/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Lost Media Thread: Unfinished Business Laz 07/02/2024 (Tue) 17:37:32 Id:6ac7c4 No. 118971
Hey guys,Laz here. The title says it all. We have some unfinished business,don't we?
Link to previous thread: >>98339
And of course both EdgeOfMind archives: mega.nz/folder/yU0CRaoA#EEPBz_z0oi5wk90wrv0pqg https://e-hentai.org/g/2934048/a106f5cffd/
>Archive has excluded BBWchan links Why?
>>118974 I wish I knew,but sadly I don't.
>>118975 This means content posted here will be truly lost.
Unless we use 4chan in tandem.
>>118909 Also applies
>>118974 If I had to guess, the Internet Archive doesn't want to risk the chance of them archiving a CP post/thread (before it's removed by the mods) and be liable for it being on their servers.
>>118983 One more thing: If an e-hentai gallery exists for him, send it here
Mentioned this in the last thread, but since it ended shortly after I'll say it again here. Weeb Lord on Deviantart just posted that he's deleted some of his older stories, namely the Gillo series, due to DA going after fetish content. If you care about this, use this Drive link to back up his stuff so you don't lose it. Please note that he did NOT sort his stuff well, and most of these stories have random names. For the Gillo series, each chapter falls under the name of the tour group, specifically Gillo, Kaori, Matilda, Twins, Sasha, and Sam in that order. Here is the link. NO guarantee it lasts forever. Save what you want while you can. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Of0LhXzedyd-dFjO7dYHQw1qj5-qQyfN
I found a video made by an old creator of breast expansion video morphs named r82x. I found an old website of theirs: https://web.archive.org/web/20120812011242/http://expand.it.cx/ I recognized seeing some of the videos from seeing reuploads of them. A lot of the videos are lost though, and reverse image searching their thumbnails only yields an archive of r82x's site itself. Does anyone have any of their videos?
This might be a bit of a weird one, but does anyone have Burstoid's Chantelle Dubois morph? I believe there were blueberry and non-blueberry versions
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A while ago I followed an artist called VakkaWham on Twitter, now I can't find any trace of them. Want to know if they just changed their username or if they deleted their account.
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Does anyone have the saved HD version of this? It's called blueberries swallowed whole by randomwafuinflator
Would by chance anyone got Dearhoneylemon‘s old blueberry arts? Specifically their Hiccup (from HTTYD) ones?
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Question for everyone here do we ever know the reason why hell resident removed hitwoman owned? I mean if I remember correctly wasn't it because the files were lost if so I do have a copy on hand! Not sure if it's the highest quality but it's there.
Also as a fun bonus here's a rare kaley cuoco morph in white which outside of my hand and maybe one other might be on the verge of being lost to time. Same with this Sandra Bullock blimp. Personally I think the ones in black might have been done by someone else although the hourglass inflation could be hell resident? But it's been so long I'm uncertain. I know the white dress is for sure one of his
My favorite image or outfit of Rihanna ever from the today show May 2011 this image lives rent free in my head sometimes
Girl blowing up with poki is angel kimi I think also a twitch streamer
Anyone have any of their old artwork? It's really hard to find the majority of it.
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Heya, Does anyone have any of his stuff, more specifically both of the zero two sequences? (Theater and Shopping District)
Does anyone have gnome-oo's Infinity Warp Raven sequence? It had a story attached as well, if that's still anywhere
>>119923 His gallery on bodyinflation.org is all I'm aware of https://www.bodyinflation.org/node/22484
There used to be a video on YouTube titled Wonkatest. I believe it was a really old video (almost a relic) by PixelPrevert or one of the very early inflation artists. It was only like 3-4 seconds, but it was edited to where when Violet is rolled she continues to inflate, and for a video from probably pre 2000 it was done so well that it looks like it’s real. Would anyone happen to have a copy of this video? Either it was removed recently or buried underneath everything “Wonka” related.
>>119966 If you're looking for hellresident stuff I have a dis cor server full just give me a add as it's honestly too hard to share it all here I don't wanna flood lost media
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There used to be a breast expansion video on PH with this as the thumbnail. Does anyone have it or know who the woman is?
I'm looking for this piece by TheNeverWere in HD if anyone has it. I was only able to grab the thumbnail from the Wayback Machine.
>>119005 i.e. AlanES I found some of his works on .nl using the Wayback Machine, but an archive from bodyinflation.org or E-H would be better, maybe even the AlanES thread from .nl dating a few years back
Does anyone have stuff from Thetheyoop? He recently deleted almost all of his work and has gone radio silent
>>119879 They deleted their account
>>120045 I know someone mentioned having, or planning to make, an archive of all of TheNeverWere's work.
>>118971 Idk if you guys remember Bubbly Expansions, but they actually had some half decent stuff before falling off the face of the earth. Haven’t been able to find any of their stuff since, until I came across this locked Cambro vid. Would appreciate if someone had any other vids from there or access to this one. https://www.cambro.tv/931286/wizard-potion-breast-expansion/
who here got danbeenlee's stuff
Anyone have Black Lagoon stuff made by Alorok/Lushaani?
>>120135 Yeah don't know what happened I believe one day they just closed doors akemi I hear closed because of controversy with the creator of something regarding something I don't know too much about that I don't want to get into but I believe it was something with their neighbors/ permissions consents and contracts? But bubbly just left. But I do remember cherry at least hanging around for awhile on report my post particularly in the official breast expansion server and maybe a few other places if you're Lucky and she's lurking around you might be able to get a hold of her to ask some q&a or something. But it was awhile ago and it's possible she may have even left the community too as of now? Again I wouldn't know for sure. But cherry was still pretty active for awhile and probably if I had to guarantee anything still into inflation personally but from what she brief mentioned they just shut down. Shame too as she still very much seamed open to the idea of more inflation prop fun if she could find someone to do it. Again I'm not sure the situation anymore! But at least at the time she seemed still open minded to more prop fun. But that's the best I can explain it. If anything less you'd have to talk to the sources on the situation. But cherry (the model in the video) would probably know the most outside of the creators themselves. But it's hard to find anything of them now I know that cherry at least used to share her old photos of themselves from time to time so if you get into contact you may be able to get an archive? But again I'm just speculating it's probably at least been a good three or five years now since I've seen them active
>>120221 I hate the repo my post thing I'm not even advertising it lol. But di s cord is what I meant she used to be active on there but who knows now
>>120135 What little I still have left in my folders of cherry 🍒
Last ones
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Had this downloaded before the image got taken down along with some other NavSaka art that got taken down on DeviantArt does anyone else have Artworks that Navsaka had before they got taken down?
>>120241 I think I heard somewhere that NavSaka is underage. That's not true, is it?
