/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Imbapovi Thread v5: Again LoL Anonymus 08/04/2023 (Fri) 14:37:00 Id:03d9da No. 92493
Bonuses: https://mega.nz/folder/gGdj2IYS#TlDwBkXzfyPrOrdL3_Ms2w
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Just waiting for the bonus beggars to show up.
>>92519 we finally got the june bonuses and now people are gonna be asking for july
Think we only got 2 of 3 in May if we're splitting hairs, but I'm not gonna bitch or constantly bump and beg.
Hwere bonis???? Gib bonis
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made an edit of that one dragon girl imbapovi video with soundtrack, pic unrelated https://mega.nz/file/EdxVWJKb#cjY2uVH04l0gFTrT4P-WBOlwZVT-rXivSFFz745Aecw
Made an edit a while ago combining some of the Chifusa videos that he did. Enjoy: https://mega.nz/folder/1DEg2DzJ#ZebbHcQ0MAvaKWhr7hYgvQ
>>92906 Awsome video.
can someone link me a download for the bowsette mario party video? it’s not on twitter and you can’t download something from deviantart.
>>93023 This one? https://mega.nz/file/SagQ1ZzK#QjJBmh7BqgdY0nYUD7SGuKf9ntfmOJjS6V66nrTL3hU
>>92493 Previous thread: https://web.archive.org/web/20230810234046/https://bbw-chan.nl/inf/res/70774.html
anyone have the purah popping bonus?
Does anybody have Haruhi Lifts Off from MMDFunDA?
>>92493 >>93100 this is a imbapovi thread sir
>>93100 Go on then. aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC8yOXQ4SDJxT3VjTC9ldTE=
>>93085 It's on kemono, https://kemono.party/patreon/user/8481490/post/86909866
>>92505 Remember to use base64
Any one got full video of this clip? https://twitter.com/mmd_imbapovi/status/1018593055077748737
>>93735 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hjabcoeFqzhtMktAQnW7_D2knxfBpjNQ/view found it on the "all vids" document
>>93742 thanks mate
Wait, was that Polka video just a bonus?
new video is out https://kemono.party/patreon/user/8481490/post/88494683 so can someone explain to me whats the idea around not posting the new bonus videos as soon as they come out to stop people from begging or is there some hiden rule that i havent seen that says to wait until the next bonus videos are out to then post last months bonus videos?
>>94311 great another model with a knife chin is Imba ever gonna learn that 3d modeling isn't the same as drawing anime characters? this shit looks disgusting
>>94348 you can kill a person with that sharp chin lmao
Here's all the vids with the inflation and popping bonus fused together, if popping's your forte. https://mega.nz/folder/V991UACY#4PwCkZmWHp3BBeDQzx4b-Q
1. Mudrock thumb blowing (breasts inflation) mega.nz/file/OSYBnJTY#gRcQvCRDK_Jx1qR5jpSMUxwu8ecnXjvvyAsYVJCqvoY 2. Diesel sweety swell (butt expansion) mega.nz/file/3CwgiYRK#y9uGZL0NkdURuALcEVoql_kuJ51MCH9EWqwH_59R-AM 3. Nia wand of magnification (body inflation, pop) mega.nz/file/CSwgXKJb#RWnV5jIN12NzkmNRjpMuqyOtZjBKcQfwD5Ly2C_f1mE Maybe someone has the other bonuses sorry to say it’s not me
>>94402 The squish effect on Mudrock was neat and the Nia one would've been a lot better if her suit didn't rip But other than that, it's the same run of the mill bonus shit. I dunno why you kids beg for them every month.
>>94402 do you have the july bonuses too?
>>94498 Please learn to read every line of text in a post before replying.
>>94402 Thanks for sharing those. I'd fulfill your request, but I've not been subbed to Imbapovi's Patreon for quite some time. His quality has gone downhill, recently, but I appreciate and respect your good will.
https://kemono.party/patreon/user/8481490/post/88767053 New poll about to be set up. >I reserve the right to correct your idea to any extent, if it does not correspond to my wishes for the work. It's simple: just offer what I usually do. Don't offer anything that has never appeared in my videos, like fat, pregnancy, etc. I also ask you not to suggest something related to balloons/toys only. I'm not interested in doing this anymore and few people will vote for it. No sense. welp better get ready for the same four expansion types until the day he retires (which is going to be never because who in their righr mind would retire while making 8K per month?)
>>94402 thanks bruddah >>94726 the dude has to do a ton of work to do to get me to subscribe back into the tier that has voting privileges so this affects me in zero ways lol also the retards voting generally have such terrible taste that I don't want anything to do with them anymore anyways
>>94726 oh so he's basically the one that comes up with the final result ideas or are his patreons the one that come up with the final result because this whole time i thought it was his patreons, or well the ones that give the animation idea because there have been a few ideas that sounded really good but the worst ones always got picked. kinda wish we could see how many people picked a idea like a live feed
>>94844 For what I can understand, Tier 5 subs suggest him ideas for videos but he can alter them in any way until they reach an agreement
Paying 5$ subscription fee is not bad idea
>>94844 imbapovi is a she (i believe?)
>>92493 Anyone else think they should turn down the bloom on their videos? Everything's a bit too bright and shiny.
Hey everyone, I was going through my collection when I found an edit of Nami's inflation I made a while back. Enjoy: https://mega.nz/folder/RWlxhTZD#3AgmMg9m7_NfnO6l_joJ8w
Poll when live https://kemono.party/patreon/user/8481490/post/89113141
>>95236 What a shitty set of choices. Its obviously going to be Marina, Android 18, Miaa or Y'shtola.
Well I choose Shalltear bloodfallen, Cana, and The Zoologist
>>95236 My hopes are for Marina, A18 and Princess Bubblegum
>>95246 i hope for Sinon
am i the only fag who just wants aloe ? zoologist and shalltear are a good option as well
I hope miaa, melona, or aloe gets picked seens those seem to somewhat give something new
>>95236 Cana pls
I just want normal belly inflation vid or belly inflation bonuses
July Bonuses Ignis steam overheat (breasts and butt inflation): https://mega.nz/file/PWBVjSpR#c0yCQa3kDiK9yz-V7gEpNZg1wIpOHBXfuWroQwUr8zQ Sora soda delight (body inflation): https://mega.nz/file/DLZ0jSiC#r9uKs75Apr6996ZpfbgjoTZXnbtlZGxHWBrAExDwF1A Hellhound evil balloon (belly inflation, pop): https://mega.nz/file/yLBhTCrI#H8cVa1y-Pzu0n3zWta7wDVbbsY71Vzy2hEjolVdwh1Q
>>95297 Thanks Mate
>>92640 Anyone still have this?
