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MHA: Plus (Sized) Ultra! 05/09/2024 (Thu) 22:57:47 Id:fa8669 No. 201235
Last one hit a limit Link to Old Thread: https://bbw-chan.link/bbwdraw/res/144157.html
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>>201235 Holy fucking shit you bitch, put the thread title in the fucking subject like you faggot
(343.70 KB 1143x1680 IMG_2149.jpeg)
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(566.57 KB 2048x1620 IMG_2150.jpeg)
Any star and stripe fats?
>>202724 Not until you faggots learn how to use a fucking image board.
(621.05 KB 2265x2321 one_great_hero_by_r2guy2_dfthhi1.jpg)
(1.22 MB 650x600 1_0_GIF_2.gif)
(1.14 MB 800x1067 IMG_7776.gif)
>>202925 Good googly moogly I was wondering why you gave it a border but d a m n
(175.70 KB 900x692 IMG_2213.jpeg)
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(1.01 MB 1210x2000 jirooedit2.png)
(1.08 MB 5160x3000 Mirko.png)
(1.64 MB 3000x3000 Ibara.png)
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>>204490 >STILL want to know who drew those last two.
(130.05 KB 790x900 IMG_2396.jpeg)
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(227.46 KB 1300x1500 IMG_2400.jpeg)
>>204574 I’m pretty sure it was b-mage based on art style, but I could always be wrong
(208.14 KB 788x1024 GPVHWpzWIAAi_Kg.jpeg)
(180.99 KB 781x1024 GPVHWuhWwAEfl5d.jpeg)
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(1.11 MB 2500x1487 Inko Midoriya- Wine Mom.png)
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>>205284 Scource
(148.64 KB 837x900 IMG_2447.jpeg)
>>205640 https://x.com/SonicLagann
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My Ochaco Album
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(213.20 KB 1200x630 IMG_8433.jpeg)
Who have this one? (By motimothbbw)
(7.30 MB 9032x4419 jun24 preseq momo.jpg)
(6.63 MB 7965x5868 discord momo.jpg)
(1.89 MB 3086x2696 Air Rescue Blimp.png)
(8.83 MB 2564x3371 Mountain Rescue Disaster.png)
(589.97 KB 2362x3840 IMG_2824.JPG)
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>>207309 Post the rest of the drive, coward
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(384.62 KB 2048x1681 20240712_101123.jpg)
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Another one from Ronic
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Looking for the rest of Overlordmetal's momo stuff since all the fat stuff involving her is gone.
(119.96 KB 948x843 IMG_0707.JPG)
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By askora on Twitter
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(130.00 KB 560x741 Captura de pantalla (688).png)
(4.89 MB 3000x2280 BUNNY X.png)
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>>211685 Where does this bws sketch come from?
(45.75 KB 633x622 upset yusuke.png)
>>212604 Anons, stop fucking doxxing yourselves.
>>212604 >He actually filled the Email field FUCKING DUMBASS
(12.01 KB 221x221 20240729_163512.jpg)
>>212612 Fuck you!
uuuuh Can I ask what the hate is for the recent BWS drawings on mina and momo?
>>212612 what do you mean?
>>212678 They're all just clowning on the anon that posted the images, because he linked his email in the message.
Does anyone have the DANYANTTO stash link?
(874.87 KB 462x260 sleepy ochako.GIF)
>>212679 Disney Girls linked an email to his name which you can check by previewing the hyperlink destination, and it is likely his real name+email.
>>212655 Of course his name Pedro. Latinos like fat girls and anime
>>212738 https://sta.sh/2srnv095rcn
(288.94 KB 2789x1689 20240730_111120.jpg)
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(778.46 KB 4096x2096 Big MHA Yaoyorozu Pocky.JPG)
He did not make Momo fat in the final chapter. Coward.
>>212902 But apparently ochaco got a little bit of weight on her thighs and chest.
Speaking of Danyantto, a huge number of his Ochako pictures got nuked by someone spamming reports. Hopefully someone has a backup of them.
(277.08 KB 1781x2264 minaseqcolor4.jpg)
>See the final MHA chapter leaks >Timeskip designs >They all look exactly the same as they did 8 years prior That actually is pretty funny
>>212968 It's so the schizos can draw them without feeling bad. "I'm not drawing an 'underage' character! This is their timeskipped version! ... Which totally looks the same."