>>120246 Navsaka is 18 now but he was underage for quite awhile. its really dumb cuz alot people just choose to ignore it when its kinda logically present. Nav himself mentioned he graduated high school and the graduation age is 16. its kinda fucking weird cuz before he turned 18 he was friends with quite abit of other artist who are questionably way older then him.
>>120222 I have a question. She has an account on D..i..s..c..o..r..d with the materials you posted here Or at least an invitation to her server
>>120223 Do you have her lost media?
Does anybody have xilstudio's inflation video
>>120004 Ok how do i add you on report my post*
>>120004 how do I add you on the 'cord' that shall not be named
So I've been looking for an original high quality and full length version of this video made by Ridiculouscake. I even contacted him and he didn't have it, so I was curious if anyone else did https://youtube.com/shorts/9Qz_puthiHk?si=x20fq4M5RvL7Ynr0
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Is there more?
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does anyone have this gif made by morphicus?
>>120004 I'm game
does anyone have this in high quality?
>>120384 Gotcha. https://youtu.be/cpQjn7rkC3c?si=l9FGxyFthn_EFX-c
>>120613 Thanks my dude
Remember someone on the old thread asking for this and the idea interested me so I'll do the same Anyone have a full (or as complete as possible) berry-duke96 archive?
Anyone have MrWeirdWorkz's Mario princess inflation animations?
I remember seeing a reinapop blueberry inflation morph on deviantart once but can't find it again, anyone know where to find it? She was sitting in the bathroom with a feeding tube IIRC
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Does anybody have the Robot001's pics/comics missing?
i know the creators name is in the video but i havent been able to find them ever since the PH wipe so does anyone have a link to where i can find them or atlest there other videos? https://mab.to/t/aTo9CsA7EJO/us2
I'm looking more of funkyfeetuk's videos
Anyone remember Jimmypat? Looking for their art.
>>118971 Since all of theneverwere's art got nuked off DA does anyone have the one he did of shoeonhead inflated?
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>>120873 Mebbe... Fek, original was a 10MB PNG, so you get a jpeg.
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After a DA purge I recently missed, it seems some of Kagekira's art remains missing, and the Koa video that was posted on Adrians3dcreations DA is gone forever too. Here's a bit of a KageKira sequence that remains unaccounted for, cropped from the 1 year post that is saved on Kemono.
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Does anyone know what this came from?
Anyone got BluCream's old Morph art?
>>121065 That's from an artist named altz banner on DV art
>>121071 And where’s was the full image from where it was?
>>121073 >>121065 Was it from a butterball South Park pic?
>>121074 Can anyone find it please?
did anyone have an old hellresident sequence called witches of Sabbath,
There's a whole period of art from maxedman around 2016-2018 that I haven't been able to find since he nuked his account. Anyone got anything from that time?
Does anyone have Robot001's lost media in 2010s and 2020s so far?
>>121273 Artist is Sinful-Doge
Does anyone have Edge0fMind’s art that was deleted from DA?
Anyone have any of random101 edits/ this one inflation edit morpher that made an edit of Miley Cyrus inflating Nicki Minaj
Welp, Burstoid's deleting all their stuff Someone get to archiving
Does anyone find any art from AltzEgoz that wasn’t on DA?
>>121721 We should all take this as a sign to back up and archive any artists that makes Morphs, Edits and even 3D Renders because apparently they're all jumping ship or getting wiped off the face of the Earth
>>121721 Any content that had been deleted prior to this would be an appreciated appreciated addition to it as well. I recommend putting it all up on E-Hentai
Been trying to save some of Burstoid's stuff for myself, but some of it I can't download the full view version, only a preview which looks compressed to hell if you look close at it, even though I'm on the full page version. I've tried downloading the entire web page which does get the full version, but it's not as a jpeg or png. And it broke once I tried getting rid of the rest of the web page saved. No idea what I'm doing, any help would be appreciated
>>121721 Lukily i've been archiving his stuff. remember this will be the second time he'll be nuking his edits
>>121729 To be fair, I can't blame them for retiring from the community
Does someone send InflationVideo to see the lost medias please? https://www.deviantart.com/inflationvideo/art/Collage-Lost-Media-988766810
Seeking the expansion gif johnrodo/pick002 made that goes along with this still as I can't find it on twitter and kemono won't load the archived gifs. Any of his stuff that can be shared is appreciated
Anyone have any way to watch Sunhee's inflation art review stream? Vod has been down for months with no way to recover it, wayback was no help, and she didn't archive it herself so all that's left are clips. Just a shot in the dark if anyone happened to save it or knows somewhere to find it.
I know it's a stretch trying to find it but there was a slideshow tgtf caption that contained BE AE called she spreads about a woman who turned men into bimbos and they would grow from the sex.
Anybody got a Jinglevellrock archive going?
>>122016 They made one, but it didn't have everything though
>>121976 downloaded it from the vod when it was live https://gofile.io/d/Eed6hz
>>122022 Can you share with the class?
>>121960 This should be it. https://n2.kemono.su/data/c2/e1/c2e165a941a10866cc120105e11942469d443085526d1f00da98dc4622041a22.gif?f=241424467_170688251867917_7614779696154430752_n_1.gif
>>121750 Can you share the archive?
I dont remember much, but i remember a drawing of Zarya blowing up like a balloon, i think it was a glitch on her shield made by Moira, wich made her shield spawn INSIDE of Zarta, and Moira was like "oh...f u c k o////o". i thought it was nuumatic (or whatever thry are called) but atleast i didnt find the drawing in their dev,
I heard that a guy called Payton made an addon for gmod wich makes the playermodel fatter and fatter until it explodes, but i cant find it anywhere, someone knows where this file might be?
I'm probably screaming into the void here,but I've got some lost media requests of my own. Does anyone have any of SquishySofty's fart inflation art/general gas art or any of CatsTuxedo's old WG or inflation works that are confirmed lost and not on his Pixiv or in Wayback?
>>121721 burstoid archive with nearly every single morph at their original full resolution plus some bonus stuff enjoy this collection might be updated every now and then https://catbox.moe/c/19ohto
>>122050 Dang, looks like the audio is busted on these vids, audio frequently cuts in and out every 5 seconds...
>>122260 Thank you
>>122270 i downloaded the part 2 incase something happened during the upload but it plays fine for me, did you try a different video player?
Didn't akemi do a blooper reel? I remember seeing the Hufflepuff Schoolgirl deflating her breasts slowly and dancing
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Does anyone have full res version of this one or any other older Critical Volume art ?
I'm trying to find an image of Rei Saotome/Blair Flannigan by Dimensional-Expander
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Anyone know who made this pic?
>>122569 https://www.furaffinity.net/user/gullagullo/
>>118971 Bootsynekomata/B.N.M. Please. Frankperrin/Edemiaworld Inflate-A-Babe 1oftheGuys
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Does anyone have a higher quality image of the edit by Burstoid
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Well, it's not truly lost, but I just cannot find it at all. There were a couple of episodes of Crayon Shin Chan in which Shin imagined Misae's boobs inflating. One was about Shin not wanting to eat veggies and the other about him cooking tofu (?) on a stove.
