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Massive Asian SSBBW - Round, soft tum Anonymous 01/04/2022 (Tue) 08:59:00 Id:089b34 No. 33996 >>34216 >>56571
I need to know if anyone knows who she is. If not I feel like we need to find her because yeeesh <3 https://youtu.be/aCNqNW-WuaI https://youtu.be/Rj9ppx0yZ8Y https://youtu.be/l0rLMFNLvnU https://youtu.be/aHdivHF4RD4 She’s apparently a streamer. If anyone has a Kuaishou account it could very much help :^) I’d love to see more of her
meant to post this in the model id thread, my apologies.
Bump! I used to have a lot of her videos but they got deleted
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>>33996 >>34006 kuai profile id and gobbledygook name: 3xdduda5zdu2fgs 搞笑的半吨姐妹 some of the collection: aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vbE0wWWtKdHd0
>>34216 Thank you so much holy shit. I wasn’t expecting an answer :’))
>>34216 I search their username in Kuaishou but there’s no results, am I doing something wrong?
anyone got more of her?
Reup pls
what a babe!
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>>34728 >>35115 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW80MHptZUI5clY= Cheers
>>35288 >aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW80MHptZUI5clY= Could you reup please?? I missed it ; ˅ ;
No one really said who they are
Damn I didn't see this thread!
>>39692 Yea hope it gets revived I need those vids
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>>39474 >>39634 >>39692 >>39731 We know the kuaishou profile id (3xdduda5zdu2fgs) and gobbledygook name ( 搞笑的半吨姐妹 ) which means "funny half ton sisters" aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXFDcHRPTWJhYlk= you're welcome
>>39845 There are no users on kuai shou with that Id when I search I’ll try the other site even though it doesn’t pop up when I type it in
>>39845 Ah these are the same videos as the very first upload of her in this thread. Any new stuff?
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>>34216 >>39845 Thank very much for the reup and extra info however the kuaishou profile is coming up with some kind of collector's profile and I can't find gobbledygook. Is gobbledygook the name of an app, a website, an app on a different app store, a joke I'm not getting because I'm stupid? Also, is there any photo archives?
>>39863 >>39905 You need to read through the asia threads, maybe you will find some info, or you can ask some asia experts there who may know these chinese sites. https://bbw-chan.nl/bbw/res/63291.html https://bbw-chan.nl/bbw/res/47199.html https://bbw-chan.nl/bbw/res/21654.html
>>39893 any update on this?? shes so fucking cute
>>35288 Please respond! Did anyone find the page?
>>40176 here i am lol im glad to help with any problem you have with Chinese sites,such as translate problems or anything you wonder of china
>>46854 What's the fattest chinese model you've seen?
>>46856 I assume by model you mean including girls like the OP or like actual models?
>>46857 Either. But I mean ametuers mostly since china clearly doesn't have a professional gainer scene.
>>46856 https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAA3onbvTMA3Ul8Dz9dEloQ2_0riHlPSwf2Hn6njhOwqi0
>>46912 Did you save any of her old videos? The comedy ones about her weight are really good but I can only find super low resolution facebook rips.
>>46856 Rikirika_707
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Posting here to not create another asian ssbbw thread. Let's talk about @ssbbwwbbss/chiharujpssbbw
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>>50936 nice
>>50936 Holy shit she looks frightening asf... Want more from her.
>>50936 maybe I dont like fat chicks as much as I thought.
>>50936 Strangely hot while also reminding me of the fact that forcing this fetish onto a chick would be extremely unethical. She looks good-humored about it though, irreversible damage to her health/body notwithstanding.
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>>50936 She's insanely hot, lord those legs. Glad I'm not the only one who knows about her. Anyone willing to share stuff from her Fantia?
>>50936 >>51023 Wtf is going on with her ass? Ugly as fuck
>>51101 As a Bodybuilder you crave Calves like this!!!
>>51024 An eating machine! Barely even chews.
>>51020 >forcing this fetish It's just a preference. No need to be weird about it. Also it's impossible to force it on someone??? Some of you guys sound giga insecure.
>>51023 I wonder if she's affiliated with yakuza with those tattoos.
>>51161 There’s nothing yakuza related there. They’re just tattoos. Ten million white girls probably have the same shit. You play GTA too much.
>>51166 People in Japan especially natives don't casually get tattoos there a gigantic cultural taboo there. The Yakuza also runs every part of adult entertainment there
>>51166 Although rare, some Japanese do have tattoos now. But some of her tattoos definitely have a Yakuza theme, Kannon on her thigh and the sanksrit on her upper arm for instance. It would certainly be strange for someone non-gang affiliated to have tattoos like that. Their dubious quality makes me sceptical about this but her attitude in her videos and a rather direct message I received from her after I dared to retweet a post makes me suspect she has some kind of affiliation.
