/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Edit Thread+ Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 13:43:38 Id:d3b29e No. 63833
Another T=thread for more edits
(523.41 KB 3000x4000 e79017209f9621b7113767097b399440.jpg)
Requesting an edit of this raboot gal, I want her to have wider thighs, bigger breasts and a huge belly
>>63833 /bbfurries/ EDIT AND COLORING GENERAL PREVIOUS THREAD >>26331 https://web.archive.org/web/20240506133808/https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/26331.html THREAD GUIDELINES - All editors welcome! - Request in moderation. - Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests". - No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads or board. - Respect /bbfurries/ and global rules. - Do not request edits of real people. Take them to the relevant morph threads. - Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count. - Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit. - Be patient. Art takes time. - Not all requests will be filled. It all comes down to plain dumb luck. - Take it easy and please be nice to the editfriends! Remember, they do this for fun. - Editfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take. - If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track. - Do not anchor your requests to the OP. - Have fun and enjoy the lewd edits that come from this.
(466.00 KB 1487x2478 1715015058.airamy_amy_s_allergy.jpg)
Can someone makes a color and nude edit?
(278.01 KB 1658x2048 20220227_043704.jpg)
Any chance of helping any of these hot babes gain a *bunch* of weight?
>>63956 Told me you had to shit. My dick got so hard.
I really liked this short sequence so I did a continuation
>>64216 Excellent!
Requesting solo edit of Jonriel
for a requester from the previous thread
>>64216 love the nipples, best addition ;3
>>64765 Many thanks!
(318.01 KB 2048x2351 pixelcut-export (1).jpeg)
Can someone maker her belly, breasts and butt slightly bigger?
>>64765 Can you edit the alt version to remove those gloves and shoes, please?
>>64795 Would this be big enough?
>>64928 perfectly big enough. Thanks
Someone Can Edit This 2 Sally Picture To Amy And Rouge Please ?
(860.04 KB 1750x2912 9876a24902b867be50d1a2b0d0b44f67.jpg)
Here i have a request: 1- Remove the speech bubbles and the 'RoyalJellySandwich' Patreon logo and text below her feet 2- Remove all the text and logo from her shirt, then make her eyes look towards the screen (that means, looking at you, the viewer) I'll greatly appreciate it
(1.52 MB 5112x3840 1579653685500.jpg)
Requesting a tube up her butt and if possible a hand pump close to her right hand.
I have a request: Edit this so that they are actually fat and wearing fatsuits.
(72.24 KB 1170x656 IMG_3496.jpg)
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(152.78 KB 2136x1200 EyJR8lEWEAQrZND.jpg)
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(162.49 KB 620x380 File_001.png)
(75.60 KB 158x222 vitaboyreaction.png)
Despite the fact that this isn't necessarily a furry character, I'd still like for this to be done. These two characters are from a Nintendo Switch game called "Vitamin Connection". My request is for edits of the following images where Mina-Girl (The one in pink) is experiencing hyperpregnancy. While this is going on, Vita-Boy is shocked by this. Use the JaidenAnimations pic for the size reference of Mina-Girl's belly, and the MegaMan pic for Vita-Boy's expression. Here's a vid incase you need to see these two in-action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXArS26HkmE&list=PLXUiCHYfXVJLFqYyNW5QtD5ysY48DJT8C (Rarely any belly-kink artwork of her exists. Plz do this.)
(659.44 KB 2266x1284 mayroooo.png)
>>65151 Dang Jaiden ref couldn't be added.
Can someone edit comic to remove Amy's clothes, gloves and shoes for being full naked?
Ms Fortune from Toonstruck; Miss Cougar from Wabbit.
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(191.10 KB 1280x983 1629049708.robot001_scan9039.jpg)
Can someone remove this futa, please? Because i hate futas.
>>63833 Requesting to give Neko's Toriel nipples. The other pics are for refs in terms of shading.
