/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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(197.41 KB 1120x985 wrongberries.jpg)
YET ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER BLUEBERRY THREAD: you're a big berry; 4 BLUE Anonymous 07/12/2024 (Fri) 21:58:56 Id:7efc86 No. 119924
Prev. Thread: https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/101407.html Alright, last thread got bumplocked, so now we got a new thread here. The rules are the same as always, post anything berry inflation related basically, fics, animations, etc.
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some fics https://www.deviantart.com/chocobometal/art/The-Blue-Momet-841237794 https://www.deviantart.com/ebikiyo/art/TF-Kawakami-berry-918104740 https://www.deviantart.com/adipose-rex/art/Anniversary-Weekend-440043007 https://www.deviantart.com/aggroh/art/COMM-The-Big-Squeeze-at-the-Juice-Bar-922218106
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annnnnnnnd some animations
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Villaru be fuckin' cooking 🤤
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can anyone update jigglywigglys kemono for spider gwen blueberr comci? or just drop it in this thread? https://www.deviantart.com/jigglywigglythings/art/Spider-Gwen-preview-1-993674419 link for ref, i have a MAB of BB videos for anyone willing too.
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So, does anyone have Method Acting (I think) made by nepuofinflation?
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>>120542 Here some versions of the first two pics that aren't for ants
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This pic hits a little too close to home (Artist: RoyalJellySandwich)
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(470.25 KB 4096x3996 Topaz Blueberry Sequence pt1-4.jpg)
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You know, recently, I've been giving a lot of thought to how blueberry inflation works from a biological standpoint. And I don't mean how the body can stretch to such a cartoonish extent, or how the human skeleton reacts when the body reaches a certain size, that pertains more to inflation in general. So, how exactly does your body "fill up with juice"? Now, I understand that the answer to this can very depending on the cause of the inflation, be it gum, being contaminated produce, or just coming into contact with someone else's juices, so let's say it's the gum. What kind of ingredients in the gum could cause your body to fill with juice, to the point that it changes the pigment of your skin (even your hair and CLOTHES, in some cases)? Does it somehow replace the blood in your veins with juice? And in that case, does the juice have oxygen? Because otherwise, that sounds like an immediate embolism. And once the juice has been removed, if someone drinks it, does that make them a cannibal/vampire? Alternatively, if it's not blood, where exactly does all the juice go? Does it just pool into various empty pockets of the body (excluding the lungs because, again, no oxygen = uh oh)? Keep in mind that this is before the gum even hits the stomach, if ever. Maybe the gum works like chewing tobacco, where it has tiny shards of glass to cut slits in your gums to make absorption of the gum's properties easier. >t. someone with way to much time on their hands
I propose that it has to do with body fat, perhaps due to some reaction the fat is transformed into some by-product of milk but with properties similar to blueberries. Of course, the fat that is affected is the one that is close to the skin and depending on the levels of body fat, the swelling of the blueberry can vary in size
Pocharimochi comes out of the woodwork every 6 months to draw a single berry and drops kino.
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>>120951 I just usually tend to imagine (as someone who knows practically nothing about the human body) that basically a person's stomach would fill up, and juice would get carried through the blood to cause the color change. It would just get dropped off and be absorbed into the skin to cause the change. (It's how a person can turn Orange from eating too many carrots) Hair and eyes are a bit of a stretch, but you could argue that the skin gets overloaded and seeps a small amount of juice through the skin to get absorbed by the clothes. (Sidenote: the blue starting at the nose never makes sense. I can understand it starting at the belly or all over at once, but the nose is just a weird spot no matter how you look at it.) Then once the belly gets full and can no longer grow, the juice gets squeezed through like playdough and fills up, basically as you said, the empty areas of your body. There is no scientific way to do this without bare minimum permanent damage, but it would basically fill out everything between your organs and your skin. Meaning, yes, it would rip your skin away from your muscle, but shush. It's a fantasy for a reason. Picture for attention, but to also bring attention to another theory, that all the juice goes through the bloodstream and gets dumped into your skin. So your skin is entirely what's growing, leaving organs and the like untouched underneath. I like it from a least amount of permanent damage to your body aspect, but the berry would not be nearly as sloshy this way and would be far less possible to juice. Works far more with permaberries if you ask me
>>121025 *that basically a person's stomach would fill up, the juice would get picked up and carried through the blood stream, then dropped off and absorbed into the skin, causing the color change*
It's just a fucking fetish, don't look for logic in it, my friend, with all due respect and without offending, enjoy it or go fuck yourself
>>121025 The bigger problem than all of that is: where does all this juice come from? There's not really a way to compress it all in a gum, most liquids are already as packed as they can be, so compressing anything wouldn't make any sense, and then if that's the case then we're basically either in the realm of magic or far flung science fiction anyways, so it doesn't matter much what the process is, you could come up with a million stupid fictional ways it might happen.
>>121031 >where does all this juice come from? I'd like to think the bodily fluids are converted into blueberry juice/blueberry juice mixtures (ie. blueberry milk) and are ceaselessly replicated up until the blueberrified individual either ripens or bursts.
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>>121033 This, only instead of fluid being converted, I prefer like stomach acid just starting a chain reaction. Kind of like how bombs work by removing a section in the middle to allow two chemicals to react, this "juice" breaks down and causes a replication process. I also prefer this line of thought because I prefer the victim to have their fate sealed the moment the juice hits their stomach. Like, maybe they can get away with slightly less swelling and still having limbs if they spit it out right as the flavor hits their tongue, but all in all, if they are still chewing by the time they finish turning blue, they are just a berry now. No stopping it
Now cranberry juice is no longer a liquid, it is now an air, wouldn't it be easier to say that it absorbs moisture from the environment?
>>120977 Wish she wasn't so hung up on if she likes berries or not because every time she makes one it's some of the best out there. Love when WG artists do berries.
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>>121033 I personally picture it as becoming like sudo fat cells or taking over those cells, not a lot of sense biologically but it makes sense to me for how they can almost ignore the swelling sometimes.
