/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflatable Suit Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo Anonymous 04/08/2022 (Fri) 03:43:23 Id:cd1f1c No. 46448
Alright boys, since the first thread finally reached the bump limit, I think its about time to make a new thread. Y'all know the drill already, but in case you forgot, this thread is for IRL suit inflation videos, pictures, etc., no art since we already got a thread for that. Anything goes, as long as someone is wearing a suit, and said suit is inflating or growing larger in some way although personally i prefer latex stuff To kick off this thread, here's a bunch of re-ups, one wetransfer link, and a bunch of mab links Part One (the smaller vids): https://we.tl/t-IX6nPbOQef Part Two (basic latex bondage): https://mab.to/Pb2iSBmIS Part Three (basic latex bondage): https://mab.to/Pb2iSBmIS Part Four (latex shit, but bigger): https://mab.to/glZCakDqW Part Five (prettypervy re-ups): https://mab.to/rvalqlO8r You know the deal, share shit if you got it, especially new shit
https://mab.to/I3XiqQEhC here's a lil bonus, its still technically suit stuff, so im countin it
>>46448 Do you have the video that "tibsuit" image you posted comes from? I remember seeing a teaser for it on twitter and am actually interested in seeing the video in full.
>>46461 i got it, yeah, but first, you gotta contribute yourself first
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>>46448 A lot of time ago on the old thread somebody posted a photo of that huge ball suit I asked of there is a video of that and somone send It on a MAB link but i completely Lost It Please can i have the reupload or the original video? :(
>>46462 Don't have anything to contribute unfortunately, but thanks for letting me know regardless. If I come across anything, I'll be posting it here
>>46491 alright then, thats fine. if someone else shares something, ill upload the video for you
https://mab.to/VxORZemUL it will take a while
>>46448 Also videos and images are both allowed images preferably dropped without a mab or bridge link. Latex is a preference but it can be any suit as long as it's interesting yes even blimps sumo suits As a person preference myself I wouldn't mind seeing more good off stuff for fun this time around ( not a rule just a preference I'd like to see more of)
>>46519 Good off was supposed to say "hood off"
>>46491 Unlike the tmc thread which is a paid thread anything goes here you don't have to give something to get something. Reason it's implemented their is extreme begging over multiple years. Just post to your heart's content guys And remember we won't get locked this Time if we also post images and stuff directly here vs video link (I know that's hard video wise giving bbwchans 10mb limit) but at least you won't have to keep reuploading certain things in mab or bridge all the time
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>>46474 Seams to me she's a porn star she does a LOT of like mummification suffocation stuff. Shame because I worry someday a pretty girl like that might end up killing herself accidentally. But it seams there's a few inflation videos too. This hood off one particularly looks interesting
>>46526 https://heavyfetish.com/videos/cocoa-soft-coib-001-inflatable-ball-no-01/
Do you have fetisheyes poolside inflation? Contribution: https://m.sextvx.com/en/video/1288328/tmc-girl-purple-suit-inflation
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>>46519 >>46520 >>46524 >>46526 >>46527 NIGGA YOU AINT THE ORIGINAL OP LMAO I AM LOL you dont even have the same ID, much less same typing style, dumbass. oh, another thing, i dont make multiple fucking posts talking about nothing, i make sure i get my point across in one goddamn post. dont talk for me nigga, you dont rule this thread. as for your "rules" >Also videos and images are both allowed images preferably dropped without a mab or bridge link. tf nigga, post whatever link you want, i started off the thread with 3 mab links, 2 of which should be up for 10 days >As a person preference myself I wouldn't mind seeing more good off stuff for fun this time around ( not a rule just a preference I'd like to see more of) lol thats so fuckin wack, hoods are the shit lmao >And remember we won't get locked this Time if we also post images and stuff directly here vs video link (I know that's hard video wise giving bbwchans 10mb limit) but at least you won't have to keep reuploading certain things in mab or bridge all the time yeah, no, thats damn near fuckin impossible, theres no fuckin way that most of these vids arent more than 10mb >Shame because I worry someday a pretty girl like that might end up killing herself accidentally. usually when people do something like that, they have someone nearby in case of emergencies dumbass god, i swear to shit, why are some fans of inflation so fuckin retarded like this? i hate i have the same kink as you kinds of people, goddamn >>46528 as for you, thats a lame contribution, but since you actually have contributed, here you go https://mab.to/Zuhh0TUSU
>>46528 >>46530 Do you think it is possible to also upload the previous part that was the one I was talking about
>>46491 oh, almost forgot; since that one guy contributed, heres your vid https://mab.to/h92WNn5CT >>46531 nah, sorry man, i dont have that one.
>>46532 what videos do you have
>>46533 stuff mostly from the archives
>>46535 How about muscle suit action you got that?