(111.86 KB 1024x576 1024px-Dale-icious_Screencap3.jpg)
(59.49 KB 1000x562 Clarice_Park_Life.webp)
Edit this so that we have a fat Clarice (Reference)
Could anyone please swap the roles of Mickey and Minnie here?
>>65462 So like Minnie pegging Mickey?
Blueberry edit?
(734.53 KB 3200x2800 0e7dbeedf3aa366e72cd7facfae2325f.png)
Requesting an edit of the elephant and hippo girl from 3 Dog Band. Make them completely naked and make their anus and pussy peek in between the ass cheeks.
Requesting removing the big lower lips on Tigress and Viper
(670.72 KB 1280x944 Preg W-conda (1).jpg)
(99.54 KB 1280x944 Preg W-conda (2).jpg)
(87.81 KB 850x963 1.jpg)
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(87.08 KB 850x963 2.jpg)
>>65462 anyone still doing it?
(658.11 KB 772x864 IMG_2295.png)
(157.14 KB 906x1828 IMG_2296.webp)
Requesting an edit of N. Ormous Coco Bandicoot, with her IAT design replacing her NST design
Does someone fix Amy's color?
(1.79 MB 4396x2236 woof_edit_2.png)
(2.11 MB 4000x3608 woof_edit.png)
>>67588 Bumping my request
(96.08 KB 1280x834 IMG_5363.jpeg)
Make her look more like Judy Hopps in le movie (mostly lengthen the eyebrows)
>>68638 You soiled it.
>>68645 And I should have linked to >>23302 instead of >>22889
Hello, could somebody edit her yellow belly peeking out her sweater and skirt?
(852.23 KB 3165x4096 200009.jpg)
(880.50 KB 4096x3165 200011.jpg)
Can someone edit Vanilla the Rabbit to remove clothes, gloves and shoes to be completely nude?
>>63833 And we can even share and/or post edits here.
(45.26 KB 1279x720 v6e2ldylnl2b1.jpg)
Found a fat edit of Hersent from Renny The Fox/Roman The Renart.
(86.07 KB 780x438 intro-1655406980.webp)
>>69016 Don't chop me. Chop this.
>>69458 Shut up faggot
>>69015 Why are you so obsessed with LordStormCaller?
(132.90 KB 720x420 Polish_20240715_204446237.jpg)
May I request the Oozer from Mario and Rabbids blimp inflated plz?
(40.28 KB 1170x637 IMG_5443.jpg)
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Can someone plz edit the frames of the ADHD cat (The thin one on the left) from Pixi-Gags vid, to make her obese as crap? Like the other cats sink into her fat?
>>69500 The right, I meant. God damn it.
(307.38 KB 3400x2000 NeurodiverseFattiesIdk1.png)
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(516.54 KB 3400x2000 NeurodiverseFattiesIdk3.png)
>>69500 [overwatch_mercy.gif]
(44.65 KB 939x526 1689802496096703.jpeg)
Is weird nobody requested this one but this just need to look more accurate of a blob with more belly folds of fat.
(466.68 KB 1280x720 PJ022_27.png)
(1.43 MB 2693x1356 1682628503.gamingmarko_pompom.png)
I know this won't happen but can anyone edit raboot to be as fat as the pom pom image
(1.31 MB 3100x1625 raboob.png)
>>69583 Here you go bro
(1.06 MB 2116x1183 Puccis-holy-ascension-meme-4.jpg)
>>69600 Words can't express how much I fucking love this. Thank you edit anon it's perfect.
>>68831 bump
(53.95 KB 1236x720 sketch-1720576487646.jpg)
>>69618 Edit god anon, you can make this one? >>69558 also if my request details is not meant well, i kinda want like this, but obviously better than my example (also add she a shell bra)
Can someone plump up ogerpon, the second image is a crude mockup of how big I want her to be
>>69557 Hell yeah. Thanks!