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based ramen-guzzling yakuza gainer
>>51200 >a rather direct message I received from her after I dared to retweet a post DO TELL
>>34216 Anyone have this?
>>51211 Those arms tho
>>51166 You assume a lot for someone who knows so little
>>51207 That's a weird ass. AND I LIKE IT.
Does anyone have any strawberryurin?
This chick is a banger ig: jhaphoullebidu
>>53997 Is that from a video? Would you mind sharing?
>>54009 Found the pics only, on tumblr. And yeah it really looks like screenshots from a video. Also, cool things about her. She always post videos of her eating stuff and she is learning spanish, which I think is quite hot for a fat Filipina girl.
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yo holy shit
>>55008 It's a shame she's super defensive about her stuff being shared. And has possible Yakuza ties.
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>>55015 >yakuza ties
>>55015 who's that?
>>55020 I wouldn’t. Tattoos are serious in Japan. Huge tattoos basically scream “I’m an outlaw”, don’t mess with me. And pretty much no one living regular life would have those.
>>55020 She has an army of ninjas armed with funnels and cake batter at the ready. Beware.
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>>55041 https://jomec.co.uk/life360-2019/uncategorised/being-an-inked-woman-in-japan
>>55020 She does porn and tattoos in Japan are extremely taboo (idk about porm but I assume it is too), it isn't much of a stretch to guess Yakuza
>>55026 I don't think being a 400+ pound hambeast is normal in Japan either. She actually follows me on Twitter haha. I would do anything to just feel her rolls, Yakuza or not
This make me think of how women in sumo is also taboo. Why not be a fat sumo woman with tattoos? Sell your used muwashi to a burusera ring for even more money.
>>55150 Right now there are attempts to bring women back into sumo. They were in Sumo at certain periods. But they were better than man so eventually got banned from participating. >>55111 Japan is actually rather okay-ish with porn. It has a very rich porn history. Real vintage porn is not your amateur Victorian era photos but your thousand years old Japanese porn scrolls. But you are right thinking porn industry has ties with Yakuza.
>>55020 Fortunately your retarded interpretation of the evidence makes as much of a difference here as it would in that game
Does anyone here have any Strawberryurin? All I have is this https://web.archive.org/web/20211105095604/https://bbw-chan.nl/bbw/res/58745.html
>>55321 >better than men Bullshit. Better to watch, maybe. But no way they'd be better at the sport. Please elaborate.
>>33996 Found more of her. In the first half of this vid: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2624-dFDJOw Would be great if more of her was found. She’s fairly cute and pretty massive
Can anyone here help me ID a show from South Korea? I remember finding a Korean reality show, featuring a shit ton of fat women. I remember one being a short fat girl with a black and white striped shirt with stains on it. The title was all in Korean, so I don't remember the name.
>>55015 Honestly the potential yakuza ties just makes her even hotter to me.
>>56774 >tfw no SSBBW sumo yakuza enforcer gf who shakes down targets by sitting on and suffocating them
Buying used SSBBW size uniforms and panties in a burusera shop would be funny. I'm not sure what ICD this is from. ICD is probably the most common JAV BBW and SSBBW code.
>>56842 That looks like it would be an IZM classic to me.
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Anyone have this or anything like it?
jhaphoullebidu is getting so big
>>58082 This ICD is super recent, as much as I want it too, we'll probably have to wait a few months before we see it drop online. Or someone could send me the link to buy it online (but I'll buy it in december)
>>58082 What kind of dirty screen is that?
>>60756 Yeah all the recent ICD's are impossible to find. The only way buy recent ICD's is to find them on xcream. https://en.xcream.net/director/RYUDAI Only downside is buying from this site is that most likely it won't accept your card so you'll have to purchase bitcash and then buy your movie which is lame another downside is you can't share the video even using screen recorders gets you no luck. I've bought a vid from here so I know from experience. Unless someone knows how to get around the xcream video player they use to block people from sharing the video. So if anyone knows a get around the DMM player or xcream player please let me know. https://www.akibacom.jp/english/products/list.php?name=Icd&search.x=0&search.y=0 This second link is the only place you can buy ICD JAV from overseas. They have every ICD including recent ones. But downside is it's more expensive because of shipping and they only come in physical dvd forms and ship Japan. And you'll be looking at longer delivery time since it's from Japan. I never bought from this one but I plan on trying it since you have greater chances of sharing these if you have a good program and dvd/cd port drive to extract the movie which is easy.
>>55008 Does anyone have her exclusive content from her Fantia or know if it's worth it?
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Anyone have this? https://fantia.jp/posts/1679112 https://twitter.com/babu_baby_bbw/status/1608730667617226752?t=fjo3pSNtBlJJ9W3rBCMR2g&s=19
Rikarika_707 looking huge as ever
>>67977 Looks retarded
>>67977 Cute as ever too. I wonder if she’d ever do a mukbang type YouTube.
