/inf/ - Inflation

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Madzisstacked thread 3 Anon 01/15/2023 (Sun) 08:14:41 Id:700375 No. 75115
As the other thread got bump locked again might aswell keep it goin, so if you have anything to contribute it would be very appreciated! Here's my contribution: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9UQW9Va1ZOVDFaRktXVkdTWHBXUmtacFUzbE5lbFI2Umt4WFYxazBZayhkZWxldGUpUnNUMk5FU21GWFZVcFpXWHBCZDJFeFJqTT0=
Anyone have the Hocous pocus. Contributed: https://mab.to/t/8sK5g1TQEYY
>>75115 Does anyone know if there's any butt inflation videos yet? Like of the new butt rig in action?
All those "in public" videos creep me out. Like, don't expose the public to your fetishes. It's not cool for a scat-loving cop to try and feed shit to the homeless, and it's not cool to walk around a children's playset with gigantic prop tits with visible nipples.
>>75115 You have duplicates. "Homemade Serum" can be found as: >real time fluid inflation >0_56879900_1655803437_j4W2w_20220621092357 "Milky Madz-ness" can be found as: >Mily Madz-ness >Hucow- New Coffeeshop The last one has an annoying qr code so delete that one. "First Day at Work" can be found as: >Madzisstacked Team Rocket >Team Rocket Another can be found as: >Belly Fluid >Filling my belly full of cum!!! The latter is 3 times as big as its duplicate so delete that one and keep Belly Fluid It would also be appreciated if you could rename those videos to their actual titles, albeit that is less relevant.
>>75209 Bruh i just cant help but feel the same way, like i have zero interest in watching a video where a woman walks around walmart with ZZZ cups or whatever they are now
>>75115 Is there any online community that can be free of drama? Her twitter lately is just bitch bitch bitch.
Anyone have a mega folder?
>>75209 im the other way around i wish she would do more public content
whats up with her twitter tho? its constant bitching and subtweeting...
>>75909 A bunch of expansion models and creators are airing out their shitty experiences with Emimii/AkemiExpansions and Madz has had beef with him for years now. I think Madz seems shady and two-faced but this other dude sounds like a proper shithead
>>75957 Yeah, that's what I was picking up. I followed his DA for the art until he decided to shut the page down entirely last week and seeing some of the stuff from her end does seem to suggest he wasn't really the victim. Either way, I eventually figured it didn't really concern me in the long run and I just wanted to see good boob content. lol
>>75991 Apparently Akemi got doxxed and Madz was involved in some sense but it overall just seems like a very messy situation. Tbh I don’t side with either of them.
>>76003 What's going on is that porn stars are trying to become Breast Expansion celebs. I doubt Madz is popular since the era of Minka, Teddi Barrett, Chelsea Charms, and Maxxi Mounds are over. Besides, breast expansion has always been for male nerds. I doubt that bitchy gossip girl drama in porn works on expansion. Madz is just bitter that she's too ugly for bangbros.
>>76005 Oh it gets better as AkemiExpansions just posted a freaking timeline of events and is now suing Madz and his ex-gf who GAVE Madz PRIVATE INFORMATION about AE which includes photos of his family for Defamation and Mental Anguish!
>>76002 TL;DR - Madz is a lying manipulative bitch and people fell for it. From Akemi's patreon: "A Timeline of Events I ask MadzisStacked to leave my report my post server. Four days after that she begins to spread rumors about me and drag my name everywhere she can. One year after that, her Twitter is accidentally suspended. She asks her report my post to report an unrelated account because they were happy she’s gone. Her Twitter is restored, I make a thread about her behavior up to this point. She does not acknowledge the thread in any way and asks people to DM her for "the truth", where she lies even more. Now she’s telling people I’m abusive and a groomer. One year after that, I find out that’s what she’s saying to people and I make another thread about it. She does not acknowledge the thread and tells an even worse lie, telling people I am a sex trafficker. My Ex-Girlfriend, Rikki Ramsey, breaks up with me because I posted a picture of us together on Instagram and she thinks people will find her based on my Instagram page. She doesn't have an Instagram and I have 49 followers on mine. My Ex-Girlfriend, Rikki Ramsey, gives my Instagram information to Madz. I write a thread about the fact that my Ex-Girlfriend, Rikki Ramsey, gave some strange girl that’s been lying about me for two years access to my face, name and photos of my friends and family. MadzisStacked makes a thread about all of the lies she’s been telling about me behind closed doors for two years, on Twitter. People believe this even though the thread consists of her posting tweets I wrote and interpreting them however she wants and conversations I had with people (not about her, just conversations) at any point in the past six years. I start a lawsuit against my Ex-Girlfriend, Rikki Ramsey and MadzisStacked for Defamation and Mental Anguish."
>>75991 I hate to sound like some tepid centrist but I think both sides of this whole situation are kinda in the wrong. Towards the beginning of Eimmi public airing his grievances w/ Madz, there was a lot of convincing evidence, primarily screenshots of report my post convos, that painted her as being very bitchy and quick to try and undermine others. Unfortunately though Eimmi himself was the one that posted a lot of those screenshots, so they’re gone now lmao. Anyways, that, among some other things that Madz did following that initial thread kinda cemented this idea of her as a bitch, and Eimmi probably wouldn’t have caught much flak for saying what he did if he didn’t become a paranoid ass, constantly talking about her and reaching out to other expansion community figures in some weird thinly-veiled way to coax them to his side of the argument. It’s ultimately a matter of a valid callout being spoiled by the accuser getting too ambitious and going too far.