>>46540 >muscle suit action nah. i do have something basically like that tho https://we.tl/t-ggzbFxU5gq
Looking for anything and everything Fetisheye/archive. Just whatever you got, I'll take it. Here's everything I got from fetishkitsch including pics. https://mab.to/uwyvam7wc
>>46564 here u go boss https://mab.to/a34PSBNFL
>>46670 Thanks for this upload. This is TRULY a rare bounty to have! Anyways, here's a random smattering of suit stuff I shared in the previous thread. Might as well reup for the new one, eh? https://mab.to/JCL8xtSOj
Old latexcatfish video i found https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/link/25QOtA11H
>>46448 Of course the bondage links are down first. Is it too much to ask for a re-up?
Do you have any tmc videos I'm just asking
YO this is not the TMC THREAD. this is for inflatable latex suits ONLY. NOW go back to the begging thread where you belong you little roach of an insect before i get the bug spray
>>47337 Hissssss
>>47299 here you go homie, feel free to share your own stuff as well https://mab.to/PmilK8zyS
can someone re-up the pretty pervy vids please
>>47337 I was talking about the suit inflation videos from TMC
Hey man you cant come in here asking for TMC videos without contributing videos of your own. NO CONTRIBUTE = NO TMC VIDEOS
Keep that TMC garbage to it's own thread please.
>>47772 aight bro, here you go next time tho, you need to provide videos yourself https://mab.to/aeq8yqQLQ should be up for ten days, ill do another re-up once someone uploads something new
>>46448 Can you re upload the vids?
>>48519 not until someone else shares something, so yknow. actually PROVIDE somehting and i will
>>48534 >https://mega.nz/folder/jEonyIIJ#LS_WoRmlmQ81XmSGKiSVmQ meant to say something NEW ive seen damn near the same link in the furry thread multiple times
your MAB stucvk on 13% for a while now
>>48581 Sh*t let me try again
>>48662 dude, this is just the stuff from >>48534 but in a mab link like i said, something new
>>48581 >>48663 That’s all the shit I have I’m my drive
Ok, so this thread has gone down a bit, nothin' has been posted for 10 days, so lets roll out some re-ups. I'll start with some of the smaller files, as I don't wanna waste a bunch of time uploading huge ass files for no one to notice em https://mab.to/MorpyCNqm
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yet another bump for yall
Anyone got the new balloona patreon clip where she uses a blueberry suit thx in advance
https://mab.to/nuKuZ3ldw couple of old PP clips
Has anyone got the second part to edda blowup suit video
>>49698 Sauce on the first two?
>>49796 Already gone >:(
>>50095 https://mab.to/gsaWi3W7k heres a re-up with the other pretty pervy stuff i got dude, feel free to share your own stuff >>50085 The first one is @ToySergal on twitter, and the second is CandyCoatedKink on twitter as well. gonna go ahead an let you know toysergal is mostly furry shit, and also a bunch of stuff involving turning into a permanent balloon slave and dronification shit. also they don't have a TON of vids of them in the suit. So. Y'know. Might be an issue. But if you're like me and dont really give a fuck, and just think inflatable suits n shit are hot, then youll be fine.
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https://mab.to/8YIBXn3uI Aight, lets do another re-up for the sake of bumpin the thread yall know the deal, 10 days up, provide your own content, yadda yadda yadda
Hey, maybe someone can help me with ideas? https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyinflation/comments/v229a7/planning_on_inflating_in_the_pool/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share You can answer there or here
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heres a bump
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OK, so time to bump this thread yet again with another 10 day drop of stuff, yknow how it is. tried to add a lot of the latex stuff, so there you go https://mab.to/BNHXLucld
Please do more coco cow inflation videos
>>54445 wrong thread dumbass https://bbw-chan.nl/bbfurries/res/1104.html go here
>>53053 What’s the source/content creator of the second video?
>>54507 tridiexpansions on twitter
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj0n5WKUgkE >Other videos are 3 minutes of the dude messing around in it I guess beggars can't be choosers.
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>>57119 i got a vid of that suit, but more of a prototype version
Does anyone have any funkyfeetuk vids? I remember what they were it was a punk zebra I suit inflating
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here are some FunkyfeetUK pics
aight, time to bump this thread yet again, here's some vids, post stuff if you got it, yadda yadda yadda https://mab.to/eklSPcTUV
https://mab.to/omz0Tu7Qi rare vid let's get some more re-ups in this bitch
behold the 2 best kigluka videos https://mab.to/OKe2TAxUs
alright time to save the thread again heres a bump of stuff, yall know the deal, post your own stuff if you got it https://mab.to/KMVrQeDfR
>>58508 does anyone have funkyfeetuk videos?
