/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(821.39 KB 3000x3060 bb.png)
post fnf characters here FNF Thread 04/05/2023 (Wed) 01:03:31 Id:6655a6 No. 83024
because the other thread just got obliterated
We have a video game thread.
(361.47 KB 2250x2000 R (1).png)
(125.09 KB 764x582 iu_644990_9751362.png)
(133.09 KB 764x644 iu_644991_9751362.png)
Here ya go I got some more saved
And a couple more
here is the old thread https://web.archive.org/web/20230401203154/https://bbw-chan.nl/inf/res/30739.html
what about fnf mods? it'd be neat if anyone could share any they find
(674.13 KB 4096x2896 FG_6-b-UcAEhZzn.jfif)
(704.48 KB 4096x2394 FHC4QLJVUAIxYsy.jfif)
I have these two does anyone have the other two
(712.84 KB 4096x2896 20220726_234407708_iOS.jpg)
(733.06 KB 4096x2394 20220726_234424703_iOS.jpg)
>>83216 Here you go
Thank you 👍👍👍
>>>>83390 There is this one here https://chaothix.itch.io/friday-night-blues-reripened It's not much but it is something
>>83484 I think its just a demo for now. Not sure if there is more planned, but it has some potential. The old sprites were nice, but the animation was choppy. The sprites in the demo are much more polished. Wish GF had miss animations for the freeplay song.
>>83551 Someone on twitter made a news account of the mod. It seems to be the only account on twitter about the mod. Maybe something worth looking into? Idk https://twitter.com/blue_gf_fan?s=21
Surprised no one has posted any Sakuroma yet.
I don't remember seeing any of his art
>>84703 The thing about liars is that they call them liars not because they've lied in the past, but because they are expected to lie in the future. Remember me.
Ooohhh now I know who your taking about
The first Soft Ski inflation art is real (disclaimer: Ski/Soft Ski is 19 years old, If you don't know it, go to Ask to ski 3 and go to this exact timecard: 0:52) (this art belongs to: dadoulovesbelly btw)
(90.98 KB 1240x1754 A soft balloon.jpg)
The first Soft Ski inflation art is real (disclaimer: Ski/Soft Ski is 19 years old, If you don't know it, go to Ask to ski 3 and go to this exact timecard: 0:52) (this art belongs to: dadoulovesbelly btw) (Repost since I forgot to upload a image of a inflated Soft Ski... 💀)
I would like to see if anyone has any bf Art Much appreciated if you do 👍
(142.12 KB 3000x1800 Cloud Infinite Hourglass.png)
(136.75 KB 3000x1800 Infinte Carol.png)
(147.59 KB 3000x1800 Taeyai's Infinite Thhree B's.png)
Some inflation requests made by HummerSnacks https://www.deviantart.com/hummersnacks
(35.91 KB 1000x1000 Bamberly P-Shirt.png)
(36.60 KB 1000x1000 Ski (FNF) P-Shirt.png)
(260.90 KB 1600x1200 FguiKvEXwAAiTQR.jpg)
(264.07 KB 1600x1200 FgzhakvWAAEwSYP.jpg)
(309.45 KB 1600x1200 FhDGi8tXgAE__wp.jpg)
(176.10 KB 1600x1200 FhadVsOWIAIi8Do.jpg)
(143.06 KB 1600x1200 FhadXyMXgAIGYmE.jpg)
I haven't seen that much of sky inflation
This is taki and sarvente inflated
Backdoor Deal Series by ghost-vibezz
Does bf have any good art of him
>>86194 This one looks pretty good in my opinion
>>86676 who made this?