>>67982 Said the retard with shit bait
>>67982 I mean masturbating to obese women online sound pretty retared to me...
>>62042 I've found a screen recorder that gets around the Xcream DRM. My debit card also works with the site. I've managed to rip 308 in full and I'm planning on doing more. If you'd like to help lmk.
>>67991 Where do you think you are?
>>71017 What's the screen recorder? I had something from there I wanted to share
>>67977 Checked. Miss when she updated all the time :(
Does anyone have Kanna_72727 stuff ?
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She is 150cm and weighs 199kgs Just love how soft her calf's look here. There is also a video where she almost knocks her self out with her arm fat like a loose boob.
>>79758 Holy fuck she's so short and completely packed with soft jiggly flab all the way to her cankles and fat little feet. Definitely need to see more of this prize Japanese hog
>>79758 Where is this video?
Here. https://twitter.com/ssbbwwbbss/status/1631783361030291457?t=Vz5rdF-XU5j9V84ACPysLQ&s=19
She has weighed her self in at 440lbs
>>79957 Don't feed Kilotroll. He's on a diet.
god how I love this chick
>>50936 I'm not normally into scars and lymphedema, but something about her unusual ass and busted calves only heightens the sense of danger. Everything about her screams "gaijin you will be kill by yakuza" and it's highly erotic to me. 10/10.
>>80771 What is her private content like? Does she go nude?
>>80882 She has private content?
>>80882 >>80897 I talked with her once over kik, she sells content but it looks like its pretty vanilla. I DO recommend getting some stuff from her (and sharing it here). Didn't bought cuz I dont have the cash atm
>>80871 thats some racist ass shit
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we need more of this woman, she is fairly big for a japanese (ss)bbw even her free pictures are hard to access
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>>80962 Anyone have any clips of her? Also is this her? If so she looks bigger in those more recent photos
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Does anyone have any more of yuuhi_chan2? Accidently deleted my folder of her when she was at her biggest
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IDUb1QqauRc Filipino SSBBW is so unhealthy she needs an oxygen mask now
>>82443 Oh shit this girl. I knew she was a good pig.
>>80962 Any more of her?
>>82443 She finally posting again?
>>82482 She always posting on youtube but her pateron hasn't been updated in a while.
Oh yeah, Hunny (formerly known as Sugarface a long time ago) is a fantastic pig, she was stuck around 350 for years but she snuck a weigh-in into her recent boxing video. She's over 390 now! Her family is rich (for the philippines anyway) so she pretty much just lazes around the house snacking most days. If you remember pictures of her family from 2014, you'll notice that her frequent trips out with her sisters have also caused a couple of them to gain a significant amount of weight too, one of them is as big as Hunny started
>>82488 I just love how she continues getting fatter and unhealthier no matter what she does. Like how she was vegan for like a week before scoffing burgers into her fat face again.
>>82443 Its old video from a bit after she got covid
>>82222 Here's this https://hime-channel.com/timeline/r2e5gr?photo=y1dywxrj1-&restrict=shop
>>82488 Hasn't she lost like 50 pounds recently? She was talking on her YT channel about being successful with her diet...
>>82576 Maybe it's just her sheer blobby face and belly but if she lost any it's hard to tell. I just found this woman and I'm so in love. If she visits USA I'm seriously considering asking her to sit on me. At first I thought Hunny was just playing up the gluttony angle but she really does seem to be a sincere sugar addict and her FF profile posts even talks about her health consequences. And she uses an oxygen mask now. So hot.
>>82601 I thought she was American?
>>80951 How expensive is her stuff and what type of content does she make
>>82727 Dude, get on kik and talk to her. She is a sweet girl, try to be nice. Her @ there is cadburyyummy.
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Did this thread get purged or something swore it was more up to date. Anyways, does anyone have any stuff on Hinano Miyata someone posted about her before
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Anyone knows her name or know where to find more?
Sucks to see she lost so much weight, but she seems to be a lot happier now. Her prime was something else
>>84930 Fuck she looks great on her back…
>>88119 Oh no why? I knew she was sick a while... She follows me on Twitter
>>88138 I think it was because of her health scare. I feel she might gain it back, due to the amount she loves it eat. She still looks beautiful but it is unfortunate to see the weight loss. I wish other japanese ssbbws content was as accesible as hers was
>>88119 id still fuck the shit out of her, theres still plenty to grab and jiggle on
anybody know who this is?