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Does anyone have a Shydude archive? Mainly looking for Sequences
>>122307 fuckin lmao, yeah don't mind me. VLC was shitting the bed tried in a different player and no dramas
Looking for any content available from ThatInflatedBitch (also known as InflatedBre) I had subscribed to her [his] patreon some time before it closed and had acess to a couple of Google Driver folder with pics and a couple of vids, but there were far more content that got suddenly wiped off. I'll be uploading the little breadcrumbs of content I still have access to as contribution. https://mab.to/t/6YlLTOFtrbL/us2
Anyone got the full sequence of Yang inflating from hellresident? Bonus points for the blueberry edit.
>>122754 The transfer is frozen at 51%
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To make the most of all the Burstoid archiving going on. There's something I've been wondering about for the longest time Did anyone ever get these? I think this is a better time than ever for them to be unearthed. I'm pretty sure the ones advertised aren't even all of them. I specifically remember the Bayonetta morph having an alt too, so who knows how many there could be
>>120004 excuse me can I come into the server?
>>123141 did you check this archive >>122260
>>123302 That's where I got these advertisement pictures from The actual alts haven't been posted there. That's why I'm hoping someone who bought them at the time steps up
>>122260 anyone have an archive in a way that's accessible from australia?
So is anyone gonna post a link to a archive of Jinglevellrock mrophs or not?
cattyn archive pls
>>123341 I’m from Australia and can access perfectly fine. What issue are you having?
Anyone got some of those Cutie Honey drawings from NekomilkNSFW? Guess he thought all of them minus his most recent one weren't good enough to keep up on his page.
Dunno if I can find the answer to this one but does anyone know what happened to maj0rslime? He did some really good blueberry arts but has since nuked their twitter.
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mega.nz/folder/yU0CRaoA#EEPBz_z0oi5wk90wrv0pqg EdgeofMind’s stuff from other Lost Thread about to go bye-bye. Grab what you can ASAP!
>>123540 thanks , have you got any other older CV artwork by any chance or link to the art archive ,because i can't find any more besides, what is on Deviantart and old artdump on imgur is gone .
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does anyone here has the draw of Sora and Riku from kingdom heart that he made it?
and also anyone remember a draw like this but insteand of korra, was Spider-Gwen being inflated by Majin Buu i watch the drawing between 2015 or 2016 exaclty
Does someone have any of the deleted art from auselessazz? It's been gone for quite a while and I can't find it
Anyone have the morph of Gwenpool from Jinglevell? Forgot to snag it and feel dumb for it.
Does anyone have archives for the deleted works of AlanES (and also maybe DaemonKing stream drawings)?
Does anyone have videos/photos of this creator? She used to make videos a short while ago on IG and Deviantart, but she deleted all her content
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone has a comic that I can't find anywhere else. If I'm not mistaken her name is "Pokegirl inflation" or something like that. Basically it's a comic where Serena is hit by a dart and starts to inflate
Anyone have berry-duke96's old stuff? In particular I'm looking for a drawing they did of Mash Kyrielight from Fate as a balloon, it was deleted from their deviantart and it's not on kemono either
Anyone make a Shydude folder yet?
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Anyone still have archives of classic images and videos from classic sites (late 1990s / early 2000s) like BEArchive, Inflate123, LVKane, etc.
>>123819 Nobody remember has seen that?
>>118971 www.imdb.com/title/tt0815053 i have a vivid memory of being a kid and seeing several episodes of this show that had inflation themes. a singer in a inflated suit, a balloon factory and one of the female presenters stuck in an icecream factory and eating until she became too big to move. here is a clip from one of the episodes but there is no inflation www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQdXwc2l8qM
Trying to find an old sequence where Tomoko inflates herself with tomato juice, think the artist was the ever were but it’s not in any of the archives.
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Does anyone have this video by mmd_fun/XTENSE. I can't find a way to find the full vid
>>125129 https://www.iwara.tv/video/do5bbfbv4rck8kewz/space-jam-ep1-body-inflation
Thanks man
Anyone have an archive of old marksmorphs stuff?
>>125202 https://ufile.io/hqjxmayg
>>122050 File seems to be gone. Can you repost pls?
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I don't know if this is the right place and I'm not even expecting to find it, but I figured why the hell not. Way back in like 2015 there was this scuffed ass Gmod addon which had an npc that gained weight when they ate food. It was one of the default male npcs (I remember because I learned how to model swap to replace him) and the food was the HL2 Chinese takeout box model. Every time the npc touched the food their model would inflate. If they ate too much then they'd make a ton of hurt sfx before exploding. I honestly think it may have been removed because I can't find it anywhere on the workshop, so I'm not even expecting like a link to it or anything. Honestly if anyone has a video of it, screenshot of the page, or just remembers the thing, I'll be satisfied. This janky ass mod that probably is what fucked me up has been on my mind recently and I just want proof that I'm not schizo.
>>125258 I think it's missing a few comics. Do you have any more?
I know I've asked before but I will ask again, has anyone saved/seen some of the AMB35 videos/images? like the inflation tapes and such? cause unfortunately, I have like only one saved and everything else is lost to time forever. please and thank you
>>125646 a screenshot of the said video since this website is being funky with me...
Long shot, but does anyone at all have that old Bambi Blaze video Be My Bellytine? That was the first thing I ever nutted to, and I can't find it anywhere
>>125732 StufferDb has a lot of Bambi Blaze videos, even a new one no one knew about
So, I remember a scene growing up on a show called Skatoony. On it the scene had a character in a space suit get inflated, or rather her space suit got inflated. Her suit inflation was used as a timer, so basically once her suit exploded, the time was up. (For context, the show was a cartoon game show mixed with live action contestants or played against cartoon contestants) Anyway, I remember one line being “Is it me, or is it feeling a bit breezy?” That stuck with me for a long time. So if anyone remembers that show or that particular scene, be free to post it.
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Hey there was a deleted YouTube video of this girl being inflated. Does anyone have a missing copy?
Does anyone have the picture of that soul eater character cosplayer being inflated at a convention? It was Made by hellresident.
Does anybody have any of spikerollsunday art?
Wondering if anyone has archives for AlanES, DaemonKing, others?
does anyone have any of Ethan Foxtail's old inflation videos?