>>95297 Other then all the sfx it had, the Sora one is very good. Body inflation like that is their best.
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Reposting the link to the bonus CGs here. aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RyaXZlL2ZvbGRlcnMvMW1Ha0pldlAwQlIyNkt0Tmk5RjVhWk9qYmxPdGctTTdu I've honestly looked and asked anywhere I could think of and couldn't find anymore than this. I'm starting to wonder if nothing else exists besides this folder. Well, I guess this is here for the people who enjoy it.
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There's bonus still missing for Ran Yakumo
>>96523 wait where did you get this?
>>96523 it was already posted retard
>>96546 I'm sorry, where was it posted? Because I just checked the collection of bonus videos and the video of Ran is not in there.
>>96546 No, we only have Iris Heart and Lupusregina Beta, I've skimmed through both Mega links at the top but I didn't see Ran Yakumo
September 1. Jashin-Chan blowing pipe (breasts inflation, pop) DL https://mega.nz/file/6DhFiDZS#PcRuWY1-Ij5r8Ae3ROqXSRyjpHlbwP_XVDo2VhwjwJk 2. Angel slime standoff (belly + butt inflation) DL https://mega.nz/file/7GBFEZAD#n7BvOUzaLYxQh9-7SwVasWz0bwoJzOQa2MFH4eYx3fE 3. Reisen b-bounce (blueberry full body) DL https://mega.nz/file/yepAzL6K#DEWw4VqcKnwef_3lyEgTg7yaO9hTK46XVG2v2u08HBE
>>96636 The one with Reisen was kinda nice, I'll give them that.
New one's out. https://kemono.party/patreon/user/8481490/post/90042696 Go nuts.
>>96636 can you upload it to Google drive or fix the links?
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Does anyone know if there is a musicless version of the Pump up the jam video imbapovi made years ago?
>>96853 from what i can tell theres never been one, its only the breast expansion one
>>93742 Where is this "all vids" document?
>>96853 >relatable, I'm tryna bust a nut, not bust a move
>>96523 So does anyone know what happened to that Ran Inflation vid?
>>96523 >>96552 >>96553 >>97048 The ran one was missed and anon said he only found the first two, the 445 of ran is missing. This also happened when bbwchan was down, so that could have also muddled things. May vids.
>>97060 Damn, I guess it's lost media then...well hopefully it sucked ass?
>>97060 but couldnt they just have reuploaded it or something?
>>96523 The missing Ran Yakumo Video https://mega.nz/file/jDI0kTRa#9samKBi2PZxxjxA9BU9ADsu_wnhyX0aIHmP_DeO66Vs
>>97197 Thank you
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Thats it? Thats the lost video? That was just a bunch of cheap body inflation!
>>97307 Well, at least we have it now.
>>97307 Oh good, it's not just me.
Thats it? o_O Seriously? I swear that this is the case with most of his recent videos now. They have a frustrating amount of potential to be made a lot HOTTER... but he just keeps it bland & tame. Pussy is kept off screen, no voice acting or use of sampled gasps, sounds are so old now that they have lost all affect, tits pop out every time on cue, camera angles re-used to save time creating new keyframes, & phoned in content in general. If there is anyone milking this kink community for over-priced underrated content.. its this guy.
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>>97363 i remember a time imba made videos with voiceacting, plus he just doesn't inflate women like he used to, nowadays we're lucky if they get bigger than a room, i guess money is hitting hard
to bad he doesnt do miku anymore seeing as how good those tend to be and hopfully if he ever makes a hpump6, that he at lest doesnt try to extend the inflation parts way more then they should be like in hpump5
Out of all of Imba's Animations the FDG VS Bremerton will always be my favorite because it has some actual effort put into it. Sucks that it's the only long video/big project he has put a lot of effort into. Also isn't the only reason that animation had a lot of effort in it cuz it was request by one of Imba's friends?
>>97457 I think so yes and I think it was also a collab with there friend thiridian so the animation was kinda the exact same just in there own style and both had a different ending, and if you mean biggest project that he has done some what recently then yes I do agree with you
I know it's a bit late, but does anyone know what series/game the character "Ignis" was from in one of the July 2023 bonuses?
>>97804 It's Last Origin, a Korean mobile game that hasn't seen an international release.
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>>97415 The voiceovers added nothing to the videos and actively made them worse. Every character sounded like the same basic white girl, and the constant moaning was very obnoxious, turning every project into even more of a cheap porno than it already was. I'm thoroughly convinced that people only pretended to like the voiceovers because they wanted to slide into the chick's DMs. Also, i don't think money was the issue considering these women literally did it 4free.
>>97415 I don't think money is the issue when he's making 9K per month. Or maybe it is cause maybe he's realized that he can make the most mid shit possible and coomers will eat it up You have to remember he's into this for the money and the money only
>>97307 What did you expect?
>>97197 damn... dude is getting even more lazy, the transition into full body had zero effort put into it >>97813 hesitantly agreeing, Miss Moonified maybe had one video where her voice added something (the Bulma vid, and even then the script was bad), but overall it really came off like she wasn't putting much effort in
>>97875 Miss Moonified didn't do the Bulma vid, iirc. I think that was another VA. >>97813 I think with the right VA, they could add rather than subtract. For me, I think it worked best in the Bulma vid.
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Me waiting for imbapovi to make good content:
>>98071 Maybe I'm the minority, but I kind of wish he did some more silly story-based videos. A lot of his works seem just kind of shallow and generic recently... I mean, we're here for inflation content, so I guess story doesn't matter. I liked the Bea inflation and the Kashino boat ones, both because of the booty inflation (my personal jam) and the silly little stories that tie them together.
>>98086 How and why inflation occurs I think is very important for the overall enjoyment. It's not nowhere near as hot if they just get placed in a scenario and boom it's happening. Good inflation stories for example are all about the setting up, the building up, the whole journey towards the climax.
>>98086 >>98095 That's asking a lot from someone like him. He's a has-been.
>>98131 It's a shame, though. On one hand, I feel like some fans of inflation want very different things, and it's difficult to cater to all of them as one person. Even if Imba didn't have such massive delays between videos, they still take time, especially if more care was added. On the other hand...a lot of both the originals and bonuses recently didn't hit home for me compared to older ones. It almost makes me want to throw my hat in the ring...but I doubt anyone would like my ideas any better.