>>60283 >funkyfeetuk literally who lmao also all the photos you posted look lame as hell lmao, its literally just a zentai suit those always looked ugly as hell inflated
>>60289 It’s lost media so? https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1cdxESp_JYDf-ys35-q0GJK5fU2546fGm?usp=sharing>>60289
>>60289 https://www.bodyinflation.org/node/37092 https://www.jockbubble.com/post/how-my-fetish-came-to-be https://aanieder.com/2013/01/26/living-la-vida-lycra/
Hey has anyone ever archived tayvarps work? her stuff was amazing, and after it was all nuked no one seems to have archived it
>>60289 funkyfettuk is a zentai inflation fetish user https://web.archive.org/web/20090406205435/http://fetishfad.net:80/body_inflation/video-poster/funkyfeetuk.html https://web.archive.org/web/20140731102134/http://fetishfad.net/gallery/albums/YT/thumb_funkyfeetuk6.jpg https://web.archive.org/web/20140731140026/http://fetishfad.net/gallery/albums/YT/thumb_funkyfeetuk5.jpg https://web.archive.org/web/20140731123051/http://fetishfad.net/gallery/albums/YT/thumb_funkyfeetuk4.jpg https://web.archive.org/web/20140731121247/http://fetishfad.net/gallery/albums/YT/thumb_funkyfeetuk3.jpg https://web.archive.org/web/20140731044536/http://fetishfad.net/gallery/albums/YT/thumb_funkyfeetuk2.jpg https://web.archive.org/web/20140731103923/http://fetishfad.net/gallery/albums/YT/thumb_funkyfeetuk1.jpg
>>60349 >>60295 >>60290 WOW ITS STILL SHIT im so glad zentai shit died off, that shit fucking sucks lmao heres some suit stuff thats actually good https://mab.to/4ZESSianA
>>60437 I thought you said actually good This stuff is just trash
>>60481 Yeah, I wanted inflated zentai or squeaklatex suits
>>60309 I second this notionn he stuff was always sexy if amatuer
>>60532 Also squeaklatex makes me horny lol
>>61029 Can’t blame ya for that, just imagine that sensation of puffing up nice and big, extra shiny, creaking and squeaking as you move.
>>60481 wow you got bitch taste then. that's unfortunate >>60526 >I wanted inflated zentai fucking gay >or squeaklatex suits alright, you're half gay here: https://mab.to/BsRBwhh0Q also, if yall are gonna talk shit about what i post, next time post your own shit. haven't seen a lot of that from yall
reddit.com/r/inflatable_latex just made this
well fuck it time for another re-up both of these will be up for a day https://mab.to/fnyzUWLWj and heres a separate link for fetish kitsch https://mab.to/0LHTkLHxa
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god fucking dammit, time to save this thread YET AGAIN here's a quick bump, with some latex_one stuff https://mab.to/acnYP7tmZ and some other miscellaneous shit https://mab.to/duqbQhoX4 also some non-specific latex shit https://mab.to/A6i0jAB11
Please do some coco cow suit inflations please
>>64009 there's literally an inflatable fursuit thread in bbfurrues, go beg like a fag there
>>46448 Please do a re upload on these videos
Please do a re upload of inflatable latex suits girls
>>65174 >>65177 contribute first, and I will
>>65376 Upload first and maybe I will contribute.
>>65389 Nah, mf, the impetus is on you. I made this new thread in the first place, I dropped all of those links, and barely anyone else in this thread has shared anything else. I've had to repeatedly bump this thread because of that shit, each time with new MAB links. So nah, unless you have something to actually contribute to the thread, and you actually post it, instead of this "maybe I'll contribute" (you sound like a fucking child saying this, I hope you know that) shit, then I'll re-up a bunch of the stuff I posted. But until then, I ain't sharing shit to mfs who wanna just beg for shit, there's another thread for that.
>>65399 probably because your thread sux and every time you bump it you repost the same clips each time.
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here is some cool stuff https://mab.to/t/C3GqDBZJgNa from this nice girl: https://twitter.com/BlueberryOpal
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>>65445 and this from https://twitter.com/hunterbloat5/status/1581738492622942209
>>65445 >>65447 So that's really a guy?
>>65425 yeah, cuz yall keep askin for them. and you act like suit inflation content is just out there everywhere. im not about to scour the edges of the internet to find inflation shit just to bump a thread that barely anyone responds to. And i love how you say my thread "sux" as if im supposed to be constantly uploading new pic and shit. but fine faggot, cool, you wanna bitch and moan, go ahead. just don't start begging like a bitch when you need yet another re-up for a link that was up for ten days. at least theres people like >>65445 who actually uploaded some shit without being a bitch. so here's some vids. it'll be up for 10 days, and like i said, don't start bitching when it goes down unless your gonna upload something yourself https://mab.to/t/GyCnPC4ptbX
>>65525 Hi, sorry to bother you. Question: by any chance do you know who the creator of the “tbebloon.mp4” and “creaky.mp4” videos are?