Does anyone know or have that animation where a woman goes in a fast food restaurant where she orders a muffin till she starts inflating into a blueberry? I remember it was on DeviantArt, but the user deleted his DA account. And now idk where he is?
>>121643 The artist's name was zatdogggggg, sorry about the webm format but it wouldn't accept the mov
>>121659 it's alright, I'm fine with mp4 and webms
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Yeah Burstoid is deleting all his stuff in a day. Smoke it if you got it. https://www.deviantart.com/burstoid/art/update-1083171217
Motherfucker! Another artist is quitting and nuking their account because DA is run by a bunch of bots and prudes. Burstoid is giving us 48 hours to save his shit. His edits are the tits, so all of you out there who aren’t old fucks like me that don’t know how MEGA or Google Drive folders are made need to archive his 300+ posts ASAP! God speed, you beautiful horny nerds. https://www.deviantart.com/burstoid
>>121742 So fucking stupid. Just ghost your accounts if you want to be done. Don’t make it a spectacle and then nuke your portfolio.
>>121742 Actually the real reason why burstoid is quitting is due to mental health issues from being cautious about having his kink public, he LITERALLY fucking stated it in that post. DA had absolutely nothing to do with it.
>>121782 Case in point he’s also nuking his twitter account as well.
>>121783 (Forgot to mention that)
>>121784 Anyways if anyone saved all of his work yet, could you please give us a complete archive in a zip folder? Im gonna try to save all of his stuff but just in case because speaking of Burstoid does anyone still have the morphs of Vanessa from the bee movie and that French poacher chick (don’t feel like spelling her name) from one of the Madagascar sequels (Europes most wanted to be exact)? apparently he has since took those down for some reason (shame cuz they were actually really good morphs, and before you asked I checked theyre neither on his twitter nor DA accounts) I swear he made morphs of those characters. Because he has took down stuff before on both twitter and DA. Also don’t forget about his celeb morphs because he took them off on DA cuz they no longer allow any celeb morphs of any kind, their still on his twitter so don’t forget to snatch those before he takes them down for good.
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https://www.deviantart.com/darkenn-productions/art/CM-Ayame-Chews-THAT-Gum-1065684842 Great Sequence, would be nice if someone could provide the individual parts aswell
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RWBY girls like blueberries
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Anyone got the latest The Blue Baron posts from his Patreon? https://www.patreon.com/bluebaron
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New Jigglywigglythings comic about Scarlett is out, if anyone has.
Looking for JigglyWigglyWiggyThing’s Spider-Gwen stuff if anyone has the full comic.
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We need more blueberry Taiga
Does anyone have Berrycowxo newer stuff?
>>122183 Artist?
dude berrycowxo is a fucking spineless whore, that bitch is posting fucking fortnite content now
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>>122585 I can't tell it's a little difficult to spot distinctions
>>122585 Why does that equate to them being a "spineless whore?"
>>122258 Damn for a second I thought taigaholic would make a good berry boy
>>122585 i just think their content is overrated af
>>122585 Content creator makes content based on something they're a fan of - In other breaking news fork found in kitchen
Fortnite content brings out the worst in people, I lost so many friendships to that fucking game that it pisses me off.
>>122897 I mean if someone's willing to cut off a friendship over a game maybe it's not a friend worth having. Like me and mine get pissed at games all the time but we know it's not that big of a deal.
Does anyone have the Axel Rosered art of the one piece blueberry girls?
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>>123363 thanks
Didn’t know where to post this link. Don’t have a Violet/Scarlett thread. Wish someone would make animatic. https://youtu.be/Iz2XMMtjJKQ?feature=shared
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Jessie sequence by JigglyWigglyThings on X. Pretty cool in my opinion.
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>>123950 Where is this from?
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>>124027 Whos the artist?
>>124030 i believe it's chubby tubby 3000. here is the instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/chubby_tubby_3000/?g=5
can someone please get spidergwen blueberry from jigglywiggly things
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>>124354 Jesus Fucking Christ, go whine like a hungry dog on the beg threads for JIggly's discombobulated, disingenuous shit of the single most basic bitch to ever blight inflation fetishism, or just cough off the ten measly fucking dollars and buy it yourself. If you put in as much time and effort into working for it instead pleading like an entitled child, you'd have it by now. Now fuck off, you pathetic, parasitic coomer.
>>124514 would it change your mind if i told you i do have stuff to offer
How are they able to move their limbs after being stretched out so far?
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Fun fact: fear and hunger has blueberry pies and I just find it funny that in a world where everything tries to kill you and your starving good old berry pie still exists! Honestly kinda tickles me that there could be a variation that turns you into a juice bomb destined to blow apart or something. I guess you die of hungry or live long enough to pop a a blueberry? Or something. Either way do what you wish with this info! Their is a icon for it but I can find photos of it but yeah have fun if you can find someone character or oc worthy of the pie infection
>>124585 At which point in me slamming JigglyWigglyThings as a hack fraud whose work is so surreal and shitty that it's like watching someone with a concussion have a wet dream and condemning Spiderverse Gwen Stacy a repulsively overused and overrated fap idol for monkey-brained normie coomers with as few functioning brain cells as taste buds did you somehow, and oh how, somehow, conclude: "duuuuuh, dis mus mean he haz teh jigglywiggly things spidergwen blueberry cumic, he jus no want 2 give me fo free." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb2Ct3yyB4g Maybe stop masturbating for a minute and read a book, or do some critical thinking puzzles, or something, so your brain doesn't get so liquefied that you're squirting chunks of it out whenever you jerk off.
>>124585 What do you have
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>>124680 No one cares, shut up.
>>124729 nah i care because why is >>124585 so retarded
>>124680 Such seething envy for another artist is a real bad look for you, FW.
>>124680 >normie coomers ...Did you just admit you're a coomer hipster?