>>98403 i mean you can always say them, i bet some people will like your ideas
>>98555 Or heck if you get lucky someone might even try and get it in the next poll too
>>98555 Nah, most of my ideas aren't for existing characters, and even if they were, I doubt most of them would be as popular as the typical suspects (e.g. Samus, Bremerton, etc.) Though if I could recommend characters, I'd love to see Aqua from Kingdom Hearts or GoGo from Big Hero 6. But that will probably never happen in my lifetime. >>98403 Perhaps...I kind of wanted to do some stuff with some generic monster girls: orcs, devils, and fauns and the like. I personally prefer more of the belly/booty content, so maybe some more playful acting between two characters, like one with inflating hips shoving and bouncing the other around playfully? Some silly stuff like popping buttons and having them smack someone cartoonishly in the face like the Aunt Marge bit in Harry Potter. Just...silly, cartoonish fun. Characters basically go from normal to either full spheres or the hyper-hourglass in about 2 minutes, but not much is done in between. No characters fumbling around like the old Neo animation, where it leans into just playing with the silly inflation physics. But again, I'm some random anon who hasn't done much animation outside stopmotion. Nor do I have a successful Patreon.
Does anyone have a bonus videos about Azur Lane Bremerton?
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>>94726 >I also ask you not to suggest something related to balloons/toys only. I'm not interested in doing this anymore and few people will vote for it. No sense. Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me. That is patently untrue. There's a huge community of balloon/inflatable/bubblegum fetishists that would support that. Shit, I'd argue they helped him get popular in the first place, and I personally know there's people who would not even give him the time of day if he didn't supply that kind of content. I still like his work but this is a really, really dumb, blind, and lazy decision that will bite him in the ass.
>>99021 That video was fucking mid, and the bonus is practically the same but without the blue skin. Don't waste your time
>>97444 There's a good reason why he doesn't use Miku anymore, she's underage which is a no no by Imba's rules. Hench why he had an OC ripoff of her instead.
>>99043 ??? hes done tons of underage characters tf
1. Alice superb boobs (breasts expansion) DL mega.nz/file/GfxHgRwR#Ul10u4hfGG93nWfyE5CeEdMA81CQUclgcGCCdtyAKNA 2. Lucy booty hop (butt inflation) DL mega.nz/file/WbZkTKjD#U4b15Ktnw3Z0zVnRTplMq4fxrDhDm9gk32OBl8GgB1U 3. Eydis h-pumping (belly inflation, pop) DL mega.nz/file/7CY2ESRK#_FjPTXVNX_saW7V_TleuB33ZdywoYwFX6Qms4pIQzv4
>>97363 imba is bad, but he doesn't hold a candle to the guy running cyberflating I had a look inside once. the good stuff is all on the outside, which isn't much lol
it's a shame. original concept is great but let down by shitty CG and shitty writing
No Nut November anyone?
>>99070 How about nonstop November? (It’s the opposite of NNN.)
Say what you will about the quality of these videos, but I would kill for someone to make male inflation videos of even this quality regularly.
>>99070 >>99074 Moderate Amount of Nut November mogs
>>99110 TRUEEEE
>>99110 >>99181 Fuck off.
>>99284 so like are you saying that because of your strong opinions on imbapovi or your strong opinions on gender
Imbapovi sucks and im tired of pretending he doesnt
>>99298 Other 3d animators suck even more, so I'm glad to have something at least
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>>99595 >aphro3D
>>99619 True
>>99619 and dont forget the people in imbapovi;s patreon that pick the worst scenarios when a poll is on
>>99619 If you want truth, you're only half-right. Sure, at least some of the people here are insufferable, but Imbapovi's work has gotten visibly worse, of late, and his fans have always possessed some degree of ignorance as to what a good 3D artist could actually do. No offense to you personally, but saying what you did doesn't make you seem particularly reasonable or open-minded, with such general phrasing and unnecessary aggression.
>>99298 Not asking to antagonize you, but who's the standard then?
>>99619 You are 100% correct
Thats it everyone i have discovered i have been wasting more than 4 years jacking off to this unfulfilling slop, so i will now leave this place and improve myself
After all these years Imbapovi's older videos are more fappable, then the crap he is releasing today. I think he lost the passion to do what he made the best years ago and no amount of money can reincarnate that passion. So he just need to stop and his faggot fan base has to stop sucking his dick
>>99808 this guy gets it, Imbapovi peaked in 2020 with Bea, Bulma and Tifa vids, then he focused on Patreon polls and went downhill from there
Does anyone know HOW imbapovi makes his animations? I know on one of his videos on Twitter he replied to someone that it's done in MMD with the models edited in Blender but I just wanna know HOW he makes, animates and expands the models cause I'd at least like to be able to make images like the CG's for his videos but with other characters that he would never do or win a poll like with Persona and Fire Emblem Three Houses
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>>100348 Like when the Ann and Makoto video came out, I was crossing my fingers for a full body bonus video but then it turned out to be hourglass from the 3rd person and later down the road I was imagining them getting as big a Futaba in her video along with Haru and Kasumi
>>100348 i know there use to be a mega link with the boob model and the base model from the koishi inflation video but i think it was taken down with his youtube. i dont know where the guy that posted it got it from but they looked desent but no where near as good as the image you just posted
>>100348 His behind the scenes work is a fucking enigma
>>100348 Okay I wish there was Three Houses character or even Engage character this artist did like Marianne or Yunaka for example.
>>100348 >>100356 >>100409 Well shit, he said on his Patreon relating to his d-i-s-c-o-r-d to not bother asking how its made, he just simply has "no time or desire to explain". The guy literally can make the best models compared to everyone else just making basic spheres in MMD and he doesn't wanna, smh.
>>100465 if you haven't figured out by now that he is a stuck-up, lazy asshole, you haven't been paying attention
>>99619 Image board posters who never used 4chan generally suck. You know why? Their shit wouldn't fly there but here they can post to their gay greedy asses' desire.
>>101207 why is she so bright
>>101207 I'll tell you when Kemono updates
Here is a mega file with the video and bonuses https://mega.nz/folder/ByF0FIhI#zkQIzQeYrOh5rL8UeNMvTg/folder/170USKIL
>>101227 Why are you reposting literally the second post ITT?
>>101207 Well...simply put, it wasn't for me. Personally not a big fan of the slime stuff in general (the Zelda one being an exception), but it was more underwhelming than I expected. Not a fan of the proportions during inflation; I found it very odd and off-putting. So...guess I'll need to wait until the end of January for the next thing.
>>100465 >>100502 Very disappointing, but to be expected. Call it laziness or impatience if you will, or a desire to reduce competition in making videos. But if Povi's so burnt out of making videos...why not teach other people to do it so you can kick back and not do it? At least folks like Qualtro and similar explain the usage of shapekeys in Blender. Might as well learn from them instead.