(143.05 KB 1280x720 VidRef.jpg)
(1.59 MB 2514x1580 BigKrystalEdit.png)
(1.61 MB 2426x1519 Ref.1.png)
(114.83 KB 1280x934 Ref.2.jpg)
(2.83 MB 1954x1886 Ref.3.png)
Could someone edit this big blobby charizard into Krystal from this video (link below). I also would like Fox that video lay on top of her big breast like a pillow. Lastly I want the top part of her torn cloths to be white like in the video and her panties tan colored. Refrences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kap4OX9mgM8 https://www.deviantart.com/chocend/art/Edelgard-Wins-1020430677 https://www.deviantart.com/chocend/art/Edelgard-Prepares-to-Fight-975105930 https://www.deviantart.com/chocend/art/Beached-Mei-5-844681711
(3.12 MB 1901x1939 1698461099.png)
Could someone please edit this Pic to a farting alt? It would be much appreciated
>>69481 Bump
>>69618 God tier stuff! Thanks a ton whoever made this!
(59.86 KB 950x836 media_GSvekSqXsAAPY2S.jpg)
(120.10 KB 1557x1409 media_GSvsqmfWQAA2mSz.jpg)
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Requesting the X-ray shots removed.
(4.75 MB 4093x3000 219080.png)
Does someone edit Amy, Sally and Blaze to remove the swimsuits to be full nudes?
>>69479 He does jiggly furs.
>>69749 His art is mid.
>>69752 Oh. Right. It's in the middle, meaning it's good art, but not great art.
>>69759 An edit is coming soon. For now, have a mirror world edit of an art piece made by a certain artist.
>>69768 >mirror world edit The world of fatfaggotry will never be the same again.
Can someone put some nipples on this beautifuly inflated Primarina? that would be the 'lil details to be perfect!
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Can someone please edit these pics of the Lamb's catwife from Mashed's "Cult of the Lamb: Doom & Shroom" animation but she's pregnant? Thx.
(306.56 KB 950x836 gardevoir_1.png)
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(1.04 MB 2250x2250 gardevoir_3.png)
>>69657 Seemed simple enough, here you go! (Feel free to tell me if I missed something)
>>70135 hyperpreg also works.
(3.00 MB 2179x1691 Flying_Whale.png)
>>70110 Something like this? Feel free to say if I didn't do it exactly, looking to learn overall.
>>69481 Bumpo
>>70334 Damn, that's LIT!!! personally, this edits is pretty well made despite anything! you really made my day! and I'm looking forward for your improvement, as well finding some picture missing the "spice of life" that would make them finally "perfect" to be admired!
(25.71 KB 525x415 FtdtNbraMAIPh5e.jpg)
>>69600 >>69601 There's a slim possibility that rushrabbit made this edit. If that's the case, then I can finally die a happy man knowing my favorite artist drew my favorite pokémon.
>>70374 Yeah I drew that hehe I felt bored and did a few edits here to get me into a drawing mood uwu
>>70375 Well I (not the original requester) think that it looks pretty gosh dang good! Hopefully that edit along with the others you (probably) made, put you in the right mood. Gonna have check your stuff out!
>>70375 original requester here. I still can't express how much i adore the raboot edit. Thank you for making this absolute masterpiece rush
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>>70375 Great edit I would love to see more fat raboot edits from you, a few screencaps I got here
I don't suppose anybody could give Amy her normal face in this?
(78.34 KB 491x530 JPEG image.jpeg)
Requesting an edit of Orksa from the DP comics but bigger
(35.05 KB 660x392 20240721_115213.jpg)
I would request someone to put on this very big and "gorgeous" Lopunny some nipples and pussy if that possible, please? that would be perfect.
(112.06 KB 332x466 Untitled1386_20240801032437.png)
May I request Arlene blimp inflated plz?
>>70472 bump
>>70135 bumo
>>70184 Beautiful. Thanks!
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>>69500 Round 2. This time with the OCD cat.
>>70807 >OCD cat Fuck that, I want the mentally unstable BPD cat.
>>70808 Let's do it.
>>70810 Let's do both cats!
>>70810 >Let's do it. What? Fuck the BPD cat?