remember the other gf inflation sequence well the same person remade it
(158.94 KB 2048x1152 FxKFiwmaYAACTLq.jpg)
(197.24 KB 2048x1152 FxKFiwpakAIXsn9.jpg)
(176.94 KB 2048x1152 FxKFiwoaYAAgYYJ.jpg)
(175.03 KB 2048x1152 FxKFiwoacAAjbxb.jpg)
This sequence that was made by @sumbryenjoyer on twitter, got a digitalized by @Blue_GF_Fan on twitter
(183.49 KB 2048x1152 FxKFwKHaIAA4xtN.jpg)
There's also this alt that was made has well, and here's the link to the post if interested https://twitter.com/Blue_GF_Fan/status/1662538059085418497?s=20
(55.24 KB 1166x988 FPFN4xaXoAA7hx4.png)
(139.96 KB 1706x1805 FBlUYoSXIAckmai.jpg)
(1.11 MB 2400x2400 fnf_cum_inflation.jpg)
here is the most recent sumbryenjoyer fnf inflation
Found some new art
(450.15 KB 979x816 image_2023-07-13_004633337.png)
finally found this after a few months
(62.86 KB 1200x675 The Friday.jpg)
(112.90 KB 819x819 The big tea.jpg)
limitedswishes is removing art download it before itngone
Limited switches is going to delete his entire account so if you download any of his art hurry
>>92585 Who is he/she and where can I find this artist?
On his Instagram
And devintart
(90.08 KB 480x360 image_2023-08-07_010638466.png)
>>92585 Can you post links to find their art?
Rip limitedswiches
(58.37 KB 900x900 Fe_L12VWQAE7k0b.jpeg)
(380.65 KB 2800x2800 FNl5X3dXsAIM0cW.jpeg)
(18.24 KB 374x247 Taizo (Taki fnf).jpg)
Dig dug 2 collabs with Taki from friday night fever
(11.79 KB 284x177 download.jpeg)
(9.79 KB 224x224 download (1).jpeg)
(9.95 KB 224x224 download (2).jpeg)
(6.76 KB 224x224 download (3).jpeg)
>>84758 Not enough good art of Ski here lol. (and TBH I cant find good art like this of Ski ANYWHERE)
(7.87 KB 218x231 images.jpeg)
(120.49 KB 1919x1990 FDj7mtTWEAE4ODe.jpeg)
(150.20 KB 1600x1236 media_F5V12ALWYAAjYF3.jpg)
(3.82 MB 4500x3500 1000001648.png)
(3.49 MB 4500x3500 Soft soap (2) (4).png)
>>94873 source quality
That's not cool if its true
(518.37 KB 1581x2210 fnf_mod.jpg)
(277.40 KB 3000x2500 IMG_0444-1.jpg)
(2.30 MB 2040x1670 Untitled264_20230824171009.png)
My only two blueberry inflation arts.
(387.66 KB 828x828 obraz_2023-10-02_200510324.png)
(240.19 KB 828x621 obraz_2023-10-02_200515317.png)
(385.57 KB 828x828 obraz_2023-10-02_200529650.png)
(143.07 KB 828x355 obraz_2023-10-02_200607781.png)
(83.76 KB 827x596 obraz_2023-10-02_200617106.png)
(207.82 KB 828x667 obraz_2023-10-02_200637361.png)
(586.83 KB 879x495 Friday Night Funkin' Wonder.png)
Friday Night Funkin': Wonder edition
(2.99 MB 2478x1487 1696536679.addde_cat_gf_gum.png)
(2.90 MB 2134x1726 1673124567.addde_gf_biggy.png)
(2.90 MB 2136x1725 1681763722.addde_gf_bloat.png)
(114.44 KB 1058x755 F6R54ptaYAAtVc5.jpeg)
(105.74 KB 1058x755 F6R54puawAAFJ7z.jpeg)
(223.65 KB 2048x1792 E-oh2RcWQAQJNwX.jpeg)
Google decided to hide this thread so you might need to use search image
Okay, fine, enough bumping, for fucks sake.
(200.37 KB 2048x1589 SPOILER_gfs_bike_pump_fun.jpg)
>>94971 source?
>>100606 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://kemono.su/patreon/user/94097285/post/88446441&ved=2ahUKEwiKlsPG-9eCAxVPE1kFHRL9DBA4ChAWegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw1xWCxZpeEswN-urcj0Ps_9
>>100606 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://kemono.su/patreon/user/94097285/post/85296334&ved=2ahUKEwjdq6u5-9eCAxWbD1kFHV2oBVIQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3eDETxAl01MTpzjwutX0Sj
>>93956 is the source still around?
