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Boy boobs 2 return of the booba Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 04:24:07 Id:c7aeab No. 133045
I'm not gonna let this thread die this time I suggest we band together and keep him alive!
I love bustyboys!!!!!!
PB and Finley, transition goals, as unrealistic as they are
He grows!
>>133144 Super cute bun boi
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allanchorsaweigh makes the breast boy art and I dare you to find someone better their character addy is the best!
>>134588 Damn straight
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Sorry got the name wrong it's amby short for amber that's his name. Last ones full body cock inflation but still some nice boobs
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>>134590 New stuff? I'm not even finding new stuff lol where?
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>>134595 Nice! Now you got me curious any interesting full blimp amby stuff by chance? Full blimp is my forte but I love boy boobs on the side. >>134597 Yes! James is such a underrated balloon! And boobs suite him nicely!
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Have that one The most recent amby image I have is this one anything newer past this is that I don't have.
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Can these idiots stop making these useless fucking threads and make something that we haven't gotten before.
>>134779 Why? it's popular and posting, unlike most. Or do boyo booba make you mads or something?
Scared of mOOBS or something?
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I've made a few pics recently, if you don't mind the boys involved having huge bellies and butts as well!
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>>134779 Counter-point: no1curr lol
>>134790 Boy having fucking boobies is cursed as fuck why do y'all like this shit ewww Women breasts are sexier then boy bitch boobs.
>>134805 oh stop it, you voluntarily came into this thread, you're into this.
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>>134597 I saw the third image and remembered that i had downloaded all the others at some point. I was however, completelly incapable of finding who was the artist behind these... But it most probable that it just happned to be a fault in my part.
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>>134812 I apologize,i was actually meant to say "second image", but i got the words kind of "jumbled up" in my mind while i was typing, but i think you were able to understand what i wanted it to mean on there.
>>134805 Bros projecting, mad his chest is flat
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>>134811 Who knows maybe they stumbled in bicuriosity? Either way argument is invalid all femboys dream of big boobies for sempai. Because what's wrong with some bob boobies if you were born and blessed with such a feminine delicious body built for such things? It's not your fault the world built you to be submissive and inflatable. >>134805 You do know one of your defining arguments of women is Bridget in whichever your side or argument (as we're not doing the trans vs drama here!) Has or had, was born with a penis. You are aware aren't you?
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Saw someone gabbing about this red fox ren guy in the male thread, quick bio check says he's 21, and looks hella cute! so screw it quick boy boobs edit before I hop into some commissions work. I Wanted to do a whole detailed cleavage version but sadly I don't have the time at the moment but tried a hourglass for fun but didn't get exactly to my liking but screw it! I hope this sends anon through the ceiling like a cum rocket either way! teehee.. As well as I hope you all get a kick out of it too. Sadly I don't take requests much anymore but again a brainrot warm up here and there keeps my brain flowing!
>>134818 Not see though enough so I added more skin tone to hopefully give you a better view of the tits and nipples
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>>134805 What are you gonna do, post .jpegs at me? LOL. LMAO, even.
>>134805 Not into "bustyboys" myself, but I've lurked enough of these threads to understand it and I'm going to wrongly assume you want to educate yourself. >why do y'all like this shit It's a pronoun fetish, not a boob fetish. PB, Bugsy, Astolfo, depending on where you stand on trans people Bridget too... they're all androgynous or feminine male characters. You'll notice that despite having abnormally large pecs Goku isn't here. Peter Griffin definitely has moobs but there's no art of him here either. There's no beards, no "boy boobs" covered in unsightly amounts of body hair, no balding morbidly obese redditors in fedoras, no obviously masculine characters with boobs who could not pass as women if their lives depended on it. It's not a fetish for men with boobs, it's a fetish for seeing homosexuality in places where it doesn't exist. This could, were it not for the autistic hyperfixation on respecting the gender identities of fictional characters or obsessive categorization of other people's sexual orientations, just be a "tomboy futa" thread. I've said the same before. Plenty of other people have pointed it out too. The fact that their only response to any other opinion besides their own is "HuRr DuRr YoU'rE gAy BeCaUsE YoU'rE aTtRaCtEd To ChArAcTeR tHaT lOoKs LiKe GiRl" should tell you that this is just a rebrand of the old, tired gay panic defense - that if you're attracted to a woman and then find out they're biologically (or in this case identify as) male after being attracted to them, that makes you gay. Which, hi, trans person here, it doesn't make you gay. Being attracted to things that aren't on display - like a penis or someone's gender identity - isn't how human sexuality works. You're attracted to what you ARE aware of, or as every porn site has had to try explaining to these people over and over and over again, "you tag what you see." Truth is, most of the men in this thread probably do have boobs, but the kind you get from McDonald's are quite a bit different from the kind you get from HRT. Gooning and self-inserting is easier than transitioning and self-improvement though, and that's why this thread (and this fetish) exists. That said, unlike you I have enough common sense to leave communities alone once I realize they sperg out about pronouns. And responding to such obvious bait as a boy boobs thread? That? That's gay, bro. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBS4Gi1y_nc