>>101249 No cause that would make him lose money and we don't want that to happen
Does anyone have the bonuse for starfire and raven
>>101405 https://mega.nz/file/SHwXkDCJ#K8RybwTpb1amHsaE1HVuu86NKIa7hLYHlgpva1t5NzY https://mega.nz/folder/gGdj2IYS#TlDwBkXzfyPrOrdL3_Ms2w/folder/pC1SjI4b Couldn't tell which one you wanted so i gave you both
Any have Nov video bonuses please
>>101473 Probably didn't even bother making them this month
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>>101536 It was Shimakaze, Hirume, and a Elf Archer.
Bunch of bonuses from 2021-2022 were posted on his Kemono as an anniversary gift.
Can one upload the "Arachnera inflates Mia" video?
>>101632 have you the videos?
sorry i meant >>101632 >>101594 have you the videos
>>100465 >he just simply has "no time or desire to explain". I suddenly have a massive urge to punch him in the face.
Any news for Nov bonus videos?>>101594
>>101666 >>100465 Goes to show he's only into this for the money and doesn't more passionate people to steal his thunder
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Hey which video did this come from?
>>102118 https://mega.nz/file/TShGiTzY#Mu037UoTmUNtKgbws3MwP0oWcBEvCtgkbgZNXtDWRLc really old video by him
Any November bonus videos?
Imbapovi fans rn:
Welp ig we ain't getting shit
Didn't he say he was taking a break this month?
>>102792 This guy >>101594 say there are Nov bonuses. Or he just a liar.
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>>102805 bonuses definitely exist, you can check it on the all video sheet
>>102808 Shimakaze is Breasts and Butt? Sad...
>>102819 Yup, was hoping for belly with Shimakaze, for whatever reason she really suits belly inflation imo
Sorry for the delay, enjoy: 1. Shimakaze increase (breasts and butt inflation) mega.nz/file/fOIBFbBJ#mkZGHGGE3x_tzzsd09Q95qiUqAymw1LYAtBzflGPXAY 2. Hirume balloons (bbb inflation) mega.nz/file/rH5HgTrJ#5WgQD_eoTDqkmIKEd7a408b_X7WXeg1zx_CUcve8PIc 3. High Elf Archer poisoning (body swelling) mega.nz/file/7DIlEYqT#1RyRY-sRUBtF1XmZVorFqvRE-XO2D82RImLtPG0TykM
>>102831 Thanks chief
>>102831 Legend, thanks Anon
>>102831 Gotta say the High Elf Archer was pretty good, just wish she inflated with air so that I didn't have to hear those weird sfx
>>102894 not gonna lie i was expecting the dart at the end to pop High Elf Archer, but it just added more to it…
any new bonuses or idea as to what the next video will be?
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it's kind of weird to delete them just because they didn't get attention
>>103718 Yeah, it's very silly to do. I wasn't a big fan of the Ochako or Froppy videos, but I wouldn't say deleting them was really the call. Could always be a chance someone would find them and like them in the future.
>>103718 Did he delete them or did DA mods delete them because "underage characters?"
>>103739 idk but they are deleted but for some reason the froppy video where she gets sat on and then puffkissed by Mt.lady is still up on his deviantart art so
>>103718 >>103801 no thats normal of imbapovi. hes really pissy about the attention he gets. its most likely backlash for people complaining about how long he takes
i wonder how many great idea in the upcoming poll gonna get ruined by imbapovi's laziness or get overshadow by boring ass idea
>>103718 I loved the Ochako one what the fuck? Well i'm glad i saved it
>>103906 yup you said it brother speaking of which, what are the ideas on the current poll? i don't feel like subbing to Imba's patreon just to see the ideas on the poll only to find out none of them interest me
now that i think about it couldnt people just resubmit the good ideas from the last polls or does imbapovi just ignore them?
>>104001 welp gotta wait for while until kemono party upload the poll idea
>>104007 i think Imba specifically said that old ideas could be resubmitted i hope someone suggested the FDG idea from a while back
>>104015 what idea was that again?
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>>104031 this one
>>104036 ohh ya i remember that one ya its a good one and the bonus could be of her belly inflating
>>104015 it's will get overshadow by other idea tho but it would be cool if it got enough vote to have it's video
There's quite a few good ideas and I'm suprised that #4 is in the top 3 but I'm glad that it is
Those are great choices but I pick numbers 3, 4, and 9.
>>104114 i hope #4 idea will have voice actors in the video
Damn all the good ideas are losing
I wish i could make this stuff myself but, Im not even a good regular artist
>>104166 What idea are your cheering for?
10. Super Pochaco from Nitroplus 8. Miia from Monster Musume 9. Shalltear Bloodfallen from Overlord I was hoping imbapovi would save these ideas
>>104169 1. Lucifer 2.ramona 20.mythra As much as i like hex i would prefer boobs, butt, and belly, in her normal outfit. Oh well i guess it may end up as a bonus
>>104266 What the fuck are you on about? >>102831 I can't help but notice, but the November bonuses still aren't in the Bonus Archive. https://mega.nz/folder/gGdj2IYS#TlDwBkXzfyPrOrdL3_Ms2w oh and something something December bonuses
>>104276 Im not even sure there are december bonuses
Anyone’s thoughts on him remastering some of his old bonus videos?
>>105082 The Nessa one is actually much better after a makeover, but probably cause it's one of my favourites from him, the rest are just meh
>>105095 The tifa one added voice acting but overall the videos are pretty meh
>>105116 His older videos were a lot more effective because he was still learning to accomplish new things. Now he is just phoning it in to get paid the maximum amount for the least amount of work by appeasing his sycophantic fanbase with lots of little unfinished clips, using the exact same sound effects every time, avoiding voice acting, fewer key frames, & all uninspired works. Anyone else would put it to rest and go out on a high, but this dude is jst too rapacious to do that.
>>105082 I thought these are just reuploads. Could you tell which ones are remastered?
All of them have been remastered; he explained it on his Twitter. Plans to release more every weekend until a certain point.
Speaking of, I wonder if he’ll do the extra bonus ones as well. From what it looks like, he is getting close to the very first batch.
New video dropped Its alright i guess I liked the butt but other than that it was basically the same old milky boob expansion
Anyone got the bonuses for the new video?
new video: old content. He is making vids for 15 year olds. Wasteman.
Can’t believe this guy makes this much money and pumps out the same junk month after month like clockwork.
>>105566 His fans eat this slop up As for me I am dissapointed in the fact that he is one of the only good 3d inflation animators yet he pumps out the same slop enery other week
I mean, what else can he do? There’s not really much he has done that hasn’t done since he started this biz, and the most that I can think of is never going to happen because he said so. The only thing that I can think of that is possible in his field is better quality improvements, but that also takes time, which honestly may not happen a lot due to the bonus videos he also has to make, along with now remastering much of the old bonuses as well. Look, I’m not trying to defend the guy, but I just want to make a point in all this.
