/tits/ - Tits

Hangers, bosoms and knockers

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Model ID Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:29:53 Id:d120b7 No. 13 [Reply] [Last]
Don't know who this chick is? Post her here.
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Begging Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 06:59:07 No. 9 [Reply] [Last]
Okay guys, new site is gonna have a new feel. The begging problem was out of control and it's definitely something that isn't going to happen again. If you want to beg, do it here. Any threads posted with no content will be deleted, no exceptions. For /bbw/ you must link video, for /tits/ and /booty/ either a video link or four images are required.
Edited last time by BananaMan on 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:17:48.
399 posts and 346 images omitted.
Latest cleavage climber video?

Post spamming, simping, racism, opinions and discussions here Anonymous 08/13/2022 (Sat) 05:29:54 Id:38d87e No. 168289 [Reply] [Last]
The threads are getting out control. Keep ‘em clean.
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I wish that there was a board for bg vids. I'm so fucking tired of digging through threads for content only to see simping for nn/pinup model content ...lame ass PG-13 shit!

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SITE UPDATE: FUNDING SECURED LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:38:11 Id:29c44b No. 262168 [Reply]
>>>/gen/56560 The site has once again been funded. Please leave your thanks for donators in the above post. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.
Edited last time by admin on 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:39:56.

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creating a proper request thread Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 23:40:05 Id:fc3cc3 No. 241834 [Reply]
how hard can it be to create a file request thread in a few minutes? look around for examples. most OPs have proven that creating a request thread is easy. 💥 if you only want to request files without sharing anything, use the BEGGING THREAD. 💥if you think the site rules don't apply to you, just leave. 💥if following these instructions is too hard for you, do not create a new thread. here you go: prepare 1. prepare some short information text about the purpose of the thread 2. prepare at least three or more good pictures of the model 3. upload some file of value to a file host, for example one or more good video(s) of the model. copy the sharing link. create thread 4. fill out the post form: - subject: name✅ of the model (clearly readable)

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by g_janitor on 02/25/2024 (Sun) 00:01:53.

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BananaMan ##AMp2yG 02/25/2020 (Tue) 18:51:44 Id:d956fb No. 6577 [Reply]
++READ THIS POST IF YOU ARE NEW++ Greetings, titty lovers! Just wanted to go over a couple of guidelines for posting on >>>/tits/ if you are new here and a friendly reminder for those who aren't. ⬤ Try to avoid making single-image requests. Making a single image thread deletes a previous thread from the last page. Please include at least 3 similar images in your thread to get it going. Not enough content to make your own thread? Use the beg thread! >>9Check the catalog (it's the grid of squares just above the first thread!) to avoid making a duplicate thread. This way, we can share and contribute more content more effectively and efficiently. ⬤ If bumping a thread, please include a picture instead of just writing 'bump' and please do not necrobump threads that have reached their image limit. This restricts the diversity and natural flow of the board. Threads are meant to come and go and sometimes they are even better the next time around. If you are confused by a link, it's probably base64. Base64 encoding is no longer necessary. Torrent links are not allowed and will be deleted! Finally, as much as >>>/gen/ is a discussion board, >>>/tits/ is a board for sharing content. Please respect the threads of other users and they will do the same to yours as well! If it's your very first time here, make sure to follow the rules (link above post button) at all times and familiarize yourself with them before you post!
Edited last time by admin on 03/21/2022 (Mon) 21:28:48.

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halsey bbw 02/18/2025 (Tue) 06:26:44 Id:726039 No. 268919 [Reply]
big body benz bae love all of it
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I need more, can't believe I missed her. https://redfans.org/onlyfans-halseyxo-leak_porn-nudes-5733

The. Temptress Anonymous 02/20/2025 (Thu) 17:17:15 Id:a17db9 No. 269110 [Reply]
She is tempting
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https://coomer.su/onlyfans/ user/temptress119/post/1041509070 Does anyone have this video?

