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BBW AI General 12 Numby 08/15/2023 (Tue) 02:21:12 No. 11005
If someone knows how to link to the previous thread that would be fantastic cause I don't have a clue. But since the last thread has hit the limit, I think it would be a good idea to start another one. Looking for common fat artists loras all in one place? https://mega.nz/folder/AKoXRZCB#JuOhfrxHsUA6_PeoozproA
Edited last time by admin on 11/22/2023 (Wed) 01:25:48.
(379.20 KB 704x512 Booty.png)
(300.09 KB 576x512 Future Dawn.png)
(407.89 KB 512x768 Pyra.png)
(323.51 KB 576x512 Bootya2.png)
Made some more, including 1) two of Cynthia 2) a grown up Dawn 3) A chubby Pyra
Old archived threads #3 >>1696 #4 >>2129 #5 >>9 #6 >>2539 #7 >>3352 #8 >>4031 #9 >>4920 #X >>6293
(179.71 KB 1163x386 trinityfateloraplsgive.png)
Anyone got this lora from previous threads?
>>11021 >"Looking for fat artist loras collected in one place?" https://mega.nz/folder/sShj1LpS#Zh5ZxGO3uwK4QEaZ2X6z1w It was at the top of previous thread
(1.04 MB 1024x1024 00185-2879635575.png)
(1.30 MB 1024x1024 00186-1032672679.png)
(1.08 MB 1024x1024 00187-4240542563.png)
(1.01 MB 1024x1024 00188-3162232790.png)
Tubby tomboys
(1.58 MB 944x1200 Crush2.png)
(1.63 MB 1104x1536 Alley.png)
I generally stick to making 'realistic' stuff, but these both came out kinda neat. Apologies for the lack of embedded info, these were composited together (as I simply CANNOT get inpainting to work in any way). Crush used GalenaREDUX_V20, while Alley used MeinaMix V11. Both had a lot of help from the Obese Girls Concept LoRA.
>>11005 > no link to old thread (#11 >>8126) > uses own gens for op, doesnt even use all 6 images for op > no links to resources (>>2, https://rentry.org/vtaiprompts, https://mega.nz/folder/sShj1LpS#Zh5ZxGO3uwK4QEaZ2X6z1w, >>2646) Cringe
>>11027 hope you keep em coming, never enough tubby tomboys imo
(2.38 MB 1728x1296 48492-1732920870.png)
(2.31 MB 1728x1296 48493-81170524.png)
(1.83 MB 1728x1296 48494-1312788214.png)
(1.86 MB 1728x1296 48495-3120836461.png)
>>11053 > selen's tatsukis sexo
(2.65 MB 1296x1728 48496-1195177861.png)
(1.94 MB 1584x1296 48497-2427946634.png)
(1.97 MB 1584x1296 48498-1711023489.png)
(2.63 MB 1296x1728 00178-3841020076.png)
(3.19 MB 1920x1920 48499-3354406967.png)
(3.17 MB 1920x1920 48500-3780824005.png)
(3.18 MB 1920x1920 48501-2850726854.png)
>>11211 meant to reply to >>11029 my bad
>>11027 based
(4.19 MB 2688x2048 00003-650306537.0.png)
(4.40 MB 2688x2048 00005-842546306.0.png)
Some Naoto
would like to request some really fat borderline blob brown vtubers. tsukumo sana, scarle yonaguni, and any other of your fav brown girls, thank you anons for your gens
(1.97 MB 1536x1536 rosedoodletanbeach.png)
(1.89 MB 1536x1536 rosedoodletanbeachbeeg.png)
some tan rosedoodle. not a raw output i had to paint out some weirdness
(1.17 MB 1024x1024 00190-4165184734.png)
(1.09 MB 1024x1024 00192-103615009.png)
doughy delinquents
>>11253 This was pretty neat. Can you try making in a similar way a latex nun?
>>11253 Which base model did you use?
(1014.15 KB 1075x819 20230819_092852.png)
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(1.10 MB 1075x819 xd1sf5.png)
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(1.04 MB 1075x819 20230819_093139.png)
>>11219 Which Naoto ass y'all glomping the hardest? https://files.catbox.moe/d5re2p.png https://files.catbox.moe/gxrew9.png https://files.catbox.moe/dq5i1p.png https://files.catbox.moe/ybwf96.png https://files.catbox.moe/9oahoe.png https://files.catbox.moe/krftsl.png
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(401.41 KB 512x512 pixai-1649687924500617737-2.png)
(410.56 KB 512x512 pixai-1649687924500617737-3.png)
more fat cats
>>11614 Those fat rolls on the last picture are just pure masterpiece, really nice
(20.82 KB 318x481 OIP (2).jfif)
I dare someone to do this. Chonk her up.
>>11720 >flat kobayashi Yessss
(2.98 MB 1608x2240 00019-2231022619.png)
woman le big
>>11769 anon may I interest you in the candii lora? she looks really similar to what you've prompted here: https://byte.wtf/ek6203v7.zip
And the final one. Girl picks up job at cafe, unlimited access to whipped cream does exactly what you expect to her figure.