>>105586 Your sentence is accurate and I agree
>>105586 I’d agree with you IF he didn’t make $111,000 a year of of this. That’s professional animator levels of money, and a shit ton of money in Japan. He should be pumping out much higher quality stuff. Every other animator has consistently improved on already high quality, look at Augmero or Ruptis or LLF, and they make a fraction of what Imbapovi makes for worse content. I get that his fans are idiots and will keep spending money on the same shit but come on, do them a favor and get better, you’re being paid enough to do it.
Maybe this will be the year he decides to improve. We’ll just have to wait and see…
>>105631 I wouldnt count on it I was watching his stuff since the camilla breast inflation video And frankly the quality has remained the same since
>>105647 I don’t know, I just know the pay is shit in Japan. For example Godzilla Minus One was made with just $15 million, that would barely cover a single scene in a marvel movie and definitely wouldn’t cover the animators salaries.
When is kemono gonna update already I need to see the bonuses
Kemono's updated, so here's the 'regular' bonus. https://mega.nz/file/fXpkTJSR#VXfEUhRhPB4NbCsaAZ-002jN4ZEp6kAHNVOUFuiyb-o I sure hope the DM videos are better than this.
Y’know, I just want to confirm; for anyone who’s part of his patreon, is he still making new extra monthly bonuses? Asking because I’m starting to think he’s putting them on hold until he’s remastered enough of his old ones.
>>105095 >>105116 Where can someone find those 'remastered' videos?
On his Deviantart and Twitter
>>105935 found them, thanks
Guys, I don't know where to post this and I don't want to create one more useless thread just for couple of questions. Short story - I arranged my life financially, I have a lot of free time now and I want to dedicate it to making body inflation videos, like imbapovi, InverseRenders or BestOfCheese What software are they using and where do they make/download 3d models of different characters? I just need these answers to boost start myself faster. I will learn how to use the software myself, I just don't know what software to use that have "inflation" tools for a 3d model parts Any help?
>>106087 i believe Imbapovi uses SFM? sometimes i think Blender?
>>106087 If I recall correctly, Imbapovi makes the models in MMD, and then animates them in Blender.
>>106120 i mean sometime he just take free model on internet like this Marin model https://www.deviantart.com/yoshxxxmmd/art/MMD-Marin-Kitagawa-Set-v1-03-961033078
>>106087 i found his old tweet https://x.com/mmd_imbapovi/status/1321461459927392258?s=20 he said he use mmd for animation and blender for modeling
>>106087 You're welcome to try Source Filmmaker.
Hey guys Are there currently any animators (2d or 3d), that are as good as imbapovi?
do yall think he's ever gonna try doing more niche types of inflation? like uber for example
>>106716 Probably not, he has found his audience and knows what content they enjoy He will continue to post the same slop and his fans will eat it up
>>106721 tbh his audience is also to blame because they were braindead coomers that didn't force him to be more experimental
>>106716 The best you'll get is when the hands, feet and lips inflate. I wish he would make the cheeks inflate like in the samus inflation
Hey, is the dude that upscaled Imbapovi's videos to 60 fps still around here?
Has everone ask him about the 2024 jan and feb video?
>>107358 i dont think he made any seeing as how he is remaking his old bonuses
>>106734 i dont like it when lips and hands inflate. arms and thighs i’m okay with.
>>107400 Big arms big ass. Musty tities
>>107048 I’m surprised someone still remembers that from 2 or 3 years ago. What’s the video?
>>107445 was it really that long ago? damn. i was just wondering if you could upscale the Bremerton VS Friedrich video (the original version of the video with music)
>>107462 I think this is it? https://mab.to/t/onAtsD8V3jO/us2
>>106608 curvylonix https://www.patreon.com/user?u=59070074 They create similar stuff to imbapovi but no full body inflation. There is even voice acting and softbody-simulation (it looks kind of balloony but it is okay i guess) and there ist a lot of work in the background scenery. If you like breast expansion or hourglass expansion, curvylonix's content is superior to imbapovi in my opinion...
https://www.iwara.tv/profile/mmdaphrodity/videos is very similar to imba, but looks like this creator is slowly getting good
>>107555 this is dogshit
Not really, give them a year and they’ll be on par with imbapovi in terms of quality.
>>106089 >Twitter handle is literally "mmd_imbapovi" >DO YOU THINK HE USES SFM TO ANIMATE?????? Keeping this site alive was a mistake
Yor video is out, what's the verdict, boys https://www.iwara.tv/video/dmfLuPXA51obDc I liked this one more than the previous ones because both spherical is my favorite and it had an ending that did something slightly different than the status quo
Does anyone have the no music version of this?
>>107794 Put it on mute
>>10778 What do you mean? His name is Imbapovi.
>>107804 https://kemono.su/patreon/user/8481490/post/25766044 I meant there is a no music version of this video and apparently it's not released yet
Here are 2 vids beefed up to 60f: https://we.tl/t-4ijXRJxvsg
>>107876 is video good in from 60F?
>>107876 nice, if it's not too much to ask, may I request some video to be upscaled to 60FPS?
What software do you use?
>>108044 Go for it, I can let some videos run when I'm not using my computer. >>108060 I've been using Flowframes to interpolate the vids from 30f to 60f. Depending on the video's length & resolution, it can take 15 minutes to an hour. Last 2 took 30 minutes for Yor, an hour for the Azur Lane.
gave it a try with a random bonus video https://we.tl/t-l0M32A8wh3
>>108067 Very well, in this case may I request the safe version of the 2B inflation, both the clothed and naked version of the samus full body water inflation, and if you have it the Pyra inflation with the added pop edit
>>108087 I'll give it a go. Gotta get my hands on em & start cooking.
>>108216 Can you please do the Irinia Jelavic POV video as well?
>>108084 Good Man, looks good! >>108087 2B in the Oven as we speak. >>108241 Ok, I'll throw that in the pipeline.
>>108216 All I ask for is the Raikou bonus of August 2021. Felt it would be better if was smoother
>>108243 Much appreciated!!
>>108067 Latest versions 1.40 and 1.39 crash with exception "No attribute with the name rife exists" Does your version work properly or you had to temper with it?
New one up GIF is from DA aHR0cHM6Ly9rZW1vbm8uc3UvcGF0cmVvbi91c2VyLzg0ODE0OTAvcG9zdC85OTM4ODIzNA==
2B is up: https://we.tl/t-tLdpQ7TNwB
>>108278 Can't say that I've had to mess with Flowframes. I downloaded all models to keep it offline/ My version is 1.39.
Nude Samus is up: https://we.tl/t-ajmUPYNdUy
Any possibility of an upscale of either Kashino Inflatable Boat or the Bea Hourglass extra?