(58.55 KB 561x446 GT4UGt9WsAA4wOF.jpeg)
>>212968 >>212988 Except Mina
>>212988 It's such a hilarious cope
>>212968 >A slopnen jump manga >Finally getting an ending Unless they're gonna reboot the whole thing and make sure nobody dies.
>>212968 >>212988 I don't even have a horse in this race but that's hilarious news. I look forward to those debates becoming even more incoherent and schizophrenic in the fallout
>>212988 >>213024 It's not a cope, you draw women of age and that's it. Unless you're hellbent on cancelling an artist, or an alternative losers who wants to debase others to feel better about being a pedo, I don't know why you'd find an issue with this.
>>213074 Woop woop woop! We found this schizo!
>>212968 NSFW art wise this is kind of good. There's so many series that have technically underage characters in highschool or whatever that end up getting timeskip designs that suck, but because people are pussies the timeskip designs end up being the most popular ones to NSFW. Naruto is a good example of this. Barely anyone draws the pre-boruto-era designs of the characters in NSFW anymore. While not as bad as Naruto, Persona 4 has a similar thing where a subset of NSFW artists are allergic to the pre timeskip designs. . Nejire is a big example of how arbitrary and lame this shit is. When she's first introduced she's 17, but a couple arcs later she becomes 18 and there's zero change to her design until later when she gets short hair. Not to mention her proportions are basically identical with the first years and many of the adults. . In a perfect world all the old artists would come back to all simultaneously post pre timeskip Yoko Littner fats to overwhelm the fiction police.
>>213074 No, they draw underage characters and slap a guilt-free fap disclaimer underneath.
(2.39 MB 2164x1606 bbw edit.png)
>>212902 I can fix that.
(180.35 KB 1024x937 IMG_2947.jpeg)
(164.48 KB 1024x952 IMG_2948.jpeg)
>>213151 Give Mina a double chin
Ngl I think it's funny how yall jack off to characters from a show were most of them are in high school, yet all of a sudden you guys care about them being aged-up and shit
(74.77 KB 680x674 BushWhisper.jpg)
>>213161 Another schizo has hit the thread.
>>212968 Which is actually good now that I think about it because now antis can't get mad at you lol >>213151 Now make Ochako and Mina fat
>>213172 If you got a problem with people jacking off to characters who aren't aged up, than why tf are you in the MHA thread in the first place?
>>213173 Eh, Momo is my fav, so I focused on her lol. I did give Ochako more of a gut, though. Guess it wasn't as noticeable. Anyone is free to keep editing the pic tho.
>>213182 I don't think anybody saw Ochako's gut
>>213161 >>213172 >>213180 I don't care either way. I just think it's funny people get worked up about numbers attached to imaginary characters and fling accusations towards each other. No idea how it started but it's always a goofy debate when it comes up
>>213151 Good looking edit tbh
(411.02 KB 742x504 MHA Shippuuden Chapter 1.png)
MHA was all just one giant prequel for Horikoshi's next manga, which will just be a BBW NTR ecchi.
>>213243 White man was here How can you tell? Cuck porn
>>213275 Lmao true as fuck
The madman actually did it! He made Ochaco thicc af!
>>213286 In a cosmic way i have to say that a lot of people are extremely sexist and nihilistic more so than horikoshi for suggesting such a thing
>>213243 this shit is too fucking funny lmaoo
>>213310 People are already pre-hating on Bones because "They'll make her skinny". They were saying the same thing about the blue sky shit for season 7, but that's stopped now, so who knows, we might get dummy thicc adult Ochaco in the anime as well.
(89.34 KB 853x1200 IMG_2957.jpeg)
(131.81 KB 1200x1200 IMG_2958.jpeg)
>>213550 Holy shit I can't believe it! Actual art and not just people arguing about the finale!
>>213243 NO. This is the end.
(2.11 MB 1758x1052 MWUAHAHAHA.png)
Found blackwashed thicc Pinky art and fixed it
(208.30 KB 1773x1812 20240805_135546.jpg)
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(156.63 KB 1200x989 IMG_2984.png)
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(238.10 KB 2700x1960 1029350945711378433_2.jpg)
(540.31 KB 2900x2500 EuYCmt3XEAIb_7b.jpeg)
Ok I apologise for my prior post. The cuck jokes are getting really unfunny and overdone now.
>>213935 Redemption of the year right here
(8.87 MB 4300x3700 Ochako.png)
Can someone give me a Twitter account for this guy whose name is really fucking weird?
