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Bragging Thread Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 03:25:04 Id:589fc0 No. 52200
OK guys, I know there's lots of you here that have fattened up women. Time to brag. Starting weight, current weight, methods, and how long did it take?
>>50611 Met my girl and she was around 190lbs but a few months in she went on a major diet and she got down to 140lbs ish. We then moved in together and I always kept the cabinets stocked with snacks and got her whatever food she wanted. 5 years in and she's about 300lbs and only 5 feet tall. Seems like she hit a plateau for the last year and is holding around this weight so now so give me more subtle tips to keep her packing on the lbs
She’s up 110 lbs. Honestly I told on the first date she would get fat and she was fine with it. At first it was easy cause I would just cook her huge meals, now it’s easy cause she’s a fat pig and eats whatever I put in front of her. She also wanted to drink 2 of these boost high calorie shakes (530 calories each) every night bar some wild stuffing, and she’s been inflating like a balloon. I love having so many pictures of her when she was tiny because now she’s morbidly obese, waddling around, super gassy. The works. Loving life
I met my girlfriend when she was around maybe 210? Now she's at 300 and no signs of stopping. Her scale broke too.
Still trying to persuade her to let me upload pictures on here but… Met when she was hovering around 200 and she’s 270+ now. I got lucky because she was low 300s for most of high school and went up and down after that. All I really needed to do was tell her I was into bigger girls, and that the pictures of her from back then are hot as fuck. It helps that I’m an amazing cook, she loves to eat fast foot, and snacks all day while working from home. The only downside is the $ it costs to buy clothes for bigger sizes and now we’re hitting some body conscious issues and I’m feeling guilty. We’ll see how it goes
>>52201 Started at 320. Outgrew our scale at 415, which was probably 40-60 pounds ago. She’s short tho, like 5”5’. Probably autistic or something but she went all in quick on this shit. 100% eating white bread covering in butter, sugar and sprinkles (calls it fairy bread, wtf) and plain pasta with butter all day and night. She really never leaves our place, barely had any contact with her deadbeat family. She just sits at home on Reddit playing animal crossing all day on the futon. She’s broken so many futons, chairs, one bed frame, and several screw on bdays during which period our shower drain takes a beating that only bleach can remove, she uses mobility scooters everytime she sees one and we’re trying to get a doctor to prescribe one, she’s outgrown her car and we need to sell both our cars to get a 4x4 with a disability hatch.
>>52228 How do you afford that kinda lifestyle? No judgement just genuinely curious
>>52230 I’m also autistic. Sysadmin work is easy to do from home. Bought Bitcoin when papa Musk told me to, DCA through the crash.
>>52200 Dated someone who just started their cam career when we got together. Had no idea they were into this fetish and they werent making feedism content. Didnt even know they were a cammer at first. We were into mutual gains. They ended up being a notable up and comer on here for a while. Absolutely massive rack and their stuffing videos were so good. They started at 230 and went up to 325.
>>52201 Nice. Have you ever talked about weight gain goals with her? Or is this more like a contract situation, where she expects to gain indefinitely while your together. I really doubt i could convince my gf to gain anything over 250. Like a lot of gainers, she likes the thought of being bigger but not being able to walk, sit up, etc.
Met my girl at around 230 lbs 7 years ago. She'd never heard about feederism until then, but I introduced it to her early on in our relationship. She'd eat a ton around me because she knew I loved it. But she's also a greedy foodie so she didn't need much encouragement on my part. She hit 280 lbs she decided to start a diet and get her weight back on track. She did NOT want to end up over 300 lbs. I even helped her on her journey, but when she got down to 250 she hit a wall. No matter how much she exercised she couldn't get to her old weight. So once that high of weight loss was gone she started eating again. Then 2020 hit and the gyms closed. She gained ALL the weight back along with extra. Even when the gyms opened back up it was too late for her. She's currently sitting at 340 lbs in the other room, sleeping off an early morning breakfast binge...
>>52269 If that shit took 7 years that's no grounds to brag
>>52275 And what have you done lmfao
20 years ago my girlfriend went from 300 to 500 in 3 years. She worked in a plus size fashion store. She absolutely loved the idea of getting fatter. Her parents blamed me but in reality she was the one really into it. According to her fantasyfeeder profile she's still in the mid-400s. Biggest woman I went with was 620lb, she was something else. Great feeder date but at home her house was fucking mess. Regularly had a fuck buddy relationship with a 500lb black woman when I ran a bar. She was filthy. Tits as big as your head.
>>52228 Is she a feedee as well? How did you meet her?