Nah full stop Madz is a cunt and is about to become exhibit A in this corner of the world’s episode of “Dumb Over the Hill white Bitch Goes Too Far Again.”
People like mad are Reactive Abusive assholes who hide behind their thin veil of morality and societal leeway to harass people they view weak enough for no reason other then Mad is a degenerate with mommy/daddy issues and now decided to turn herself into a social lesson. People like her cannot let people love their life and move on. They oxymoronically revive that person’s demons in a form of Reactive Abuse to make the person seem unreasonable so that the third party that is society will turn on them. AE is an easy target because a certain subset of society will pitchfork a fucking kitten if a woman of certain regard drenches their evil with platitudes of morality and aims it at someone unsuspecting enough. mad I’m a neutral third party. I know you read this board. I want you to know you’re the worst kind of human being and the powers that be have a beautiful cocktail of emotions and morality ready for your life babygirl.
>>76247 Stfu mad Also they’re not gone. They’re suing you for a reason dumb bitch. All they have to do is put them out there again and public opinion sways against you. It’s not a coincidence that out of pocket over the hill white bitches are having a major conniption this week. It’s the dying agonizing scream of knowing their banshee manipulative MeToo tactics died one fateful dawn of June and these are the desperate last self-harming putters I’ve seen this story long enough the seasons repeat themselves in many ways. People like mad die a slow beautifully painfully agonizing *proverbial death
>>76247 Yeah, I hear ya. At the end, like I said, the whole thing sucks but it just ain't my business. I'm certainly not going to go out of my way to get as viciously hateful as other people in this thread are.
>>76253 Wow I just realized.. Dawn of June June 1st Amber Heard Verdict June/Offred Dawn of June … A year ago I would have vomited and screamed in mortal horror After all the hypocrisy I’ve gone through this last year. Having seen what “feminism” is really about. Greedily shifting supremacy from white men to white woman in the guise of equality using PoC as pawns. Using us as human shields in their vigilante Bizarro-Batgirl quest until it justifiably gets turned back around against them .. I’ve learned my lessons and am spreading this newfound, genuinely progressive, syncretic PoC framed ideal accordingly And guess who society is finally slowly starting to listen to, accordingly 🙂 Here’s to the white women who thought their actions didn’t have consequences like their Karen mothers before them 🍻
Here’s a primer and example of American syncretic politics if you needed one. It’s a great strategy, triangulation. Co-option. An American specialty.
>>76253 Mannnn wtf you got me :(
>>76262 What the actual motherfuck are you talking about. This thread needs to die. I'm all for more societal progress, but when you serve it up with whatever the hell word salad you're giving us, I wouldn't blame anyone for jumping off a bridge to escape the agony.
>>76301 Ending your point with a plea for suicide proves your point is trash. Anon you’re responding to is dropping bangers
I just came here for the fake prosthetics titties. BTW OP, I tried B64ing the link but eventually I get broken characters. Is there something I'm missing?
>>76345 Ignore me Im a retard
Man I just wanted some forbidden coochie. Guess I'm throwing this shit away if she's a giga hoe.
>>76262 Take your meds and switch off the internet for a couple days.
(59.95 KB 789x586 image.png)
so uh. in the midst of all of this argumentative bullshittery, anyone know how I can grab this without needing to put a credit card to this cringe-ass website?
Anyone got a big folder of leaks, just found out about this chick like a week ago and I'm finna drain my nuts to her.
>>76253 >>76251 >>76246 >>76245 Lol he ain't suing anybody. If he was, he'd lose easy for all the "evidence" he's been deleting and trash he's been talking. Any actual lawyer would've told him to STFU ages ago. All this is bullshit lmao, shut up and enjoy the tits.
Anyone have the newes belly fluid video?
her Twitter is private now fucking lmao
>>77403 What a beautiful time to be alive. Shout out to all the women that didn’t take the hint 8 months ago and decided to become Amber Heard -2.0.
>>77403 Lots of people are going private on twitter. Elon is fucking it up heavy smh
>>77436 That was like a month ago at this point you don’t need to make an excuse for her.
>>77443 This was literally like 2 days ago, she's not even private on twitter anymore.
whats the key to the mega folder in the title?
Theres no key i just tried
Here is her real time belly inflation video. The full version, not the minute clip some guy posted like a month ago Decode, remove, decode YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MChSRU1PVkUpYkM5MExXSnNTbmhhTVVJMVRYQT0=
>>75145 So she's just dropped a few butt inflation videos finally. Foomp butt included
Elf with Giant Tits Milking Herself
Anyone have the Hocous pocus film
Any sign of her recent Back to the Future 2 scene?
>>75115 Is there a full version of the Teaser video?
>>79210 Reup please?
Anyone got that new boombox vid?
>>75115 >WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdsZGthRXh0TlRaTU1scDJZa2RTYkdOcE9UQW9Va1ZOVDFaRktXVkdTWHBXUmtacFUzbE5lbFI2Umt4WFYxazBZayhkZWxldGUpUnNUMk5FU21GWFZVcFpXWHBCZDJFeFJqTT0= How do I decode this link?