>>124785 Jigglywigglythings is the last person to be envious of, he's calling him shitty because he really is shitty. Mumbai Public Water shitty, London 1800s Cholera Piss-water soaked onto a sheet of a4 paper would illicit more of a hardon from most than the vile 'broken' look of JWTs works. The whole build up of his images is just awful, usually it's ass expansion which I don't mind, but it suddenly cuts to them having a really, ugly swollen asshole and crying blue tears. If it helps you to understand how he probably isn't even doing this because he has an inflation fetish, he used to (or still does, I cba to check) have a separate account in which he used to post shit like beastiality and painful BDSM.
Triple F leak
I already know someone probably has this on pre order with the intention of swapping heads with black windows and Harley Quinn figures maybe some poison ivy s or something lmfao!
>>125240 Let's just pray nobody makes a weird YouTube elsagate channel with this fucking thing!
anyone have any pics from juicyplusteam's patreon? I can't tell if they're actually a real account or not given their DA pics are always so weird but I've always been curious
>>125239 looks shit as always >>125285 they're real, though their kemono hasn't been updated in months: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/83452558
>>125290 Source?
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>>124785 >Making baseless accusations that I'm Freakin Weirdo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJiUfnIzbVM Did you finally get banned from 4Chan and decided to take your self-righteous jihad against FW here? Whatever the case, that is as hilariously pathetic as the fart fappers on the gas threads accusing each other of being The Hungry Lurker. >>124900 No. I don't dress like a sissy-gay, limp-wristed lumberjack, or have as shitty tastes in music as Zack Snyder, five figures of student loan debt for a worthless degree, and the odious politics of a metropolitan, metrosexual nü-Marxist. I was using "normie" as a synonym for "basic bitch." The simping for Gwen Stacy is as irritating as the covens of stereotypical snatches going gaga for overpriced pumpkin spice lattes every autumn. >>124915 Appreciation for your witty, snarky analogies aside, this is exactly what I'm saying. JigglyWigglyThings has some of the worst sequence progression I've ever seen. He often can't even maintain consistent design fundamentals or aesthetics between pages, sometimes even between panels on the same damn page, and that's before considering his proclivity for rectums so repulsively engorged they look fucking prolapsed. >" he probably isn't even doing this because he has an inflation fetish" BINGO. I actually briefly spoke to JWT when he was new on the scene and showed some initial promise, and he told me himself that not only does he not have a fetish for blueberry inflation, he doesn't even like it, and has zero passion for the content, both for partaking and making it. He only sees monetizing his work as a way of funding his real passions, namely freelance music production, which is staggeringly ironic, because you'd think the occasional musical elements of his inflation work would be the one thing that he'd flex his chops and show off what he's actually passionate for... but nope; his Oompa-Loompa songs have, bar none, the worst fucking lyrics I have ever seen in blueberry inflation fetishism. He frequently can't even keep them to a proper meter, which, for trying to be a musician -- an artist working in a medium built upon a cornerstone of steady time intervals -- is like trying to be a mathematician when you can't count. If his Oompa-Loompa lyrics were drum beats, they'd make even Lars Ulric look like Neal Peart. JWT is a hack fraud. His content isn't just cynical and disingenuous, its so bad that I sincerely wonder if it's meant to be a condescending "fuck you" to everyone who's into girls turning into giant blueberries. That so many coomers still so eagerly lap up his shit or squeal like starving otters outside a sushi bar for freebees of his self-confessed cash-grabs makes me mourn for how far the standards for acceptable content have fallen. If JWT were any more of a con man, he'd be RiddlerCorps.
>>125411 Hi Lurker, still pretending you don't constantly try to constantly instigate hostility in the slob and brap threads despite your continued pitiful claims you totally abstain from such behavior? I'm sure daddy FW is so very proud of you since the coward can't be bothered to do fuckall for himself anymore but piss and shit into whatever apparatus assists him in standing upright. This isn't going to end well for you.
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Hatsune Miku has grown bigger, and despite essentially being a giant fruit, is happily performing on-stage with her fellow Vocaloid girls Megurine Luka and Meiko.
>>125419 Thanks for confirming that this "freakinweirdo" guy is just a scapegoat for retards like you, Anon
>>125419 >this tard is still trying to start fights between berry and fart fags while having schizo meltdowns about some guy whos stopped doing art for over a decade
>>125411 Lars ulrich line made me geg, although people are a little harsh on the drumming dane. That aside, everything you've said explains alot but freelance music production? Wouldn't it just be better to produce music anyhow? It's not exactly expensive to install one of those sampler/creation apps on your PC... He's not just a fraud but a scammer, too. I recall about a year ago he was releasing 'comics' every other week, one was accompanied by an animation. When the file containing all these piece of shit comics was leaked on here, The animation was a 2 FRAME LOOP of a still image, I can't remember the exact scene in mind but I'm somewhat thankful for it. I have to mention the fact that he never makes an attempt to clothe the fact he chooses the most typical/overused characters to draw. Elastigirl, francine, VIOLET, for fuck sake, violet, and the last time I checked he's in the process of creating some new yummy crayon-colored slop with scarlett.
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Does anyone have that nancy wheeler blueberry inflation morph by biggereveryminute? (Might not be the right name)
>>125522 I didnt know this was a sequence, what a nice surprise.
>>120763 Can someone share this part of the comic? I dont care for the full story, I just want this catgirl’s inflation sequence in full>>120763
>>125522 Any sauce perchance my lad?
>>125536 https://www.deviantart.com/expansion-fan-comics/art/Alien-Cat-Girl-Blueberry-Inflation-1077253846
>>125411 Unless this dude is like a fucking pedophile, why do we care so strongly about him? Like, yeah. I don't hate everything he does but whenever he works in a prolapse or some shit I agree it's gross. Sometimes he makes shit art, quit wasting time and energy reiterating what we already know while also pushing the thread ever closer to bumplockdom and just move on. We're here to jerk off and post porn, not discuss the complexities of the inflation fetishist society with an unhealthily over reliance on finger sniffing 4chan humor that would make even Mr. Rodgers look unlikable.
