/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Beg thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 03/24/2020 (Tue) 01:38:31 Id:3a08b6 No. 2982 [Reply] [Last]
As per your new janitor's request, it's beggin time. Don't bother begging anywhere else, our new boy is deleting your shit.
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deviant art user https://www.deviantart.com/limitburster has deleted their account and it seems like https://www.deviantart.com/grumpy-juice-demon will as well soon, anyone got a download/archive of all their posts?

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T M C Thread Ver.1.0 Kängr 03/08/2020 (Sun) 07:49:02 Id:044fd1 No. 2347 [Reply] [Last]
Please no spamming or begging. Making everyone read your request over and over and generally being annoying, especially without sharing, will assure it won't ever be posted. If you really want something, don't request without fulfilling someone else's request. Don't whine and complain that people aren't giving you what you want, especially if you don't contribute.
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>>137024 >>137027 now draw these two making out

Sauce Thread Sheepherd##5zFMkB 03/29/2020 (Sun) 00:55:29 Id:6de3f2 No. 3192 [Reply] [Last]
Looking for the name of the artist from a picture you found? ASK HERE!
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does anyone remember Bravecornerfighter and if possible have an archive of their art? i've searched everywhere and even with the wayback machine cant get to their art.

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SITE UPDATE: FUNDING SECURED LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:29:30 Id:c6246f No. 129830 [Reply]
>>>/gen/56560 The site has once again been funded. Please leave your thanks for donators in the above post. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.
Edited last time by admin on 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:39:43.

Imbapovi Thread 7: Tokyo Drift Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 22:17:04 Id:47000c No. 134050 [Reply] [Last]
Ok everyone since the old thread was locked I'm making a new thread Currently I'm looking for a no music version of this video https://kemono.su/patreon/user/8481490/post/25766044/revision/207946
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>>136759 Anyone have the update on the winter poll yet?
The winter poll has ended but dont know the results... please give out the 3 winners and type of inflation
Who won and who were the candidates of the poll before the three winners were chosen?
I guess there is a problem because the Kemono of imbapovi also is not updated so••••
>>136988 People shared the poll in the past without kemono

Post fnf characters, nuff said. Fnf thread 08/20/2024 (Tue) 17:17:42 Id:e75df2 No. 123017 [Reply] [Last]
Old fnf thread: https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/83024.html
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Warning: head inflation
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>>136714 on it
>>137082 hell yeah, welcome back cb ..funny thought, what if there was also that closeup from that inflated orb gf post as well >>125217
>>137082 Ay! CB, good to see you back again!

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Ludella Hahn Thread.4 Anonymous 03/01/2024 (Fri) 21:19:11 Id:8ce4c8 No. 107983 [Reply] [Last]
Made a new thread since the other one will be bump locked soon. Unless it already is. Here's a contribution to kick start it. https://mab.to/t/odD9VTtsRs3/eu1
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Does anyone have Kamp Kaa and or Ass-tronaut? I have every BE video so far, plus the Rogue one and will gladly tarde
Could someone reupload the truth or dare vid please?
>>136769 https://mab.to/t/tvcfZ0kWt71/us2 Here you go, mate!
Could someone upload April's Muscle Mutation video?
Any Samaritan who has any of these videos of the great Ludella hahn: Traditional Wife Enchantment, Wizard's Dollified Revenge, Hypnotized Wonder Woman, Idle Hands 2: An Embarrassing Interview and Asstronaut Mixes.

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Anonymous 01/28/2025 (Tue) 22:56:50 Id:9bd004 No. 135151 [Reply] [Last]
LadyLuckFate Thread
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>>136999 same!!!
Yea, I Know People like animation so much.
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>>135665 I finally made a sketch of the characters and my own oc, Twinmill is holding a emotional support friends, and she thinks her friends is gonna like her support friends, by a way for you don’t know or why is there a nonwarhammer character on the back, that is chainmail, he is non warhammer dreadnought OC.
>>137037 Fate is so silly and cute. Twinmill too.
>>137043 Kind of tired of twinmill honestly. Her personality is cute but she's not very attractive, she looks like a little plastic shark.

0pik 0ort Thread Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 02:15:24 Id:bcc7be No. 125325 [Reply] [Last]
Post Opik Oort comics and art right here
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>>137039 Listen buddy I know your Jimmies are rustled but relax. It’s all in good fun to look at it and poke fun. Is he a cuck, SURE. Does that detract from the hotness of the berry-girl who seems to be getting bigger, no. Just chill the fuck out. You’re acting like we are calling you a cuck
>>136997 I mean...his girlfriend's turning into a giant blueberry. Unless you're into that you'd probably be a little bashful around her. More importantly, why ISN'T he into it?
>>137052 cause fat girls are gross
>>137059 Where do you think you are?
>>137069 Anon is the guy who walks into a mcdonalds and goes "I don't eat fast food"

Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 16:53:26 Id:7bfb82 No. 117897 [Reply] [Last]
Comical Weapon Thread VII
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anyone have bottomless pit
can anyone update CW's kemono please and thank you
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Is the Pyra and Mythra pic worth uploading here? Just asking...
>>137075 May we see a sneak-peek?