Anything from the old Bbw-chan morph threads
Looking for a comic series I found on Deviantart maybe 10 years ago. There were three main things I remember about the comic. 1) One of the characters got gender bent and massive breast expansion while inside a tub, A genie granted them a wish to change into how they imagined themselves and that's the form they too. 2) Two of the other characters got transformed into cows. 3) Each panel had a lot of text describing the panel. Been looking for it for so long, but have been unable to find it.
someone might know what im talking about but im pretty sure this video is lost it was of an asian girl having a balloon inflate in her leggings every time it would grow she would whine and at the end it popped
Does anyone have an archive of Auselessazz?
i had some confirmation on the GHOST TRAIN icecream factory and balloon factory scenes good news is there were a lot of belly scenes bad news is there is almost no change of those scenes turning up online someone had a vhs copy but its damaged and presumed lost the actress name was FRANCES DODGE who was also known as STONKINA
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Anyone has this video from this channel? It used to be on YouTube but the channel was taken down
>>126824 Can't you elaborate on the info you did get?
Anyone got a Virt-A-Mate scene where a streamer could be fattened up and had her boobs grown? Some anons shared here the files, but I lost them and the thread is long gone. I can't even find the original paid version.
>>126937 not more than is already know. two episodes with a story line involving the presenter getting fatter and fatter until she gets stuck. only one character gains weight. there is unrelated air inflation during a song. since the episodes are both long there are many lost scenes. however they both are lost. the balloons in the background of the music video are the only evidence. the woman stuffing herself and becoming huge was called Frances Dodge. she appeared as Zee and Stonkina in other shows
>>126937 someone directed me to a similar scene in a 70s show that i read about but thought was lost https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x87f1qz starting 19minutes30seconds
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Stab in the dark here, but I'm missing a few clips from a studio that no longer exists. The studio was called Growhaus, which was more about GTS growth content but they did do an inflation clip. The ones I'm missing are... 01. The Curious Vile 07. A Growing Surprise (technically I have that, but it's under CK's Mad World for some reason, just hoping for the original) 09. Perfume Side Effects If anyone has those clips, please upload them, it would mean a lot. As a contribution, I have the rest of the clips, including the inflation clip. I numbered them based on what I could find/remember of the order they came out. https://mab.to/t/J0g6LtTocYD/eu1
Anyone goy parts 2 and 3 to this LeanBeefPatty morph by Burstoid?
>>126951 Is it only belly inflation or is it whole body inflation? Also is she fat in the balloon episode from the ice cream episode or does she start off skinny in that as well?
>>127162 belly and full body. the male inflation full body air in a weird suit in the balloon episode she is fat and heavy the joke is she is so fat she needs a balloon to lift her not that she's inflating like a balloon as the other poster said. there are humiliating vibes to the whole scene that makes it seem fetishy im sorry there arent more details there is a connection to the cathy dennis video but no one remembers the exact scene
Does anyone of an archive of EmmaTheFempyro's art and video from their twitter and youtube channel?
Anyone got this artist comic both this one and the Serena comic because It’s really interesting lost media.
>>127344 https://itaku.ee/images/583917 I only have this video, the original artist of the comic is called Velvetexplosion. I really wanted Serena's comic :(
>>127358 >wanted https://www.deviantart.com/velvetexplosion/art/Nurse-Joy-Inflation-Page-1-459744204
Does anyone have Faridae's Koa pics please.
>>127445 I also have the accompanying stories from popperfan that inspired it from his report my post. I lurk. https://mab.to/t/DVNbfLVk9OW/us2 Air bridge with a 3 day expiration date because bbw doesn't support PDF file formats only txt.
>>127447 DIs cord. Fuck I hate this shit I'm just mentioning it so people can find the lost media in case link expires Story names are Puffed up balloon patty And Vanessa's rude lean awakening. Fun little read I can see how it inspired brainrot in other artists.
From a breast expansion scene. The paramedics use the pump, which inflates her boobs. They pop and return to normal size, then one says "We're losing her!". I haven't found it again. I'm pretty sure I originally got it from Inflate123's video vault, but I'm not certain
Many years ago, in 2017, I remembered this image. it was my little pony like Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory with someone in the characters of My Little Pony who played the roles of the other characters in the movie. Pinkie Pie was Willy Wonka, rarity was purple, CMC was the Oompa Loompas, in fact I don't even think Equestria Girls existed yet, because I remember the next one, Twilight Sparkle, was black. The rest of the characters were white... Well, except for Rarity who was a blueberry. I mean, rainbow dash and Fluttershy had wings in this one with white skin, kind of like the MLH animations. I mean it looks like a coloring and pencils with only one page with 3 parts in it. the first two parts are at the top and they were small, it's mostly included of Twilight talking to pinkie Wonka, I guess I didn't understand what they were saying and the third page, the rarity was a blueberry wearing Violet's costume with the 5 girls looking at it and the CMC rolling it. I guess that's it for me, really, I mean I like to get that back one day because I really want to rediscover it again. (and to see what Twilight was talking to Pinkie Wonka?), I hope you can help find it? The artwork looked like this (the 1st one) And this is how I remember it: (the 2nd one) Let us therefore spare the word: #FPWCS or #FindPinkieWonkaComicStrip
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>>128330 FUCK OFF
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I was browsing through Cambro when I came across this video. https://www.cambro.tv/1172807/more-belly-inflation/ it's clearly been edited to hell and back and despite my best efforts I haven't been able to find anything related to this content creator. Does any of this look familiar to anyone? Is this person still active?
Somebody gor this sequence of maxedman in full quality please
>>122050 reup please?
>>125423 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=512021767
>>125423 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459356471&searchtext=The+reduce-your-speed-when-overhealed+script%21
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Can anyone find this… I think it’s called Belly Expansion Big… it’s a 3D animation of a Belly Inflation I think… and *She pops*
>>128785 That's an old Densel Torrington video. It's not lost media.
The only archive I could find was missing a part sorry but here's the other parts
Thank you
Also can you pass me the link to the archive please I Want To save it
>>128812 Wtf are these? Why are they farting inside this woman seal?
>>128789 >>128785 Ok thanks, found a link of it… <iframe width="480" height="345" src="https://thisvid.com/embed/8671897/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> https://thisvid.com/videos/belly-expansion-big/
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>>128905 Oh I have a few of there videos and pics, I will post them later when im on pc
>>128959 here it is https://mab.to/t/kvgzMqaBknk/us2
>>121976 >>122050 Can someone reup this vod again, pretty please?
>>128853 https://mega.nz/folder/fmYnEDpI#KZVzI5ZEg35scmx1OVoPqQ Here's the archive along with some other art of his I managed to find
Does anyone have Bubble-Boop's Florence Pugh 1971 Violet sequence? I remember it was one of the few things they didn't reupload after DA purged their account.
I wish I had more information, but I swear its just gone off the internet. There used to be a relatively short sequence on DA of Marge Simpson getting inflated by Bart, and he was recording it for some reason? I figure I'll post it here but don't expect anything to come of it
i remember some of echoednewt's art that got tookdown maybe someone has some idk (also i vividly remember that he made an inverse of the gif that you see "as in splash woman on a inflated roll")
>>129356 I believe this is it!