>>70812 Ye. Plz do the BIPO cats, too. Pixigags cats need more recognition.
>>70812 Let's make of art of all the Neurodiversity Friends! (BTW, the source if pixi-gags)
>>70815 >Neurodiversity This word is like "latinx", but for mentally ill people. I don't like it. It's evil.
>>70807 Ps, make her just as big as the ADHD cat
>>70807 plz.
>>70836 Here he is! Ieslar/Leirsa!
(168.65 KB 1355x726 f1r1opqtlb7d1.jpeg)
>>70920 It's not a what, it's a who.
(1.40 MB 3990x6367 Cinderound-Patreon.jpg)
(367.49 KB 1989x1333 GR0I2R2acAQVoGD.jpg)
(461.75 KB 3038x2546 GTA70oFaMAAeJ-W.jpg)
(169.52 KB 1061x1109 F1EEdppXwAEsUth.jpg)
blueberry edit?
(29.82 KB 1024x846 unnamed (12).webp)
I'm wondering if it was alright if this mewtwo was edited to have larger thighs and arms proportionate to his body. As well as a more detailed and visible navel, with another picture for an example for that. If possible, thigh high stockings on the legs would be neat but if it's excessive I will understand.
>>70685 Bump
Could somebody make her belly bigger and rounder, with her belly button popped out?
Can someone remove moxxie out of the background?
some old edits during when I felt abit freaky
>>70135 plz.
>>71394 bump
>>71643 O like obese from weeks over feeding and loving her too much ;3
Requesting someone to make this 'munk fattened up to oblivion (Reference)
(255.70 KB 1099x991 WDC&S_35-08_barks copy.jpg)
Can someone edit Donald in this pic into Della Duck and Huey, Dewey and Louie in their Ducktales 2017 designs
(177.61 KB 1280x914 pic1.jpg)
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Can someone edit Amy in these pics to be fat and chubby?
Did someone order a super-shiny (epic) Umbreon? Source: >>72329
>>72303 Where's that from?
Anyone got the old edits of the blaziken from many a thread ago?
(177.26 KB 1037x1082 F1EEdppXwAEsUthCOPY.jpg)
(462.84 KB 2962x2546 GTA70oFaMAAeJ-WCOPY.jpg)
(92.31 KB 1003x828 SylveonWaterBed.jpg)
requesting for some blueberry edits please?
Could anyone edit these ones so Miguel actually has wide hips instead of sand?
Can someone edit Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy become anthros + nude edit alt?
Requesting inflation, stuffing, or pregnancy edit. If you do the first please add a tube up her plot. That's MLP speak for butt.
Hello kings. Can someone help me by removing the armpit hair? Much appreciated
>>70472 bump
Does some person still has some edit of OhDeerieMay from the previous Edit Thread? (since it has been blacklisted)
>>65095 bump
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Request Nicole Watterson as Richard in these pics
(309.82 KB 1335x1662 dcfghjkl.png)
>>67588 >>67588 Enjoy it!! :)
(408.09 KB 1356x1820 khkhdfkhdfkhd.png)
>>63956 Just one sketch for now! enjoy it!!
>>74140 Excellent shape, thank you <3
(3.00 MB 3500x2917 Picture 1 (Edit this).png)
Request: 1- Edit her Nose/Snout, so it looks less weird and matches the one in the second picture 2- Edit her Fur Color, so it, once again, matches the one in the second picture I included a Second Picture for references for the edits. I'll be thankful to whoever does it
>>70908 Still waiting for this.
(854.22 KB 3000x3000 Vanilla_YCH_full_inflation.png)
Edit request: I would like edit Vanilla to remove all clothes, gloves and shoes to be full nude.
>>74167 bump
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(601.66 KB 2200x3100 amy_blueberry_6.jpeg)
Edit suggestion: I'd like to edit Amy and Rouge to remove all clothes, gloves and shoes to be full naked.