>>88174 there's a bunch of her on this dude's tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@yan.pherom168/video/7109799155056364826 what an absolute unit! i'm in love
>>84972 All I know is that it starts with ICD. It might be ICD-46. I go to javlibrary.com
>>88270 Thanks, I checked through, couldn't really find her :(
>>84930 There should be more I only have one clip— could never find the rest https://mab.to/t/L4rpqB8bK9O/us3
>>88278 look through izumu's actual website and see if you recognize her in one of the sample dvd covers: http://www.izumu.net/s_main.htm
>>88417 (javlibrary doesn't always list everything especially when it comes to bbw stuff)
>>84930 There you go. She's an absolute cutie. Wish she's take her mask off though. https://we.tl/t-UZtm5UkIb1
>>88508 >>88388 Her other videos never seem to come up, somehow
>>67977 She’s gotten thinner over time. Speaking of which, anyone have any good photos of Rika at her fattest? Can’t seem to find them
>>88793 OMG. Where does it from? She haven't update her ins or twitter for a long time.
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Rikarika has resurfaced again!
>>90545 there is a god, she's a true chinese goddess. Look at that ass.
Don't sleep on Puku-sama, her journey isn't stopping anytime soon, according to herself on Fantia she eats 6000 calories snacks
>>90545 >find out rika returned from the void of 0 online presence Today was a good day.
>>90545 Wow! thx for sharing! where did u found it btw
>>88119 who is this?? >>88793 hallelujah!
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Please I want this video from here have it
Does anyone still have Kanna_72727 stuff, she kinda disappear since last year i don't even know where she goes
>>90602 is there more of her or just on fantia
>>80962 Is there any content or video of her out there apart from that candi drop website?
>>90602 she's morphing her images and youre retarded if you can't see that
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Anyone have some photo of yuuhi_chan2 ?
Anyone have any pics of pkpk029 recently? Haven't seen any of her content in over half a year, she's so gluttonous she's probably absolutely huge by now, best weight gain ever she just doesn't stop.
>>92579 >>93641 Seconded
Can someone update momochan's fantia or just send new pics/videos (the last kemono update was in march) https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/314692
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Rikarika_707 has posted again! \o/
>>94208 I just saw! She still looks a little tired though, hope she’s ok and not getting harassed over there!
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>>94698 Name?
>>94708 Yuuhi_chan2 sadly her twitter account is private
>>94698 do you have more pics of her?
>>94708 do you have more pics of her?
>>94744 I already posted the rare pic I had of her in this thread, let's hope someone have more
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>>94698 >>94708 >>94727 >>94743 >>94744 >>94747 Here's a candid shot I found on the webz that just happened to be labeled "2yuuhi" ◕‿↼
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I still follow Yuuhi on twitter. Here's an update with all of her recent pictures and some from her old Twitter that are now deleted https://we.tl/t-4j65oQNix9 Also the pic attached here is her doctor's report when she was near 200kg in December last year, though her max was 220kg a bit later on. Apparently she's now losing weight and is around 190kg
>>94800 you are a legend thank you so much
https://www.javlibrary.com/en/?v=javli7itsa Does anyone have this one?
>>94800 I know some Japanese (which uses kanji with similar meaning as Chinese but different sounds for it). The kanji in the first column has 今 and that means present. So according to it she gained ~23 kilograms between checkups, not lost.
>>94814 Yeah but I know Arabic numerals, and this little looks like it’s from 2015
>>94727 Fear no more! Since I follow her on twitter I ripped 949 of her posts. Also ran her text posts trough google translate and compiled those results in the json file. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWlTSjVDM21PdE0= Just a heads up for anyone wanting to read her post. She is: a) loosing weight and b) not very happy with her weight, mobilty issues and overall health The csv is is the raw output of the chrome extension I used to riü her twitter. Sadly it had a limit of 1000 posts and somehow only downloaded 949 :/
>>94872 Epic!
Y'all realise she is padding and faking her weight?
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More of her
>>94879 They have chosen to believe.
>>94872 As a fellow Yuuhi follower, did you manage to get into the NSFW Twitter circle she made a few months ago? I asked but didn't get included
>>94828 I'll just clear up something about the doctor's report image. Japan uses the year/month/day system to format dates. Under "今回" which means "this time" (aka this current doctor's visit) it says R04/11/15. Meaning that the year is actually "R04". What does that mean? Well, Japan also sometimes uses a different calendar system from the west. They essentially count the number of years since a new emperor has taken the throne. Currently they're in the Reiwa era, which started in 2019, with "Reiwa 1" being 2019. Therefore, November 15th, 2022 is abbreviated to "R04/11/15" in the report under her most recent doctor's visit, since 2022 is the 4th year in the Reiwa era. And her 2021 checkup is the R03/11/12 date, under "前回" which means "last time." >>94814 Also, I could have been clearer about the timeline. She weighed 177kg in November 2021 (R03), she then gained to 200kg in November 2022 (R04). She then detailed on Twitter that she further gained to 220kg at her peak in March 2023, and now she has lost weight to around 190kg recently. All this is corroborated in her Twitter logs in >>94872 's post Why did I write all this on a chan where people are just here to jerk off? I don't know
>>94894 No, so I acutally I must have probably forgotten to check in on my request on her twitter from some months ago. I don't really remeber reading her twitter before today actually. But after reading that on her twitter I really went "damn what could have been...". But that beeing said she probably would not have accepted me, so idc too much
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Jesus christ
>>94909 Imagine fucking her in her cpap machine
Shit is so fake it’s insulting. Guys need their eyes and brains checked.
