfvr.png was too big to embed natively
(541.24 KB 3400x3351 20240624_052744.jpg)
>>129478 while the e-hentai version of Edgeofmind is certainly helpful, I was hoping someone has a newer form of this link https://gofile.io/d/o64tpR or archive download so I can save it. The collection link on E-Hentai doesn't have the Edgeofmind section in its list.
>>129592 Oh, my commission appeared here lol
(12.91 KB 193x360 Suki_Lane.jpg)
There's one image he did of this character that had here in an inflated, spherical shape, though iirc she's only shown from the neck up- but I can't find it in any of the archives or sites where he's still up. Anyone have it?
(2.74 MB 2529x1457 1714268130.edgeofmind_suki.png)
>>130638 You can find Edgeofmind's work on furarchiver.
Anyone have a hd version of his Mystique pic? Forgot to nab it before he deleted everything.
(2.53 MB 3451x2768 IMG_4543.png)
>>131544 No problem bruh
(284.72 KB 1478x1236 20241221_205546.jpg)
(1.09 MB 3623x3095 1 by EdgeOfMind 882301071.png)
(745.08 KB 2507x2452 2 by EdgeOfMind 882301075.png)
Somebody has this art in high quality?
Anyone got a full quality version of this?
>>132872 Never mind, found it myself.
>>129544 Does anyone have this in better quality?
(814.90 KB 3378x2962 20241008_022457_Original.jpeg)
(2.96 MB 3502x3249 IMG_0137.png)
(3.90 MB 2914x2952 IMG_0138.png)
(2.92 MB 3129x3145 IMG_0139.png)
(279.20 KB 1500x1397 20250117_182409.jpg)
So this is Miside's alternate ending? I didn't remember it like that
He's not in Twitter anymore
>>134600 He changed his name to secretstarroom
>>129657 Soooo...... dude draws lolis and you're more concerned about farts? Are you retarded?
Does anyone have the image in good quality where Caulifla gets pump inflated by Kale?
Some images that EdgeOfMind has made as art trade can be found if you ask the other person who was part of the art trade
(236.61 KB 2048x1769 oLNiznJy.jpg)
(199.53 KB 2048x1448 FxgJTezP.jpg)
(233.04 KB 2048x1368 Elgdxujg.jpg)
(258.00 KB 2048x1672 cso1aH3G.jpg)
(55.46 KB 1024x764 n9gwS6qX.jpg)
I don't know if a sketch can be considered a lost media
Anyone have the hd version of his Kefla and Kale pic? Forgot to download it before he nuked everything.