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things that piss you off 5 Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 18:32:15 Id:956978 No. 135290 [Reply] [Last]
Letting steam out edition >Everything counts >Remember! Don't be pety!
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>>137026 And I don't like you cause your a failed abortion
>>137065 He had a failed abortion?
>>137026 This mf smoked too many mushrooms in the back. You know not all the lgbt community or trans people are like that twitter blue sky folk make up a 4% majority of the human population at most seams small but is pretty big compared to how many humans exist on Earth! But to break it down there are those who are apart of the lgbt and trans community who find certain edgelords like twitter folk just as cringe as everyone here! So don't lump everyone in a majority that's the problem in this society when a minority of idiots do something cringe 99% of that population or culture gets blamed for it. To put it in words you might understand you see that cringy person over there with their obtuse misinformative opinions? We don't claim they're crazy! Think about it if the lgbt community or trans folk were really that cringe why in hell in the almost 40 to 30 plus years going back to the old 90s has not a single issue of note stir up controversy before? It's simple because before there wasn't idiots causing infighting among communities with they're dumb opinions. Gay culture isn't bad blame bad actors who are really responsible for everything you hate
Literally all the scenes i found are m a l e, worst part? They are good!, 6!, Scenes, 6, male. And smt tells me this is in part maybe sexist or smt, cuz when i try to find horror movies where ppl stomach bursts, if are male are by gas, water, etc, but when i search for female, it's only p r e g n a n c y. Ksnskenwlkdkskwsls, and its very hard to find good scenes!
>>137072 Devils advocate here! And I haven’t read this thread yet, just your response! No controversy? Really? We are just going to ignore the disproportionate (per capita) amounts of disease, suicide and pedophilia from said community? And that’s just based off of the “gay” numbers. The “trans” numbers are on average at least 12 -17% higher in each. Pulled all this info from NIH as well. Though it could differ slightly from country to country. Not throwing shade as you’re part of the community, I get it. Do your thing. Don’t sit there though on an high horse and act like “oh it’s because of some actors or *insert person here*” that you get a bad rep. There are case studies that date back to 1910 (first one I could find with credibility at least) so it’s not like people are just making this shit up out of thin air.

Inflation in movies 4 horror,kdrama etc. Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 06:10:42 Id:12620e No. 134608 [Reply]
Link to the old thread for archival >>127410 Old thread bump locked same rules as the original version any scene that shows inflation or growing in any for or way this includes weight gain and pregnancy so long as the belly visibly swells force feeding counts as well so long as inflation is involved. Male scenes aren't necessarily barred from the thread but preferably would fit better in the male thread or its own individual thread if anything less it is requested that you spoiler said male scene images or videos as well as mention whether male or adjacent to it especially if particularly graphic. For example inbred has a very nasty poop inflation scene via septic tank hosed down a guys throat in a shitty wig. Please with that clip in particular censor that nasty shit! But otherwise be kind have fun male female femboy trans whatever you're goddamn preference let's find some good clips preferably hopefully some interesting new ones and enjoy. I personally hope to see more Korean or k drama/ asian country based film clips as they can be very obscure sometimes with some good eat hidden gems!:I also hope to find more amc adjacent horror YouTube short inflations as I feel like in the last thread those were particularly lacking. Hopefully we can find some more goodies!
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>>136843 Dang it, but i dont get it the post said bodies...Maybe in other movies from the franchise? Cuz it says that the whole franchise likes to use special effects and inflate bodies in the final battles. Btw lets keep digging other scenes
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This scene in "When Evil Calls" (2006). It's like really hard to find a source quality version of the film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT8jFeSaoXU&t=2240s
hey im not sure, but at tvtropes i read about an horror movie called Opus from this year that already premiered in 27 january but it will widely release in march 14, and i read that a character named Emily would been thought a kind of ritual that would make her bloat up, someone knows something, maybe a link to the movie?
>>137049 We need to see confirmation of this, God damn.
>>137049 Yeah, btw no one went or recorded or knows how to find Movies that were display in the Sundance festival? Btw dis may be gross, cuz the TvTropes site put it in the body horror section

Pokeblimps 2 Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 08:35:00 Id:61833b No. 74336 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread was bumplocked
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>>136902 How you know? He never had you. Thought you were married. Change your last name
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>>137053 If you don’t see the moral issues attached to gooning to children or representations of children I don’t know what else to tell you
>>137057 >unironically saying "gooning" Thanks for letting us know to never take you seriously.

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Blueberry Faces 2 Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 21:45:16 Id:0b24fb No. 112023 [Reply] [Last]
A new thread to post morphs of women turning blue!
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Blueberry-Paradise-2 on deviantart
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highly recommend morphing foodie influencers who love showing off their food babies lads

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Real Life Belly Inflation 2 Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 21:49:36 Id:46974e No. 130120 [Reply]
Old thread got bumplocked. Re11n@: https://we.tl/t-LNmaf6gtZk https://we.tl/t-e3cHASLEyg https://we.tl/t-j73w15T1vi PumpMeUp: https://we.tl/t-KQD2anaOvn SweedishBellyGirl: https://we.tl/t-A5VPWgBB4F https://we.tl/t-VMHisdOaW3 Sw0llenBe11yGirl: https://we.tl/t-GGHZgVTSTY https://we.tl/t-FHRghD37Hv
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Anybody have any idea who is she?
Can anyone hook me up with some of ASMRMother and Super-Distribution19's vids? I'm really curious to see just how big they can get
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Anyone got any swollenbellygirl vids? Looking for this one in particular. I’m subbed to her of I’ll update the coomer tomorrow. Here’s bigsoftie as a contribution, some really hot inflation vids https://mega.nz/folder/k9YlDIqB#lXl_9S7Oz5fqqRnpsCq1hw
Yeah so can any one update any of the links from OP since they were all timed out? >>135909 Bro did NOT update
Does any have "biggest_b" recent videos? I tried looking for them but there only old ones on p h