(1.57 MB 4200x6300 amy_blueberry_7.jpeg)
(1.95 MB 4200x6300 amy_blueberry_8.jpeg)
>>70815 >>69557 We have more fuel! You know what to do! https://youtu.be/DRfIxC_EHFU
>>75636 >https://youtu.be/DRfIxC_EHFU i agree with anon characters overeating is fuel for the fire x3
>>75640 Time to ruin the poor ADHD cat again.
(2.00 MB 2625x2568 josie and the pussy cats.png)
Can someone Remove the bit of the Girl and Drums on the right, please?
>>70459 Here, face edited.
>>75700 Source?
>>75701 The edit was made by me. If you mean about the original, the filename says it was made by Fattyblaze on FA.
>>75704 Thanks.
>>75700 The face looks much better.
>>75686 anyone, please?
>>75875 Someone already did it's in the edit thread on alt
>>70135 Bump
>>75884 i didn't notice. Thanks for letting me know ...
(58.77 KB 479x540 IMG_0813.jpeg)
(1.08 MB 4000x1692 cachedImage.png)
https://x.com/th3gadfly/status/1846585088324083908?s=46 Requesting an SSBBW edit of meimei here
(1.82 MB 2840x4720 patreon_roxanne2.jpg)
Here, i've got a request to share; - Edit / Remove all of the Text in Roxanne's shirt. - Also, Edit / Remove the 'RoyalJellySandwich' Patreon Text and Patreon Logo below Roxanne's Feet. - Edit / Remove Roxanne’s Speech Bubbles. - and Edit Roxanne’s eyes, so they are looking towards you (the editor / watcher). I’d be mighty thankful to whoever does it…
>>76300 I did two tasks out of four tasks. Now who wants to the other two?
>>76310 (Proof)
>>76311 thanks lol
(6.92 MB 2840x4720 edit1.png)
>>76463 thank you!
(1.49 MB 5032x5132 loonavoreedit1.png)
(102.75 KB 864x480 20241019_235838.jpg)
Yo, can anyone edit a massive sweaty ass with some thicc thighs to this screenshot of raboot
>>76529 Not going to happen
(231.44 KB 1478x1814 9575f0baeeed6ace920b8637f2cf9997.jpg)
Request to add some belly pudge to Rauru
(162.36 KB 1920x1080 IMG_7785.webp)
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Requesting hyperpregnant edits of Wammawink (The pink alpacataur) from Centaurworld cuz there ain’t a lot of fanart of her. If it’s at least one image from you, that’ll be fine. Do as many as you need and use the 5th image that I provided to help out when working on these edits.
>>71394 bump
(355.17 KB 930x915 IMG_2077.png)
(277.12 KB 2184x1465 IMG_2078.jpeg)
requesting this big tiddy vixen fat all over with a chubby face plump arms and a big overstuffed belly
(1.13 MB 2325x2363 Headswap with Kitty.png)
(634.47 KB 5000x3408 Casual Katswell by TubbyToon (1).jpg)
Hey, it's me again, back with another Request; - Edit / Remove Undyne's Head and replace it with Kitty's Head (try to keep Kitty's neck intact) - then, take Kitty's Tail and add it to the body - and finally, change / color all of Undyne's blue scales (cleavage, hands and feet) so they match Kitty's brown fur from the original picture As always, i'd be thankful to whoever does it ...
(1.57 MB 2325x2363 kitty_katswell_manager.png)
>>76974 Something like this? (as always, tell me if any touch ups are needed, just got in the mood to make edits again so, here we are haha)
>>77113 Make the shirt white for a slightly accurate Kitty look
(1.57 MB 2325x2363 kitty_katswell_manager.png)
>>76529 Bump
>>77115 original requester here. You nailed the proportions. Thank you! : )
>>77123 That means alot to me! Always happy to try my hands at making edits, made a couple now and they are really gosh dang fun haha.
>>77115 Anon that asked for the suggestion. This looks really good, thanks alot!
(1.34 MB 1470x1806 yhthththh.png)
>>76598 Today is your lucky day! Enjoy it!