(50.98 KB 572x706 Sonic thumbs up.jpg)
>>129357 Yup that's the One! (also was the gif really that small? and i hope echoednewt's other pics could be found)
>>129362 I'm not entirely sure about the size. 'Twas just the way I found it. Glad I could help though.
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Has anyone managed to find biggereveryminute’s morphs? I remember he did a really good Ariana grande blueberry sequence
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>>125925 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89CUJVX50ok
Does anyone have A Juicy Inflated Mess by Hellresident?
>>129412 Not sure what it looked like but there is this archive on e hentai, I hope it can be of use to you. https://e-hentai.org/g/1206274/d738d0aebf/
>>129365 https://web.archive.org/web/20231118090457/https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/94022.html Found this link on an older lost media thread for biggereveryminute’s stuff but it broke. Just have these videos instead
>>129429 Seriously though I’d give a leg to see that Ariana blueberry sequence https://mab.to/t/9x8mze1bZuW/us3
Probably won't get anywhere with this because of how unhelpful it is but I've been looking for at least 2 different pics for years now. 1. A pic, possibly made in MS Paint with a mouse girl being inflated with spray cheese via a hose up her butt and I beleive it was a bottom heavy inflation pic. I found it originally on FurAffinity. 2. A Rouge the Bat breast and butt inflation pic. Hose up her butt I think, still kind of clothed but her butt was exposed and the view was from under her. You'd think that wouldn't be too hard to find given the character but I can't find it anywhere. I remember finding it via an image search on a flip phone. I can't even begin to guess what the artist for either are. Hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about. Date range is anything before like...2015.
Hey there. I'm looking for a fanart of astralantipode's Jeanne, where she is inflated by a fan installed in her mouth. I remember it was from about 2016, 2d cartoon style with minimal shading, similar to Seigaseigas art(might be by them, can't remember). If someone know anything, it would be great.
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Biggereveryminute Billie blueberry sequence
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>>121976 does anybody have this vod?
Highly doubt about this but does anyone have Wonka93's morphs? They were amazing at the time and I only seen them show up in rare occasions
Was recently informed Zeroghostrei nuked a few animations from their page and trying to help a friend hunt a few missing bits down. Apologies it's Sonic stuff over this side, but would anyone happen to have Amy's Blowback Blast or Balloon Battle Amy Vs Rouge on hand? The others are in the wild enough to be scraped up and would hate for this to go too lost this soon Thank you for any efforts out there
Anyone got this Marianne art in better quality.
>>129860 I looked up there name and found someone who made a play list but idk if you want to wait 297 days for it to be uploaded https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJF96SfDihLDayciPJbzP0eO4_gmjsfwi&feature=shared
>>129886 The hope is to find someone who would have them on file at this time. We suspect the individual has the clips, but are highly liable for Youtube taking them down or the channel owner deleting them / their channel before the deadline. Thank you for your current efforts
Does anybody have this? Now that Edgeofmind is deleting they art account i want to know if someone has it?
>>129907 There's an E-Hentai archive: https://e-hentai.org/g/2934048/a106f5cffd/
>>129885 The resolution to this is so small.
Hey everybody so I saw this video like a lot of years ago about a animated parody of Willy wonka. I believe one of the characters were called Katie, the golden ticket winners were a fat woman with blonde hair who works at a restaurant, the star of the show herself, Danise I think it was gets turned into a blueberry, a red haired girl who gets the same fate as Veruca, a Black Basketball player who gets the Mike TV treatment, and Katie is are Charlie bucket but instead of getting the factory she gets the life supply of wonka bars only for a truck to open up at her house to see Denise has eaten them all. Then the video showed black and white with a narrator saying what happened the characters After that. They also did a parody off space jam, have one of you seen that video I discussed ever in your life’s?
Anybody happen to have saved any of rackthiefs morphs or videos looks like there deviantart got closed/deleted
So these videos use to be on PH before the wipe but I can't find these creators anywhere so I would appreciate there other videos if they can't be found. So first one is some roblox inflation creator they did several videos witch were quite good and some guy on reddit were asking for them but he had images if the other videos witch are in the link too: https://mab.to/t/tHcfZUlPWhk/us2 Next is a artist animator that goes by the name of copyright cancer so it's really hard to find them if they have a account somewhere but I would like the whip cream inflation video the one that has the bunny girl tied down on all 4s and then gets filled up with whip cream through the butt at the very least, sadly this is the only video i have of theres: https://mab.to/t/oFdlojcgHQz/us2
Somebody got the comic called a little pump from W0MI i Want To archive But I cant find it can anyone find it please
>>130251 This creator made a few videos, even a few that were not seen in the screenshots. I somehow managed to dig up these two but, I don't have any others. https://mab.to/t/rRBpPsWiAJ6/eu1 One is already on the link you've provided but, the one I have is higher quality. The second one is one of the screenshots. gl with the rest of the search.
>>130304 >https://mab.to/t/rRBpPsWiAJ6/eu1 I wish I didn't download that.
Anyone have Aquajack's Acerola images?
>>130313 I'm at least 60% sure that furarchiver will still work on their account even though it's "gone"
>>130304 thank you and ya i knew they made more then whats in the link i sent but since its been a few years since the videos were deleted and searching up RobloxLilly gives me something completely different i kinda just assumed hardly anyone saved the videos or anything but thanks for sharing what you had
Does anyone have CriticalVolume +250 artdump ?
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anybody got a video from Creeperapteor40?
anyone got some of YlandraX's old animations? looking for some of his Kitana stuff, i remember one that was called ylandra kitanachair and it was her sitting in a chair with a hose up her ass being pumped with stuff from a green tank.
Does anyone have the art from Nemo3313 of Veruca from Willy Wonka inflated into a balloon? They removed a few pieces of art
>>130564 They seem to have a furaffinity account. Maybe try checking there or using furarchiver.
Looking for an ancient (approx. 2013, maybe earlier) YouTube video that was deleted. It was of this girl stuffing a large uninflated (weather?) balloon inside her black PVC catsuit, blowing it up with her mouth, and then deflating it. She doesn't get very big. She also says 'Oh, f*ck' half-way through the video, I think. Name of video, and/or channel name would also be greatly appreciated. https://mega.nz/folder/uBQDxCjb#z1CCUnCFQA1-8U8Yakg5-A Thanks, Y'all!
>>130569 I tried looking there but most of their gallery isn't on there. It's a bummer
I am looking for a lost piece of art called A Potion Mishap. So long ago, there consists a small fandom called rise of the brave tangled dragons. A there was some fanart called A Potion mishap, and it consist of inflation, shrinkage and giantess. There were wearing Hogwart clothing and one of them being Fem-Hiccup inflated like a balloon. I was hoping if anyone could find that certain piece of artwork.
Looking for this one image of Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir from Miraculous Ladybug (duh) getting inflated, except Cat Noir was now a girl.
>>130742 I don't have it on me at the moment,but I believe TheNeverWere may be the one who drew it.