>>11798 the good ol' lewdlemage/drworm lora, really makes these images look amazing, good job anon
(1.07 MB 1024x1024 00201-3137586028.png)
(1.13 MB 1024x1024 00200-3775886070.png)
(1.30 MB 1024x1024 00199-600453053.png)
(934.07 KB 1024x1024 00198-1630935598.png)
>>11842 I'm glad I wasn,t the only one thinking the same
>>11842 I was hoping somebody would do this! Great work.
(803.29 KB 760x1080 00007-1392148509.png)
This one is pretty tame in terms of size but just came out really well. only issue is a single missing thumb
anons, can we get some beeeeeg scarle yonaguni? i kneel to your powers
(408.05 KB 512x512 pixai-1653057214307770043-0.png)
(385.28 KB 512x512 pixai-1653057214307770043-1.png)
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(367.93 KB 512x512 pixai-1653057959833966554-2.png)
(402.55 KB 512x512 pixai-1653057959833966554-3.png)
>>11952 posting some myself to start us of. my gens are kinda crappy, but i will still provide
(428.26 KB 512x512 pixai-1653058355577196895-0.png)
(396.70 KB 512x512 pixai-1653058355577196895-2.png)
(374.88 KB 512x512 pixai-1653058355577196895-3.png)
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(401.16 KB 512x512 pixai-1653059418624767294-0.png)
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(400.24 KB 512x512 pixai-1653059540298793096-1.png)
(407.23 KB 512x512 pixai-1653059540298793096-2.png)
(392.50 KB 512x512 pixai-1653059540298793096-3.png)
>>11956 final one :D for the fat latina enjoyers
(374.16 KB 512x512 pixai-1652069208629929122-0.png)
(413.79 KB 512x512 pixai-1652069208629929122-1.png)
(424.89 KB 512x512 pixai-1652069546511841892-0.png)
(383.70 KB 512x512 pixai-1652069546511841892-3.png)
(376.73 KB 512x512 pixai-1652069950370219582-0.png)
(478.37 KB 768x512 pixai-1652070892748355479-3.png)
(messy ai shit warning) mouse series. rest in catbox to not flood the thread. https://catbox.moe/c/nf05g3
>>11978 How do you gen a stuffed belly without making the character fat? I've wanted to make just belly stuff for a while but the gen always comes out fat
>>11979 Hyperfusion LORA.
(434.17 KB 512x768 BeachCynthiaI.png)
(441.37 KB 512x768 CityCynthiaIII.png)
(402.32 KB 512x768 BeachCynthiaII.png)
(383.96 KB 512x768 CynthiabeachIII.png)
(383.64 KB 512x768 CynthiabeachIV.png)
(424.27 KB 512x768 CityCynthiaI.png)
Gen'd up some more Cynthia.
>>12012 Yuck
>>11957 more fat scarle gens!! have at thee heathens! https://catbox.moe/c/zxs14l
>>12025 jesus fucking sexo anon you awakened something with those first two, not to mention the art style is on fucking point. i looks almost exactly like anime.
>>12009 These look nothing fucking like her.
>>11998 Thanks anon
>>12027 jesus christ, why so hostile?
>>12019 Don’t yuck my yum. This board is toxic AF
>>12039 This board is actually comparatively nice, these threads are usually very helpful and informative, you just posted an absolute abomination
>>12039 >"This board toxic AF!" >The toxicity in question: >>12019 >Reason for toxicity: >>12012 I think this one was pretty justified.
>>12039 YUCK
>>12049 It’s AI art of Taylor Swift as a bbw I’m sure most men are into it.
>>12063 >It’s AI art of Taylor Swift as a bbw Nigga it's a lot more than just that lmfao
Guys, just ignore the very obvious troll.
(306.23 KB 512x512 pixai-1653803530843262995-0.png)
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fat henya. for you all anons.
(444.47 KB 512x512 pixai-1653802455171862266-1.png)
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>>12077 also fat zen. for every anon except one, you know who you are.
(433.59 KB 512x512 pixai-1653841601847079451-3.png)
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>>12078 fat geega
(299.36 KB 512x512 pixai-1653874851829147232-0.png)
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>>12088 fat kson
>>12089 Before and after Taiwan
(532.91 KB 600x800 00105-451194517.png)
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I feel this model captures the cuteness and largeness I've always wanted
(1.59 MB 1280x1280 00217-1934856539.png)
(1.57 MB 1280x1280 00216-1934856538.png)
(1.46 MB 1280x1280 00213-199369000.png)
(1.52 MB 1280x1280 00211-199368998.png)
(1.57 MB 1280x1280 00210-199368997.png)
(1.54 MB 1280x1280 00209-2075372269.png)
>>11958 >>12025 how do you do sequences?