>>80659 Base64. Copy that "code", paste in B64, run Decode and it'll spit out a link. figured i'd give you a real answer before you get chastised for asking
Anyone have that new boombox/ass expansion video?
id be happy with the 5 second ass fwoomp test video
Her boombox video is hella mid to me, and I like ass expansion. But eh, here it is. Along with the real time belly inflation. Also kinda mid, but not every video can be a banger. Here's the link YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MChSZW1vdmUpYkM5MExUZFZhMWhWU25OeVFUWT0= You know the drill. Decode, Remove, Decode
What is the minimum acceptable time frame before it's okay to upload paid content from Madz? I know from other creators that some people try to give a grace period because it does legitimately affect the artist's livelihood. To what degree is debatable for different creators, but it's still something to consider. I don't know if the same grace period applies to Madz because it seems like a ton of people on this thread and on twitter hate her because of some of the terrible stuff she's done. I truly dislike that she has done fetish content out in public, but I won't lie and say some of her other content isn't exactly what I'm looking for. Just kind of gauging the temperature of the room on how soon it's okay to post content of hers if it's something I'd buy for myself. Some of her stuff I don't care for.
>>80779 >suspicious shortened link yeah no fuck that.
>>80793 Personally I don't think it matters if there is any grace period at all. Especially with the case of Madz who seemingly gets into some petty drama almost every other month. From what I've seen, that sentiment is commonly echoed from others as well.
>>80779 It already expired, that was incredibly fast... >>80812 we.tl is not really suspicious, it's like mab.to Both are file sharing platforms (WeTransfer and MyAirBridge)
Anyone have Back to the Future 2 full scene ?
Can someone reup the boombox vid? Even if it's mid, I love prevence too much to ignore it.
awe man can we get a reup i missed it
>>80812 Are you new here? People have been using we.tl for as long as I've been coming here and that's like 3+ years
>>80779 That was mid as hell. After all this build up *that* was what she gave us??
>>80907 reup it so I can see how mid it was.
>>80907 Yeah, that was definitely not worth the fucking wait. "Copies movement from vid and barely inflates." Not even pants tearing from her ass increasing in size. Just "Oh no, my ass totally increased in size and totally doesn't look like something from modern TMC."
can i have boom box?} here is some videos 2nd one still uploading YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQyhyZW1vdmUpODBRbXQwTmpVME0xQnZaUzkxY3pJPQ== YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWQocmVtb3ZlKUc4dmRDOURlVkJWU25wb1JrTkxUaTkxY3pJPQ==
Someone would have the videos of butt inflation, please?
If someone has Mommy Madz Fireside Tittyfuck im a ok to give the boombox vid
>>80991 to buy or to post? because if you have it, post it
https://mab.to/t/noUwXkRtvhj/us2 here is some more
>>80995 honisitly dont care how i want the file also the link :https://mab.to/t/IkZSMoqpXlh/us2
>>81046 rad, thanks man. i think my brain has so much prevence rot that this works for me.
.>>80907 ngl, I kinda clocked out the moment the Splatoon music played Skimmed the timeline after and felt disappointed.
> Has a multitude of songs about asses you can use > Uses a track that makes absolutely no sense outside of the Splatoon animation > Keeps the growth until around 3 minutes into a 7 minute vid Yeah this seems like a good value for 14 bucks
>>80779 You know decoders only work with certain apps right? This isn't b46 so how the fuck do I decode?
that boombox vid was not worth the wait at all. 3 minutes of nothing then barely any expansion. Hella disappointing
>>81149 There a clip you can share of any part of the video to sum it up? I'm sure a clip isn't breaking copyright of any kind
>>80969 Hello! May I ask what files were uploaded in this link? Any "new" videos?
>>81175 Go away Madz
>>81134 Yeah. It was good, but not great. It was hot, but kinda of a let down. She didn't talk at all. I was expecting her to have some sort of verbal reaction. Like you could obviously tell tye boombox was being propped up by someone at the end. She could have used wiggle wop as the song. Someone even suggested early on in her comments when she was having copywrite troubles. She really put the least amount of effort possible. I'd give it a 4/10.
Hello! Does anyone got the hocus pocus video?
>>80856 2nd this.
>>81308 >>81149 agreed. saw the boombox video. less than mediocre. i will admit the production quality was higher than expected before the expansion started, but after it was so crappy. really not as good as anyone claims it is. she's surrounded by nothing but yes men and hype men who have to cope with losing money, so of course they're gonna be like "oh my god so amazing"
anyone got the milky elf video?
anyone have the new boombox video? none of the links are working in this thread and i need my prevence fix
(343.85 KB 1534x2048 Madz Futa.jpeg)
does anyone happen to have this (or any other) futa photo uncensored? many thanks in advance!
Anyone got the new Ass expansion one? May actually be alright https://www.loyalfans.com/madzisstacked/video/ass-expansion-slow-and-fast
>>82278 Oh my God, yes! Having this video would be great!
Anyone have the Jennifer parker expansion vid?
Anyone have "Ass Expansion: Slow and Fast" ? Please!