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Requesting an edit of this sequence, but with the Lamb getting a milk-filled belly while they’re drinking. Each picture shows the Lamb’s belly getting bigger than the last. Source link: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99431318
(736.87 KB 2248x2524 grtgrtgr.png)
>>76930 Enjoy it!
(105.67 KB 962x1145 s4ypuxqlwysa1.jpg)
requesting for these images of Argit to be pudgy, flabby fatasses
(53.96 KB 2048x1024 Leaf05.png)
Requesting the Leafeon's forehead fat to be removed.. hopefully made into a more appealing fat face.. or just hidden somehow. Vaporeon pic for reference.
>>77670 holy shit imma need a source on that eevee pic fr ^^
>>77687 Ikr, there's a whole sequence by ZandyZola on twitter and FA. Not all of the parts have the same eeveelutions tho. https://x.com/zandyzolo
>>75700 Original requester coming by a month late to say thank you so much.
(2.59 MB 8400x4600 Big Spooky Moms (Upscaled).jpg)
(2.19 MB 4200x2300 Big Spooky Moms (Original).png)
(833.56 KB 1738x1926 Big Spooky Moms (Cropped).png)
Can someone remove the witch and devil girls so Lila (the purple cat girl) is in a separate image, please? I'll provide the original image, alongside a upscaled and cropped versions of it, so whoever does this request can pick which size they preffer.
(66.33 KB 875x1500 46985_ffadbb39995f42a6.jpg)
(552.23 KB 4096x4027 20241116_221514.jpg)
Someone can make this scalie milf into a bigger one Like pic related but make her jeans stretched like a tiny shorts and her sweater like a stretched bra with her nipple marked inside the sweater bra (also you can remove the cartoon character of her costume if you want to)
>>77814 Based snoot poster in chat
>>77764 Can someone do my request please?
>>78051 You're retarded.
>>78061 You're a dirty skunk.
>>78067 >dirty skunk. You're a smelly jeet.
>>78068 These two: https://youtu.be/9-vf0BSG1pg
>>78070 >https://youtu.be/9-vf0BSG1pg Why can't you just download this and post it as a .webm? If you're going to use a reaction video, you could've at least done that. Download and install yt-dl. It's free.
>>78068 I should should kill you before you tell me to kill myself.
>>78072 >I should should kill you before you tell me to kill myself. I never told anyone on this board to "kys", but I guess assuming that gives you enough justification to threaten a bbw-chan anon with murder. Makes perfect sense. Yup. Totally not unhinged and stupid at all.
I just made a request and ended making a Swearing Line. I guess it's true that the chan boards bring the worst in people.
>>78092 That's why we love them. If you can swear here you don't swear in public.
>>78122 I've sworn in public.
(172.52 KB 1695x1786 31273_cb2e2652a3331151.png)
Edit request to remove text and make his ass slightly fatter and stomach bulging a bit?
(174.94 KB 374x605 Melman.png)
(2.39 MB 1400x2100 Mza_4414901815707955471.jpg)
This doesn't really count as a fetish request, but can anyone edit Melman's expression to look like what the poster show?
(370.46 KB 1404x1752 erferferf.png)
>>78148 Enjoy it!!
(376.84 KB 1587x1536 erferferfef.png)
>>77814 Today is ur lucky day! Enjoy it!
(57.36 KB 564x490 20241124_005754.jpg)
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Now I ask for a request from these two girls. Edit them obese just like in the reference. ^^ Same pose!
I have another request! Draw Fleet as obese as in the reference. Tk!
>>78173 Thank you so much for your favour, i love it 💖
>>78171 Bump
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Edit request to have This dino milf as big and hefty as Fey
Could someone please make a clean alt?
>>78171 Just keeping this thread going
(416.81 KB 1473x800 prima whale.png)
Request edit the necklace of this whale like the second pic.
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>>78433 Enjoy it!
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Edit to swap Mineru for her brother?