>>12208 Not the anon but basically just gen a pic of a character, as an example, mildly chubby. Add fatter tags and gen another pic and keep going altering the character for each pic until you have a sequence of pics. Keep clothes the same like in the Makato sequence you linked to really show the sequence
(1.03 MB 1024x1024 00212-2100983785.png)
(1.07 MB 1024x1024 00214-3761526149.png)
(984.17 KB 1024x1024 00215-3994851872.png)
(1.00 MB 1024x1024 00213-660126191.png)
(893.24 KB 1024x1024 00007-2884493939.png)
Massive Marins
(913.93 KB 896x896 00000-3412133543.png)
I did a full clean reinstall of Stable Diffusion but didn't back anything up. Having a hard time with some images right now (flat, not very imaginative), I feel like I have the wrong Anything VAE and the wrong AuroraONE model, since I had those before. Can't find them again, anyone got some tips or some links? (Didn't see much in the MEGA folders)
(1.07 MB 1024x1024 00003-134257662.png)
>>12348 >Can't find them again, anyone got some tips or some links? https://huggingface.co/mariaWitch/biggerModelMerges/tree/main?not-for-all-audiences=true https://huggingface.co/mariaWitch/ExperimentalBiggerMerges/tree/main I don't use anything vae, only vae-ft-mse
>>12349 Noicr
>>12467 i used to put "abs" and "muscles" in the negative prompts to help deal with this in the early days
>>12541 A bit uncanny how readable the text in #6 is while being complete nonsense. My brain keeps trying to pick out words but can't find any lol
(471.62 KB 512x792 00070-1210991580.png)
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(532.80 KB 656x864 00053-3360265024.png)
(547.05 KB 656x864 00082-951426753.png)
some of my favorite work, made with anything 4.5, biggergirls lora and sometimes the bottomheavy lora
(962.52 KB 1024x1024 Gen 5.png)
(1.02 MB 1024x1024 Gen 4.png)
(976.70 KB 1024x1024 Gen 2.png)
(785.28 KB 1024x1024 Gen 1.png)
(929.87 KB 1024x1024 Gen 6.png)
(958.29 KB 1024x1024 Gen 3.png)
Old gens I want to upload to clear up space on my Drive. Your guess is as good as mine for whatever aesthetic I was trying to go for.
(684.69 KB 1078x1078 Screenshot_20230909_055047.jpg)
(667.90 KB 1080x1078 Screenshot_20230909_055014.jpg)
Does anybody know how to get good eating and food scenes? Most models don't really "get" food and most of the time prompting eating seems to result in weird effects or vomiting
>>12678 Look into some Pose LORAs/embeddings.
(932.85 KB 1268x1664 leoai.jpeg)
Mega pear made in leonardo.ai
>>12668 Y'all I'm wrecked by these, my roommate used to pig out on the couch like this and I was never able to express how much I liked that. These images were like the most powerful deja vu and I just spent my morning with with a pocket toy debating calling her
These are definitely shittier than what I'd normally upload, but I figured some people here might want them. Blobs aren't really my thing, but it was fun experimenting & seeing what happens when you let the Fat lora really go off. Lots of misshapen/nonexistent/doubled bellybuttons, as it turns out, this was the best I got.
A Beeg patch of some random waifus I'd like to see in immobile size
I started making Sci fi / Starfield themed BBWs to put in my loadscreens. Thought I'd share, they turned out pretty well but this is a first for me so some i'm still learning. This is super fun tho, having more fun making these than the game I'm making it for lmao.
(1.18 MB 1080x1080 00379-3616526551.png)
(1.12 MB 1080x1080 00349-2710137405.png)
(1.13 MB 1080x1080 00360-1990309697.png)
(1.12 MB 1080x1080 00354-357679069.png)
(1.13 MB 1080x1080 00363-1990309700.png)
(1.14 MB 1080x1080 00358-18676100.png)
https://catbox.moe/c/h64h4q Catbox album Made a bunch of Ai Candii today, just really like her design.
>>12817 anon my man. you're here as well. bless you for these. beeg fucking candii
(1.14 MB 1080x1080 00383-1852615197.png)
(1.17 MB 1080x1080 00382-1852615196.png)
(1.20 MB 1080x1080 00380-1852615194.png)
(1.26 MB 1080x1080 00378-3616526550.png)
(1.16 MB 1080x1080 00376-3616526548.png)
>>12821 I just saw that post about the azure lane cow as well so I made extra
(760.00 KB 544x960 00036-1040756202.png)
(2.76 MB 1088x1920 00037-1040756202.png)
>step away for like a month >new samplers come out >basically makes everything i ever made before look like shit >with the same model geez DPM++ 3M SDE Expo is fucking crazy. Getting perfect output without even needing to go through Hires fix. Once again Aurora Borealis manages to create top quality images without the need for LoRAs. And the new samplers seem to have fixed the size issue, I think.
>>12897 Have they fixed all the problems with all the UI changes they made? I had to revert when I realized they broke the Prompt Style section.
>>12915 these are great
Is there a reason so many people still use AddNet? All it does is make it harder to regenerate the image by removing LoRAs from the prompt.
(1.26 MB 1152x1152 00214-1485795666.png)
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Bao, I thought about the blueberry again
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(830.83 KB 887x676 00027-4180706587.png)
(1.59 MB 1280x1920 04203-388521391.png)
(2.58 MB 768x768 Midna.gif)
Was messing around with Animediff extension. Got something good, but rendering takes forever, and my PC can't handle more extensions.
>>13032 Not bad. I'd love to see more imp Midna.