>>108216 Any chance you can do the bulma full body inflation?
>>108216 would love to see the Starfire and Raven one in 60fps, oh and H-Pump 5
Can someone please post the monthly’s for February? Haven’t seen those yet
>>108591 Dude we don't even have january ones wdym
>>108595 Or december
3 more up: Pyra, Suited Samus, and Musashi https://we.tl/t-4aiocah8C2 I gotta get the others.
I guess those remakes count as bonuses
i’m still mad that the pyra animation was underwhelming
>>108679 >Could have gotten bigger building sizes even plus bursting >these clips could all benefit from some swell reads voice acting and moaning effects as they feel a bit too silent.
>>108634 Yeah kind of sad starting to believe they don't even exist at all
>>108733 actually there was a bonus clip in the pyra from back when. contains the pop (more specifically, the end + pop)
>>108733 yes, i don’t care for absolutely massive sizes but she barely got bigger than an exercise ball. and if he wanted to go the way of massive sizes, he could’ve had her end up as a new "titan" on the cloud sea or some other xc2 related situation. as for voice acting, i’m inclined to agree as long as they don’t talk too much
Because Povi has been putting out a decent bit of revised versions of their past videos, I decided to put two of the recent ones (Bremerton & Kasane Teto) side by side to see how they compare. I also split the audio between left (Old) and right (New) channels, so I would recommend using headphones. https://we.tl/t-fP1wlOfJs1
anyone knows why we ain’t getting the bonuses from december till this month?
>>110369 Need you to look at his Patreon post on Nov 20th. You know, the same thing he does every year.
1. Eishin and h-pump (breasts and butt inflation) mega.nz/file/CXA0RIIY#2yScK3DkXHPkzeKZ6Fp9JaBN0qncgplIZVJqtT_x6qM 2. Sheena floating ninjutsu (belly inflation) mega.nz/file/KTRhxJ6Y#F2itsr-vDqkIM-MWzHofIAXXpfieIDFG-6tZ-ezf4Do 3. Rias blueberry (body swelling) mega.nz/file/XTAxyYob#EnPNErCCdfw76i8HY_0ncgmH8zPA5KMd3fL5hB_WS7w 1. Vanilla bubbles (breasts and butt inflation) mega.nz/file/TPw1gQIZ#4B3-ZeT-b296Y6VNp98MUx_lBARjs2sUrtsjUtoLh7A 2. Swiftsure and surprising tea (butt expansion) mega.nz/file/nW5XgIpL#Uf6dFjrgZqAMYiz9xi7Vll9sihtDXIvyvS4RVnoCdvg 3. Yoruichi on pump trap (belly inflation) mega.nz/file/LORUyBBZ#pFbqK2wLSeKU71_SDWQlbOG0OMqFetCbyDe1_ZjOMVo
>>110409 Wow, quite the haul. thanks for posting!
>>110409 Huge W! Many thanks anon
Huh… so he actually still did do the monthly extra bonuses all while doing the main monthly video and bonus AND updating the old bonuses. That’s pretty impressive, imo.
>>110443 Take your meds
2024 bonus videos have some pretty good quality (but Rias bonus vid kinda a little uncanny)
Does anyone have anymore butt inflation stuff from imbapovi??
New video just dropped https://x.com/mmd_imbapovi/status/1774146269419639224?s=20
>>108660 Bonus December?
>>110409 Thanks a ton! Really nice of you to post these <3
Let's not forget those March Bonuses after the video.
>>110409 i’m… kinda disappointed with the Rias one. in the beginning it was okay (though excessive oppai jiggles), but it was mostly just focusing on the belly expansion. and an even bigger letdown? NO POP! thats the ONLY thing that gets me excited for stuff like this (unless there’s gore. absolutely no gore popping for me)
pop https://we.tl/t-skSM8Np5vM
anyone has the march bonuses?
1. Provence double pumping (breasts + butt inflation) mega.nz/file/KeQXVLbI#6wyZJRdS1yEouvAnu-Z0O2ZcWYIyfvejRUgRAGozXzI 2. Priscilla and mis-spell (belly + breasts inflation) mega.nz/file/CCZz1Qra#6L62VBs8s1IdjZ_5_JGsWtAQjwNqVd1mDsJWIcZ5BZ8 3. Alma squishy relax (butt + belly inflation) mega.nz/file/ySBV3abC#IJg2O-nnVpNXZE6q1Lvd4bTKLEcVAvemzMmI13RbvV0
(2.05 MB 1773x986 Screenshot_1.png)
what the fuck is this
>>110714 Depends on which part of that you're looking to be mad about.
>>110721 all of it what is that fucking shape its like some horror movie sac of flesh i didnt really have any complaints with the video up until that point
>>110714 Knew it was gonna be ass the second I heard it was milk inflation and not air. Atago suffered enough bullshit thanks to China, Imba phoning it in is the cherry on top.
>>110714 It's called "hentai" and it's art.
>>110725 you new here? you are aware this is an INFLATION thread, right?
>>110725 What the fuck is your face, its like some horror movie sac of flesh
>>110725 >I don't like it so it's bad Based retard 10/10 Don't ever stop
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/8481490/post/101641204 new poll is out and it seems like imbapovi now forbids MHA
>>111181 this guys gonna turn into the animation version of axel
>>111189 What did Axel do for the connection to be made?
>>111181 Funny how he now forbids characters from MHA. I find it dumb on his part because if they don't work why did Tsuyu and Ochako get picked and then he removed them?
>>111203 Be an insufferable cunt.
>>111321 Probably because of that retard twitter logic of treating fictional character like they're real people
>>111321 Damiti have ideas for MHA video Midnight, hourglass stripper show rumi golden boombox tweaking. but expansion. pixelbob bbw milk tank problem. ,
The poll is out and I choose number's 1,6, and 7.
>>111665 I pick 1, 9, and 11 and 8 too if there could of been 4 picks
>>111665 1, 2, and 11 is my vote
6, 10, 11, 17 for me
Nothing really catches my eye this round character wise. Though the inflations sound nice
>>111665 i hope intrepid Win
>>111665 If I could vote, I would probably choose 2 and 16, speaking of, I hope 16 is one of the winners
Didn't know if anyone knew this. But Imbapovi said this on the spring poll " for the first time in the entire long-term history of polls, we have abnormal overabundance of ideas related to the full body topic (including the presence of a large belly and 3B combination). This is not very good, since I would prefer to give you (and make) a wider choice of shapes, including more breasts expansions-only and hourglass type. Depending on the results of this vote, I will likely take new strict measures to better diversify content next time. For now, I hope you still find something (as always) that will be truly interesting to us and most viewers!" I mean really? So what if people like full body? You are getting paid a lot of money and you are complaining? I do not want to be rude but why are you biting the hands that give you money?
so who is winning?