Met my girl when she was 17 (she lied about her age) and around 300lbs, 5'2". I put the brakes on things when I found out she was underage but she reconnected with me after she turned 18. We moved in together and she blew up. She came from an abusive household where her eating was heavily restricted so with 24/7 access to chicken nuggets and Twinkies she gained ~75 pounds the first year or so. She's stacked with S-tier proportions but started to lose a lot of mobility when she hit the 400s. So she's tried to diet a few times since, losing 25-50lbs each time, but has always gained it all back plus extra. Currently sitting around 425. A perfect, fat little doughball.
When I started seeing my wife, she found my porn folder. She didn’t say anything about it for a year or so, but said “when I saw that you had videos of girls who were bigger than me eating cupcakes, I knew you were actually into me”. I don’t push her to gain, but it’s happened. As someone who’s dated self-hating fats, this was like winning the lottery.
Blew up my ex from 295 to around 345 in the ~1.5 years that we lived together through a steady diet of takeout every night. She went from hating her body to acceptance all the way to internalizing my fetish so much that she became highly insecure any time we came across a woman who was larger than her. A few months after I broke up with her, I invited her over for sex in a moment of weakness and she tried to tempt me back with her by offering to keep eating her way to 400 pounds. Never felt so turned off and turned on at the same time.
>>52850 Whyd you break up?
Started out just eating wrong, turned into laziness, now she is actively gaining for me. She gets off on the spoiled wife vibes/ looking pregnant and has gained 30 pounds since the last picture in the collage amazingly. Solo picture is her a few days ago. I had no intention to fatten her up initially which makes it so much better for me.
>>52886 I'm jealous anon, I look forward to your next post when she gains another 30 pounds
>>52835 I briefly dated a girl who was 5'3" and 230lbs when we met. Before we met, she absolutely ballooned during covid lockdown, more than doubling her weight and getting up to 270lbs - quite quickly too, in only about 1½ years. In other words, she went from 120ish to 270 to 230. Despite still actively losing weight while we were dating, she was by far the most into feedism of any girl I've dated. For example she liked heing called fatty/piggy, liked me groping her belly in public etc. She was only losing weight because of her health (she was very close to becoming diabetic) otherwise she would've kept gaining. This sounds good (and it was) but had its drawbacks too. She constantly complained about being hungry because she was dieting. And she regularly tried to cajole me into sabotaging her diet, basically so that she could blame me for binging/gaining and absolve herself of responsibility, which led to fights between us. The reason I am replying to your post is because she once asked me to show her an example of a fat girl I liked on social media. I showed her picrel and she said "oh, you like 'em BIG big, huh?" and that sort of opened the floodgates for the feedism stuff. After that she showed me a WG comp video she'd made of herself showing her journey to 270, and pics of her with another BBW she'd slept with. In the end I broke up with her primarily because she was very immature and mentally unstable (very severe ADHD and 3 serious suicide attempts), and secondarily because the constant "I'm trying to lose weight, but I want you to fatten me up, but I'll yell at you for not feeding me / yell at you for feeding me" drove me fucking insane.
>>52886 Fuck yeah. I love it when women look perpetually pregnant
>>52886 good lord man what are you feeding her? my girl is trying to gain, but she struggles to eat large amounts of food. constant snacking helped her gain about 40lbs, but she's plateaued and wants more.
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She drinks 2 of these every night before bed. She’s getting so fat so quickly that it’s mind boggling. She was twig thin 2 years ago and now she looks like a beached whale
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>>53815 Damn those cable matters 10Gbps snagless cats really fatten a girl up huh
My girl was about 270 when we met 6 years ago and shes about 360-370 now. She isnt into my kinks but she is a piggy with an appetite. She was trying to lose weight, and I am supportive, but she seems to be losing steam. I wanna see her hit 400 by March.
>>52367 Nice. Anything else you wanna share?
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Nowhere near as big of numbers as a lot of the posters mention, but my ex porked up a fair amount while we were together. With my help: making sure she always got second helpings, leaving snacks around that she couldn’t resist, getting her drunk, which would always make her eat more… She wasn’t happy about it, so it was always a struggle to have an idea what she weighed. She’s 5’4” and I guess went from around 130 to around 200.
>>54328 My wife’s been on a Zionist kick recently so I hid her antidepressants.
>>54331 Don’t shoot yourself in the foot though, anon: often those anti-depressants are good for causing weight gain. ;-)
>>54332 Ehh 10 years ago yes but most anti depressants have the opposite effect now a days.
>>54332 If you think antidepressants cause weight gain wait till you see what manic depression does. Binge mania and depressed snacking.
>>54328 So…revenge porn?
>>54339 Wow. Something tells me she’s not the deranged one in the relationship lol