(1.54 MB 1670x1670 Mina Belly edit.png)
(1.92 MB 2200x2806 Garber09-774543-MinaLongPOV.jpg)
(1.38 MB 1597x1964 adsdadasMINA.png)
(42.47 KB 360x726 Mina.PNG)
>>11005 Yo, sorry i'm making a request here, but all the other threads are deleted, old or archived, so.... Yeah. Sorry to bother. Basically: i tried making some images of Mina from the "Saint Miluina's Vore Academy", and so far, every single one has been shit, so i'm here crawling to see if someone with more knowledge of this could make them for me. Here i'll leave some references of the character and fanart i've found and some edits i did of different artworks. I'm completly fine if it isn't vore and a "normal" big stuffed belly with some fat, i just need some love for my favorite girl, man.
>>12944 I just love the fact that Bao says like she found it by accident or something... BUT YOU CAN ONLY FIND THE BLUEBERRY HERE. IN BBW-CHAN. She fucking loves bigs bellies and tries to hide it but we fucking know the truth, lmao
(527.59 KB 512x768 nico Robin 1.png)
(519.48 KB 512x768 Nico robin 2.png)
(539.77 KB 768x512 nico Robin 3.png)
>>11005 Got a bunch I messed with
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(510.28 KB 512x768 Sakura 3.png)
(534.40 KB 768x512 Sakura 4.png)
(536.14 KB 512x768 Sakura haruno 2.png)
(541.22 KB 768x512 Sakura 5.png)
(506.27 KB 512x768 Tsunade Senju.png)
(576.22 KB 768x512 Tsunade final.png)
(585.29 KB 512x768 Tsunade 3.png)
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>>13057 Fresh Baos https://youtu.be/DrxU--3BvUs?si=jGSWpCTl_D2uho-e I love how much fun Bao and Yuzu have with the images, my roommate that knows I made them won't let me live it down either
(310.40 KB 512x512 00138-74965724.png)
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tried getting some bottomheavy Saa, looks alright-ish, if any anon can think of a better way to get bottomheavy but small waist, please tell me
(2.19 MB 1280x1920 04303-2495480922.png)
(763.87 KB 640x960 04310-1988770495.png)
(920.01 KB 768x1152 04295-3962322572.png)
(842.41 KB 768x1152 00130-1211031708.png)
More of the Fridge Raider and her Dump Pump. Keep eating cake and drinking those protein shakes Bao, I'm sure you'll have IRL sex appeal eventually! Yoga pants work magic on thicc girls! >>13080 Check out the microwaist lora on Civitai.
>>13077 HOLD UP NO FUCKING WAY AHHAHAHAHAHAHASASASASDHAS I need a link to that video she's showing immediatnly, no shot someone is making that shit and not into it at all
>>13080 There's a lora called "b1mb0" that does small waist and huge hips well. Also the hyperfusion with bott9mheavy and small/narrow waist does an okay job
(1.51 MB 1280x1920 04313-2727642674 (1).png)
>>12784 Bro, they are great! I hope to see more ia art from Fatty Chisato later!
>>12972 Nice! Sylphiette Have you tried doing it with the university uniform? I mean pretending to be Fitz
>>13095 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/974751729948172379/1148730947269824545/Fixed_Bao_Blueberry_1.mp4 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1034535820364890192/1150188255556415578/Baoberry_summer_-_California_Girls_1.mp4 AND NOW THEY ONLY SAY CONGRATULATIONS!~~
>>13111 Did someone on Bao's discord server do those???
>>13113 Pretty sure someone from here did them, and then one of her mods did the animation and added the music after Bao found and showed it to them. >>13095 The file for the second vid actually wasn't available when you asked for it. Bao said she forgot and posted it not long after you requested...hmm.... :)
>>13112 I love fat witches
(1.65 MB 1024x1536 00130-2218342928.png)
(1.38 MB 1024x1536 00126-3779101131.png)
(1.71 MB 1024x1536 00120-2690591894.png)
(1.61 MB 1024x1536 00116-2536004927.png)
(1.34 MB 1024x1536 00121-2690591895.png)
>>13080 IRyS on her way out of the Krabby Patty vault Use Gigass, its great at huge thighs and small waist
(1.61 MB 1024x1536 00012-1646743203.png)
(1.70 MB 1024x1536 00010-1646743201.png)
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>>13113 >>13115 Images were all posted here by me. Animation had to be Bao or an editor
>>12897 For the first time in like half a year I downloaded the latest version of automatic1111 to use DPM++ 3 and for whatever reason the I just cannot for the life of me tard wrangle it to work. I'm getting all kinds of artifacts and weird generations that I never got with the older version I was using. Man, it sucks too because I was really excited to use that new sampling method. Last version I had was from April. Is it just me that has this latest version is bugging the hell out?
>>13135 The first one kinda looks like Dasha Nekrasova.
(1.12 MB 1024x1024 00219-2007473012.png)
(1.22 MB 1024x1024 00220-3685920569.png)
>>13056 Seconding this
>>13144 Thanks, mate.
>>13131 The fact that she's kind of a giantess really makes these ones PEAK Truly a WHALE lmfao
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>>13168 Please do.