>>94911 Weebs se an asian and it's like their brains immediately turn off and start throwing money on dumb shit.
Who is this big Asian girl?? Please her name ?
>>94960 It's a fat suit
>Fisheye lens >Tricky angles >Filters >Low res >Padding/fat suit >Hide eyes/face/head >BBW at best Why do I even bother checking this thread
>>94967 lol thank you
>>90602 Haven't seen a new picture of her since May, she's probably still piling on the pounds, pity she doesn't update her Socials
Does anyone have any pictures of Sachiko Yokozuna?
Does anyone have a folder of yuuhi_chan2? Or any Asian SSBBW.
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Hunnybunnany on YouTube has a lot of videos - some are eating videos others are just vlogs of her holidays, but she is a confessed feedee
>>96576 She's definitely one of my all-time favs. Back when she was known as SugarFace she insisted she was just a fat girl with a big appetite and not a feedee, with no intention of gaining on purpose, but since then she's definitely porked up and embraced stuffing her face with junk food on purpose.
>>96581 Does she have a new name now? I can't find any more content from her. I wish she had an Onlyfans.
>>95946 I always see her pop up on this thread.Does she make content?
>>96597 She's still HunnyBunnany just like the original comment said. Her content is on patreon instead of onlyfans. She has a bit of nude content but nothing hardcore.
>>96615 Thanks friend do you have his Patreon content to share ? Or can someone share their content ? THANKS :)
>>95946 what's her name again?
Coomer here who joined Hunny's patreon, sadly some killjoy or patreon itself flagged her because one day nothing of her content would show up. So, unless someone else downloaded all her videos I doubt we'll see it comeback anytime soon. Since hunny seems to have stepped away from content making for a bit.
>>96605 >>96916 She makes content, but no nudes or OF unfortuantely. Her ig is jhaphoullebidu
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Surprised no one has mentioned xxari3131xx, she's S tier imo
>>97100 Sorry to disappoint but she is Latino
>>97175 her twitter bio says she fiipina (PH)
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The live xxari3131xx just done!
>>94776 O_O no way this is real. I feel like I am looking at a cryptid pic.
>>97220 It's real but the bra always gives you a false idea of what her breasts will actually look like. They won't push out that far normally, they'd be hanging down quite a bit at her size. She's basically asian lexxxi luxe.
This might be the last post here before the sites dies, but has Rika ever had her tits out?
>>97277 Maybe, but not just boobs. Pay close attention to the outline of that ass and calves such as those I have only seen on the likes of ssbbwbbss. We need a better look at her, clearly.
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>>98506 speaking of Chiharu (ssbbwbbss), it's really hard to get her content, and the dammed Kemono uploader for Fantia has been broken for months.
Yuuhi could not more obviously be wearing a fatsuit lol, you can even see where the arm padding abruptly ends under her sleeves in most photos. Her posts are also complete wg fantasy nonsense, like she keeps saying she's getting surgery because she's so fat the weight broke her spine. Keep in mind the weight she's claiming to be is like 200kg / 440lbs. If that weight could spontaneously shatter your spine, none of the models on this board would be able to stand
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ICD-252 https://we.tl/t-BSfOFqSzJg Anybody have the previous upload from that thread? Have any other ICD or Izumu/IZM?
>>101120 I need more about her
>>101120 Fake, fake, fake...
>>97185 The "PH" stands for Pornhub, which is easily understandable from context.
>>97100 >>97185 >>97212 While >>101791 is obviously correct, ari also has her own pornhub videos tagged "latina" and not "asian". so she's not even pretending to be filipina, you guys just invented that in your heads. I swear this board gets more retarded every year.
>>94872 Would someone re-upload this please?
>>94967 The excessive use of fisheye lenses, tricky angles and digicam-like video quality are what make JAVs hot, anon. It's more erotic when you're forced to see less, not more. I don't know what else to tell you.
>>101884 My only recurring complaint with JAVs though is that you're right; a lot of these women simply aren't fat enough. The images on their DVD covers bare little resemblance to how they look while performing; they're often altered so much to the point it feels like false advertising.
>>101887 They use a lot of fisheye lenses to make women fatter. I don't see that elsewhere.
>>101962 It's common enough with fat OF models here in the west although I guess they tend to be more subtle about it.
>>90545 >>88793 I'd unironically ask RikaRika out if she ever came to the USA. Although its really sad to see on her twitter that she has so many men proposing to her that she has to ask you to not.
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Found this randomly from 4chan /ck/. Any idea of a source?