>>125634 It's sort of necessary to discuss that there's a 500 ton elephant in the room of blueberry inflation, who is a non-fetishsist that doesn't know what he's doing. Other than that, I agree it would be better suited for the 'things that piss you off' thread. 'unless the dude is a pedophile'... I think most people that utilise 'aging up' violet as an excuse to make violet content are strange. Not outright pedophiles as some xitter faggots would say, but it's bizzare that you'd rather inflate the child but 8 years older, instead of her mother, or anybody else. Definitely a gateway for pedophilic fantasies.
>>125637 It's literally just autism. I've met those people. They aren't pedos or anything close, but they are still some of the most autistic individuals I have ever spoken with. They're obsessed with redoing the scenes from the movies, and dislike any deviation from it. At best they'll desperately try and steer everything over to a one-to-one of the scene, and at worst they will have an honest to god meltdown. It doesn't have to be over Violet. It can be over the dialogue, it can be over the outfit, it can be over the midgets or it can (and this is the reddest flag somehow) be over the fucking sing-song rhymes. They literally just want to repeat the scenes and will perform olympics-level mental gymnastics to excuse their obsession with a setup that's mid at best, and extremely overplayed at worst. Which is, of course, their fault.
>>125715 Funnily enough it's my own experience that leads me to believe its fetishistically pedophilic, But I can see where your coming from. I'm not sure if this is related or not but a while ago i found out veruca gloop (if you don't already know who she is, you're better off lmao) is a legit pedophile enacting pedophilic roleplays on f-list. There were a bunch of accounts with the main focus of bad ends and such, but the main appeal was that she'd be playing as a bratty young girl that ends up in a bad way. You'd think this is bad enough, But another thing was when you looked on the scenarios she wanted to play out, many of them included straight up sex scenes in a 'sex factory' and gore scenes in a 'meat factory' like being turned into meat. Usually this would be a pretty baseless accusation but a report my post was linked, said report my post was veruca gloops. I imagine little will come of my claims, but it's just to show you why I believe what I do about violetfags and their obsession.
>>125715 Assuming you're serious, I doubt most autists with that severe of a condition would be capable of performing "olympic level gymnastics", nor possess enough awareness to know that what they are into is among the most mediocre concepts in the genre. Could you give us some examples of what you've experienced? Not to say you are wrong, as autism runs rampant in the circles who enjoy inflation (and unless DeviantArt fully stamps out the "art", it'll probably stay that way), but it wouldn't be reasonable to believe vague claims based on a "just trust me, bro" mindset.
>>125740 >Could you give us some examples of what you've experienced? >At best they'll desperately try and steer everything over to a one-to-one of the scene, and at worst they will have an honest to god meltdown. It doesn't have to be over Violet. It can be over the dialogue, it can be over the outfit, it can be over the midgets or it can (and this is the reddest flag somehow) be over the fucking sing-song rhymes. >>125717 Agree to disagree I guess, I'm still certain it's not pedo shit as much as it is an obsession with the movie scenes. Perhaps not as unhealthy, but it doesn't make me want to associate with wonkafags any more.
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>>125508 I probably could have come up with a better, less milquetoast analogy, but it was the best one I could come up with at the time. That's what he had told me his own motivations were. He linked me something he's (supposedly) recorded, but I was too busy to listen to it at the time, and after coming to realize what a huckster he is, I didn't bother to make the time for it. As far as I know, JWT has never gone as full-bore as to shit out comics on a weekly basis, but on par with being disjointed and ugly, his work is also lazy. There was a gif from his second comic if I remember right, of a blueberry getting rigorously juiced off-screen and spraying her juices all over FemWonka and Loompettes, and the "animation" was just of JWT scribbling over a base image with a flat blue paintbrush: Jeb Bush on ketamine levels of low energy. JWT using the most overused characters would at least be more palatable if the work he was making of them was at least good and from a place of sincerity, but it isn't, it looks like as much ass as the grotesquely engorged rectums he's so keen on drawing. Then on top of that, after Gumroad decided to pull a Tumblr and ban all NSFW content, he's locked some of his comics behind Subscribe Star paywalls that can get as expensive as twenty to even THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS A MONTH, like he's clearly hoping some people subscribe to those tiers and forget about it for as long as he can keep leaching off them. Jiggly Wiggly Things is to blueberry inflation what Planet Fitness is to exercise. His wares are such an insult to the intelligence that the only way you can like it is if you don't have any. >>125634 Jiggly Wiggly Things is worth talking about and condemning openly because bad-faith actors poisoning the well of content with poor, predatory products are toxic for any economy. Take video games for example; the amount of damage to the public image to publishers from people protesting against the inclusion of invasive microtransactions during the mid 2000's, but which especially ramped up during the 2010's with the advent of mobile "gaming," more often than not did not outweigh the income those publishers were gouging from the consoomerist players, except in rare cases like Disney's Star Wars EA's Battlefront 2: "Surprise Mechanics" Boogaloo and EA's Dungeon Keeper Mobile: Give Us Your Fucking Money, You Cunt. And because of that, shit like loot boxes, in-game stores, $15 cosmetic items, battle passes, and pay-to-play mechanics have consumed the industry like the mushroom on Parasect's back... and in part, we are to blame, because we either let it happen, or even bought into it. Gamers deserve the industry they paid for. Same principle