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Kayla Smith Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 16:58:46 Id:dee7b5 No. 269000 [Reply]
She just left her job at the local news station. Anyone got anything good?
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https://x.com/kaylasmithwx/status/1872883630412050879 She said she's planning to stay in meteorology so I wouldn't get too excited about a potential OF.
We see how the OF scheme went for Robin, and not well. You can't do the news thing and OF at the same time. It doesn't work.
>>269255 There's always Naked News... ;)
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>>269138 Least retarded bbw-chan user
>>269261 old pix. now she's really huge...

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Thotterpopp Anonymous 02/04/2025 (Tue) 11:48:29 Id:7f6c7a No. 267835 [Reply]
any new vids on the best blob that time?
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>>268638 You think I'm here to employ her? I'm here to jack off to gigantic tits. What, were you trying to make friends with her or something? Godawful jackass
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>>268981 cool story bro
>>268985 Thats ad hominem
>>269250 not really. he didn't attack him or his character. merely dismissed him. plus he poster content which makes him ok in my eyes.
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Under appreciated model Anonymous 02/17/2025 (Mon) 22:32:33 Id:b34112 No. 268890 [Reply]
Threads gone so time to make a new one! Here’s all I have https://gofile.io/d/JUi8P3
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>>269193 >>269196 That's what she says. She probably got them measured recently. Maybe it's because she has a bigger stomach that they don't look quite that big or something.
>>269217 i'd tell you my old sneaker was pumpkin pie if i thought you'd buy it.
>>269223 Go talk nonsense on some other page, bro.
>>269231 U cup is nonsense
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abbi secraa Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 20:13:37 Id:8c8e5a No. 267197 [Reply] [Last]
bran new topic
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I love her huge titties but i am curious about her bush
>>268795 Brushing off a complaint like that is ad hominem. Its ok to like most aspects of something, but dislike some others. Its also okay to vocalize that. Its also ok for me to vocalize telling you to shut the fuck up
>>268454 The worst part about that gcupbaby guy is that he never takes his shirt and boxers off in the titfuck videos. Content could be so good but it totally ruins it watching the boxers constantly get like in the way and watching him do nothing about it. Its actually so universal in every scene i think the dudes got excema or a bad rash or some shit they dont want to show. Because its retarded, just get that shit our of your way dude ffs
>>267969 "Bell end" gtfo british fuck
>>269249 Did you notice it's in reply to another post? bell end

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Crazy Bowie/ Alice65 Anonymous 02/02/2025 (Sun) 05:04:48 Id:cd6f37 No. 267627 [Reply]
I think these are the same person, if so she's gotten much bigger.
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>>269049 Could you link to their profiles? I found some but not others. Also, do they show themselves naked?
>>269081 1. @biene.kb 2. @fhong_fionax 3. @Aphroditaaa___ 4. @muayaeii 5. @bambinoexx
>>269081 They all show themselves naked except for the first one
>>269121 >>269122 Thanks! I could find the instagram and onlyfans for the last two and the instagram for the first two. The third one has a basically empty instagram requiring request and I couldn't find much else though so I guess she's gone.
>>269235 The third one only has a tiktok but there are nudes if you check on titsintops

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Blumette Anonymous 02/15/2025 (Sat) 10:06:10 Id:e1c5a5 No. 268748 [Reply]
Someone has more? I love her massive boobs X: @Blumeette
8 posts and 3 images omitted.
Pls moar
>>269088 She is french, in UK it's 36K
>>269092 Is France in the EU? Do women in the US wear UK sized bras? It's a conundrum for sure.
>>269119 The most important is that they are huge )))
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OnlyOneRhonda Anonymous 02/21/2025 (Fri) 19:38:02 Id:bfa162 No. 269200 [Reply]
https ://sendvid .com/x5uweunm
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I love her she is just so good at the content she makes and her OF is so good no need to pay per view it’s just there !!!