Strange that this website is gone, but now it's reincarnated with an ad above the Mode: Reply, eh... doesn't matter, here are some blueberries to show
(136.08 KB 1843x1322 GAH37Q9akAA6CNN.jpg)
(74.44 KB 1843x1322 GAIJLhnaUAAzMsa.jpg)
We need more Boyfriend and Girlfriend!
Made by SumBryEnjoyer on deviantart
(176.24 KB 1114x717 fruity.png)
(487.80 KB 2311x1949 AGOTI.png)
Commission from Toothy him/herself
>>102667 sauce
(548.54 KB 2048x2048 253 sin título_20240119203917.png)
>>104667 YES! She's finally have naked!
>>104762 WHAT THE FUCK. Go fuck yourself troll.
>>104762 Eh, I don't remember what mod this character's from, but hey, whatever floats your boat. I swear to god, if someone takes this seriously...
What was that all about that you both are talking?, that comment got deleted and I didn't get to see it
>>104830 I’m glad you didn’t get to see thatâ€Ķ
Male warning
(455.57 KB 1489x2048 FlwHjLtWAAMjPBo.jpeg)
(248.98 KB 2048x1871 Fut6T4wWYAA6pvs.jpeg)
ThatNCorner drew this pic
(710.36 KB 4096x2048 260 sin título_20240127003434.png)
>>83122 made a second part of the second one (had a boner while doing this
baloon problems: da full story lmao
>>105228 Oh yes! More naked Girlfriend!
>>105234 and the extras (naked gf fucking rocks)
>>105228 >>105235 jesus, your artstyle fucking rocks, fits perfectly for this thread. now if only she popped...
>>105249 1 - thx man! It's the first time someone said my artstyle is great! 2 - YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND
>>105287 Where is my god damn voltage tester. I know there is big booty smell power to it still!
>>105286 ahh that's hot... thaat's hot (although i don't like when the belly looks like a melon and the bellybutton looks like a tumor)
(116.24 KB 1200x880 GD7e21rXUAAp9iM.jpg)
(98.49 KB 1200x880 GECpHkAWMAAfkaw.jpg)
Anybody know the artist? This is really good
>>105228 Pretty nice, but I could just imagine, if there is a alt ending where instead of Boyfriend using the last P-Balloon on Girlfriend, He uses the last P-Balloon on himself, just to fuck girlfriend's HOLE
>>105445 I WOULD draw that but inflating males is kinda yeesh-y to me, sorry :/
(4.58 MB 6528x5790 export1673836162168.png)
>>105232 Source for that pic?
BubblayHeart Thatoneguy5721 >>105510
>>105287 Very cute. Moar.
>>105235 Does she remain big after releasing gas or does she get brought back to normal?
>>105716 she goes back 2 normal
>>105895 Spoiler for Popping by the way
>>105894 fsr i like how the air tank is lodged up her asshole
fucking ghost town in here
(contains popping)
I really like addde (the artist)
>>83027 Lmao, video game thread got the X, thought it be the other way
(133.57 KB 652x652 453c8d1bfc2f335f8098_small.jpeg)
(192.82 KB 2048x2048 Fut6VjUXoAABZgL.jpeg)
(154.84 KB 2048x2048 Fut6VjXXoAEHKwZ.jpeg)
(148.09 KB 2048x2048 Fut6VjXWAAEAnNZ.jpeg)
(179.25 KB 2048x2048 Fut6VjWX0AAPW5R.jpeg)
(70.22 KB 1280x1280 F7Yog9vXoAAOj87.jpeg)
Fixed Dimension
(Contains popping)
>>106607 Amazing art style!
(445.55 KB 2048x1536 FTsWPq-X0AA9HSz.jpeg)
>>106843 can someone get this in a better quality? It's called gf parade by Holdthebutter
nvm i found it and i made a nude edit + horny alt
>>107019 Your name not on it. Legally youre not obligated to be accountable or financially responsible for forclosure. Fuck em.
>>107020 bitch i know the art ain't mine i just made the edit
>>107019 It's perfect!
>>107034 thank you!!