applies to JWT. His work is shit, but the retarded fap monkeys eating it up are too coomer-brained to care; they might even (incorrectly) think it's good. If he's held up as a standard of quality, some people might even try to emulate it, and then we'll have more terrible blueberry art, maybe even more blueberries with disgustingly enlarged assholes. Worse, somebody might even get the idea that they can start making money with their awful, JWT-inspired "art," too, and it'll just cause an ill-begotten feedback loop that'll just steer the art and the conventions of the genre towards being steadily shittier and shittier. YOU might only be on this board to go rooting for material to masturbate to like a truffle pig for porn, but that doesn't mean it also can't be used to have more meaningful discussions, or that it shouldn't. If you're only here to cock your meat gun, it's not like you have to read any of the longer posts. And if "wasting responses" really was that big a deal to you, then you could at least not contribute to the "problem" that you're bitching about and include a least one picture in your own post. I swear, people have such short fucking attention spans that merely seeing a collection of words longer than a fucking tweet makes them as angry as Marxists when you point out and laugh at how their false prophet/senpai's grave is now someone else's private property. >>125637 Eh, while never being into that kind of stuff myself, potentially against my better judgement, I'll play devil's advocate and wager that a lot of the people who enjoy Violet as a legal age woman aren't doing it because they're playing footsie with pedophilia. I think it's far more likely that they happened to simultaneously hit puberty and saw either movie when they would have been around the same age as Violet/the actress(es) who played her, possibly even experienced a sexual awakening by watching her turn into a giant blueberry, and while their attraction or affection stayed with them through the years as they got older, the Violet they had a crush on didn't, and they're just trying to fill in the gap. It's certainly a very morally grey area that content and intent should be heavily considered, but I think merely the fact that they're putting in the effort to make Violet 18 or older is an indication that they understand sexualizing her as younger than that is a stigma at best, evil at worst (and which becomes less of the former and more the later the younger she is), and they are trying to act as ethically as possible... as ethical as you can be about porn of women turning into gigantic, hyper-sexualized blueberries. What you should be far more concerned with are the people who don't even bother to age Violet up at all. Furthermore, making such a reductionist statement of adult Violet as just "the [10+ year old] child but 8 years older" is a bit bad faith, as it discounts how an 18 year old young woman is not only considered sexually mature, but almost twice as old as when she was 10. Take that argument to its logical extreme, and you could argue that anyone whose ever been sexually attracted to an of-age woman is actually a closet pedophile with as evil intentions as Ian Watkins because the woman of their desires used to be a teenager/child/infant. That's such an absurd, puritanical, bad-faith fiat so obviously built not on any sound or just moral foundation but to make "criminals" out of everyone so that anyone can be arbitrarily persecuted or purged at the dictator's leisure... that I half expect that to also be stealth-written into Deviant Art's terms of service.
>>125780 As 'bad faith' as it seems, and I'll keep it brief, perhaps I was being too vague about what I meant. An obsession with violet; not just the character but the characteristics of the 10 year old asking her mother what's happening to her, Wearing a blue tracksuit, Being bratty in nature. It really does group into this (intentional or not) factor of fetishistic obsession with violet herself. Chellchip is probably the biggest offender, going as far to add braces... I'm admittedly biased against alot of this just because of what I've seen on the Internet like >>125717 This shit, along with many other creeps that are still posting like the pajeet whos made 40+ chapters of 'violet and the Indian prince', OkayOk (Who has the potential to make great things (And has demonstrated such) but will often choose to show how much of a no strings attached creep he can be), The aforementioned chellchip, and probably the most esoteric of any of these, so0bek/songauregarde/whatever he goes by now. Anyhow... Continuing the JWT discussion, You're right that people rush to him for the purpose of cheap slop that is often so bright its a hindrance to the eyes both on the front of its content plus its illustration. The recently bumplocked Opik-oort thread had alot of cope about how they (opik) focused too much on the story of their PDE series (Mind you, by now it's been going for around 8 years). While I agree it's bothersome to have an imbalance of smut and story, They've actually managed to make a somewhat captivating story over the inconclusive nonsense that's come out of Expansionfan, lord-altros and OkayOk Inflation Comics that are similarly popular in the community. Sure, it might not even make sense in the end (the company featured in the story is practically Wonka in space) but the characters are charming and there's few, if any, plot issues to be found. Slightly irrelevant tangent but I thought I'd sing my praises while highlighting how many site users would sooner just infinitely coom to the works of JWT and others of his calibre.
>>125634 There are two types of people who are into berries: the severely autistic and people who allow their personal insecurities to control portions of their lives. Based on the spiteful tones and heavy personal investment in otherwise meaningless topics, the people you're talking to are definitely the insecure type. You are also right in that the analogies are painfully embarrassing to read, but it only happens because they aren't willing to go out and make something of themselves. If you choose not to take control over your life, celebrities, communities, and anything else you perceive as bigger than yourself will automatically take priority. These people are similar to autists in that they cannot change unless they have an epiphany, so don't pay them any more mind than you deem reasonable.