>>65527 ThatInflatedBitch iirc though they are away for a while
>>65525 thread sux and same videos as always
>>65548 Thanks. Any clues to where I can find more of their full suit inflation videos?
>>65554 ok then, post your own shit if it's such a problem. Otherwise stop bitchin
>>65556 they were active on twitter, maybe fansly or patreon too but i can't find any links
>>65581 hey don't be mad at me, i'm not the reason the thread sux
Does anyone have video of this couple having sex while one of them is inflating? Or maybe a link to then? Looks like they both had their time in the suit
>>65759 lol you're mega retarded
>>65660 I second this I really wanna see that holy crap first time hearing of this lovely piece and damn those Thighs!
OK since the thread is dying, i have upoladed funkyfeetUK's videos back from 2008! https://mab.to/t/7rSNBmqbK3s
uhhhh fuckin uuuhhhhhhhhh bump lol https://mab.to/t/2VlgWJWnlCS
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A friend said she was stoked to give this and another suit a go
>>68562 Where do you get suits like this? I can't find anything about them anywhere online.
>>68661 It’s relevant lmao, this thread and its prior thread centered on inflatable latex suits, get with the program. I’m gonna bust another nut to this vid to spite you.
>>68661 nigga it's a latex suit with inflatable parts it literally fits the criteria complain harder or post your own shit buddy
anyway here's some more stuff https://mab.to/t/zT0IdzxnsuD
>>68558 >>68687 me when i upload the same clips every time, never adding anything new, thread sux LOL
Ya know...you all can just...idk...make your OWN content or something. If you don't make your own stuff, you don't really have a right to complain about what content is being produced because at the end of the day, you're still the laziest one in the room. Sitting at your desk like a creep and judging people...mostly women...for the content they provide. This is coming from someone whose content appeared on here a few times already, WITHOUT my permission. Go buy yourself an inflatable suit and go crazy for all I care before you try and attack and judge amazing creators who deserve better than this thread of nasty underage boys. Literally, you all are like 12 years old and your only source of income you have is the money your parents give you for buying church clothes at the mall. Go to bed. You ALL have school tomorrow. Leave the mature inflationists like me and the others alone because we don't want you and we don't want the creepy exposure.
>>68700 Without counting tonight. 16 days. To be precise. Tonight I hope to break that curse or whatever it is
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>>68701 bro how about you worry more about your sleep schedule and less about what a bunch of horny dorks on an imageboard are doin guarantee one of these things will improve your life anyway heres more re-ups lol https://mab.to/t/PDErS6LbIA1
>>68696 Oh shut the fuck up and go make more shitty content. Nobody needs your permission here. If this place would not exist, you wouldn't have more demand on your content, since the people who beg here won't start buying your shit just because they have no place to beg for it. If your content is great I would pay for it just as a support for you to keep making more. And it won't matter if the content is already shared here or not, I would still pay for it. But I don't need your permission to share it with "the underage boys" if I feel so. And if the content is mediocre or worse, I am expecting to get it for free and I don't care how it will affect you.
>>68710 Okay, now stfu. That dude in the video is hispanic, btw. half Mexican and half colombian. He died a few years ago.
kig luka content https://mab.to/t/QpZpxtcIK4y
>>68696 yep, you're such a mature inflationist... typing essays about blah blah blah, shut the fuck up nobody gives a shit
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>Ya know...you all can just...idk...make your OWN content They are too fucking retarded to understand, maybe even to read it
not to further contribute to the unclosable pandora's box that is AI generated art, I goofed around on novelAI and got some results I liked, I feel like there's a severe shortage of girls in inflatable bondage on the world wide web, so ya know, it's better than nothing please ignore that I very obviously have a type, I tried to add variety to the girlies, but the AI only knows how to make the whitest women possible.
>>69382 These are some really good results though, what were your tags?
>>65660 I third this
>>68562 ok how much more you got of this, because an inflatable latex plugsuit outfit is definately on my bucket list.