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>>13130 Didn't think I'd see my request here, nice.
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>>13206 I recognise that last one. I mean what the art is based on. Imoganese or something.
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Real good stuff, keep them coming
(1.60 MB 2040x1536 despondent.png)
(3.53 MB 2560x2018 red dress.png)
>>11005 Going to be posting anything decent I make to Deviantart at: https://www.deviantart.com/cutechonkergirls
>>13056 Bump
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Some big Marine and Nerissa ass, played the the bamboo ale lora and some others
>>13350 jesas
>>13350 dats some good shit!
is there a discord for AI architecture? all the invite links on the bbw loras on civitai are expired.
>>13350 >bamboo ale lora where can I find such a thing?
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More whale girls >>13389 I thought I got it from a mega posted in one of these threads
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Some large Haruka Caribu, she looks so good with extra chub
Anyone got this https://www.deviantart.com/spartris/gallery/89283179/saber-s-vacation-wg
Asking for fat girls wearing bibs
(2.73 MB 2048x2048 brattyimp!.png)
>>11005 Playing around with adding speech, I feel like it adds a lot.
>>13622 anon you might have a better time prompting to add speech bubbles and then filling them in with text, your speech bubble image is so low resolution
>>13624 too much sharper and it stands out too much from his original image which has soft lines.
Does anybody have some good prompts for lewdlemage|dr worm style? i mean to do something like this with thick outlines
>>13662 there's a dr worm lora in the mega for all the artist loras, it's in the last thread
https://youtu.be/czYv-UKFQB8?si=JEV_zP0fhrOnivVS Bao is at it again.
>>13876 Wasn't expecting a Kudelia sequence
bet this has already been posted but this web page I have been playing around with is pretty great, playing with the words is not the easiest but this is pretty fun. This was playing with the name Selena Gomez. Experiment and see what you can
Attempt at a sequence in SeaArt AI
(100.14 KB 1001x1370 s-l1600.jpg)
Does anyone know what prompt you use to get an outfit like this?
>>14152 What model is this?
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Blimped the Nephilim
>>14229 jesas
>>14152 based she's perfect for wg content
>>13178 that's such a good kiriko
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Posting some pics from the request thread.
>>14338 Love the fifth and sixth one I hope we get more of these girls in the future.
(5.08 MB 2304x2304 00134-1669485449.png)
Hello. This is my best Kronii. I will have more soon.
(1017.18 KB 1024x1024 00018-1550404985.png)
if you like, i will do more, just say the words lads
>>13940 Bumping this I also want to know
Bao just debuted a Baoberry model. She even inflates when switching from her normal model. We got her.
>>14507 Have you or has anyone given it a try?
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>>14507 Bao, my love, what have we done to you...
>>14495 can you do one with a fatter hanging belly?
https://files.catbox.moe/96j8d9.mp4 the baoberry is REAL
>>14522 Mindbreak Arc: Complete
>>14659 This is insane.
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Beeg Henya. She's so happy now
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Used Biing
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New symix? New Baos.
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>>11025 >>11046 Fug the Mega is gone for all the Loras :/
>>15025 holy fuck please post more of that bocchi
(1.44 MB 1200x1200 Ruby_Rose_Halloween.png)
Made this for the Halloween spirit. It's Ruby dressed as Ladybug from Miraculous.
Sir, please tell me where to find the video of"Baoberry_summer__California_Girls_1", I like the fat Bao very much, please!>>14659
Sir, please tell me where to find the video of"Baoberry_summer__California_Girls_1", I like the fat Bao very much, please!>>14522
Sir, please tell me where to find the video of"Baoberry_summer__California_Girls_1", I like the fat Bao very much, please!>>14932
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Something I cooked up
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I usually don't try and go for full on ssbbws, but had this idea and wanted to try it out.
>>15033 Looks awesome dude.
>>15058 well it certainly paid off, love this
>>11005 I need good models for making fat vtubers, can anybody recommend some?
>>15033 I might think on this with one of my bonus character’s soon.
The style lora mega is down, can anyone refresh it?
>>15320 https://mega.nz/folder/AKoXRZCB#JuOhfrxHsUA6_PeoozproA
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Decided to make some Anne on a whim
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Midnight! Posting these now!
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And some more.
>>15426 >>15430 Awesome stuff dude. When are going to do requests again.
>>15472 >When are going to do requests again. Bruh...
>>15472 I'm surprised you haven't scared them away with all your begging.
>>15474 Could be worse though because three people tried to bump on a request in the chat bot thread and trust me it says alot.
>>15473 >>15474 You both know it’s just a question right. They are not begging right like I said it’s a question so you both made me confused now. >>15475 Wait that really happened there with three people right.
>>15476 Dude, at least try to hide the fact that you're the same beggar. Your grammar is just as terrible, and you answered the same way in the request thread.
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This is still a new thing to me so I have no idea if these are decent gens for just starting out or not. Still have a fuckton of issues whenever I try with larger sizes usually. Idk if it would help if I picked more common characters to gen or something
>>15387 >>15388 >>15389 >>15391 OwO So do you have a deviant art¿
>>15502 Just made one to dump AI art https://www.deviantart.com/cheeseai
>>15426 >>15430 Nicely done
Give us your lunch money, punk! And your Dinner money! And any snacks you got on ya!