>>214051 @Quetzaltecaq
(88.41 KB 606x680 IMG_3061.jpeg)
(8.94 MB 2550x3264 Mt Lady.png)
(86.63 KB 1199x747 IMG_3065.jpeg)
(1.14 MB 4038x3000 suitcomm.png)
(8.72 MB 3750x4800 Lewd BEEG lady.png)
>>214813 Better quality
Someone have the mirko ones from the older thread?
(37.73 KB 900x462 IMG_3075.jpeg)
(46.55 KB 1200x539 IMG_3076.jpeg)
(250.74 KB 1920x1200 IMG_3077.jpeg)
(93.99 KB 828x1171 IMG_3078.jpeg)
Toga one Made by DarkfireballZ and the othera by TUTUTUMY
(220.61 KB 2048x1710 IMG_3092.jpeg)
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(632.48 KB 1545x2048 IMG_3091.jpeg)
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(292.86 KB 2048x2008 IMG_3103.jpeg)
>>215173 Someone? :(
(468.95 KB 2048x2048 IMG_3154.jpeg)
(2.26 MB 5300x3200 IMG_6360.jpeg)
>>216411 Oh wow, Sweetness Admirer being a hypocrite, that didn't take long.
>>216437 what do you mean?
>>216437 This is her aged up design from the end of the manga
>>216450 Wait, what the fuck? So it's really true? Aww...I wanted to call him a hypocrite pedophile
>>216445 Just check Community Salt. He hypocritically harassed an artist.
>>216450 Sure it it, *wink wink*
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>>216453 Where?
(258.94 KB 1756x2048 IMG_3243.jpeg)
(440.81 KB 2048x1871 IMG_6846.jpeg)
From BC6060 Can someone get BC6060’s Pixiv Fanbox on Kemono please? https://bc6060.fanbox.cc/posts/8491069?utm_campaign=manage_post_page&utm_medium=share&utm_source=twitter
>>210156 Been waiting YEARS for someone to actually color the last image thank you
(1.36 MB 2048x1536 GXKde1jWUAAGvFv.jpeg)
(1.54 MB 1926x1952 GXPRUvSXUAIV0M_.jpeg)
(1.11 MB 2048x1733 GXPc6tAWkAAMApt.jpeg)
(754.26 KB 1536x2048 GXPz8QpXIAAj96b (2).jpeg)
(285.87 KB 2048x1365 F_zhTn3XAAEyi-t (1).jpeg)
Whole lottta Miruko incoming
(696.97 KB 4020x1800 FfKOcpfaUAE92Ij.jfif)
(666.00 KB 4020x1800 FfKOdZlaUAAYliE.jpg)
(695.50 KB 4020x1800 FfKOeHeaYAAmA4v.jpg)
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(400.41 KB 2048x2048 20240915_002147.jpg)
(6.44 MB 2938x4039 IMG_20240915_004049.png)
By Butty Butter and Raiko-Niwo
(76.92 KB 828x1347 IMG_3372.jpeg)
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(122.03 KB 1200x709 F2uDi_VWoAAnPcY.jpeg)
(204.70 KB 1400x1200 20241005_101246.jpg)
(705.29 KB 1536x2048 20241007_070319.jpg)
>>218982 I’m so curious how that third image got around it’s an edit I made only sent to a friend and they swear up and down they never posted it anywhere outside our dms
(250.43 KB 2048x1024 IMG_3621.jpeg)
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(319.69 KB 1280x1085 IMG_3642.jpeg)
(135.51 KB 927x1200 IMG_3641.jpeg)
>>222103 anyone got the source of the second image?
>>223742 Fungusfangs
(202.42 KB 1920x1080 IMG_3654.jpeg)
(104.29 KB 1200x1066 IMG_3576.jpeg)
(1.96 MB 4200x3400 IMG_3657.png)
(2.15 MB 2848x3203 IMG_3658.png)
(2.89 MB 2760x3400 IMG_3659.png)
>>223879 source on that kinoko?
(74.20 KB 835x1200 IMG_3685.jpeg)
(148.10 KB 1164x2048 IMG_3686.jpeg)
(179.12 KB 1379x2048 IMG_3687.jpeg)
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(268.25 KB 1617x2048 IMG_3693.jpeg)
>>224395 First one is Videl wrong thread bro
(88.41 KB 637x777 image-2.png)
(1.98 MB 5500x6000 SPOILER_MOMOS2.png)
>>224715 Artist?
>>224876 @Quetzaltecaq
(118.09 KB 2048x559 IMG_3704.jpeg)
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(161.41 KB 840x1200 IMG_3763.jpeg)
(2.50 MB 2650x2550 IMG_3776.jpeg)
>>226198 Source of the last Ochako pic?
