/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Babe 2 Inflation thread Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 23:11:40 Id:160599 No. 127505
Very underrated scene next to Willy Wonka and others. I feel like it's seen a rise in popularity over the last few years tho, a niche one anyway. Here's the original scene.
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Self insert fan art from @StrawHatYote
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Twitter drawings from ClownySkele on twitter
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An SFM someone made recently https://youtu.be/kjtEjA_UTVQ?si=YapLfbfXIFRIhz0Y
More artwork I've come across
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These sequence drawings from a few years back.
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>>127513 Out of curiosity, Do you know where these are from?
>>127510 The logo of the artist looks familiar, who made them?
>>127513 these would have been decent if she didn’t have the same face
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MacProcyon on Twitter made a SFM of his OC in the suit
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Unfinished drawing
>>127520 oops wrong thread
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Man I wish this was me
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Clearly a content so underrated and yet so good...!
This is the most fucking austistic thing I've ever seen on the internet. I can only begin to think that there is one person so austisic that this one scene from pig in the big city is his extreme hyperfixation and is the reason there is any content of this at all.
>>127557 I mean you do realize it's more than one person at least it may be one person commissioning it maybe because there has been stories like that before the macro furry starfox thing on fur affinity. But there are clearly other individuals interested! I've seen at least a minimum of five people in my lifetime so although maybe rare definitely not one person just playing devil's advocate a bed
>>127557 The irony of people to kink shame others as if this whole inflation kink isn't completely insane to most normal people anyway. Like we have a humongous amount of people who fetishize Blueberry inflation. Why is this so bizarre?
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some of these images are cursed but i admire the determination to keep the thread going
>>127632 What's the source of the 2nd sketch?
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>>129803 Oh wow! Who make that ? It's amazing ! And who is the character in the drawing?
>>129803 That's cute and hot, did you draw those?
please upload video pregoplanet
please upload video pregoplanet
>>131479 what the hell are you talking about?
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Decided to make a few GIFs since the selection for this iconic scene are abysmal. Also because nobody has posted any here, which is a shame. Magda Szubanski (only around 35 at the time and given makeup to make her look 20 years older), who played Mrs. Esme Cordelia Hoggett, did such an amazing job portraying this fish-out-water character. Whom I wish to go in-depth on how her balloonification was both foreshadowed and well executed. And, yes, these upcoming posts are gonna reek of autism. So buckle up! Here are some high definition and edited GIFs focused on her inflation itself. Also, here is a link to a playlist where you can see Esme’s inflation in different languages, even Japanese. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdFQB1fqS0X66_rda_gNFTzAMeAnneWpu&feature=shared Really wish someone with much better editing skills than me made a video of her with more cartoonish sound effects. Maybe even the Kirby inhaling sound effect when her pink butt gets bigger. Cause they’re both pink and round and wtf not? https://youtu.be/9BJ_pcjhd4U?feature=shared
Never mind, it won’t let me upload any of the HD edits, even when I tried to upload them one at a time.
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>>133708 >>133709 As you can see, poor Esme Hoggett spends the majority of this movie like Muriel Bagge with her Courage or Eustace. Most of it being the film’s butt-monkey of everyone else’s joke. She is tasked with saving the farm after her husband is left in critical condition and the bank threatens eviction. Her efforts leave her stranded in the big city of Metropolis (no, not that one) after a run-in with airport security. Once in the concrete jungle, she is quickly made to suffer humiliation after humiliation, which she takes all of which in stride. The foreshadowing to her inflation first takes place with her outfits, the floral pattern is a recurring theme for her clothing. A pattern that is later seen on the blue clown suit she’s forced to wear. The next bit of foreshadowing is the scene above, where the farmer’s wife that struggles with modern technology accidentally inflates her air bag on the plane, much to her chagrin. She even makes whimpers and straining grunts, as she is stuck inside. After that, she is coated in glue whilst looking for her Arthur’s pig lost in the city. Where she is robbed and even made to stand trial. Much to the courtroom stenographer’s frustration who struggles to keep up with her motor mouth. Her case is dismissed, as the judge was a farm boy, and she quickly returns to the hotel where she was staying at. She noticed pig tracks on the floor, bending over for a closer look, which causes the back of her red floral dress still cased in glue to snap open. Revealing her exposed butt and underwear to the viewer when she turns around to continue the search. This wardrobe malfunction, coupled with the plane incident, are the key details of what comes next. She goes to her landlord about her missing pig (and the other animals being kept there) and asks the tall, slender woman if she has anything that will fit the portly woman. The only thing available being the clown suit of the landlord’s deceased uncle.