Are there LORAs that could overrides a character to wear a outfit they don't usually wear like a tracksuit or suit
Anybody have any tips for working with BBW-Aurora? It's very difficult to get anything between very fat and very skinny. SyMix 5 is also extremely hard to prompt, and seems to enforce a lot of style on the rest of the image.
Trying out this homestuck lora with aurora. Works ok so far but even with adetailer the faces are slightly wonky, but terezi has a face with a lot of detail so its kinda understandable.
>>13136 Someone needs to make this
>>16349 Nicely done with these
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A fat blonde guy with stretch marks, green eyes, a big soft belly abd a double chin
>>16499 the fuck you babbling about nigger
>>16499 This isn't how this works... We're starting to attract the retards.
>>13080 Can you do Saa herself? I don't see much of her despite people using her bodyshape for other vtubers. She has almost no fat art either, just vore and bottom heavy (since thats in character).
(608.20 KB 1125x1285 IMG_2411.jpeg)
Fat girl eating
God I love troll women so much its unreal.
>>16762 Would it be possible to do Jade Harley next? Or perhaps Meulin? They're both my fav :3
>>16840 Jade was a good idea. I really like how they turned out. I couldn't find a Meulin lora. There is a Nepeta one, but I'm not a fan of autistic kitty cat girl.
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>>16952 How did you make these?
>>16971 With these tags Woman, fat, white skin, white top, belly, red jeans, black face mask, tribal tattoos, glasses, black fingerless gloves, red eyeshadow, long red and cyan hair, blue eyes, anime, grey background
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A random selection of ninja chubsters while I learn ComfyUI. I've been using symix for a little while now and i've never got a naked gen until I used the BBW prompt.
>>16872 do you have a link to the model your using?
>>17247 It’s Aurora_bbw paired with the symix lora.
Dear anons, what do you do to fix the issues with generating double navels, multiple belly buttons or just holes in huge bellies? I'm using a fat base, such as Aurora, mixed with semi-realistic. I've tried adding into negative prompt, something like: "(bad belly, bad belly button, bad navel, multiple navels, multiple belly buttons)" and with different strengths and no luck. Also, I've tried also adding kipteitei lora and still no luck. I'm also bad at using inpainting to fix these, so just wondering how others are managing to fix these.
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>>17338 Ive never seen any difference in my gens if I add or remove the multiple navels. Starting a gen with Aurora i've found that it quickly can go off the rails and turn bodies into random folds of fat and it needs a lot of wrangling for me. I usually use Cartunafied as a base for anime or cartoons, and Aniverse or SardonyxMix for more realistic because they have generally good anatomies baked in, then I add ontop of that the fatty loras that I want. Finally for the hi-res steps I use the opposite model (e.g cartunafied hi-res on an aniverse base image) because it seems to help along the anatomy. Most of the time I get the extra navels is during the hi-res steps. If the base image is still too blurry then the hi-res starts to assume that random rolls need the belly button. At that point its just a matter of adjusting your steps/scheduler/sampler/clip on your base image until you can see an ok outline during the preview for the base, and then adjusting the denoise on the hi-res lower or higher. I use ComfyUI have mine setup to mix in the loras during both the base and hi-res steps and the lora weights are easer to manipulate. But all in all no matter what you try the AI just likes to add navels to creases in the belly to mutli-rolled fatties will get it the most. So worst case scenario you can maybe emphasize (round belly) to counter act it too.
>>17338 They're a real problem. Sometimes I don't bother fixing them and just move on to another generation but sometimes you can smooth them out in image editor of your choice then use inpaint on that area to make it blend in properly.
>>17342 >>> Aniverse or SardonyxMix Nice, thanks for the tip, will try to use them in a custom blend to fi the anatomy. >>> Most of the time I get the extra navels is during the hi-res steps. If the base image is still too blurry then the hi-res starts to assume that random rolls need the belly button. At that point its just a matter of adjusting your steps/scheduler/sampler/clip on your base image until you can see an ok outline during the preview for the base, and then adjusting the denoise on the hi-res lower or higher. I use ComfyUI have mine setup to mix in the loras during both the base and hi-res steps and the lora weights are easer to manipulate. In my case the opposite - I get most of the double navels during the first pass. Then trying with highres fix to fix these. But I use Automatic111 webui, so not having such granular control as with ComfyUI. And with the 1.6 version of Automatic111 and adding new multi-step schedulers (which is fantastic btw), I find it now more often a hit-and-miss with getting nice fat blobs. Such as, when using DPM++ 2M or 3M SDE Exponential, with low cfg scale (~5) and step count 30-40, I can get really really nice fat rolls and skin details, but then the double navel pops up or split belly. Do you have any recommendations from your experience regarding picking steps/scheduler/sampler/clip? >>17344 Yeah, that's the dillema. Sometimes you can get a really nice gen and you don't want to play with changing seeds, but then you spend a lot of time trying to fix the double navel, which could have led to finding a better seed and gen.