Does anyone have Mina pic from Milkybody in hd?
Im not even sure anymore
>>226850 Wrong thread and board
>>226850 >>226851 Anyone who unironically jacks off to Loud House porn should jump off a fucking cliff
(89.69 KB 692x691 IMG_3845.jpeg)
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(5.35 MB 4167x5000 IMG_3850.png)
(127.29 KB 795x1024 20241031_073539.jpg)
(196.20 KB 1024x899 20241031_073543.jpg)
They're back!
another great piece from sunslept
(193.10 KB 995x1024 20241103_150704.jpg)
(174.15 KB 1024x776 20241105_160251.jpg)
(182.64 KB 1024x831 20241105_160248.jpg)
(194.35 KB 1024x855 20241105_160236.jpg)
(209.29 KB 1024x859 20241105_160229.jpg)
>>228504 Sauce?
>>228528 Soniclagann on twitter I think
(174.47 KB 1024x892 20241106_115134.jpg)
(177.69 KB 1024x770 20241107_191921.jpg)
(80.07 KB 1200x1017 Gbl2rmqWsAAJc_5.jpg)
(580.29 KB 4096x3200 GblzkVfXgAA3rqv.jpg)
(139.87 KB 1284x1135 GbRTj2MXMAAiY3s.jpg)
(693.37 KB 4096x3119 Gas1_jBWUAAq7Vl.jpg)
(178.72 KB 2844x1474 GaxSTFbXoAAMDUP.jpg)
(277.19 KB 2682x2196 GYqTQBgWoAA5QKl.jpg)
(134.71 KB 991x1024 20241108_115010.jpg)
(194.93 KB 1186x1200 E6r8L3_XsAMmmgd.jpg)
(4.89 MB 2388x1668 IMG_6905.png)
(145.32 KB 694x1024 20241114_150434.jpg)
(7.23 MB 4000x5200 Jiro_1.png)
>>230056 Nice work man
(139.49 KB 770x1024 20241115_181007.jpg)
(400.57 KB 1195x1763 20241116_160044.jpg)
>>229094 Artist?
>>230556 sociuscomrade, the name is on the picture...
(2.36 MB 2614x1200 mina_.png)
(2.58 MB 2614x1200 mina.png)
Spoiler due to lactation
(481.31 KB 2048x2048 IMG_3969.jpeg)
(140.26 KB 1237x768 cachedImage.png)
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(53.84 KB 850x366 IMG_3964.jpeg)
(129.51 KB 850x1250 IMG_3963.jpeg)
>>231198 who are the two in the second image supposed to be?
>>231221 I think that's Ochako trying to run with that big obese body
>>231221 It's Ochako and Deku's moms
>>231224 ah yes, i see it now, thanks
(3.90 MB 3300x2550 Meteor_Strike.png)
(126.50 KB 1046x851 toga walmart.jpg)
(160.67 KB 1159x863 toga walmart transparent.jpg)
(100.14 KB 849x1190 Gdtfn82XcAEUEwc.jpg)
(5.40 MB 6000x6618 och 3.png)
An edit of bws 1/2
(5.45 MB 6000x6618 och 4.png)
>>232980 Fuck off with these shitty Ochako edits
(64.48 KB 673x680 IMG_4027.jpeg)
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(106.08 KB 2048x1536 IMG_4024.jpeg)
(961.71 KB 1429x2048 IMG_3997.jpeg)
>>232987 No way two edits made you this mad
>>203694 Source for this whole sequence?
CosmoCat on kemono
Or sunsleptOS twitter/X
(286.45 KB 2000x2346 20241208_213843.jpg)
>>235555 Nice, has to go in /bbwalt/ though
(89.69 KB 692x691 ochaco2.jpg)
>>218642 Sorry to be a pain but does anybody have artist source for the Momo eating cake, or >>224551 The Jiro + Momo out on a date together? Thanks so much if anyone does.
>>236083 don't know about the first one, but jiro and momo are from lamosca99 on deviantart
(1.22 MB 2250x4200 Momo part 1 patreon.png)
(1.36 MB 2250x4200 Momo part 2 patreon.png)
(1.67 MB 2250x4200 Momo part 4 patreon.png)
(1.64 MB 2250x4200 Momo part 3 patreon.png)
>>236090 >lamosca99 Thanks anon!