>>106766 I've seen her before on tiktok. Someone from one of them south east Asian shitholes makes tiktoks with her. Eating loads of crickets and shit like that
>>94872 Reupload plss
Reupload some photos of @yuuhi_chan2 plss
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>>106766 >>106781 impossible to find anything. until you start using google.
>>106766 im pretty sure this is the exact video, there’s only a couple vids with her in it and it’s been over a year since she’s been in one. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT83LKHnf/
https://www.youtube.com/@GuiGe/videos found this guy's channel, the chick in his videos has definately gained weight over time and seems comfortable with it. In fact it almost seems as that's the goal.
>>109244 The alphabet in the video looks Thai
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>>108871 She posted those this week
>>108871 >>109338 This is a man in a fat suit you fucking idiotic gaijin.
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>>101120 >>101152 >>101313 >>109338 >>109343 can anyone shed some light on this "yuuhi_chan2" character? always fully clothed. always hiding behind something. obscure sources. is this a male cross-dresser? does anyone have proof, for example an authentic bikini shot? ;-)
>>109253 >https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT83LKHnf/ This is Khmer from Cambodia, but the language spoken in the video is Chinese. That's a reel from Douyin.
>>109360 She's clearly a girl but her weight... I don't really know, I follow her since 2022 and her weight gain seems kinda real to me, with real medical documents showing her weight. Fat suit or not, she's sexy so idgaf
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>>109369 thanks. i could even understand that there's some game of 'hide & seek' when a girl/model is not showing too much of herself. personally i like to see less of those hiding curtains and more of the real girl at some point.
>>109343 You might just be gay
>>109378 Either way I’m rock hard. God it must be struggling under all that fat.
>>109343 I understand that Asians are usually less furry than westerners, but just a lobotomized blind one can mistake her for a man. For the fat suit, we can talk
>>109338 >>109343 >>109360 don't care, still hot
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>>109395 to each their own. okay, you don't care, but maybe you understand that some guys do like to know the truth behind the fat suit, or (with other models) if it's plastic inside that curvy body.
>>109399 Jealous lmao
>>109343 LMAO, she's a man now too huh? The dumbass conspiracy theories just don't stop
>>109399 Farang Ding Dong was a wild time.
>>109597 The premise of FDD was that they discovered an island where all the women suffered from extreme gigantomastia! I'm still searching for this island!!!!
>>109598 There was mastasia too.
>>109389 She has a man's eyebrows.
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Does anyone know about that fatty?
>>113178 Ain't no way that woman 5' tall and weighs over 700lbs.
>>113178 They aren't the same person. I don't know Japanese, but the name of the episode it's written up left. And they're different Still, I'll do my researches
>>113180 the episode is "world fattest model", and yes, it´s Lexi.
>>113178 This is ancient, her name was Lexi and she went by lots2luv or lots4u2luv online, she did some sort of Japanese show that followed her around. Absolutely busted face but impressively fat.
>>113178 Here's the doc, Teighlor first then Lexi: https://we.tl/t-gs1HLlGSbN >>113179 Sure about that?
>>109370 That’s easy to say when you post rika, one of the best built bbw’s out there, Asian or otherwise lol. Feel like allot of these girl are hiding something for the good of the many.
>>113202 Are you guys for real ?? Surely you can’t be that new to the scene? This is the legendary lexi, lots 2 luv was Natalie a totally different person please get it right
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>>113242 I used to say this but I realize a lot of these guys obess over one model at a time if that makes sense, and all of this stuff is suuuper archival. I wouldn't expect people to know her, or candi godiva, or hugenhot by now. Side not, resetting this thread to asian bbw's
>>113242 I've been around since the late 00s/early 10s. Never heard of her. >>113294 >candi godiva, or hugenhot I recognize those two, though. Are those pics Stuffer31-adjacent stuff?
>>113207 This was Lexi, not Taylor in the upload.
where i can see more of Lexi and lots2luv(natalie) content? i know they are really old but is nowhere to be found save for maybe 2 of natalie that exist on the internet but nothing more
Any photos of yuuhi_chan2? She recently updated her Twitter bio and she’s all the way up to 240 kg…
>>109338 Who is this?
>>113207 When Taylor?
>>114031 Paul 1 TB of porn on hard drive. Church kicked him out poor 420
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>>114294 These posts should be quarantined to /alt/ Literally just look at her hands for two seconds if you think she's real
Maybe you need your eyes checked, Squinty McGee. Her hands are fine. She's wider than the sink, there is no distortion in the photo, and she's f'ng hot. >>114315
>>115089 Her photos circle around every couple of months to fool you newcomers. Im tired of this discussion. She's been debunked dozens of times.
>>115089 that's because its a fat suit
>>115089 lmao noobs
>>115089 never post again, retarded gigafaggot
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>>50936 It's joever
>>116155 And nothing of value was lost
>>116172 Why are you even in the thread if you don't like her?
>>116155 I will go over there and make sure she gains it back.