>>68562 would love to see more if you've got any
>>69587 "Head" instead of girl or guy, the physical characteristics you want, inflatable, ball, round, latex For the one's where it's just a jacket I usually make an effort to specify legs, so you just wanna list the body parts you want visible and then let the AI take the reins from there. Some I've used reference images for which can really help for reference, but some where done without :)>>69587 >
fuckin uuuuuuuhhhh bump lol https://mab.to/t/5cj2nhVLvQH
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>>70116 Yo where did you find that video of the girl getting blown up and the suit pops?
ok guys i made a new post, if anyone can help me with FunkyFeetUK vids it would be great! https://mab.to/t/Rsgtd5xhjrE
Please do some re uploads of coco cow videos
>>71965 https://mab.to/t/6beZhbO8kax shouldve requested this in the furry thread, but fuck it, barely anyone else is sharing shit
>>68562 Dude holy shit that looks good, PLEASE post more when you get the chance also if she’s got a site/social media where she posts this stuff please post it
https://mab.to/t/DQMpqlKIMff some dress shit for a bump
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>>72014 We figured it wasn't going to hit social media but ill upload what I can! The photo shoot we did was rushed, but we are hoping to do a better one in the future.
>>73094 Needs more feet pics
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>>72827 Ah yes puncturegown (or Yuki Suzuki) For a lot of time i followed his account on DeviantArt and once he had a YouTube Channel that i think is now deleted, he even selled these inflatable costumes on eBay but now even his eBay is closed Forever, is stuff was pretty good and fortunately you can find all of his stuff on his flickr account https://www.flickr.com/photos/21762215@N07/
>>73094 Do you have one standing up
>>73094 Even if it's not a hit on social media, it'd still be nice to see more pics
Does anyone have this breathplay blow up suit video? It’s one of the missing parts.
>>74776 Yeah I've got it. The file in question is called Edda In Breathplay suit with Lea part 2. Here's everything I have from Catsuit Models. https://mab.to/t/YczD1tlJun4
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https://mab.to/t/u6GX82GrVTC fuck it, some re-ups
Thank you for the reups
>>73103 Ah yes hot as shit! But can we get ballooning feet pics now?
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>>79248 More please!
Surprised nobody’s posted The Rain here yet, I remember this video kinda getting me going when I was younger. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hHcyJPTTn9w
>>79248 >Head not shown >Fingers look fucky AI art's a bitch.
Does anyone have any videos of people wearing inflatable suits under their clothes so that when they blow up it stretches or even rips them? Like, buttons popping off and belts snapping? I've gained an interest that, and it seems to be criminally underrated.
bump - Fetisheyes content, anyone?
>>82925 https://mab.to/t/dsiWAxYEpfu/eu1 Here you go. Hopefully thisll get people to upload their own stuff, or at the very least, reups
Enjoy: https://stufferdb.com/picture.php?/377349/category/1678
Not home at the moment, but I have some stuff on my computer there. If anybody could re-up the posts here I'll throw some on the pile when I get home in a few days, including re-re-upping whatever I grab
>>83431 Well this post >>82977 should be up until the 14th, but here's some stuff too https://mab.to/t/buXmW3xrdMA/eu1
>>83561 where are these from?
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I never liked "real" inflation cause its always dudes.
>>83581 >Reverse image search, only this thread as a result Anon?
>>73094 that suit is a thing of beauty
just some miscellaneous shit to hopefully have some activity on this shit lmao https://mab.to/t/49cZKabytKk/us2
>>84932 Useful shit. Thanx!
>>73094 Amazing, hope you get around to doing more
here is my stuff i collected over the past years. warning: 7GB https://mega.nz/file/eZ8USCIJ#FsvBbelFSHRKKNi96-0Lj_aNingr29GIP3dvNIzrgbA
>>85874 Thank you for this, but the file is too large to download in Mega, any way it can go to MAB?
>>85877 Gotta agree Needs to be posted somewhere else because mega is too slow for that file size
>>85906 ? Downloaded in about 6 mins at 20MB/s
>>85956 Using their software?
>>83581 Source?
anyone got any inflate hazardous (hazzy1) content??? i asked him on fetlife and he said he didn't have any copy of them after his youtube channel got smoked
>>86393 Reup?
Pumps up
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My new suit I got recently
>>91423 Nice, you're going to be a helplessly bloated waddler for us?
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Not just yet, but I’ve got this one of my other suit
Having some fun with my inflated wife last night.
>>91471 Would love to see more of this!!
>>91585 Can make that happen…
>>91593 Beautiful balloon babe❤️
>>91601 She loves being blown up and shown off.
>>91602 That's incredibly hot🤤 Lucky to have a woman like that.
>>91603 Thank you! We have a lot of fun. Was debating creating a new thread here to share some of our stuff.
>>91636 Do it
>>91636 That's hot, would love to see more
Please do a re upload of coco cow video,s
>>92966 >A 1-minute short of her in a suit >A dozen videos of the dude in them I want to visit a universe with reversed gender roles, download all the fetish porn and fuck off back to here.
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>>92979 Same 100%
>>46448 does anyone have those edits of the plumpify katy perry ad an anon made a couple years ago? I think they got lost in a previous thread
>>92982 I know about the original ad https://youtu.be/g_hz0flNvgI But what edits they where made in that One you mean?