Can you take this somewhere else we're just trying to jerk off. It's not that deep
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huh neat anyway look at these berries lol
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>>125797 That's exactly the point I and >>125715 are trying to make. One trait of real autists (not overgrown adult children making excuses for why they won't mature) is that they're nigh incapable of processing new information that's outside their hyper-myopic understanding of the world. They can't just get off to any decently sexy scenario of a woman turning into a blueberry: in their monomaniacle minds, it "has" to take place in a magic candy factory, "because that's what was in the movie(s);" it "has" to be a brat in blue attire who takes gum she shouldn't have "because it was in the movie(s);" she "has" to say all the exact same god damned lines, "because they were in the movie(s);" there "HAS" to be a gaggle of midgets rolling her around and singing "the" fucking song about what a brat she is "bEkAwZ iT wUz iN tEh mOoVeE(s)!!1!one" They don't have a blueberry inflation fetish, they have a factory tour/inventing room fetish, so to them, anything that doesn't hit all the exact same beats is "wRoNg." It's a categorical, decades of documentation, crystalized example of "chasing the dragon," except it's even more futile than that, because they're trying to retroactively superimpose their present day sexual triggers on a scene they saw in the past, when the might have not even been old enough to fully understand what arousal is. That fits Chip_Chell to a "T," right down to making all her(?) 05-esque factory tour pictures being darker than watching a poorly post-converted 3D movie while wearing a pair of sunglasses ("BEKAWZ ITZ LIEK TEH MOOVEE!!!"), but also frequently, almost exclusively, using furry characters as stand-ins for Violet. Which is a pity, because outside factory tour settings that are 80% "can't see shit," she(?) has drawn several very good blueberries that present an admirable knowledge of principles like color theory, contrast, and lighting/shading, examples linked. As long as we're getting specific... I will personally refrain from accusing verucagloop of being a pedophile without more concrete evidence... which even if true, I don't even need to find her repulsive. That bitch has more red flags than a golf course built on a mine field in communist China. Even just her username is a brazen, flagrant embrace of gluttony, greed, and insatiable entitlement. She's just another dime-a-dozen, morbidly obese, cam-whore O.B.E.E.F who thinks that despite having a BMI of "over half" can still garner undeserved swaths of money and/or attention from a legion of beta bitch simps by doing nothing but post pics of her fat fuck self... and who is unfortunately, deplorably correct. You can tell just by her pictures that the bitch probably smells as bad as she looks. I don't think uruseiranma is either a Sihk or a Canukistani. His profile pic is a picture of himself (granted with face obscured), and he looks like he might have some oriental heritage mixed with Californian white... but what he looks the most like is the deuteragonist Mark from his Beach Blanket Blueberry comic, so that the thing he's most well-known for might also be a self-insert fetish fiction makes the fact that he thought he could be the next Johnny Swell and make the next Bizarre Adventures of Berry Girl that was over four times as long as Berry Girl when he had only a fourth of Johnny's artistic skill even funnier. But, on topic, he might actually be a pedo, or, at "best," so autistic that he can't understand attraction to minors is wrong. He just straight-up has made content of inflated characters, animated and real life, who are very clearly under eighteen, quite a few of them also nude... and which are all still in his DA gallery. The fact that DA have started an inquisition against inflation and become so bitchy about how old subjects are that they won't even allow aged-up characters, yet some of uruseiranma's shit has remained unmolested for in excess of FIFTEEN YEARS blows my fucking mind. OkayOk also strikes me as pretty pedophilic at times. There is a lot of glorification/sexualization of prepubescent traits and infantilization, most notably through his diaper fetish (also, add some ick points for coprophilia). Then there's also inflated, topless, non-aged-up Violet, age regression, that comic about those young boys getting into their parents sexual transformation candies... yeah, I think he might at least be a side-pedo. I don't know enough about Songauregarde's content to make that call. Most of the stuff I saw related to him was just commissions and requests of Scarlet Beauregarde, for who he was an unapologetic simp for. But it might not even be applicable to him, for reasons I'll get to in a second. Even if he isn't a wannabe chomo, he's still a piece of shit; he's a flippantly, flagrantly recalcitrant coomer who had been masquerading as an adult with a bevy of sock accounts through which he infiltrated fetish communities since he was as young as 14. This has been confirmed by multiple sources, including Songauregarde (arrogantly) himself. He's likely of legal age now, but that still doesn't make him any less of a wretched cunt creature, given that under his pen name of Juicy-Writer, he was trying to fish commissions out of people by lying that his mom had cancer and that he was trying to raise money to help pay for her treatments. So on that alone, he's at least almost as much of a reprobate piece of shit as Boogie2988, and should also be ostracized with just as extreme of prejudice.. Based on circumstantial evidence I've personally experienced, I think Songauregarde might also operating a fav-collecting sock account named Timp-the-Simp. Brightness levels wouldn't even crack the top ten list of problems with JWT's "art." The far more prevalent issue is that it looks like shit, for all the reasons I've previously mentioned, and more. His work is so poor and so disingenuous that I can't, or to be honest, don't want to, fathom that his work can be enjoyed by anyone but rapacious coomsoomerists, who don't give the faintest of a fuck about the quality of content, only that they can fap to it. They're the coomer equivalent of that one Red Letter Media "just consume product" meme. Opik Oort is an extremely talented artist, and I can only wish I was even a fraction of as skilled, and more notably, ESPECIALLY as efficient as he is. That he's made this into a career and been doing it for almost twenty years without ever having burnt out by itself is impressive, regardless of the subject matter of the content he's making... yet, it's rare that any of his work does it for me. Not that I don't like porn with plot; Hell, I find it more enjoyable the more context and reasons to get emotionally invested there are, and his stories (usually...) aren't bad, but it seems like he's been focusing more on the story, where expansion and transformation are more of a plot device than they are the entire point. Opik rarely even draws nudity, let alone anything explicit. Granted, I'm kinda revealing my own preferences here; I'm one salacious son of a bitch whose ideal kind of inflation content to indulge in is more or less as sexual as stuff like Sinflative's smut. Again, I hold Opik in very high esteem, but I wish I could "enjoy" his work as much as so many others seem to... speaking of which, does know where I can find that picture Opik made of Rinko Iori as a blueberry in a zero-gravity environment? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Lord Altros, I've got nothing against. He's a decent, I'd even say good artist, but his style has seldom, if ever done anything for me. It's primarily the fat, puffy look he gives his inflatees that doesn't jostle my jimmies. OkayOk's comics, on top of all the previous issues I have with him/his work, don't do anything for me. Shit can get so surreal it veers into the realms of body horror. Expansion Fan... fucking hell, it's the opposite of Opik; quality varies wildly between writers and artists, but more often than not, they're threadbare, terrible stories, where the point frequently seems to be to cram in as much sexual shit as possible, narrative models of rising action be damned. None so are worse that Hotel Infinity... oh sweet Christ, Hotel Infinity... who can I blame/besmirch for that travesty? Writer, b-ridge? Artist, Wang? Expansion Fan themselves? It's like a creation of the worst combination between a horny 13 year old with zero control of their id who just learned how to adequately draw the female figure and a degenerate who's so burned out that they "have" resort to finding more and more debauched shit just to get it up. I speak no hyperbole when I say Hotel Infinity makes Paul Verhoeven's Showgirl's look downright reserved by comparison. >Slightly irrelevant tangent Both of these posts have pretty much just been tangents, but I hope you at least found my analyses interesting. ^^; Oh, but one last point, I'm surprised you didn't sus Fruit Frakker as a pedo. Check his Twitter; he's an open, ardent supporter of drag queen story hour, which to me screams that he wants to rape children. That's the only reason any of those predators has for supporting it. >>125783 Bumplock is only reached after a certain number of posts, not how verbose said posts are. If you're really panicking about not getting enough porn per post, you could at least include some pictures of your own. Unrepentantly loquacious as I am, I'm at least including stuff to look at. >>125846 Awfully audacious of you to arrogantly assume that people can only loathe JWT out of spite, and not because he's as fake as his art is shit, or that the people who disdain him haven't made anything remarkable. >"There are two types of people who are into berries: the severely autistic and people who allow their personal insecurities to control portions of their lives." Okay... so, which one are you? >>125849 Tell everyone here yo
>>125904 Its probably best to refrain from calling Vgloop an outright pedo with little evidence but i can't myself do the same, I guess this can be one of the many supposed events with no proof, or with proof but with very little merit, lmao. I won't link anything but if anybody on this thread is interested in actually seeing for themselves who I believe to be gloop, visit f-list and look for anything like 'bad ends' or 'bratty' themed characters that seem to fall within the same online times. Schizo Gloop theory talk, over, lmao. I think okayok is a somehow less... heinous pedophile? This is an absolutely absurd statement in normal circumstances but I really can't tell if his drive for making shit-filled nappy Age RG content is fuelled by the fact that Pedos pay a pretty hefty premium to see what they want as evident of both the legal stuff and the illegal stuff they open their wallets to, Or if he just likes to beat off to drawn images of, and yes this is blunt but it is the purest definition of the subject matter, kids. I subbed on the cheaper tier of his SubscribeStar to get access to his report my post and there wasn't any comments that remotely seemed dodgy coming from his account, But others were definitely saying shit that should've been monitored. Also, turns out the aforementioned songauregarde was writing for him for an invariable period of time but more on that further down. All in all I'm surprised OkayOk hasn't been mired in nearly as much controversy as others have in the past, He's (for the most part) silently reviled in most inflation crowds, I recall a few years back in the riddlercorps report my post (Another hack id rather not discuss) They unironically referred to him as 'the one who shall not be named.' I'll sing a rare praise and say that the WW comics he's made aren't terrible, some I'd say are pretty top shelf but again it suffers from an ambigously aged girl named 'Wynn' and her mother (Beauregarde/Salt stand ins) and the 3rd issue of the 1st series... I won't go any further in my explanation but you'll likely have heard of it. I've known songauregarde since the days of 2021 where that wasn't even his identity, rather 'So0bek' instead. He operated this relatively big server which I can't remember the name of, But it's one of the first ones you'll find searching for 'inflation' on the disboard server finder. This was basically a teenage perverts online playpen, He gave women of the server who spoke to him the title of 'boob queen' and endeavored to make his online relationship with somebody called maddie so public that he'd post art (most of it being made by kell-of-kinks) of him, her and often wendy wonka (Again, I'll get into this further down) in the server and on his now deactivated DA. He 'resigned' from the server and the community (For a few months before he'd start the infamous songauregarde arc) Out of nowhere announcing to everybody that he was 15 and leaving. Side note, So0bek is quite literally what he uses for every personal social media, not exactly wise when there's atleast a few dozen people you've either made a mockery of, created what could've become massive legal issues, Or outright scammed. Yet again, more on that. The songauregarde shit didn't really last too long since there aren't that many Polish ESLs obsessed with factory settings and wonka OCs on the Internet and it didn't take people too long to find out it was him, Although it's who he most prefers to identity as. JuicyWriter was not even his worst failed persona, although its definitely up there. Not only was he scamming people with a fake 'Comm me to make inflation stories to save my mother from death', but said stories were mostly AI generated. Ive heard about one 'inflateman' commissioning him in a bulk of £200, which he never completed. After that it was 'inflationfan2005' which most definitely IS his worst venture into trying to erase his past under a new identity, since this time he was using a free AI programme to generate images of violet and her mother, AND CHARGING FOR IT! Not sure how lower you can go after that point. As mentioned before he wrote for OkayOk for a period of time, And when OkayOk caught wind of his 'scandals' he supposedly stopped it all, although it's probably because their association went public and OkayOk wanted to patch shit up. So0bek/songauregarde has been fetishistically obsessed, supposedly to the point of derangement, with wendy wonka for years now. He has commed art of her and his 'OC' (Mind you, she is a wendy wonka clone), He has entered countless art raffles in the range of the 100s to get free art of his WW clone OC, under so0bek he shared a free link to one of okayoks comics which led to him being blocked by the latter, begging others to get OkayOk to unblock him, As I previously mentioned he even included WW without any kind of approval from OkayOk in art between him and his E-Girlfreind, and has evidently gone batshit crazy whenever he's accused of being obsessed with WW, Wonka scenarios or Violet/Scarlett. The only people that tolerate him now are the people he opens his wallet to, like LordAltros who he's recently commissioned a body horror piece from, for some reason. Onto the next; Frakker didn't cross my mind because by now he's just a cow skull on the long dirt road of controversial inflation figures. He's a name you only hear when somebody's talking about the few artists apparently ragingly despise gas. That being said, the concept of troons going into a nursery to read some covert culturally marxist slop to kids makes me sick. God, what is it with this community attracting so many fucking freaks, frauds and hacks. The only thing I've ever appreciated about expansionfan was the ongoing swell heist series, two of the inflations seem pretty unique but as you said, the sexual shit is crammed in like pilchards in a 1×1 tin. >>125846 Really? Is it so heinous that I'm calling JWT's art slop, because it is objectively slop? I'm not about to get elitist about what people can like in the community, but can you allow yourself to accept the criticisms of another man's art? Seems disingenuous to accuse others of being insecure over critique of, again, another man's objectively poor works.