>>95946 Any1 have any vids at all of her?
>>116298 Maybe the other girls who aren’t deflated sacks?
>>113311 So Lexi was interesting. She started her paysite in the late 90s/early 2000s. It's still up at http://fatfantasy.net/ if you want to see what we put up with back then. I'm pretty sure shes been dead since like 2007 or something?
>>116472 >http://fatfantasy.net/ "Established in 1998 7 Years and Going Strong!"
Its not much, but I've managed to find some of her videos she has done in the past. https://fuzokudx.com/kanto/shop/candi-drops/girllist/82956/movie/ Now, time to search where we can find the full version of this video https://fuzokudx.com/kanto/shop/candi-drops/girllist/82956/movie-165000/
>>116384 Unless you are the Anon I was talking to, I don't care what your answer is. Also, that doesn't make sense, as saying nothing of value was lost implies that he didn't like her before she deflated.
>>116298 Its not her thread retard
>>116841 my point is if that you like "massive Asian SSBBWs" you would like her, whiny faggot
https://x.com/dadudu2024/media Anyone that knows her chinese main account?
>>55473 https://x.com/strawberryurin/media
Has Hinano Miyata left the scene? I don't see any new content with her in it and I don't know if she has socials
I know she died but anyone have all her content? Impossible to find in the web same with natalie or lots2luv wouls be great if a rip of the fatfantasy website existe
>>116155 Do you or anybody have any content of her cuz she said shes going to shutdown her fantia
>>84930 Any reups of this? I searched everywhere and can't find a single stream or torrent of this. MYT-210604 for reference
>>108877 >>106766 source is here >>125148
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Often when not looking I come across a repost on some platform or another. I can never find the source material 🤷🏻‍♂️.. I’m not sure how many there are but iv seen a few of this size that look like they just cook and eat all day on camera but what platforms are they doing it on?
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Don't know the name(s) of any of these, but the one tied up in the screenshot and video prudently passes my own personal preferences as a perfect portly playtoy of a plumper to have around for the purposes of penetration
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BTW, has anyone heard anything about StrawberryUrin as of late? Always found it difficult to keep track of some of these Japanese girls with the way they release info/content/updates (IF they do, that is)
>>132113 #1 and #5 are ami fukumori from icd-302 - i don't have this title, and would really appreciate if anyone has it #2 is ami fukumori in ICD-425 #3 is ami fukumori in ICD-222 #4 is masaki amamiya in icd-176
>>132131 icd-302 is available from duga, at 5000 JPY https://duga.jp/ppv/izumu-0412/ sady duga won't accept my card
That's Ami Fukumori, check out ICD-222
>>126668 Definitely need to know who this is
Have some Strawberryurin https://gofile.io/d/4qSias If anyone has more do share :D
>>133989 https://gofile.io/d/VxW8bg She was in this show that talked about fat girl dating services. She really struggles to climb stairs.
>>134133 She makes content?
>>134148 Yeah,but only does transactions through kik as far as I’m aware. Was just wondering to see if anybody had anything
>>134153 Might have to check out that Kik app then, is there by any chance yk her prices for stuff and what type of content she makes
>>134162 Not completely sure what her prices are unfortunately
>>134163 Who makes the content?
this only place i can find info https://ro.erome.com/a/FvRSTQuj
>>134205 No thank you.
>>134149 Actually the person she was dating in the video is a crossdressing man or a transwoman. BUT YES, she once said that she went to girls to fulfill her desire of love and went to men to fulfill her desire of sex.
>>134239 She said that in an old show called "給与明細" made by ABEMA in around 2018 to 2019
I know it's been a while since her account was even active, but does anyone know what kind of asian Cherrybabyssbbw is?
Does anyone have that picture of the extremely obese Chinese girl sitting on a chair I think maybe a folding chair and she is resting her head on her arms on the back of the chair in front of her? Extremely fat maybe 200 kg
>>134128 Thanks for the upload. Do you happen to have a link to the official VOD?
>>134920 I forget her name but she is wearing a fat suit
>>134923 Shame but I'll admit she looks damn good in it
>>134920 yuuhi_chan2 You can find her on X
>>134920 Before some idiot says it’s real, look at her laces. People half her size switch to slip on shoes because they can’t reach and tie them.
>>79758 ankles rolls is too far for me, but looks good otherwise
>>94872 can anyone reup yuuhi_chan's posts?
>>134920 i was gonna ask about her a while ago for a reference for something I'm doing. Even if it's a suit it looks pretty good, I pray to one day find a woman actually shaped like that
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found this beauty today. huge filipina on instagram @czaafeliciano
wow @czaafeliciano she is super beautiful, I love her curves, how tall she is vs her weight, that would give me an idea of ​​what she is like in person
>>135408 Jesus... how much does someone need to eat daily to get that fat? Without american industrial processed slop nonetheless
>>135429 Plenty of processed garbage in the Phillipines my man. The difference is there you have to be middle class to afford it.