(1.95 MB 1024x1536 Yotsu_00114_.png)
>>17380 My settings I always default to 25 steps, 3m_sde_gpu karras, 1 Clip Skip. For my fat lora I use around 1.00 to 1.50 for the weight or else it gets really malformed and blobby. I dont know if metadata is turned on here, but since I made those fat Hex's in comfyui, you could drag and drop the pic directly into the UI and will populate with my entire workflow along with the steps/sampler/model/scheduler/loras that I used for that particular gen, Here is a pic of my workflow and generations settings using the 4xultrasharp on the aniverse model and the obese girls concept lora. It gives pretty consistent navels for me. I also made >>17353 with close to the same settings but with sardonyxredux and slowly cranking up the fat lora and fat prompts. Out of a batch of 4, one or two is usually fine and since it takes ~30 seconds to gen a batch of 4 I can just brute force at that point until I get what I want.
>>17383 Fantastic, thank you so much! One of the blockers stopping me from trying ComfyUI has been the amount of options and combinations to configure the workflow leading almost to decision paralysis, so I always revert back to automatic111. Really appreciate you sharing the workflow and tips, will give it once again a try.
I feel this one is underrated https://www.deviantart.com/mngs2639/art/Character-Poster-for-untitled-WG-story-998410198
damn image didn't upload the first time, here https://www.deviantart.com/mngs2639/art/Character-Poster-for-untitled-WG-story-998410198
Bangalore from Apex Legends 1200 pounds. No shirt or anything. Big breasts. Giant butt. Enormous belly.
(267.42 KB 622x910 IMG_6861.jpeg)
>>17423 Request thread is over that >>15783 way
Does anyone know of any fat models, loras, etc that are compatible with SDXL?
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Massive tits, pregnant cowgirl, lactation,
>>17653 This isn't how this works...
>>17028 Do you post these anywhere else? If the board goes under I need more blimping belly coffee tanned cuties.
>>17423 >>17653 can the jannies deal with this neanderthal already
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>>17757 Dear lord... What model did you use? Gotta love that art style
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> i freakin love gigantic vtubers!!!!! >>12824 I haven't checked in a while either but lollypop & bicubic on .5-.6 denoise still seems to work well >>17338 Stop trying to prompt around it, no amount of negatives or positives is gonna fix the belly buttons, and if anything you're making the images worse by fighting it so hard Gen like normal, and if it shows up, cover it up in paint, THEN inpaint. 100% success rate >>18063 Amen. what else happened besides the baoberries? (she's leaning into that way too hard for it to just be a joke lmao you cant even find fat bao outside of this board)
>>18202 Oh nothing in particular happened, except maybe Fuwawa constantly talking about mococo's tummy and comparing her belly to santas. I just haven't posted in ages and was glad to be back.
(1.65 MB 1536x1024 Yotsu_22-12-2023_00003_.png)
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>>18224 > I just haven't posted in ages and was glad to be back. same here, and i'm glad to see you, dearest anon > Fuwawa constantly talking about mococo's tummy and comparing her belly to santas It's just too easy
If Blizzard weren't cowards...
>>18348 Get inhabitable belly yah baby
>>18349 the what now?
(1.94 MB 1536x1024 Yotsu_27-12-2023_00001_.png)
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>>18348 This put me in the mood for night elves.
>>18349 I wish I could weaponize autism, god id have an army.
>>18423 I'm loving the 3d style here, could we get more like this?
>>18439 Sure! Here's 3 more alliance races. Gnome, Draenei and Worgen. Gnome could've been better but the AI REALLY struggled with them for some reason.
>>18445 I like that third one a lot, the breasts have a real nice soft look to them
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Here's some Lucy Pyre
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>>18393 POV: Your a level 70 mage and you've been fattening your blood elf gf by letting her feast on your minmaxed mana.
>>18463 daaamn these are all so good
>>18463 Hell yeah
suggestion: can someone make a competent softservice style lora. I had a go but it didn't work out too well and softservices style and body types are super well done. Obviously the dataset can just be got from kemono.
>>18169 >>17757 So, these were made using a few different models, . The first 3 are based66_v20, the next two are an 80/20 blend of based66_v20 and chubbygirlsgolden_v2, and then the last one is 50/50 divineelegance_v4 and chubbygirlsgolden_v2. LORAs are in the prompt, but it's various mixes of DRWorm and Kipteitei. On that note, does anyone know how to get automatic1111 to encode the model filename in the image metadata instead of just the hash? Oh, and one more, from a two-pass process using different models. Really happy with how the gut came out on this one, not a lot of 2d bellies get that nice teardrop shape.
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>>18898 In the latest auto1111 version you can go to settings>>infotext and there are checks to add vae and model names to the metadata
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>>19294 >>19298 I will always have an unquenchable thirst for snuffy content. Fucking love these!
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Long time no see, has someone tried to make a fat female anime on SDXL? Would be nice if someone could add to the guide thread how to train your own models and image classifiers.
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>>20345 Wished I was in the picture, ahhh Great stuff, anon.
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>>20345 I know no one asked for it, and it's not Asuka anymore, but I loved the composition of that last one. Love a gal in a hawaiian shirt.