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If someone can make a nude edit of this that'd be amazing
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(251.84 KB 1640x1754 GfkZdcIXYAAPFl9.jpeg)
Can anyone fatten up one of these gals
>>71462 Edit Anon, I may be late to asking, but do you happen to have any more edits like these? Especially ones of Mewgle's art like the two you've got here? Cause seeing those chars inflated like that is wonderful and I've got a craving
>>79263 tell me their names and maybe i'll do it
>>79419 The raboot is named Soles and the fox gal is named Jasmine
>>71394 bump
>>78785 Thank you!
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Can someone edit this pics of Richard into Nicole Watterson instead?like these,
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Can someone take the very last frame of this comic and edit Minerva so it looks like the chocolate she’s drinking is swelling her up like a busty round balloon in a red bikini? Here’s a comic dub as a bonus. https://itaku.ee/images/584110
(3.10 MB 5376x6872 Kitty.jpg)
Hey i'd like to get uuuhhhhh ... 2-Part Request, please. Here's Part 1; Edit Kitty’s eyes, so they are looking towards you (the editor / watcher).
(6.21 MB 5970x5000 308451.png)
Edit suggestion: I would like to edit Isabelle and Cherry being full nudes.
(1.02 MB 2292x1772 wefewfwef.png)
>>78964 Enjoy it!
>>80097 Looks nice and pretty sexy~ Try this one >>79880
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Could someone make her naked please?
(379.91 KB 1920x1080 FqaqkocaIAAbkp4.jpg_large.jpg)
An edit of minnie mouse around this size. (2nd image is by AltzEgoz)
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Did a few edits of this one scene, with "uber" and regular body inflation
>>79879 Anyone, please?
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>>80333 Some more edits because I'm really Normal ™️ about this one specific split-second gag
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Someone can make her more chubbier and nsfw while making her ass bigger and the boobs too ripping her clothes and she does an ahegao face but with a very cubbier bunny face
Edit request to remove the Rouge's clothes to be full nude.
>>80836 And also remove the gloves.
>>79879 I'm asking once again
(574.09 KB 2679x3579 413816.jpg)
Edit request: I would like to edit Sonic to remove the gloves. And edit Amy to remove the clothes, shoes, gloves, and rings to be full naked.
(18.91 KB 293x462 Scoutmasterlumpus.webp)
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Edit request: I want this Mr. Wolf to look like Scoutmaster Lumpus from the Camp Lazlo series.
>>79879 not the original requester to this one, buy i'll bump it anyways
Hey, i'm the Original requester to this: >>76974 , but i want to request a remake of said edit with a different Kitty image (>>79879), and the almost same especifications: - Edit / Remove Undyne's Head and replace it with Kitty's Head (also edit Kitty's eyes so they are looking towards you, the editor / watcher) - then, take Kitty's Tail and add it to the body - and finally, change / color all of Undyne's blue scales (cleavage, hands and feet) so they match Kitty's brown fur from the original picture, and also recolor Undyne's blouse to white. That is all.
>>80190 Please?
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Don’t know if OCs being used for stuff like this crosses a line, but she’s literally been drawn by the Australian sticker lady Viv had make licensed Helluva merch SharkRobot sold and with that Aless imp harem guy having s*x with him and with Blitz. Even working as a whore for Valentino. Shit, one of the animators literallt draws Cherry and Verosika fat, I shit you not. Anyway, I want @JesRarity‘s OC Nectar drawn as a purple food balloon saying “Hey, Mom!” For context, Beelzebub is the OC’s mother. If you wanna draw Bee gasping in horror, go ahead. Use this Juno piece as a base for how big and messy Nectar is, surrounded by half-eaten food. Cause it’s Gluttony ring and she overdid it. Please and thank you!
(984.10 KB 960x927 IMG_2543.jpeg)
Also, someone make Verosika and Bee fat while they torment St. Peter with their bodies.
Does anyone edit this? >>69724
>>82149 This animator https://x.com/SebVelaz