Bump, anyone got more? aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9WY3JQdUZ4VEdLcy91czM=
anyone got the boombox expansion vid? Even if it’s mid I need my prevence fix lmao
>>82781 There it is enjoy https://mab.to/t/jT7xcJ9tGCF/eu1 Someone got the Elf with Giant Tits Milking herself ?
Holy shit thanks, you’re a real one dawg
Who has all of her big belly videos?
madz goat
https://www.loyalfans.com/madztv/video/busty-nun-stroking-her-cock anyone got this one?
anyone have a mega available, these my air pages dont seem to work
X2 Delete the (shit) YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWQobWFkenopRzh2ZEM5MVNYUk5NKHBsYXN0aWN0aXRzKTI1aFlXOUJWaTkxY3pJPQ== Enjoy jerking off fuckers ;) Any thing else lmk I'll see what I can do
anyone have the tittyfuck and bj video?
>>83349 Damn thank you so much her vids are so rarely posted
>>83349 absolute lad. Thank you so much! Honestly, any of her "nude" photos (if they aren't censored) would be amazing if you have them, or just any of her other new futa stuff. Still, thanks man!
>>83349 How do you open this kind of file?
>>83349 Next time if you can would we get some of the other ae videos?
>>83411 Use base64 to decode it, delete the stuff in parentheses, copy it, decode again
Anyone bas the boombox video please
alot of the links are expired, can we get some new ones?
>>83702 https://mab.to/t/417iJ2UsJMX/us2
Please, does anyone have the boombox video to share? thanks
Does anyone have "Ass Expansion: Slow and Fast" please?
Please, does anyone have the boombox video to share? thanks
>>84563 https://mab.to/t/mGyOXwLvQs4/eu1
bro, look; you are a hero
annon was right about the boombox video being mid that was terrible. Anyone looking for it literally just go watch a regular twerking compilation on pornhub or something or better yet go watch a prevence animation rather then midzisstacked.
I understand you comrade, all this is true; but i liked the video lol :)
I'm not Canadian. You don't understand love.
This is pure truth
I seem to be the only person who enjoyed the boombox video.
Anybody got lactating hucow barista vids
Hey, someone has the latest videos of her loyalfans or the Halloween one?
>>84680 It makes sense for it to not be enjoyed, honestly. It had a giant build up for.. essentially nothing.
>>84680 I thought it was ok. Underwhelming, but her ass still gets big so it's ok in my book
>>82278 Thirding
she never gets naked
>>84796 That prop at the end was pretty good in my opinion, but I'm really just surprised that she didn't do the cut-expansion thing that she does with her breast inflation stuff.
Does anyone have the boombox video?
Thrift Store Try-On Haul II (Spring Edition) dropped 32 mins long
This thread has too much yacking and not enough uploads. Time to fix that. https://mab.to/t/qpkQU6PU372
she has a video that is on the drive tru showing herself to the attendant, have you seen it?
Haven't found the video where she walks in public with a huge fake ass anywhere. Anyone have it?
Thrift Store Try-On Haul II
Does anyone have the boombox video
>>85367 that is not Thrift Store Try-On Haul II
>>85460 https://mab.to/t/wc5ztciom3t/us2 Should be up within 3 hours.
Goin again for the barista hucow vids
>>85465 The upload got interrupted
>>85478 It's up now
Does anyone have the fireside titfuck?
Does someone have the real time cumflation
Does anyone have wet t-shirt shower time
>>85598 this? https://mab.to/t/OisVOysS1sj/us2
>>85566 >>85685 "Requested transfer does not exist"
(303.55 KB 1920x1080 Screenshot (40).png)
>>85694 clear your browser cache
>>85696 Mods can I ask a favor if someone posts a clip uncleaned can a message like this pop up as well as it gets deleted instantly as to possibly save said person a TMC ban Without the passwords we have zero power in deleting comments ourselves
>>85698 And saving said people a headache or legal trouble although the day I feel TMC actually goes after someone in the court of law will be a domino effect in where not only yes will it end clip piracy but it will tank the company stock too and people will no longer support them so I don't see them taking some dudes in there basements or whatever place you live I don't know >>maybe a cottage in the woods? Masturbating over a fire? For something that will cause the loss of more consumers that it will save them. But still best to not take any risks am I right?
Titfuck and BJ video?
>>85699 >Tank the company stock. What do you mean by "stock"? Since when TMC operates in the stock market? Or do you simply mean profitability/credibility?
Anyone have ass expansion??
Mommy Madz Tease (Big Jugs and Pregnant Belly) - does anyone have this video? LOL
>>85734 Most likely like what else would that mean
i got $10 on loyalfans i didnt know about any suggestions on videos to get?
>>86353 Big belly bloat and bounce
>>86353 Any ass expansion
Anybody got hucow barista or any futa?
content ass expansion anyone?
she got hotter with that ass, isn't it true people?
>>86926 I mean sure but unfortunately her ass expansion content so far has been mid at absolute best I'm not sure how difficult it would be with all the props at once but I'm holding out for something where she tries breast + belly + butt growth all at once. Even if it's just pictures it'd be neat and hot to see
she has a video that is in the drive thru teasing with her hand on breasts to attendant see, this video is hot
>>86963 I've not seen that before, got a link to it?
Anyone happen to have any of these 4 photos? https://tinylf.com/5Ic2ljzNxMDK https://tinylf.com/Wrmzd3FY https://tinylf.com/xegrsu26YysS https://tinylf.com/tA8tVPLuhQU4i40
who watched rental mommy 2.5 does she give real penis blowjob?
