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Bleach weight gain thread Anonymous 06/07/2023 (Wed) 06:04:39 Id:e70934 No. 155718
Didn’t see one. Let’s change that and have some super size Shinigami shall we?
>>155718 Didn't the manga die a while ago?
I just want one good fat pic of original Karin. >>155772 It recently got a continuation of its anime which hilariously got picked up by Disney for the US.
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Here are some translations i did from Nikutsuki
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>>155904 how did you translate these?
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>>155905 What kind of strange NTR is this?
>>155940 He probably knows some japanese, that being said its surprising there isn't some sort of program to do a translation (although it'd be crude) of japanese characters on an image to another langauge, even just getting the basic gist of what the characters are saying would be nice
>>155940 >>156033 I translate using the Google translator app, this one includes an option in which you can draw the letters, so i draw the kanjis and translate them to english
>>155979 I really don't know
>>155786 It got picked up b Disney for overseas like in the UK for the US Hulu picked the series
>>158215 Anon, I don't know how to tell you this but Disney owns Hulu.
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>>158351 So, it's only to get profit they have no say in what to censor or not to censor
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>>158795 >they have no say in what to censor Anon, how young are you? A company who owns another company can make them do whatever they want and if you think that neither company can censor Bleach without the Japs approval, you're greener than I actually thought.
>>158351 all the more reason why piracy is ok
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someone have the full version of these pictures, pls?
>>171012 Where did you get them from? Do you know the artist name?
>>171012 Dude, what artist made these?
>>171099 >>171117 https://twitter.com/boldlyshiny we need his kemono page, guys
>>171012 Here's the Orihime one.
>>171787 Are you actually blind? >>171696
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Fat art of two of my favorite Bleach girls was posted the same day, I feel so happy.
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>>171012 Here's the Yoruichi one.
How is there not more art of Kirio Hikifune? She is literally the canonical fatty of Bleach, I would think that there would have been a lot of it
>>173523 Actual fat/chubby chicks in media don't get that much fattywank art from what I've seen.
>>177105 Fat Riruka makes me happy.
(773.67 KB 3395x1987 Untitled1_20231114082713.png)
I think this is going to be a comic
>>184974 It's not, it's the cover to a fic that was put in the description.
>>185021 Oh okay
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>>188646 Sequel pic.
>>193215 >Gets taller as she gets fatter Fuck I hate lazy artists...
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From the glorious Belt-Buster
(4.05 MB 2500x3000 Rangiku comm-min.png)