Been a while, but I'm back! Yor body inflation + Pop https://mega.nz/file/htdUESoQ#11_6fMJgP2Gtj90h9BI5B91AoR3VmJpQ8ahQEOvPEWc
>>112106 Wow, scolding his supporters for wanting all 3 B's instead of the usual 1 or 2. What a bitch, glad I don't support him.
>>112106 >Why am I losing subscribers? Imba in a few months
Does anyone have that Aqua inflation video he had at one point?
>>112106 I don't think there's anything wrong with what he's saying to be fair, he just wants the option to be more diverse for the next poll. Out of the 20 idea suggested, I think only 2 of them where not 3B/fullbody inflation. I'm pretty sure Imba just wants to avoid oversaturation of one idea in the polls.
>>112601 Limitless. All jealous people bow down forever.
>>112601 >more diverse >same generic shit everytime so true so true
>>112607 Fair, altho I was talking about the inflation types of the ideas more than the originality of the ideas
Who won the Spring poll?
1. Miia from Monster Musume 🥇 2. Rei Suzukawa from Mankitsu Happening 🥈 3. Intrepid from Azur Lane 🥉
>>112601 The problem with that is most of what Imbapovi does is mostly 1 or 2 out of the 3 B's, and full body liquid inflation is pretty uncommon. The suggestors likely realizing this just wanted something different, so they put in their ideas so Imbapovi isn't doing more of the same hourglass or hyper expansion he does most frequently. > Also the whole "For now, I hope you still find something (as always) that will be truly interesting to us and most viewers!" part is bullshit because there's no way he could've gotten any feedback on what the suggestions were like this time, so he tried masking his own selfishness behind what he thinks viewers want more.
Did anyone call him out on his selfishness on Patreon?
I do not want to be that guy but. Is watching Imbapovi's videos legal? Or not?
>>112656 Let's goooo wowow Milla
(297.61 KB 1428x1962 0a7ab43556af6de35ad3b2fc9432ccb9.jpg)
Wake me up when it's May getting filled all the way through with water, Dawn or Skyla getting inflated with enough helium to make them fly, or Hilda sticking a tire pump up her butt. Prefereably bellies.
>>112702 Opps forgot something lol
>>112703 You're right, thanks. >>112702 May getting inflated while in a bush hideout filled with thorns, or filled with air and left to float on the water roads.
>>112106 hot take: this is the end result of: 1. making it so only the die hard supporters can submit ideas 2. not improving on full body content (the die hard supporters want better full body inflation content so they keep submitting it) bestofcheese released a video a few weeks back of a full body inflation spell gone wrong and the transition into full body is better than anything imba has put out ever https://kemono.su/patreon/user/74350736/post/98829060 dude needs to put some actual energy into learning how to better blend the limbs as the body inflates
>>112677 Why wouldn't it be?
>>112672 I mean, if you're far enough up his ass that you're still actively paying for his Patreon, You probably aren't going to be vocally calling him out on shit.
>>112756 While i will admit the transitions are okay Those models are atrocious
>>112756 that shit is fucking awful
>>112756 Clearly you're a sociopath using reverse-psychology to make me insult bestofcheese
>>112784 yeah his models and the AI voices need major improvement >>112803 enjoy your arms and legs going everywhere >>112819 nah I'm just retarded, it's not that deep anon
Why cant there be good inflation animation Its always either decent models with bad animation or bad models with decent animation
>>113409 Good vid, better than his other recent full body efforts
I disagree. This is another missed opportunity to give us decent content by having some kind of half human parody. This may come as a shock to y'all, but I do not fantasize about fucking a snake or what ever. And so now we have to wade through lackadaisical breast inflation, milk inflation, blueberry inflation, & his usual 2 month hiatus before we have another shot at a (long overdue) air body inflation video that is actually 'Sexy'. It's sad to look back and see how it all started with precisely that, & how they are superior to his recent works which keep denying authentic inflation. He is laughing all the way to the bank!
>>113409 this was so close to being really good but the snake half has to ruin it. Fuck the poles tbh, everyone always either votes for the most generic anime shit or the most wtf character designs.
I kinda liked it, the intro is neat and the full body part is well built, just wish for some other way it would happen
anyone mind updating the kemono page?
where december bonus for 2023?
>>113440 No can do, kemono's import service has been down since the 13th, so you gonna have to wait.
1. Galleon - enjoy the milk (breasts expansion) DL mega.nz/file/OCQwRYoD#JsKRii7fJ8PccjImoZW32ZLXCGvFdHrjm5Rbgbp65pc 2. Neon - beauty bubble booty (butt inflation) DL mega.nz/file/GWwX1DgQ#WmkYnqNVzpdXnDmqZZr1dL4nsT9XcLB_ekOTChpsNqQ 3. Q-bee - dangerous honey (belly inflation) DL mega.nz/file/rDw3EZqC#rbzR9Bfb2JsxdDZ8klT5KQTocd3i-aqtAuegkYr5L6s New Video Normal: https://mega.nz/file/SG5HDS4Y#SmxEQHQkeHB5qYtKQYOF7OVPHyQwPf6iBAEi5lZ9TIU No Music: https://mega.nz/file/7W4AnIDT#Av7YYZLD5RSaxORxtLarg_B8XeKU1lcrrhuw0G82Gg4 Belly Swelling: https://mega.nz/file/XKBXlTCJ#FdeW4G2Qbpfu69YqCpSiJp0tjJqw1CnXiLjwEcdQprU Popping Ending: https://mega.nz/file/nChlQBqI#Kw7jrHHlroa6j9rG4nF2R8ScNATCzj5ECeW_poYzLzU
>>113409 After it was the snake girl of all fucking things, watch him ban full body ideas for some time after he made a fuss about it in the last poll. Sucks that none of the liquid inflations won instead.
>>113522 Seriously. How do these retarded-ass monster win so regularly? It's such a fucking waste of animation.
>>113538 stop that already.
>>113460 Well that explains why everything stops working when trying to view the Kemono page then.
>>113516 Honestly, wasn't a big fan of the main video for April, but these weren't half bad. Wish Neon's calves expanded like the old Neo inflation video, though. Q-Bee also looked decent before the full-body stuff. What anime/game is Neon from, anyways?
>>113586 They appear to be working through the backlog today, so the wait was short.
Neon is from NIKKE: Goddess of Victory; a mobile gacha game.
>>115930 >>115939 >>115940 >>115964 >>115969 JFC, post content or shut the fuck up and let the thread die. It's retarded how this thread is still alive after almost a month of jack shit because you bastards keep bumping it without providing anything.