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Is there any outfit loras for a juicy velour tracksuit like this
>>20410 sir, impressive, hats down!
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>>20410 Glad you liked it! I made like a million of em while I was out on a walk but I didn't want to spam the thread with such a specific theme. Here's a few more.
>>20663 >>20725 This cutie's always been the highlight of these threads, cant go wrong watching her fatten up each time my man
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To anyone still using Aurora Borealis, thank you. To see the model I made because I wanted to indulge in merging degeneracy and try new tech, still keep up with newer models, and see active use from anons both here and elsewhere makes me incredibly happy. It really makes me feel like grading all 2000 images was fully worth it in the end. Even though I may not post here as much anymore, you guys are awesome. Sorry for my blog posting, I just wanted to say thank you to all of the anons here for their kindness.
>>20939 Thanks, king. Working on my own image tagging. 5K was a magical number? o7
>>20939 Still using my 50/50 Aurora/RainBBW mix. No other checkpoint has managed to look as good for me.
>>20939 Sir, Aurora it's my go to model in many semi-realistic merges. It's a masterpiece. Thank you for your contribution to this lovely sperg community o7
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An athletic tomboy decides to bulk.
Is it okay to start a furry vore thread here? 4chan seething at AI generated vore because it's not their favorite ugly monster eating people.
>>21100 The board isn't active enough for furry vore to need its own thread, put it in the fur thread >>6563 And they post vore there anyway
>>21102 Thanks, I'll return the board to glory and turn all skinny into fatty.
>>21190 Ain’t no shame in spamming, it’s new content and it’s good content! Cant get tired of this coffee toned cutie fattening up
>>21190 goddamit that last one is probably your best yet, love the ball guts you've done but that shape is absolute perfection
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>>21190 >Man, I love that greenette in the middle! Thanks
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Just practicing on how to keep the same composition through multiple stages of growth. Using the same seed and resolution while changing the weight prompts does a really good job, but at a certain point they wont get fatter due to the dimension limits. The fattest is at a different resolution and that caused the angle and background to change. This can absolutely be fixed by applying openpose controlnet or ipadapter. Or a mix of both.
Can you tell me what model you used? >>21300
>>21710 CetusMix with the SyModel lyco.
https://playground.com/ 2 extreme obese ssbbw girls, feedee, tight clothes, living room, eating cakes, gaining more weight, Mysterious
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Chubby goth cheerleader chubsters
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Anyone know why the second image is blurry? AFAIK it's the same settings, but SD is having a hissy fit and making images like the second one (all blurry) for some reason.
>>21956 Not high enough denoise on the upscaling step
I want to check the prompt, what should I do?
I want to check the prompt, what should I do?
>>22158 This chan doesn't strip Metadata and most of the full suite softwares include it while generating so as long as no one stripped that out before uploading then you can view it by using an online png Metadata viewer or simply open the picture in notepad
>>21190 Can you tell me what model you used?
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attempt at some cartoon fats
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Some Galko-Chans I did from a /d/ thread a while ago.
(1.16 MB 1200x1200 Yotsu_30-03-2024_00003_.png)
(1.39 MB 1200x1200 Yotsu_30-03-2024_00001_.png)
And a couple of Asuka Kazama too.
>>23246 I feel so proud to be called out like this, it’s a delight every time you post man
>>23246 i know it’s just the limitations of ai but it’s hotter to think the differences in the cardigan’s design are because she keeps popping the buttons off and replacing them with bigger shirts, every time swearing it’s the same top…
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I found this on DA, the person who made it is called 'xxeatmexx'.
>>23278 >>23348 That idea works even better with how the expressions range from barely concealed embarrassment to a slight tinge of chubby confidence, a girl struggling to impress you but can’t stop pigging out every day and ruining her wardrobe
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>>23348 Would love to see a couple of her with an obscenely bloated, distended gut. Love seeing button up shirts and other outfits being strained by super distended bellies.
>>23472 Underrated aspect but I love how you post them in order of belly getting bigger, it’s like each post is its own story sequence. And you’ve absolutely nailed the prompting to make a gut look super bloated and round without it looking out of place in the style either, it just fits so naturally!
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>>23472 Your gens are some of the best I almost wish I had an nvidia card so I could take a crack at it
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IDK where I'm going wrong with the faces. Could it be something I'm not adding to the prompt?
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>>23491 nvm upscaling the images and de-noising them kinda fixes it
>>23495 This is how we can save gravity rush Tell Sony California this is an empowering fat positive message High Gravity Rush, in stores 2025
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Symix_Pony + Autism Mix XL works pretty well with minimal effort
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One I did of Mirko.
>>23684 wow, that is good shit
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finally managed to make stable diffusion run on AMD, fresh out the oven
any prompt suggestions on making a fat belly more prominent and large on playground? this is the best i'm getting with " large fat protruding prominent flabby belly. Soft obese pale doughy gut with muffin top and large love handles."
Oh, my God, she's so beautiful! >>23519
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BWS' style with symix and autism. Cant seem to get my upscaling node to work with xl for some reason. But I think the node itself is broken rather than a compatibility issue.
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