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Anyone got the missing part from this sequence? Or any other cyberflating stuff? (The site's now totally inaccessible, so there's just a couple of comics on ehentai and nothing else)
Someone have the Serena's comic of Velvetexplosion?
Looking for the entire gallery made by a person called ScottyBelafonte. She usually did air inflation (?) but i do remember 2 things she posted. 1. was an image sequence of her pig persona doing anal inflation using a special gas, and farting it out in the end. Only her ass inflated, and her head was also looking back at the camera iirc. 2. was an inflation pdf (not sure, i do remember the entite sequence being stored on one page and being scrollable) of Marge Simpson in the backyard, getting a hose shoved into her mouth and ass via Bart, inflating and floating with the last page having Bart comment on seeing "early fireworks". The entire sequence was a fullbody air inflation sequence. I think she was active around last year (or the year before that) but she deactivated and i cannot find a singular thing about her aside from a singular comment under someone elses post. She was on DeviantArt.
looking for this one image of this body inflated lady. there was a guy asking if she could see anything and she couldn't see anything past her breasts, anyone have it or know where i can find it?
Might be a long shot but does anyone know anything about an inflation/bbw model clip in America's funniest home videos? I swear it was mentioned somewhere on this site but I can't find it
Hello, does anyone have any videos of YouTuber Danielle Cotter (Dani the Belly Girl)? Specifically looking for "Gypsy belly inflation and dance". https://web.archive.org/web/20151112153810/https://www.danithebellygirl.com/ https://web.archive.org/web/20151112154704if_/https://www.youtube.com/embed/q36VMJTXm1M?wmode=opaque
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anybody got some old art from Blakeberry239?
Any luck on that ghost train episodes?
Whoops I mean those
>>131173 Holy shit, not to age myself but I remember watching this stuff on yahoo groups LOL Thanks for the nostalgia
>>131053 Sounds like this on from DJ-Bapho: https://www.deviantart.com/dj-bapho/art/Recon-Balloon-146983939
>>131224 Grr, picture didn't attach...
Looking for a sequence by Shydud involving Nessa (and later Sonia) from Pokemon transforming into a blueberry. I tried searching for it, but I think he deleted it.
Might be a long shot but does anyone have videos of Balloona that were deleted off of her YouTube channel?
>>125646 Im also looking for this set of videos, so bumpydoodles on this request :p
Does someone have an archive of Auselessazz gallery?
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>>120115 Any updates on this? I really like some of the work they did in their old style.
>>119879 did you archive any more of their stuff?
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I remember TheJuicyStuff (Formally Shydude) made two images of Ikumi Nakamura all inflated and bloated. I checked their gallery and can't seem to find it anymore and was wondering if anyone had them. I recall one image being colored and the other her filling up the game awards stage.
Nesevo had some Pokemon trainer blueberry art. Lost when they wiped their DA.
>>129356 hey same anon here i saw that Echoednewt posted sta.sh links of some roll pics that got taken down along the gif that >>129357 found which are these https://sta.sh/01rgczxzzrni https://sta.sh/0qphhcxj8i https://sta.sh/0ljjuzzixcl this somehow proofs a weird thought i had basically sta.sh links are pretty much immortal and all Echoednewt needs to do is post the other sta.sh links that he has granted he'll probably need to sort all of them and that could take pretty long while but it could be worth it and that's pretty much it. (also maybe someone has his Pokémon pics/gifs like "Light-Lyra" maybe? idk)
>>132212 Excellent find Anon!
The blueberry art by KillerQueen got taken down when she deleted her account. There was a pretty lengthy blueberry sequence with a post juicing as well. Anyone have it?
https://www.deviantart.com/morphycus/art/Berry-Date-896002791 does anyone have this?
>>132237 thank you + my thought Still stans because i found these trough the INTERNET ARCHIVE https://sta.sh/0a22dq6ptvm https://sta.sh/02de5wv3axg3 https://sta.sh/225jn080x9pi granted some of them there the alts but i think this still proofs my thought (also any luck on the Echoednewt Pokémon pics?)
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I found this art on Derpibooru, because NecroFeline deleted her art from FurAffinity But, she looks hot
>>132324 Her art has not been deleted, most if it is just in the Scraps section per her last journal.
(1.39 MB 4620x4200 Ikumi Nakamura E3 2020 (1).jpg)
>>131982 I do have the game awards stage one but I don't have the other one, infact I was completely unaware of there being another one.
>>132340 Yeah! Thanks Anon!
>>132333 Yes!!! Thank you!!! Now to find the other one! It was a colored sketch, wasn't a full body drawing but the memorable part I recall was her saying "Spooooooky" referencing to when she was showing off Ghostwire
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>>131982 >>132333 Hellresident did too. Rumor has it he's coming back in January if you wish to commission more of her?
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>>132350 Bonus meme of Marie kondo also known as the this sparks joy does not spark joy meme girl. Sadly just flattening not inflation.
>>132349 Your welcome! I'm trying to find the second one even as we speak! Do you think you can give more details about it?
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>>132370 Here's a very poor recreation of what I remember Obviously the face being more accurate to Ikumi's likeness
>>132388 Thanks for the reference image. I'll continue my search for the actual image (unless some already has the image and planes on uploading it here) also your good at drawing despite this being a simplified recreation of the image we're looking for.
>>132393 Someone and plans* sorry for any of the typos
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does anybody, and I mean anybody got some old Pixton blueberry inflation comics???
Does someone have any of Creeperaptor40's I videos?
Shot in the dark, but does anyone have the .blend files from Xtense/MMDfun? I used to have one that I was learning off before my computer got wiped.
https://www.reddit.com/r/PGbodyinflation/comments/1hhnh47/myspace_blueberries/ Who remembers klaersource bb from MySpace
>>132623 i never heard of them sharing there blender files but now i want them too
>>132672 On their patreon they had some blender files, and apparently some shared in the report my post, but the their mega account got deleted, their patreon is under review, and kemono doesn't have them. Now I just hope at least someone has them.
>>132646 Why are so many of the morphs sourced from images of minors?
>>131982 Speak of The Artist Formerly Known As Shydude, does any have one of his Alice in Wonderland pics that he deleted from his gallery? It was the Disney Alice inflated round and stuck in a doorway, with the American McGee Alice in the process of growing an a big hourglass figure and approaching with a knife.
>>132723 IIRC it was because it wasn't meant to be fetish content. Bare in mind these were done when the last Wonka was made so people thought it would be funny to have their friend/themselves become a blueberry with no idea it would get other peoples rocks off.
>>132721 Now I wonder if imbapovi has shared his files yet, I hope he has
>>132321 https://www.deviantart.com/stash/21onlkn3ksv0 "Insert French laughing here"
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>>132388 is this it
Yes!! That's it! Thank you so much! She looks... uglier than I remember lmfao But thank you for finding this again >>132936
>>132958 Lol, yours is much better.
