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Question about ssl Xg 09/20/2024 (Fri) 17:09:30 Id:93078a No. 54441
Phew, i figure because this place knows more about computers than I do, I can get some answers. I'm using android and google chrome to browse the internet. Not a power user. No buying/banking/social media just browsing. About a month or two ago random websites like kemono or spankbang were being marked as "insecure." Ok whatever. Then all the pictures at ehentai. Not the site, the pictures. Again...nbd. Then wikipedia, and a bunch of sites that are tech related...ok...not good. So i do everything. Automatic date/time, clear cache, re-install chrome and update...and I lose all my bookmarks...fuck. Fed up, I'm THIS close to factory reset when I ask something important...why does pornhub work and not spankbang? So I decided to check both their ssl certificates Spankbang uses "let's encrypt" but not pornhub. So I check wikipedia, and all the tech sites...same thing. Last thing to verify...e-hentai page...nope, so I opened an image in a new tab...and in big fucking letters "let's encrypt" So i find a post on let's encrypt's fucking website... "we are no longer checking against google api because blah blah blah..." WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Is this a pissing contest between techies, or is let's encrypt dogshit? In doing all my half-assed research i disregarded what google called "unsafe" sites. What's the deal with all this. I have no sensitive info on this device, but when gofile, spankbang, coomer and even wikipedia are "untrusted" what do I do. I just wanna see tits, bro...I shouldn't need a degree. No fuck that...let's make a university for staring at titties. I'll get a phd and write absolute bullshit, get tenure and hoard credibility like I know what I'm talking about... Seriously though, is this bullshit and i turn off safe viewing or is something fucky going on?
>>54444 Check them.
>>54441 Are you on an ancient version of android or chrome? Root signing certificates do change and if you don’t keep your OS and browser updated, then your device will think webpages have illegitimate certificates because it doesn’t recognize the signing certs. That’s the most likely cause.