Skipping a lot of other movie details, we reach the charity dinner ballroom scene where Esme has come to rescue her pig from a cook trying to steal him. She is forced to use the suspenders of her clown suit as makeshift bungee cables from the chandelier above. This culminates in a chase sequence where Esme barely avoids crashing into a tall pyramid of Champaign glasses. Knocking down a waiter stop a ladder instead, whom accidentally pulls out the “DO NOT PULL” tag in the back of her pants.
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>>133716 >>133717 And now we’ve reached the climax of this analysis. Esme Hoggett clings to a pillar after knocking over the waiter, feeling the worst is behind her. That’s when she notes the rubbery stretching sounds coming from behind her. Looking over her shoulder, she watches in helpless surprise as her butt starts to inflate. Now, here is where the scene left a mark on all our young minds. The inflated and trapped foreshadowing as well as the wardrobe malfunction and humiliation elements seen before come back with a vengeance. Esme is in the center of a ballroom, surrounded by affluent members of high society, watching her embarrassing transformation that she is helpless to stop or reverse. They all watch her in shocked awe and stunned silence as she fills the room with the sounds of her distressed grunting, moaning and whimpering (sounds that can be misinterpreted as ecstasy and pleasure), all while once again her clothes are torn away without any means to hide her growing pink butt that makes her appear swollen and half-naked. Being forced to undergo such an experience would be humiliating for her, especially with an audience watching, gasping and clutching at their pearls. Her body betraying her, making her look like some bouncy circus freak forced to be on display. To some, her situation is cringe and pitiable. To others, hearing all those sounds coming from her mouth and her inflating buttocks, seeing everyone’s reactions to her growing body forcibly undressing her, can be seen as sensual as watching a girl blow-up like a blueberry while a tour of unblinking watchers bares witness to her embarrassing loss of anatomy and mobility. Her very humanity taken as she becomes more object (fruit or ballon) than person. And that’s why, ladies and gentleman, we get off to stuff like this decades later after watching it for the first time back when Blockbuster Video and VHS were still a thing! Our developing kid brains didn’t stand a fucking chance. Gonna post the rest of the GIFs and some links to sites that summarize all those paragraphs above much better for those who say TL:DR. So brb
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Alright, that’s the end of them. If any of you who can draw good wants to, they never really showed the scene where they took Esme back to court and she got off the hook. She and a bunch of escaped animals crashed a charity dinner, of course she was arrested. And it can be assumed she was still a bottom-heavy balloon woman when they brought her before that pig-nosed judge again. This took hours of my life I’ll never get back. Literally learned how to make GIFs today, so that would explain why the non-HD ones above might look like 480p pig crap. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/BabePigInTheCity Here’s a link to the TV Tropes page that goes deeper into the piggy madness. There was going to be a game for PlayStation, you guys. But because Babe 2 killed the franchise, it never saw the light of day. Nor did any Esme balloon butt level we could play to this day. Fuck!
>>133648 Holy shit I remember these!
>>127513 You got anymore of these?
>>133727 Thanks for all this, Anon!
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Here’s a new one
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>>137357 >>137360 >>137361 Oh God! They're incredible, who made them?