(35.56 KB 828x933 F7XpxHsWMAAAOYd.jpg)
(661.61 KB 1200x1200 GATminvXQAABefb.png)
(12.50 KB 1200x916 F7jDbxOawAEQjdj.png)
(56.56 KB 1200x916 F7jDapraUAAox3a.jpg)
(104.13 KB 1200x927 F5V12ALWYAAjYF3.jpg)
(92.63 KB 1199x881 GGHNaSFW0AAACRZ.jpg)
(165.48 KB 1200x1112 GExMBi-W0AAxSHP.jpg)
(105.81 KB 1200x844 GExMB73WsAAtRy4.jpg)
>>107184 is a sequel of >>106484 The grace blowing gum then blueberry inflation one
>>107019 We need more nude edit for FNF Girlfriend!
Any Nikusa art?
funny art dump
(220.12 KB 1200x1200 Friday Night Pumpin.png)
Stuff i cooked yesterday, since GF is getting too much spotlight in herre
>>108760 https://twitter.com/JholioRinscoop/status/1587665107324211200 >>108760 was also made by the same artist https://twitter.com/JholioRinscoop/status/1713311777700676009/photo/4
Warning: uber
Warning: Gas
Anyone got a better quality version of this?
>>109759 I do not give a fuck. I want to always fuck you. Even if I dont show it. I want to fuck you. Always tell yourself in your mind he is always ready and waiting lol
>>109759 ooo!! does this have a part 2?
>>109779 No, I believe it just got posted, it's from a account also created recently on twitter
>>109869 Can someone colour the last three?
Your welcome
>>109964 btw, Boyfriend is suppose to be inflated with blueberry juice, because of the title name: "Boyfriends berry"
can someone go on twitter and find the f7ll version of this?
>>110535 Tf is that
Warning: popping
Warning: uber
(157.95 KB 1200x1200 GJKfOfrbgAA9cSP.jpg)
>>105299 Found the artist and the popping alt
>>110712 Yeah, it turns out that the artist made a twitter account a while back, and it's @Jstolpa_d
>>110700 Sorry about that
(306.14 KB 1280x1280 263 sin título_20240402181436.png)
>>110700 allow me!
>>110841 Much better
gf inf drive cus ytfn
(980.32 KB 1125x1891 IMG_2937.jpeg)
To everyone I knew, I wish a proper farewell. I had fun getting to know you, and this goodbye serves as closure. It was fun working on Friday Night Blues, and I wish you all the best. If you want more detail, I made a reddit forum. https://www.reddit.com/r/blueberrykink/s/je9MtC33f3
>>110934 Who the fuck are you?
>>110934 This is why you stay in the community and never use Reddit. >>110936 Clearly somebody who leaves the community and has used Reddit.
>>110923 Make a popping alt, not trying to pressure you
Spoiler for head inflation
>>110940 sure, no PRESSURE (ba-dum-tsssss)
edit!! yay!!!!1!
>>110841 Now what would happen if we gave her a Mento...
(676.26 KB 1280x1280 263 sin título_20240404170852.png)
>>110960 Yes! I like this edit!
>>111128 Something tells me you posted this on the wrong thread.
>>111752 yeah, this is inflation. Check the original post on deviantart
>>111884 wow, and i thought this guy would never draw nipples
>>111688 >NuggetTheBalloonGirl
Bf gets inflated
I want her to sit on me so much
Hey um something wrong with my episode of fnf logic They Added Weight Gain For Girlfriend gametoons acting Weird Can Someone send the screenshots for it
We need more fnf inflation
Super GF wonder!
>>113088 Would it be WONDERful if there was a nude alt?
>>113186 Deep nude youre late
>>113186 yeah, i WONDER if someone did that
>>107633 this!!! redrawn!!!1!! (this is the 2nd blueberry gf i've ever drawn)
>>113232 Call yourself a man? Muscled all by myself
>>113230 I love sexy nude balloon!
>>113266 bonjour *unrobloxifies this*
(159.66 KB 1770x1920 306 sin título_20240429225904.png)
>>113451 >>113506 Merci grande.
>>110956 Did you forget about it?