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>>134825 Bro yapping. Tomboy futa can be accurate for some but not me I'm by I like men, I'd suck cock but I prefer the dainty feminine type like Griffith from berserk or alucard from Castlevania. I mean they're are masculine acceptions like maybe Goku in the right light? But depends I know I'm not a bear type though. I also know the difference between tomboy and feminine boy with boob. They feel similar on the surface but believe me when I say two different beasts! There's a difference between Lois lane vs alucard with tits when you think about it! And the boy boobs interest for me has nothing necessarily to do with trans or trans identity or anything of the sort (not saying I wouldn't be interested in trans people or trans boobs either! I'm bi they count, but the appeal stems from elsewhere) preferably it's really simple. I see a cute feminine guy and get curious what if I give him boobs? It's like when you're a kid and you draw stick figures or SpongeBob with boobs because it's funny but now in you're adult years it's because you think it's hotter! I guess simply put the idea of male breast expansion on feminine men just intrigues me? Maybe it's the taboo and strange reality of it shouldn't exist yet it do? Maybe it's just It's something odd yet fun it tickles both sides of my by brain! Or maybe it's just wanting squishy boy pillows I don't know its just something interesting! I get boy but boobs. Nothing more to it. Also nothing wrong if you like it masculine or if you like beards and other things. Just not my preference and type body hair outside of genitals isn't really my thing but the key here is types, preferences, in which one could have many! I may like my men looking like alstoflo but you may like them like Walter white? We both enjoy things at the end of the day and that's all that matters. The only thing I don't appreciate is calling it a mental illness which someone here did. Like my brother in Christ you're in a fetish site designed for humans blowing up like balloons! Your a pot calling the kettle fat when that's it's intention. I'd say it's less mental illness and we're just quirky kinky people with acquired strange taste's and desires! Again we all have types big boobs small boobs fat thin thick masculine feminine short tall men women it's all whatever! Life is short so as long as you like what you're fucking and its of age does anything else really matter outside you're own egos belief system. Egos overrated, let it go! Have fun! You get one life. When it's gone it's dead.
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>>134850 I will add on I never thought about personally transitioning or anything like that too so I know I'm not self inserting desires of being a woman I don't physically need to change myself with surgery I'll wear a dress and be a cute feminine princess if I want to be or switch up and be a Dom jock goth daddy give or take how I feel like waking up in the morning. Not against anyone who does wanna hrt or surgery it's just definitely not for me surgery feels like a permanence, a decision I'm sticking with for good and my mind flops too much on everything to trust it. For me at best the bugs bunny lifestyle of drag would be where I'd sit but again, I'm not into boy boobs for a identity or insert kind of way I just think feminine guys with tits are hot I'm kinda Goku brained like that. Maybe there isn't a explanation? Maybe I'm just weird like that? Either way I don't need a reason why I get a boner for it only time I'll ever have to question a boner is if I wake up one day and start getting rock hard off roadkill or some serial killer shit! But I do have a flattening and inflation fetish so technically I'm probably already down a road for the worst.
For me, it's never had anything to do with transition fetishes. If anything, TG has always been a turnoff for me. It's just not an attractive fetish for me, whereas something that elicits the kind of reactions that a masculine dude growing giant tits or a giant ass does...that's way more fun. Doesn't matter if they're masculine or feminine guys, just as long as they have the right look or personality, and as long as it looks good. Just needs to be the right kind of guy. Would also be nice if male BE, ass expansion, dick expansion and giant growth didn't always come with muscle expansion. Also into it on women and enbys, as long as they fit the same criteria for me.
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How about doing an opposite thread for women having big dong penis instead of boy boobies. This shit ain't sexy or horny assholes.
>>134915 Oh no! Someone is angry on the internet!
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Aaanyways, here are so more boy boobs
And here's a fun one
And the last page, too
>>134915 Thats called futa and it's way more popular than this retard so your argument fails.
>>134814 Sauce?
>>134915 I mean nobody says you can't create a futa thread too? No double standards are necessary? We can have both! We enjoy what we enjoy life is short and so is the life span of threads we are all destined to return to the go oils of the earth as we fertilize it and focalize over time so this argument is invalid just off life is fleeting alone! Unless it hurts someone harmless stuff is meaningless to bicker so ignore further drama and post more boobs.
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We gonna seriously let this thread die?