Does anyone has it to begin with?
any content?
Think it'd be really hot if she does a missionary pov bouncing video with her water filled breasts
>>88107 PLEASE!!!!
I have a ton of Madz if anyone is interested in trading!
Who got hucow barista or any breast expansion with futa vids?
>>88120 What do you have bro?
>>88150 I the hucow bristas and cereal, we got milk, growing Karen, milky elf, button popping sequence, moo moo milk, and others
>>88196 Any specific clips you're looking for?
>>88203 If you have anything belly inflation wise id like know what you have i also have like almost everything that was in old forums and shared before
This is a different person asking what you have btw
anyone have the boombox vid
>>88196 do u wanna share those hucow barista vids 👀
>>88253 I got the Three Inflation Sessions vid and a few cum inflation vids
>>88362 So what do you want? Cause i might have what you want and you might have something that i want or dont have/need
>>88370 I'd love any butt expansion stuff if you got it
Does Anyone Have This? https://www.loyalfans.com/madzisstacked/video/the-boombox
>>88373 >>88257 https://mab.to/t/phHiUodGIMK/eu1 The Boombox
>>88425 thanks man
Anyone have the video where she walks around a store with a huge fake ass?
>>88425 Reup?
please reup rental mommy 2.5 again? thanks
not sure if it's worth starting a new thread over since they're kind of similar: what about Molly mcguire?
Anyone have the thrift store clip with ass expansion?
sim molly mcguire
(72.58 KB 1352x936 MadzMilk.jpg)
(59.46 KB 1357x814 MadzDrop.jpg)
(91.19 KB 760x1350 MadzBelly.jpg)
(82.03 KB 682x1153 MadzCow.jpg)
Just a few (out of dozens) videos I have of our Beautiful Queen!
(512.53 KB 664x392 mdz.png)
does anyone have this new content? ''Simulated Cowgirl Sex with a Girl with Oversized Breasts Enjoy the view'' 😋
anyone got this vid?
hey here is something i haven't seen here: aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9YWXlaYzNlOFFBMS91czI=
does anyone know what she looks like topless without a breast form? I'd love to see it, but she doesn't have anything. >>90176 very appreciated! I haven't seen any new videos in ages!
what is the complete url
>>90222 Use base64
Hi every.Who has this clip. I've been looking for it for a while.
>>90505 I have the vid if you want it
>>90548 You want anything in return?
Yes.Good. And how get the clip. Maybe you want something in exchange for the clip.
>>90505 Here you go https://mab.to/t/0xK5WY8vTBV/us2
Anyone still have the busty nun cock video from last thread?
where are the heroes that this video BIG BOOB BOUNCE EXTRAVAGANZA
>>90578 Heya, anon. I have it, but I don't know how to work MyAirBridge, so.. if you explain how, I'll send it.
>>89909 I second this
>>90580 https://mab.to/t/mvTS0dtbt3n/us2 have fun
Anyone here hace the Roommate Blackmail video?
anyone have anything with the hyper boobs? https://tinylf.com/LCna46W7n2
>>90743 reup plz
The new Burping blowjob?
molly mcguire makes content like madz
>>91135 cant believe I missed this upload... on my birthday of all days! PLS someone upload it somewhere!
>>91265 https://mab.to/t/ylWj7RDKFfq/us2
>>91268 >https://mab.to/t/ylWj7RDKFfq/us2 HOLY HELL THANK YOU!!!!
df1d3e here. Figured out how to use mab.to. aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC83QnlVQ1hpcUFoMy9ldTE= Base64 Decode UTF-8. Scran up, lads. It's a small selection, but This is all I've got o7
Anyone ever manage to get that Hocus Pocus sex dream video? I've seen allot of people talk about the other but not much on this one
where's the hero with something new
>>91384 I think I've seen it on spankbang
>>91370 down already, reup pls
>>91469 Sadly not on there anymore i think, pretty sure she saw it and took it down maybe
>>91673 uh.. ..I forgot what I uploaded. Sorry.
>>91764 ngl I would take anything, I've never seen a video of her, thought i might finally had the opportunity to
Anyone got the Rental Mommy 2.5?
it is asking for a key to decode
>>91848 fucking leyend I just wanted a taste and you gave me the whole bakery, thanks dude
key mega ?
>>91848 Key did not work
>>91848 Could you reupload it says it's no longer available
>>91893 yeah, thats a damn shame, just missed it myself HOEHUNTER12 can you re-up?
error bro
>>91848 Damn dead already
link please
aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9ITXc5UGVCakdZcC9ldTE= it's not much, but it's something to tide y'all over for a bit.
anything new? i want something good enough to where the content makes up for her terrible acting
>>92340 this is why I prefer images over videos tbh. it's sad but she just doesn't do well at it. I just wish that they did more futa stuff ;~;
>>92399 agreed i prefer vids but i mute hers bc she's a shit actress
>>92270 >more content to hold you over >it's futa 😶
>>92399 i'd be fine with pictures too if she wasn't ugly
>>92454 seriously why are you here? do you just come here to obsess over girls you dont even like and find ugly because you're that much of a loser?