(5.26 MB 7200x6600 uraraka (1).jpg)
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(440.22 KB 2048x2048 IMG_4119.jpeg)
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(341.29 KB 1440x2048 IMG_3875.jpeg)
>>237195 >>237196 it's baffling that this dude has such a large following,all his pictures look stiff as fuck and his anatomy is awful
Does anyone have a drawing of Mirko claiming she’s big bone?
>>236794 who's the artista for the first one
>>237263 It's about the content, not the quality. He's the only artist doing MHA stuff who consistently puts out comics at an alarming rate, that's bound to accumulate a following no matter what.
(4.24 MB 3599x2469 Momo and Camie.png)
>>237602 Source please
>>237602 this shit so ass
>>237636 >>237668 The duality of man
Does anyone have the old image of ochaku yelling cos deku said that she was fatter than his mum
>>237636 suitonacat on twitter >>237957
(237.20 KB 1630x1886 20250112_110509.jpg)
(172.11 KB 842x1280 IMG_5217.jpeg)
>>236794 Who drew that Mirko piece?
(156.29 KB 1024x807 20250113_145821.jpg)
>>241239 is this shit made with AI? It's doing bws style fairly well, what a shame
They censored Pop-Steps legs. No more potenial art of cheeked up teenagers ITS SO OVER
>>241281 It's probably just upscaled by AI
>>241424 totally upscaled by AI, it's a screenshot after all
(93.24 KB 1385x577 IMG_7275.jpeg)
There needs to be more Pussycat WG art
>>241239 Who the fuck in their right mind would send fetish pics on whatsapp
(44.13 KB 1280x754 IMG_1036.jpeg)
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(289.30 KB 1920x960 IMG_1050.jpeg)
>>241401 Be excited, new series means chances for new Pop Step art
(265.05 KB 855x1063 IMG_4292.png)
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(218.46 KB 1024x985 IMG_4295.jpeg)
(219.10 KB 1024x984 IMG_4296.jpeg)
(153.64 KB 827x1170 IMG_4268.jpeg)
(689.82 KB 3508x2480 IMG_4293.jpeg)
>>242580 Who drew that Momo piece?
(3.02 MB 3987x3883 IMG_1140.png)
(3.86 MB 5310x3922 IMG_1141.png)
(4.26 MB 6968x4000 IMG_1142.png)
(7.72 MB 6551x4000 IMG_1148.png)
Spoiler for vore
(55.34 KB 850x638 IMG_1230.jpeg)
(166.33 KB 850x549 IMG_1231.jpeg)
(60.28 KB 850x534 IMG_1232.jpeg)
(138.87 KB 850x400 IMG_1233.jpeg)
Does anyone have the follow up to this pic?
(220.69 KB 1024x902 20250202_101349.jpg)
Anyone have that one momo sequence by mizzbritt?
(286.89 KB 2048x1683 IMG_1301.jpeg)
(1.87 MB 2500x1900 20250203_182441.jpg)
(234.20 KB 1088x3688 IMG_1247.jpeg)
>>243404 Oh You Mean This One
(117.80 KB 916x872 IMG_1321.jpeg)
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(1.49 MB 1145x4192 IMG_1332.png)
(150.37 KB 1024x763 20250205_144010.jpg)
(7.23 MB 4000x5200 Jiro 1.png)
(2.34 MB 3755x4096 image_2025-02-05_231354588.png)
(8.87 MB 4300x3700 Ochako SIS.png)
(78.59 KB 680x632 IMG_4316.jpeg)
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(295.39 KB 2500x1500 20250208_174850.jpg)
(269.38 KB 2500x1500 20250208_174852.jpg)
>>244213 Thanks! Where did you find it?
>>244223 Twitter
(343.26 KB 2048x2048 20250211_222106.jpg)
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(176.75 KB 1080x943 20250217_131410.jpg)
Don't suppose anyone can give me a link to this artists current whereabouts could they? Their original name was "801dcnb" before they made another deviantart account which I can't seem to find. They started setting up shop on discord but naturally I can't find a link to their server since I can't find their DA (if it even still exists). Had to compress this file to post it here, but the full res can be found here: https://gofile.io/d/y005Y3
>>245835 1w3ntt0d13 on DA, should find the rest from there
(133.59 KB 1024x783 20250219_115116.jpg)
(137.13 KB 1024x825 20250219_115118.jpg)
>>245837 Thank you!
(120.62 KB 1000x1000 20250219_172333.jpg)
(265.20 KB 1536x2048 IMG_1732.jpeg)
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