>>92989 uhhh I think it was some high quality gifs an anon made I was looking for
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>>92982 are you talking about these?
>>93005 this guy made these https://twitter.com/GerDrain1
>>93005 Nah they were just regular gifs pulled from the ad, thanks for looking though
>>93031 said fuck it and did it myself hopefully some other anions will enjoy this
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Has anyone ever seen pics of a Russian/Soviet SGP or ISP-60 drysuit inflated? Just curious, because I've never seen that. Those suit look like they might be kinda hot floomed-up.
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Anyone have any of the new Balloona videos?
>>94998 Source?
>>95042 https://bbw-chan.nl/inf/res/93160.html
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https://mab.to/t/ucBWQaZc50g/us2 just some stuff lmao
>>95920 Someone made an inflatable Lola Pop costume?!
>>95924 I'm a simple man, I don't ask for much, just more companies making videos like that ball gown one.
just a tiny bump, ill try to upload some more stuff later
and here's a bump for ya https://mab.to/t/HDWvYQKNcQk/us2
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Does anyone have more stuff from lunaskye1011 with this inflatable suit? I shared some vids some time ago but I lost them...
Where did you find that "pantspumping" video? is there more?
Can anyone upload Beaballoon videos on MAB?
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Thinking of selling these. Dress is about 36" tall inflated and fits s/m Suit is just about 60" tall and fits L with a decent bit of space inside left.
>>46448 Should this thread be merged with props and miming?
>>99350 Nope
No jacket and/or coat inflations? Considering that is now winter time...
>>99350 Yes and the miming thread is dead.
(9.85 MB 1620x1080 fug.webm)
yo heres some miscellanous suit shit ive found over time aint much but its something https://mab.to/t/90JD00enzhD/us2
(3.72 MB 1920x1080 ballhoodpump.webm)
heres a lil bump https://mab.to/t/D7z8n44F3JM/us2
Anyone have anything on lunaskye1011?
Anyone have videos of Balloona before her YouTube got deleted?
Here's my "little" collection from over the years. It will stay up for 30 days. Enjoy and please remember to share. https://mega.nz/folder/4cI3jbhB#alEkoDUmmfTZaH_wnTk9FA
anyone here have any kigluka inflation content? new here, unfortunately dont have anything to contribute
>>104901 Fuck it, hold my beer.
anyone have the full Tibsuit video? jw
>>104901 Okay I've added Kigluka's stuff to my collection. Total size is now at 448GB. See the mega link above.
>>104862 Are you going to put some more fetisheyes videos in that mega?
>>105086 Need taylor swift deep nude pics now!!!
Any content from them would be cool.
>>97594 What’s the first image from?
>>104223 damn, already "does not exist"
>>105021 wow above and beyond, thx for that
>>47772 Does anyone still has this videos?
>>105094 https://x.com/hunterbloat5?t=mG3zCbIpSOjbX1vwwVbcMA&s=09 Unfortunately it's a dude
>>105122 https://mab.to/t/cmdeGaTb0o2/us3 theres some new stuff i havent seen anywhere before to, i actually own a catfish copy of the red toxic suit as well, wont be posting those though, same suit coco had in the 1 vid.
>>105146 Aw snap, that's a lot of cool stuff! Thanks, anon! I wonder whatever happened to that crew and suits, considering their site has been long dead.
>>105086 Sure, I've added all I have from Fetish Eyes. Not all of it is inflation related though.
>>85874 >https://mab.to/t/HDWvYQKNcQk/us2 Has anyone been able to download and open this? It's too big for mega and can't download myself.
>>105146 Holy shit mate! Thank you for uploading this! I was a huge fan of PP back in the day. They had such a fun and funky flair for artsy latex and such. Shame they closed up shop, but at least their stuff lives on somewhat!
Will you please put some stuff from taylormadeclips in the mega
>>105093 Anyone got stuff from them?
>>105271 If you mean my mega then it's already in there. Always has been.
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>>105146 Aw shit, thanks man! Much appreciated! Have a contribution to the thread. For your trouble.
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>>105146 >>105146 Found a couple of pictures to add to your collection, including a picture of a copy of the Toxic Toadstool suit that might've been sold on ebay at one point or another.
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And some more
It's not a whole lot, but here's a lil something https://mab.to/t/wlUBGVAih96/us2
yooo thnaks for the extreme rubber curves, was looking for ti for a while andn wo you posted here, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
and here are 2 more of her inflatable suits, i have more but couldnt findd them b y name as when i downlaoded these these were document name nnot actual name https://mab.to/t/635GOKPwcEn/eu1
meant to add this isntead of the other video with thme riding the pooltoy sorry for sendign 2 links in short notice https://mab.to/t/lHacY80R5FC/eu1
okey its still the wrong video i had one with her other suits not the pool thing
if there is a mdoerator pelase remove my other 3 comments i nade because i redid the original upload intent right this time https://mab.to/t/aUCmp0UfIaI/eu1 as a thank you for extreme latex curves video
>>73103 Where did you get the suit? Would love to buy one or have a custom printed one made. Thanks!