Fine, we'll post content. Next video is Rei Suzukawa from Mankitsu Happening.
does anyone have the 2019 archives of her?
>>116064 just checked deviant art of course imbapovi takes out the part where she masturbates while inflated. why tf is he so afraid of this shit
>>116123 Deviantart will remove and possibly ban for that, dude.
>>116123 DA's last policy update made masturbation ban worthy.
>>116123 At least the original is on Iwara
>>116141 >>116130 dA's had a policy of "no touching the naughty bits" since before Eclipse, no clue where this "new rule" thing is coming from. Did they change it to be more strict? The rule before was basically "naughty bits and nudity are okay as long as they're not aroused, not being touched, not having stuff inserted, and not being inserted into things." Like, naked nipples are okay, but perky nipples under a shirt are not. Anyway, here's my content post so I'm not bumping without a reason to: https://www.pornhub.com/model/inflatechan The guy reposts a ton of inflation content (mostly Imbapovi)
Don't know why I bother, but new video's out. Thoughts?
>>116267 Middle of the road for me. I usually like the hourglass stuff, and I thought the first half was alright. The lack of real blending from the butt to the thighs was odd on the jeans model, but the introduction of the lace looked good to me. Not a big fan of the hyper hourglass expansions, so it lost me at the end, but I'm sure others will enjoy it. Overall, I liked it more than I had expected, but not a new favorite.
>>116277 Then you're not going to like what they said in the post description >Finally, this is the hourglass shape! The only hourglass featured in the spring poll, btw. I'll take future steps to provide more variety about this topic Imbapovi was really butthurt by not having much of their usual hourglass expansion in that poll.
I’m more surprised of the fact that he didn’t know about this character at all. With him doing inflation content for several years now, you would think he would have watched some hentai before…
>>116319 I mean, I can enjoy some full body stuff. A lot of the recent stuff just doesn't do it for me, is all. What bothers me is that I've tended to like the bonuses more than the actual full-length posts, and if it wasn't for the folks that update the Mega drive, I probably wouldn't be able to enjoy them. That, and it just feels like the same types of characters each time, most of which I don't know. I would have been excited for about half the ideas from the recent poll, and the ones chosen were just...I don't know, safe and samey?
1. Rapunzel - blessing of thickness (breasts expansion) https://mega.nz/file/7PwSnJhC#rDy_K5FiWTc4iyq0SoomStRb6igCAiGc5d1AiDJsI7I 2. Menat - bloating orb (belly inflation) https://mega.nz/file/fH5TnZ4Y#P6YGd20shw4J_QgbWdPRz9eb7NPCc2w4i4VsTonbc9U 3. Tiamat - pumping up pleasure (3b inflation) https://mega.nz/file/3ahBDRYa#ucYNl8ST9uWWaDBR9j3KvEnoLWnQu1ehhlj9p6nVDdQ
>>116337 >https://mega.nz/file/3ahBDRYa#ucYNl8ST9uWWaDBR9j3KvEnoLWnQu1ehhlj9p6nVDdQ Thanks a bundle, Anon! Honestly kinda reinforces my belief that the bonuses are sadly the content I'm looking for :(
>>116337 FYI guys idk where this character is from, but its not Disney’s Rapunzel. so thats a relief XD
>>116424 by “this character” i mean rapunzel idk why i didnt just say that in the first place XD
>>116425 She's from Nikke
Helena ass is made for the devil's dick.
So what videos do you all want remastered? Me I am hoping for Asuka ninja pump and Formidable to be remastered.
>>116648 Shimakaze's but with her belly too this time.
>>116648 just asking but are you saying you might consider remastring imba’s videos, or are you just being hypothetical?
>>116463 thanks btw
I’m hoping he remasters a few of the helium bonuses. Makes me wonder what small additions he’ll add in those ones.
>>116648 All of the touhous who got BE vids getting belly or body added. Patchy, Koishi, Yukari, etc. Cirno remaster too but that’s never ever due to >loli
It's nice that we have seasonal polls and all, but wouldn't it also be nice if imbapovi gave more progress updates? Like, we know who the character is and everything, but we don't even know what to expect until end of the month.
Can someone get that new edited version of the pyra bonus video that imba posted on twitter
>>116648 I'm hoping for a remaster of that one bonus he has with Lumine with the breast expansion and lactation.
>>116665 Just asking what videos people would like remastered. I do not know how to do that kind of thing.
>>117084 https://mab.to/t/J2J0eZXk4Lk/us3
>>116648 The Bayonetta inflation one for me. https://pixeldrain.com/u/tG649LNJ Bigger and larger too. She's perfect for inflation.
>>116648 Videos I want to be remastered Rias & Akeno Hourglass expansion with pole dance, Zelda Hitbox butt expansion, Tsunade & Cynthia Hourglass Expansion, Tsunade milkshake breast expansion & Ariane Cevaille body expansion.
>>117297 same for rias and akeno but without the pole dance. i also want a pop end or full-body as a plus.
Does anyone have the animation with the fighting type gym leader
Anyone have a high quality version of the Bulma full body inflation?
>>92505 I should say the link no longer works, before anyone trys to use it
yeah the other day i went to the folder and it shut off, which really sucks but hopefully the owner can fix it
>>118222 >>118195 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9sN3NYUWJTWSN6a1FJelFlWXJPaDVyTDhVZU5NdlRn I just re-linked it. Some guy was being obnoxious to me in another thread so I took it down. That was childish of me - here you go. Decode from Base64 as usual.
Well, judging by the red X, I’m guessing this thread is officially dead. If a new thread gets made, I’d rather wait till the new main video drops.
thought on the intrepid video? i think it pretty good
>>118797 I liked it. There's a few spots that seemed a little lazy but I'm not gonna bitch about it.
Anyone have the bonus video links for this month
testing mesage to see if approved. ignore this.
the bonuses from june are here. but dont expect me to upload them cuz i cant XD anyway here they are: Power (Chainsaw Man) with only butt expansion with some thigh expansion from slime (pop at end with her landing) Dizzy (breast air inflation) Chocola (soda belly inflation. bubble effect which is kinda weird for me)
why can’t you send them?
>>119627 because i dont have that ability to. if you want to know HOW i found them, the location is under No. 118445’s message (you gotta decode it)
there’s now a new poll with some new rules. mosnter girls is allowed but only the human parts can the target. nothing like tails or wings. also it will be split into 2 groups. idk if that means like there will be TWO winners for each month, but this is wishful thinking.
>>119506 For me the bubble one was the best, because it's unlike anything he's been doing recently.
testing testing there is a new voting now.
is this thread done for, or are people lurking and/or can’t send a message due to the VPN thing again?