Possibly not lost, my dumbass just cannot seem to find it anymore. I remember someone posting some sketches on Twitter showcasing the Evangelion girls Rei, Asuka and Mari swelling up, one by one inside of nerv, eventually getting stuck in an elevator. Does anyone know what I’m talking about?
Looking for a 2-panel sequence (from Inflatechan) of a girl strapped to a chair in a lab getting green slime/liquid forcibly pumped into her breasts. 2nd panel is her gone up a few sizes and satisfied with the result. Her breasts are transparent as well afterwards, I think?
Does anyone remember 65926592's Interactive Factory Tour on Deviantart? It was a "choose your own adventure" story involving a factory tour with your girlfriend. I know her stories were saved before they deleted their account, but that's the only one I can't find. I thought it was well written. Does anybody happen to have a copy?
Squigglywiggly things had a spherical body inflation of a naked blonde lady. They never did full body aside from that.
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Would anyone have a better quality version of this pic?
Not sure if anyone has this but if came up here a while back and I can't seem to find any evidence of it on the internet anymore. Someone went through and created an adult version of the juicing room comic and posted it here. Would anyone happen to have any of the pages?
>>131173 Were there more old videos from YlandraX?
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>>133395 https://gofile.to/gQNL/violet.zip There's an extra page in the sequence (included here in case people don't want to download the whole thing again).
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I got these off expansionmansion way back in the day. The second page isn't on waybackmachine, and I can't reverse image search this one. Anyone recognize the artist or have the second page?
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>>132997 It's partially found, here's a screenshot
Anyone know the whereabouts of Inflatorpill's older works? I'm mainly looking for his Touhou stuff but others could be fine too.
Before BBWonder deactivated his deviant art account. He had made a sequence in black and white about Isabella where she would gain weight in order to impress phineas. Can anybody find it?
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>>130603 Just out of pure curiosity was she at a 3/4th angle and everything above her mouth was out of view? She was also sitting on the floor from what I remember. Assuming we're talking about the same video.
>>133447 > Wonka wojak They say a image can't hurt you it looks like it It can hurt you a lot!
(1.22 MB 680x866 Cat.PNG)
>>133456 Yeah, she was at a funny angle. Everything above her mouth was definitely out of view. I remember she was lying somewhat on her bed though. Idk, it was a long time ago. Her last video was her filming a waving cat statue and talking about her retirement from YouTube in the background or something.
>>133395 >>133405 In case anyone else wanted to download ignore the earlier link. Apparently I was on fake gofile and it likes to spam you with nonsense https://gofile.io/d/V0K0Fl
Bit of a long shot, been missing since before 2020, but here goes nothing. A piece from a former DA artist called Nesevo called “New Violet” about that old chestnut: bratty girl in chocolate factory chews gum and you know the rest. But I remember this one because of the realism of the girl being upset when they rolled her on her back and everyone could see her bubblegum pink panties. Which is a thing real people would be upset about. There was also a multi-colored variant. I dunno, he’s moved to furaffinity now if that helps. Just heads up, he draws ABDL if you’re not into that sorta thing. If you find and post it, thanks, mate.
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i been trying to find the creator who made this comic to see if they made anymore of the updated version of there comic called "a little pump" but i cant seem to find them anywhere or they deleted there stuff
>>133811 I remember checking; they literally wiped out all their past inflation stuff but they're still making new non-inflation art. I forgot the name but it's something like "W0MI".
>>133842 dam i was really looking forward to that updated version of there comic
Need help finding Lost art, It was about lego fortnite brite bomber, in the image She inflated becoming huge like a blimp for drinking a lot of shield potions, i found It on deviantart but It have been lost
Does anyone know who the girl in this video is? Replace the xxs, no idea how StufferDB feels about direct linking. hxxps://stufferdb.com/picture?/442783/search/447771
Bumping my request for Inflatorpill's stuff. Other stuff was being discussed while I brought it up so felt it should be safer now to ask now that its calmed down a bit.
Some ssbbw sapper girl mods for tf2 that were de listed from gamebanana, op didnt want fetish stuff of their oc made, welcome to the internet. https://mab.to/t/gD66Qml1V2B/us3
>>134116 that op is a faggot. thank you for preserving this though
>>118971 Heya- trying to find pics from a morph artist that was on DeviantArt a little while ago. Sadly, I can't remember the name since I've got none of their pics saved, but they used to be on there for a good long while and used to make a ton of amazing looking stuff. I've looked through here and the morph thread and I haven't found anything of theirs yet - I remember they did stuff with celebrities a lot, inflating them with cream or stuffing them with food or just normal air tank stuff making them huge, also stuff with hyper - they had a big thing for really full puffy faces and cheeks, too. I can't for the life of me find them, so if anyone knows who I'm talking about and has any of their stuff saved you'd be a life saver.
>>134187 Sounds like MissRound12, not sure if that's the one but that's an example
>>133811 hello i got a question do you have the original comic I wanted to download it but It was to late
>>134206 sure thing here you go https://mab.to/t/ixvOjpz0a3l/us2
>>134227 Thank you very much
>>134203 I had a look - sadly it's not them. The artist I'm remembering did a lot more extreme sizes and edits, with some sequences going like building or even country-sized. Thanks for the shoutout though, I do like a lot of their stuff.
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Does anyone have the whole thing by chance? Name was originally called "Boyfriend knows best"
I’m looking for an older piece, it got deleted a while ago. It’s of Aela the Huntress and Astrid from Skyrim in a 4 part sequence over 2 pages I believe. They step on rune traps and aela swells into an hourglass shape and astrid bloats a lot more. It’s in a pixel art style if I remember right. If anyone has it, I’d greatly appreciate it
>>134619 dont ask about the order i put them in the correct one and bbwchan spat it out like that
BerryDuke96 had a piece of Belle inflated in various poses from the 2005 wonka movie. Anyone have it?
well, can at least someone upload a little pump here?
>>129356 >>132212 Now echoednewt's whole dA page has been deactivated. RIP.
>>134823 So this is how I find out,huh? God fucking dammit.
>>134823 >>134838 I just looked them up to see if they have any other accounts on different sites,all I found was a furaffinity account that's currently pending deletion.
https://www.deviantart.com/juicyandjuciernew did anyone get this persons content. They randomly decided to quit today
Hey, anyone got anything on that Sunny D clown commercial? Only remaining youtube video got nuked as far as I can tell.
I swear I saw a drawing similar to the one attached but cant find what I think I'm looking for. It was the Pixie that was all swollen, lying on her front, possibly surrounded by other pixies in a dessert-y surrounding. Does anyone kow what I'm looking for?