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>>104862 Bumping with a re-upload. Like last time good for about 30 days. https://mega.nz/folder/sVRCHIwQ#alEkoDUmmfTZaH_wnTk9FA
Can you please put some Drysuit inflation videos in the mega.
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long shot, looking for this latexcatfish video that was on youtube a while ago, only have a screencap but heres a bunch of rubber critter pics and vids, some new stuff in here. https://mab.to/t/TTEQfp2Tzpq/us3
>>107212 Don't really have any to put in there. There might be a few in there somewhere but I don't have a collection of them.
>>107218 That looks like a bootleg version of the Pretty Pervy Toxic Toadstool suit.
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Would you please add more taylormade videos on that mega.
>>107488 Sorry all that's there is all I've got.
>>107218 According to their twitter, LatexCatfish still sells bootlegs of that suit, the Toxic Toadstool suit. Interesting. It's never going to be up to pretty pervy standards, but that company hasn't exited for years so its better than nothing, I guess.
heres some vids, some of em are groups, some are new I think https://mab.to/t/io5DmYsTm2F/us2
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>>105146 More pictures for your collection, as I don't see them in the folders. BTW, is the latex catfish suit copy any good?
>>109221 suits 4 years old, still holds up no rips or leaks, ass gets huge compared to the pp suit, boobs are about the same size, coco cow has a video with the same suit.
>>109405 Anyone else who you know might own the catfish suit besides coco cow?
>>109683 this person has one https://fetlife.com/users/500152/pictures
>>109726 Guessing there are no models that actually perform with that suit, let alone do custom clips. Darn.
Me again, bumping with the usual mega upload. https://mega.nz/folder/4NIiTYwA#alEkoDUmmfTZaH_wnTk9FA
>>110554 https://mega.nz/folder/vIBiTTZA#DjPVUvH9ua6lMlfwSVykUg Bump as well
>>110809 Mmmmh... a bit sus. What does this contain?
>>110813 you know this stuff goes on the furries board right? Like theres a thread for inflatable fursuits there
>>91471 I'd love to do this with my wife. She said that she's totally up for it but we have a question. How did you inflate that suit? We can get a bodysuit and was going to just use two balloons for the boobs. But it looks like some thigh and butt inflation there too, which interests us. Any tips? Thank you.
>>70116 I wonder if that woman knows this video is online, and if so, what does she think? I mean, she must know its a fetish to have someone ask to film her inflate. This is one of the hottest videos I've seen. Shame there isn't more like this.
>>111271 I would guess many of the women here are well aware that their content is being shared (except Dante Posh... except she's weird and kind of a hermit so it makes sense) on chans, I would guess. Just maybe not this one, as bbw-chan is still somewhat obscure (except to the TMC watchdogs).
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>>113955 Oh God, PLEASE tell me there's a longer version of this.
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>>113963 good news buddy https://mab.to/t/4K9aK5nEVlg/us2
>>113996 FUCK YEAH, LET'S GO! Thanks a ton, anon! You're the best!
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>>114002 no problem homie
>>110554 I'm not letting this thread die yet. https://mega.nz/folder/sBBXQY4I#alEkoDUmmfTZaH_wnTk9FA
>>115479 Anything from Pretty Pervy in your collection?
>>115537 https://mab.to/t/MwyCNZq47nT/us2 here's some PP for you
(9.82 MB 720x1206 berrysut.webm)
>>117317 Thanks! Much appreciated!
>>117530 Amazing! Really love their stuff and hope to see more.
Can you reupload coco cow videos, please, You can see videos that i have on YouTube channel named kakatronishe
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My channel got banned
>>117824 >>117998 https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/63138.html inflatable fursuit stuff goes here
Does anybody have the video from ThatInflatedBitch/ThatInflatedBre? The full body suit one?
>>118041 https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/
It’s not working
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>>118582 Aw shit. You have access to the album? Nice!
>>118598 nah, some of this shit i just found
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>>118704 Who's made this bootleg? Looks pretty good, even if the polka dots in the ass are the opposite color.
>>118764 https://www.latexcatfish.com/hard-bondage/inflatable-pets?product_id=1620
Does anybody have the full body suit video by Thatinflatedbre?
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>>118764 Latexcatish are intellectual property thieves of the worst kind. Plus their quality is pure suckass. I would never send them a dime/角 of my hard earned money.