>>135429 Other countries have food, too
>>135517 all you'll find is photoshop nigga
>>135435 Can verify that is pretty accurate. I got a Filipina who is 180kg and they got plenty of fast food that is cheap as hell
>>135153 >>135429 >>135673 But this onelooks Hispanic to me, nothing Asian, rather a bit Southern Pazific (Polynesian, as Hawaii), probably not Phillipina... She looks like this social media model who their nick-name start with Scotch...
>>135408 unfortunately, she also appears to live a double life as the bearded lady :(
>>134128 I have heard of Debucari, which kind of translates to rent a fatty. Is that part of Debucari?
>>113207 Can we get a reupload of this?
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>>136655 That’s latinapiggy22 ain’t it, I’ve never seen this pic before so this is probably from her Insta. Has anyone ever managed to actually get content from her?? I’ve gotten scammed by her and so have many other people
>>136744 It’s not a morph https://www.reddit.com/u/lovemehateme54/s/tt5sYD7ycf
>>136747 I know you want it to be true, but that's not what's happening here. She's Latina.
remember the good old days when that german faggot only posted a couple times a week in stead of every day? pro tip: don't reply to any ESL posts they're from said faggot
>>135408 I want more of her. Her instagram is private
>>137380 Tbh I remember looking at her Instagram after this post so it seems like she only recently went private...maybe some creeps from the chan messaged her with weird fetish bs or something :/ Anyways I've requested to follow. Worked well enough for me in the past, so let's pray.
>>137385 The irony.
Why no one is mentioning @pocha2medicine she’s pretty and hottest young lady Japanese in the world! 🔥💕❤️❤️💕🔥
>>135408 Matched her on OkCupid a few years back, she's a sweet girl. Not at all into the fetish, she's got a weird condition that ficks up her hormones that somehow ended up with her being this huge. It also causes her to grow a beard.
>>144816 It's called PCOS, polycystic ovaric ayndrome. Many very fat girls have it
>>79758 does anyone know who this chick is? the twitter post got deleted
>>145200 That’s ssbbwwbbss, recently went quiet for a while and came back after losing most of her weight. Here’s a link to her account. https://xcancel.com/ssbbwwbbss?lang=en
>>145313 She explained in her twitter a while back that se was in a brief coma, almost died multiple times and had to stay in the hospital for a long period of time which definitely made her want to lose weight.
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Just found this magnificent Korean SSBBW. She is 268kg (591 lbs) and definitely trying to lose weight. She is probably the fattest woman ever in Korea. https://youtu.be/QZbYUoRJ0IQ
>>145388 girl is going wild with photoshop
>>145407 Yeah, don't fall for the tricks. I spent a lot of money on her sets only to discover that they're likely fake when my boner went away
>>145407 >>145411 What does this mean? Did she cheat on me? Is there evidence of photoshopping?
>>144827 ovary*
>>145506 Even though western girls do it too, asian chicks are notorious for editing pictures. this girl just goes way overboard, she prolly has a big belly but nowhere near that big.
>>145506 Theres a reason why you never see the backgrounds in the photos
>>145319 Christ, that's horrible. I wonder if her rumored Yakuza ties had anything to do with that.
>>145566 >>145319 She claims he got pancreatitis and gallstones and idk what else. I think she posted once her poop was white for a time. She was struggling with severe leg edema for years and apparently it's still lumpy down there. I admit selfishly I wanted her to keep blowing up... I'm glad she's okay now at least.
>>145401 She's pretty tall for a Korean ngl
>>145401 Nice find, but she's not 268 kg anymore. She's 195 kg in the video.
Village in Thailand where fat is in and thin women don't get dates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRHfCI1_iZ4
when was the last rii_c5 update? she was the goat
>>132116 Her before/after pic is crazy considering how she went from barely over 100 pounds in 2008 to over 300 in 2018. I think she's passed 400 pounds already
>>145388 some Chad got her on Kemono but only up to 2022
>>149783 Fake news. Asked her about it myself. She has no idea who that is. I'm pretty sure she posted about it on X or Fantia after I asked her about it. Too bad. It made me nut too.
>>55015 She underwent wls and is now slim. Do not accuse them of Yakuza ties. The "Yakuza" is not involved.
>>149854 Exactly *wink*
>>149854 Three years later but late than never
>>149854 Considering the Yakuza owns ever porn productions and distribution in Japan every model there has Yakuza ties if your being technical
>>145388 Holy moly she's gotten so frigging big since I've seen her last in 2023! She has to be the fastest gainer in Japan!
>>145388 I honestly don't know why she doesn't get more attention, there's no other Asian feedee like her that I can find
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I’ve seen some people say that she(jhaphoullebidu on ig)sells content on her kik is this true?!?
>>150487 >>150489 Because her photos are obviously insanely morphed

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