>>113539 Tickle palm of hand for sex.
>>113572 Thanks bro
(617.09 KB 2048x1104 Untitled131_20240427142632.png)
(865.49 KB 2048x1104 Untitled20_20240427143423.png)
(294.36 KB 2048x1104 Untitled20_20240427144243.png)
(361.77 KB 2048x1104 Untitled20_20240427143731.png)
(397.03 KB 2048x1104 Untitled20_20240427143956.png)
Can you remake this? Please!!!
>>113657 only remade 2 of the MM ones lol
>>113910 we got balls inflation now
>>114100 My dick stink
(560.29 KB 1280x720 Untitled114_20240406184416.png)
Please someone remake this!!!
(2.92 MB 1920x1920 1715387878.addde_gf_buttblast.png)
Warning: kaboom
(379.98 KB 600x450 ezgif-3-ce99440373.gif)
(456.11 KB 600x450 ezgif-3-5e81a3c940.gif)
(406.37 KB 600x450 ezgif-3-8e5b4be77a.gif)
(582.78 KB 600x450 ezgif-3-89a36acc60.gif)
(696.07 KB 600x450 ezgif-3-34dcb85110.gif)
(531.36 KB 600x450 ezgif-3-8374f75a0f.gif)
(54.62 KB 793x509 media_GM0XYlNWQAALecM.png)
(70.63 KB 727x507 media_GM0XTrgWIAAJvF0.png)
Just found out gf canonically weighs 900 pounds. Pretty cool
(124.21 KB 707x1200 GPFZvX0XMAEU7XA.jpg)
(97.84 KB 1200x1200 GM9fiNcXAAAYPVE.jpg)
(61.35 KB 1200x903 GM9fzRTWkAAYr2s.jpg)
(61.30 KB 1070x844 GN6btH_XkAA2WGH.jpg)
>>117260 You can't be serious.
>>117456 That's hot~
Hopefuly once this thread is done we can insert it into the video games general and save catalog space.
>>117493 Sure is
(414.42 KB 2048x1536 Tak_berjudul771_20240616043403.png)
(215.39 KB 1183x1061 IMG_0020.jpeg)
Wow it's so weird seeing my picture here lol- >>116868
>>118304 and i redrew it lololo
>>118323 Eh yeah,, my original picture does look pretty bad-
(61.98 KB 1034x772 He ate rocks.jpg)
He ate rocks
Did you know that male rhymes with whale?
(1.73 MB 1748x2093 1719259428.addde_gf_gumgirl.png)
>>118488 ouhghg...... gum gf........ design is amazing...... i want to blimp her up and use her as a hot air balloon to traverse the skies
(282.36 KB 3229x2751 media_GH8itI2WcAAL8QO.jpg)
(289.94 KB 3229x2751 media_GH8iu5rWUAAX-hj.jpg)
(308.93 KB 3229x2751 media_GH8iwicXEAE2A5C.jpg)
(304.66 KB 3229x2751 media_GH8iybUWcAAxje_.jpg)
(349.73 KB 4096x2728 media_GH8jCvOWYAAbEip.jpg)
(281.32 KB 4096x2728 media_GH8jDn6WYAAnYHf.jpg)
Oh god she's going hyper
>>118510 Glad you liked it
>>119158 i might redraw this because of how much i like it
>>119205 Please do.
fat fucks (affectionate)
We are 4 posts away from getting bump locked
>>120961 Nice But this one looks better >>117456
1 more post, until it's bumplocked (Use your post wisely)
>>121214 Why did you waste your post by saying: A? (Bumplocked), now we need a new fnf thread for this (after this thread is gone)
>>121215 fuck you
>>121192 the fuck is "bumplocked"?
>>121232 Threads over 400 posts can't be bumped anymore.
>>121269 and what is "bumped'? srry im new at this
Is there any way we can get this thread to the archived threads?
Does Anyone Have Some Leak Photo's?
Did the third fnf thread got deleted, if so, why did that thread got deleted?
>>118360 context for this pic?
>>122047 He ate rocks (rock stuffing inflation)
RIP ðŸŠĶ (2023-2024)