>>119655 Its better than squeak latex who has known i believe to just cancel orders keep payments or be mia for months at a time sucks too because they make the best rubber suits the ones from tmc are there's unless somebody lets me know what alternative brand they're using? Still I honestly don't care as long as they're made cheaper and durable
>>119655 In the particular case of Pretty Pervy I'm okay with them making bootlegs because the company went kaput years ago. It's either them or, you know, the suits just not fucking existing.
>>119666 Dude, clue in. Pretty Pervy went kaput BECAUSE Latex Catfish stole their designs.
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>>119981 >>119982 >>119983 >>119984 Aw shit, a motherload of Toxic pictures! Thanks, anon!
>>119944 didnt someone post a longer version before? any reposters?
>>120129 https://mab.to/t/t08mgg6KCx6/us2 heres the full vid btw
>>104862 Anon if you're still around I don't suppose we could get a reup please?
>>120320 Since you asked so nicely of course. It's currently sitting at 573.85 GB https://mega.nz/folder/oApFnL6D#alEkoDUmmfTZaH_wnTk9FA
>>120349 That's a serious collection, much appreciated!
Does anyone have anymore old videos of Balloona that have never been posted? They were on her deleted YouTube and I’ve been searching for them. Didn’t know if anyone archived them. I can in turn provide her newest video.
>>120349 You wouldn’t happen to have ThatInflatedBre’s inflation video? the one big ball suit one?
>>120349 thanks for the Mega folder, do you have any more of those MistressVictoria inflation videos?
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>>122110 personally feel like shit like this is a waste of everyone's time
>>120349 can u plz reupload the MEGA.nz folder?
>>123301 https://mega.nz/folder/ZR5V2aTJ#alEkoDUmmfTZaH_wnTk9FA
>>61333 Doesn't look like that subreddit's active anymore.
>>68562 Did you get it to inflate like that. I'm curious
(8.80 MB 720x900 suitdemo.webm)
I’m having trouble viewing video files on bbwchan while on mobile for some reason…. Like the one above
>>126238 Ah yes last one sadly popped was the pop recorded? I also always wondered could a gal use a remote control vibrator with this suit? Asking for a friend?
(9.38 MB 3456x5184 stairs_by_brianskunst_d99vufx.jpg)
>>126238 Source? Where did She posted that video?
Anyone have Balloona newest video? I have all of her over videos.
(3.42 MB 480x548 overbig.webm)
>>128427 Sauce please? Not usually into spherical suits bit this one kinda hit different
>>128460 roundhomunculus on twitter iirc
>>128427 Cause I'm more curious what brand or company made it
>>128467 https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Big-PVC-round-inflatable-blueberry-ball_62010996178.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normal_offer.d_image.71c913a0OZV7LF
(7.94 MB 848x720 3piecesofgum.webm)
>>123859 Could you re-upload the Mega.nz folder once again please?
anyone got some stuff from thatinflatedbre?
>>130234 Sure no problem. It's good to the end of the year. Enjoy! https://mega.nz/folder/VZICVIiT#alEkoDUmmfTZaH_wnTk9FA
Can you please add the new fetisheyes video called heavy rubber float tank into the mega folder?
https://x.com/spookysquib This cosplayer makes videos where she inflates balloons with water under her cosplays making It look like she has a very inflated sloshy belly She doesn't do air inflation but her videos are pretty good tbh
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>>130561 Don't have it myself but I'll keep an eye out.
>>127914 discokitten, and she posted it on twitter
(9.72 MB 720x804 clothedberry.webm)
Hey does anyone have balloonas newest bondage video? I can contribute any of her videos in return
>>132654 https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/63138.html ask that here
Can anyone send some inflatable suit videos from latex_one?
>>132968 https://mab.to/t/alQBpkwcFNg/us2 here. next time contribute something before requesting
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>>133510 Who's the first image?
Me again, same stuff as before. Roughly 600GB in here, enjoy. https://mega.nz/folder/VZICVIiT#alEkoDUmmfTZaH_wnTk9FA
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>>134244 I wish she would have revealed how she modified a chub suit to make that D-Type costume.
(1.38 MB 3088x2316 IMG_4603.jpeg)
(1.39 MB 3088x2316 IMG_4604.jpeg)
My new Inflatable catgirl suit
>>134243 There's some new stuff in Ballona's kemono. You might want to add those in your collection/folder, just in case.
>>134948 I DMed her about that, ages ago. She said that she used POSCA markers to add the Plugsuit details
>>135529 Interesting. Looks like they got a lot of ink.
>>134243 The link expired.
>>136950 Wow it's been a month already huh? Links good for another 30 days, Enjoy! https://mega.nz/folder/VZICVIiT#alEkoDUmmfTZaH_wnTk9FA
if anyone has more MistressVictoria inflation videos, please let me know.