>>92456 Mans struck the ball twice with one pitch 💀
>>92439 sorry, b0ss, it's just what I prefer from her. I do know of some fabled Mega.NZ link with over 8GB of info, so I might grab some from there, but the stuff in there is quite old.
>>92474 You say that like it's a problem. If it's from her OF days, then you must show it to us. So we may get the actual nudes of her and of the fabled vids of her actually getting fucked
>>92583 sadly, I too am looking for those videos, but I don't think they exist anymore. if you type madzisstoked after the onlyfans link, you get https://onlyfans.com/richryder this, but I doubt anyone is ballsy enough to pay the $50 gamble. but 180 posts, 238 media, there's definitely SOMETHING, even if it's not madz content
although, there is good news! while everything in that massive Mega.NZ file has just stuff everyone has probably seen before, I just remembered I had this single video on my phone. not inflation, but it is from her onlyfans days. aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9XRndVWUFqQ0c2di9ldTE=
>>92686 Hooollllly shit! You can actually see her cunt when she's twerking! You magnificent bastard, thank you! But maybe also link that file just in case, my dude?
>>92684 I bookmarked the page and will let you know in a couple months if it's there. Fingers crossed that it's actually her lost media.
>>92746 thanks, man. if only we could contact eachother through other social medias about this.
>>92745 I must admit; I don't. it's good that you can see it, though.
rental mommy 2.5
>>92456 i just want to see the boobs man i'm not in it for her p.s. she's not gonna fuck you bro
We got new video call Back Pain
>>92876 I know she ain't gonna fuck me, but opinions are opinions and she's pretty to me. she just needs help with her acting .w.
>>92889 yea this one seemed alright, anybody got a sneaky link for it?
does anyone have any content from her ass please man
Though I definitely should've waited for longer because that cost me $77 CAD. That is way too fucking pricey for that.
>>93269 *ladies and gentlemen, we got him* gif plays Well done! (I’m not the guy you replied to but I wanted to chime in)
>>93287 What is happening?
(135.70 KB 1537x717 Screenshot 2023-08-14 153033.jpg)
(168.35 KB 1534x732 Screenshot 2023-08-14 153002.jpg)
HELLO! I've seen somethings about a folder full of old madz content... Not saying I have them all but I do have quite a few of her BANGERS
Care to share?
Having taken a closer look, after the excitement has worn off, it is stuff that has been posted before, both images and less than 1 minute "teases" with some barely more than 10 seconds. But here is the real kicker, you get a automated message from her account telling you to respond to her asap to get a "free month" on her loyalfans when it cost me $77 Canadian to access her OF! I responded to her in less than an hour and asked for a refund since she switched platforms, there has been no response from her for over 12 hours. It was not worth it folks.
>>93341 Almost 24 hours and still nothing!
>>93341 Man I'm so sorry for that, man. Is there at least anything to share from it image/content wise?
>>93357 Sadly no and it is now reaching the 24 hour mark with no replies!
Okay, I messaged her directly on D-I-S-C-O-R-D to see if I can get a fast response there. Fingers crossed that I can and that I can get a refund from her.
>>93361 so literally no images or anything? not even SFW stuff? but it said over 200 pieces of media! .-.
>>93385 It's all the same stuff that has been posted before. And she managed to give me refund and told me the reason she raised it to $50 USD is so that no one would sub to it.
Anybody have her real time belly inflation vid?
Anyone has her "Roommate Blackmail" video?
When Back Pain be send
>>93406 that’s weird. Why not just take it down completely then?
>>93493 if I had to guess, I don't think you can.
Can someone please upload the boombox video please?
Here ya go, https://mab.to/t/SVPL9qdT8up/us3
Anybody mind uploading her real time belly inflation vid? I got some stuff to trade if I can get my hands on that one
>>93650 >>93650 YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdmRqVmplbFpTZW1JalF6TjZNV2MzWVVKUGRVVk1W RE5DV0ZvelptWlZRbTFIVUZwagpURXRZV2tSalgzQkRUSE53VjAxcmF3PT0=
Hate to beg/ask because I don't have anything new to share, but does anyone have these videos? https://www.loyalfans.com/madzisstacked/video/close-up-ass-spreading https://www.loyalfans.com/madzisstacked/video/fully-nude-tub-splashin https://www.loyalfans.com/madzisstacked/video/mommy-holding-her-cock
>>93672 Yo is gone
The file already is gone man
Did anyone got Back Pain
>>93672 gone faster than the one did
>>93810 What was in there?
Breast Expansion: Purah Test Trials is already start
Can we get a re-up?
Does she do any belly expansion stuff? if she does does anyone have a link?
Does anyone have this, please? https://twitter.com/i/status/1695093395562041771
Anyone have the Ass Expansion In Public video? Or anything we haven't seen a hundred times already?
Anyone got Breast Expansion: Purah Test Trials and Back Pain
Get it while it's here fellas https://mab.to/t/wzPXZ6mcVEV
>>94369 Thank a lot!
>>94369 Thanks you!
>>94369 goddamn, absolute legend, thank you!
>>93641 Any chance we can get a re-up of the boombox vid?
I'm a simple man with a simple request. I just want the back pain video Contribution: https://mab.to/t/iyMTgtxWY7j/us3
>>94574 I'm changing my contribution, hold on. It will be up soon! https://mab.to/t/GikVopUCLgn/us3# Sorry for being stupid Enjoy your day everyone!