>>125904 FruitFrakker is far worse than you know. Back on Inflatechan (the original first iteration of the site) he was a outspoken defender of actual, unironic CP, at the time when the site was being spammed with it and a few (but surprisingly not that many) users were a little put out with the first page being full of it. He'd maintain inflation fetishists have no right to judge literal child rapists because we're all under the big ole pervert big tent and should not cast stones. Also because morals are subjective do raping a child is only bad from a certain viewpoint. It was all stuff that is consistent with the deranged malicious egoist shit he says today on twitter. What's worse though is how willing many are to defend him, as the replies to me are about to prove.
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>>125904 >Okay... so, which one are you? Might be both lmao, but if you consider my experiences as legitimate, you would be wise to consider embracing them yourself. Nothing you've said is wrong or illogical, but it is wasteful. There are better ways to spend your time than begging for attention in a coomer forum. No offense intended, but it's obvious...painfully so. Maybe this image of Rinko Iori you wanted would help atone? >>125911 It's not heinous at all to criticize that which needs correcting, and both his art and personality could use some, but what is there to gain from continually reiterating the fact?
>>125849 The autismo is going too strong at this point, I tried earlier and gave up. I'll drop the proper thread >>123230, but I recommend anyone else just leaves before that one guy gets all high and mighty and calls you a "truffle hog." Come back once these tards cool down.
>>125961 Two people having a discussion really isn't that detrimental to a fucking thread, regardless of how long it is. Not sure what autism has to do with it.
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>>125911 >He's a name you only hear when somebody's talking about the few artists apparently ragingly despise gas. No, that's Hungry Lurker. For a guy constantly reminding everyone and anyone in proximity how much he hates that fetish he brings it up obsessively.
>>126166 Oh, I'm well aware of thehungrylurker, though I haven't misinterpreted him for frakker. His (THL'S) tirades against braps are something else.
>>126166 Ok so I have been lurking enough to know about THL's presence. But my biggest question is... Why does he type like that? Don't know how to explain it, but that "snobbish Redditor being passive aggressive" tone? It ticks me off a lot lol.
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Does anyone have the whole thing by chance? Name was originally called "Boyfriend knows best"
>>126166 >>126168 >>126206 Dawg, shut up. We know you use a VPN. It's been over a year; go mald over someone else. Matter of fact, just go outside. It's better than getting banned from DA for harassing FreakingWeirdo (hilarious, by the way).
>>126206 Because dumb people think that's how you act smart.
>>126222 Take your meds.
>>126222 >It's better than getting banned from DA for harassing FreakingWeirdo Pottery-licious
>>126230 Aw, crud. I forgot Lurker got banned from DA, too. To my understanding, Lurker was banned because of DA's new policies, which he was unaware of until after his account had been permanantly suspended. No, I was referring to some DA user who named himself FreakinWankstain, who just so happened to talk like the troll who has tried starting flame wars by accusing FruitFrakker, FreakinWeirdo, and now THL of doing things they never would, like going on brap-hating rants. Not to say they aren't controversial individuals, but you have to be retarded to think any of them cared that much about them. Anyone who has talked with these people knows this is a straight up lie. There has to be samefagging in this thread because there's no way you lot are this dumb.
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>>126243 Yes anon, everyone is a samefag or a dumbass except you, the one defending literal deranged stalkers and pedophiles.
>>126244 that niggas so weird i know he joins D cord servers and then dms random people about berry shit
>>126244 Sup, wankstain? Not surprised FF leans that way, but I'm not seeing anything related to burping. The point went over your head, didn't it?
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drama is dumb, i just wanna post berries
>>126272 I don't know but as much as I love CutiePopBlue's art and this character this just didnt do it for me. not as... i guess sexual as I would've liked?
>>126399 Simple, dyke haircut always fails to be attractive.
>>126405 You mean fucking tomboy cute? Since when was it L tomboy season for real ya don't have fucking taste at all but im curious for fun. Definite your peak male or female sexy form in avid details. I'll humor you. Praying it's not type shit on God. But blow my sock off! I dare you
>>126414 What's better than tomboy? And for fun I'm removing goth mommy as it's basically a instant win so try harder than that. I'm being serious I wanna know.
>>126414 >>126415 Nothing about that character or her hairstyle is tomboyish.
>>126415 Dunno about the other guy, but I like a toned, moderately busty woman with nice hips who knows how to dress. As for personality, ideally, I'd like to be with a competent, perceptive, and intelligent woman who sees as much irony in the world as I do, even if she isn't as open about her feelings. Maybe a little bitchy, but restrained. Also, >>126416 is right. Tomboys are usually fit, always physiologically feminine, and are known for dressing masculine or neutral. Ellie has become fatter since her inception, and lost a lot of her femineity, including: more subtle breasts, wider shoulders, a more rounded, androgenous face, and a thicker core/torso that subdues her hips. In spite of the girly clothes, it is a very manly design and looks uncannily similar to the men shown in this sequence. Although, the males themselves have their own inconsistencies...
Does anyone have AdultMarshmallows full sequence of this https://www.deviantart.com/adultmarshmallows/art/Lusamine-go-in-trouble-again-2-4-1104627849
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>>126709 Source? This is really hot.
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>>126709 >>126723 Artist seems to be "AdultMallows" on X. https://x.com/AdultMallows
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Thinking about a support group for permaberry girls of various sizes, but one of them is so unlucky that all of her juice is stuck inside her permanently. All these plump, blue gals of various shapes and sizes sitting in a circle of folding chairs, and a massive gap for her to be rolled in. Poor thing :3
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>>127014 > drawing fetish porn of other peoples' OCs, probably without permission totally didn't expect this out of someone like sinflative
>>127023 literally who gives a shit
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Does anyone have blueberryverse comics
Not to beg, but I also would greatly appreciate if anyone has Berk’s Biggest. Used to have it but it got deleted, and the comic is no longer for sale.
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Thank you so much you are the goat
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I would like to see this work next time.
A saved copy of TheInflator's The Juicing Room Blues, with his IRL name redacted and replaced by his DA username, along with my reinterpretation of the image that was attached to the story but hadn't been saved in its full resolution by the archive's crawlers.
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>>127427 very nice! any source on these?
>>127073 Please share the rest of them if you have on google drive link