Welp echoednewt's DeviantArt Got deleted fuck. (Also does anyone have Puff'n TwinBee from him?) We'll miss him
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>>131050 I don't have it, but I know the sequence you're talking about and wish I had saved it
>>131050 I can offer you one drawing they made that I happened to have downloaded.
Has anyone come across any of Balloona’s deleted YouTube videos? I’ve tried the waybackmachine without any luck.
>>134823 Damn. Remembered they had made an excellent Ape Escape inflation piece but now I can't find them.
>>118971 How would you save content if archive blacklists your domain? >>110594 >>97503
>>134619 Do you know that feeling of satisfaction when you finally get your hands on something and it ends up meeting every one of your expectations and more? That's what I felt here. Thanks OP.
Someone should really make a reliable archive of all this stuff.
There was a sequence by Maxedman of Scarlett Beauregarde being turned into a blueberry by her daughter tricking her. Anybody have that sequence?
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>>135434 Do I need to say it? sta.sh/21i8nv8raz96 sta.sh/21ingyo240sm sta.sh/216dagj8dbd5 (Also it's the first one)
>>135501 hooray!! thank you!! you're awesome!!
>>135550 Your welcome my fellow anonymous folk 👍
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Not necessarily a lost /inf/ topic, but does anyone on the board happen to know which artist made picrel? It's one of Shydude's old DA avatars and I believe I've seen more gifs in this style, but I can't seem to put a name to them.
>>135501 [Same Anon] oh yea does anyone have an archive of "Krool2Kool" stuff somewhere?
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>>121065 >>121084 I found it guys!
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Does anyone have the full comic/sequence of the Inventing Room Comic/Sequence made by Faridae which was originally on deviantart?
Anyone got the full quality version of this?
>>134206 could you send it the comic please?
Hello anons, sorry for the long post. There was this one story I read on DeviantArt back at 2015 or 2016 that might have been taken down and unfortunately I forgot the title and author. The story involves this one girl joining either a school or college where students inflate each other. There was also this bully who's some sort of queen that likes to pop other students. The main character ends up getting into an inflation fight with her. The mc wins but not before getting completely deflated and crumpled up underneath a desk. There was also a sequel where she became the queen and became mad with power or something.
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>>135779 >Faridae
Hey guys. I'm currently looking for old Puchiota Rakugaki issues in html+img format. There is a lot if pictures on E-HG, but without text context.There's a lot of torrent links on sukebei, but they all seems to be dead.
Ok wild shot but does anyone have the first Pic but with Ashley in it?
Anyone got that FMSU inflation match of Ayeka and Ryoko?
two requests Fat chick made a youtube video once about her fantasies of going to a berry orchard and blowing up like a berry and getting rolled around. It was just a closeup of her IRL face talking. Very hot. Maybe 5 to 10 years ago Request 2. 3 years ago or so. Pencil and paper video on youtube of a robot woman inflating to huge sizes. Uber inflation style, was just black and white, maybe digitally drawn. Lots of loud inflation noises, 3 minutes or so long, very hot. Didn't stay on youtube long and never found out who the artist was. I think the womans head was like a computer monitor or something (it was cartoony)
There was an old b&w comic little girl inflates like a balloon from an experiment with her dad and they try to move her around the house and fix it. Does anyone know about this?
>>136080 >>136080 Huh? Any more details on that?
Does anyone have any of shydudes or Fmsu’s old work ? I can’t find it anywhere!!!
>>136101 FMSU - https://mega.nz/folder/Cm5jQSIR#BKUZ8Y4VJW3eqVHdmOma8Q/folder/KvxzBS7D
i am look for a old sharkbubble 2 part pic. it involves Satsuki getting deflated by Nui with a pin
>>136101 Would love to see all of shydude's drawings again.
>>136024 Update: I found out that the character in the inflation video I've been looking for FOREVER since seeing it was of the "OC" character of pyrocynical. a youtuber who allegedly likes inflation and theres a lot of smut of his "OC" getting inflated. however, digging to find this video only reveals endless zoomerdrama about his inflation fetish so googleing something like "Pyrocynical inflation" is spammed with mind numbing youtube drama I don't care about. now with that info can anyone help me find it? pic related is an example of said "OC" (basically a word zoomers use to describe an original character/content to roleplay as"
Does anyone have Kdayk (I think that's their name) old morphs? I was looking for one specifically that was a fallout blueberry that used the sphere hunter as the model
>>136322 https://mega.nz/folder/9GUnga5R#1Cl8BIpBkSFsOzb-dMv2jA
There's an image I'm hoping someone might have. It used to be on Deviantart years ago, but got removed. It's an edit of AnnaSophia Robb as she's pictured here in those clothes (using this a a reference) but instead she's fully inflated and round, and her face is swollen. It's kind of like a recreation of her blueberry scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, except she's not blue, and I seem to remember the image being called "Not Again". I just can't remember the name of the artist, could've been Jay-Tee. Any chance someone has this, please?
>>134206 >>133537 Any chance of a reup?
looking for a DA story I thinks been deleted. Guy goes to some kind of escort service for inflation but he gets turned into a blueberry instead of her and gets offered a job at the very end. anyone know it?
Jessy Adams is comply offline. Would be cool to start cataloging all the videos people have. I have the more commonly shared stuff, with some of the cock-inflation videos re-recorded from camsites.
>>136330 thanks for this but it seems to be missing the exact pic I was looking for. I think it was called "Fallout Nuka Berry"
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does anyone know where i can find more art from dendy. ? all their work has been deleted and this is all i could find
Anybody got that maxedman sequence where it's some scientist lady blowing up a bunch of succubi?
Looking for 2 purged blueberry images from SongOfSwelling. 1. Maise Williams' character from gen:LOCK, Cameron McCloud. 2. The first stage of his sequence of Astrid from HTTYD, Dragonfruit. Astrid in her 1st movie design is all blueberried, and she and Hiccup are enjoying it. Thanks in advance, anyone who may havev these and be willing to share
Grab what you can now
Anyone have 'SFM -Wonka Berry Girl' and 'SFM - Junko's Punishment' made by creeperaptor40?
echoednewt's deviantart got deactivated, anyone got backups for some art?
>>137007 honestly same thing here. [Same Anon >>135501]
idk if scenes also count but there is this reddit that have been concerning me for a year https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/1dyoi3l/tomtshoe_or_movie_what_movie_had_a_scene_where/?sort=new also an anon in an old thread said something about a cheesy movie about a woman eating an autoreplicant burger made by a inventor also firnov said something about a young witch inflating and then exploding due having her spellbook stole by a salesman, maybe a invazor-zim-like countdown when he lost his backpack...but with inflation
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Here's a lost art by AltzEgoz from 2022
>>134187 Update on this - I think I found the original artist's name that I'm looking for, not entirely sure. Anyone have any pics from BiggerBiggerBigger1 on DA?
does anyone have the old Jinx takes a shower videos by Kanilan? they got deleted ages ago and I totally forgot about them