>>94576 Sorry for your inconvenience. Here is my contribution. I hope there is no issues this time. https://mab.to/t/Gd3C1Sz01kF/us3
>>94578 Well 3rd time doesnt work like a charm here hah.
>>94580 I am so sorry for both being a dumbass retard and having internet/technological issues. I will contribute as soon as the link is available.
>>94582 https://mab.to/t/F9UlfluU4Zx/us3
>>94584 >https://mab.to/t/Gd3C1Sz01kF/us3 Looks like someone is an Emp member.
Still no real time belly inflation.
>>90505 Can you reupload that?
Just so we can keep the uploads going here's Real Time Belly Inflation. I'm looking for Busty Purah Rides You. https://mab.to/t/1QLfUX5UqZz/us3
Here is hoping for the back pain video Contribution https://mab.to/t/P3Uw0AQL861/us3
Does anyone have this? Please https://www.loyalfans.com/madzisstacked/video/ass-expansion-blooper
>>94701 Reupload please?
>>94701 oh dammit, i saw this just before i went to sleep, i was like, i will download it tomorrow when i came back from work, it was gone :D can someone re-up?
>>94868 >>94839 https://mab.to/t/CFTuujaKdcd/us3
(167.75 KB 720x816 20230907_220923.jpg)
does anyone have this video?
Anyone got Back Pain
>>95015 https://mab.to/t/43KYPP9rWr7/eu1
Someone here have the Rental Mommy 2.5 video?
>>95070 Thanks legend
>>94951 Damnit! I missed it!
>>95070 nice very much thanks
Does anyone have the rental mommy 2.5 video?
>>94951 Does anyone know what was in this one? It looked it was only up for a day
>>95207 Was a bunch of older vids
>>95207 I sadly forgot what most of the videos were, but I DID download one of them. there's also a few extra videos in here to make up for the lack of stuff. https://mab.to/t/Gcb9HlKzHS4/eu1
>>95233 oh btw this lasts for 3 days, just a heads up.
>>95215 Older vids you say? Did any of them have actually nudity or was it the usual prop tits and fake cock?
Would anyone happen to have any of the Rental Mommy stuff? :)
>>95255 this was before the fake dong, but after the x-rated stuff that doesn't exist anymore.
>>95277 Damnit! Wait......SHE USED TO HAVE X-RATED CONTENT?!
>>95338 kinda not really, the closest we got was a video of her showering and still covering herself up with her hands.
does anyone have this? https://x.com/madzisstacked/status/1701797299762892828?s=20 here is my contribut: https://mab.to/t/MbXnBbz25b7/us2
anyone here have rental mommy 2.5
Subscribers, I must know; is it real? or is it fake? https://tinylf.com/LczR3ld1tx
>>95587 depends on your definition of Real
>>95594 well.. sadly I don't have a definition, but is anything properly shown? and if so, is it a fake one from the butt mold, or is it her real one?
>>95070 This was great, are there more vids of her walking around in tight booty shorts? Looking for titles rather than mooching videos. Thanks!
Is anyone able to reup Back Pain? Here's a contrib in the meantime: https://mab.to/t/WjCZ2W0OP4D/us2
Anyone Got Boombox? Please?
anyone got this? JUMBO BREASTED MOM J.O.I.https://tinylf.com/pjFVxxVJCEmZKVdU
Contribution: https://mab.to/t/HVt0v4wlrFR/us2 May I please have Giga Pills 4: A Slice of Life and Back Pain. Thanks
>>96012 Here's Back Pain https://mab.to/t/7CX4NjKLHwj/eu1
Should finish in 1 or 2 hours
>>96012 I'm genuinely curious if anybody actually have Giga Pills 4: A Slice of Life. Is it bad enough for people to get out of their way to have it or nobody just care enough to have it. Looking at the preview, it looks like Back Pain without the milk. I'm grateful for the Back Pain request being fulfilled. I'm just curious that this video has been out for years and not many people are sharing/discussing it in many forums.
>>96104 sorry I just did it cause I thought it was funny
>>96127 yeah well the place to workshop your brilliant comedy is the beg thread. not here.
>>96129 y'know, yea, you're right. here's all my madz stuff as an apology. https://mab.to/t/kBHQO8XRSd7/eu1 lasts for 3 days.
backpain desu: https://mab.to/t/Gk7DLD7tPfu/us2 (2 days up)
Does anyone have the full video of this with the leggings ripping? Please!
(154.60 KB 2048x1532 7FsY_o81L.jpg)
i don't usually follow madz, but god damn, i need to see this, any sauce?
I'm considering spending a few dollars on some of MADZ quicker videos... Any suggestions? I really love the bigger forms she wears.
I was gonna suggest >>95587 but that's just my goofy ass wanting it, but it's probably a tonne of money.
>>96335 Busty Purah Rides you could be good.
Could someone Reup purah’s ass expansion trials?
Has anyone got an upload of rental mommy 2.5?
>>96335 You would probably like these: https://tinylf.com/OHH7G8WUgnrBEPN https://tinylf.com/OJcXmHiuI6sDrb81 https://tinylf.com/pjFVxxVJCEmZKVdU https://tinylf.com/h4hTAVmUib She uses larger forms on these and I think these have not been shared anywhere before.
>>96321 https://www.loyalfans.com/madzisstacked/video/hyper-boobs-test-footage
>>96470 good to see it's not just an image set, nice
Does anyone have Lacatating Hucow Barista they can upload?
>>96189 Reup?
Can someone tell me what those lines of gibberish are? Are there links or what are they.
>>96601 These lines of gibberish are usually base64-encoded urls, but in theory, you can encode any string into it. It is most convenient to decode it using an online tool , like https://www.base64decode.org. Have fun.
can we get a reup, especially of back pain? just found this thread and it's a godsend but everything is expired
>>96702 https://mab.to/t/wQRw0vEgL35/us2 (Back Pain It should be up in 1-2 hours, the file is pretty big compared to others, I don't really know how long it'll last so go ahead and grab it while you can.
>>96727 damn, you're a real one, thanks homie shit is EXACTLY my favorite type of growth content, the post-growth having to deal with her new body - haven't seen it yet but sounds so promising
Anyone have the private bedroom breast workship video?
Here is the hyper boobs footage. Quite a short vid though https://mab.to/t/wp7FE7FheC3/eu1
can you do a reup of this?
Does anyone have a copy of rental mommy 2.5?
Gotta get some more in here... I wish someone would make a mega...
I have videos to trade if anyone have rental mommy 2.5 or Mommy Madz Fireside
A few shares to hopefully prompt other to share what they've got! https://gofile.io/d/kMrNIr
A few shares to hopefully prompt other to share what they've got! https://gofile.io/d/kMrNIr
A few shares to hopefully prompt other to share what they've got! https://gofile.io/d/kMrNIr
Could someone reupload pura ass trials before this is taken down?
https://mab.to/t/pXfcq7iImQu/us2 Been a good run gents
https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/transfer/CKmFDNbt4J9/us3 Fuck it! Here is Madzisstacked "Back Pain"!
>>98164 much thanks
I've been fortunate to gather alot of content from this site. I am finally contributing with this link. I content within this compilation is only one part of what makes me spray to MADZ but its one of my first fetishes... I hope you horny bastards enjoy this as much as I do. I'd love to hear what you think as well. https://mab.to/t/wGKIkSJ2l8X/us2
So.. where do we go when this is all over?
>>98217 AFAIK, nowhere. The piracy ends. LemmyNSFW and report my post would both shut it the fuck down.
rental mommy 2.5?
>>98229 dang fr? as cringe as it sounds, what about a report my post server? if not, gotta hope that coomer.su adds loyalfans to it one day.
>>98229 I don't understand. Is this website going or something? For good I mean?
Someone have the purah ass expansion ?
>>98239 At the start of 2024, this site goes kaput. I think we should try to do SOMETHING. Maybe we could move to simpcity. But I don't know.
>>98258 is there a reason why this site is going down? i havent been able to find anything as to why its going to go down
>>98261 No clue tbh. All I know is that an alternative should be found if we want to keep this alive.
>>98261 Money was running out, and then too many complaints about the site, so domain might have been revoked. Operators don't want to deal with that any more and are pointing people at a lemmy page (decentralized reddit.)
>>98272 >>98286 Ah ok well hopefully people do find a alternative before this site goes down for good
>>98299 Same person here but if this site is going down then what's the point of the disk cord link?
>>98300 to post it here as a sort of semi-private thing for the madz lovers to post her new stuff.
>>98331 Well can we have that link, my man?
>>98332 No cause it doesn't exist .w. I'm waiting for it to appear, but if it doesn't before november, I'm gonna make it.
>>98331 I was talking about the bbwchan disk cord like what's the point of it if the site is going down permanently?
>>98379 Just figured out what you mean, and it's mainly to keep the community alive afterwards.
NEED rental mommy 2.5, iv gotta see it pls
>>98385 Huh well are they going to attest like try and make a reddit for people to post on or are they going to just try and make it work on report my post?
>>98609 Oh sorry I forgot this site hates the word disk cord
Anyone got Real-time Breast Expansion (3 scenes, 3 SFX)
>>98580 Here you go : https://mab.to/t/UIEHyx2tTa7/eu1
Anyone happen to have https://tinylf.com/LczR3ld1tx or https://tinylf.com/locsbd4kw? Also RIP to the Mega.NZ folder.
>>93323 Can you share the link?
Anyone have the full Hocus Pocus sex video that she did?
>>98714 There was a Mega folder?
>>98736 Stupid late, but yeah. I was going to share it if this site was gonna go under, but the link already died :c
>>98835 Fuck, was there anything good in it? Like actual nudes or XXX-rated content from her?
>>98931 Nah, sadly. Still lookin' for that. As for what was in it? Mostly just her expansion stuff.
Anyone have the mommy madz fireside?
Does anyone here have the try-on haul, or either of >>98714 these videos?
it ain't much, but here's my collection so far. https://mab.to/t/b7G1u3D17yH/eu1
>>98703 Would there be any possible way to get a reup on this? I missed it this weekend. Thanks!
Since this has been bumplocked, we might have to make a new one, folks.
yea good point. crazy how we lasted from january to november though. that shit was LONG.
>>99135 Is gone
>>99458 I'm gonna wait until thread 4 to post more stuff tbh. Sorry man. o7
