/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Klonoa Thread LipomancerMage 11/27/2023 (Mon) 16:00:31 Id:5c750c No. 48955 [Reply] [Last]
Post art of Klonoa here, whether it's Inflation or fat art of him.
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Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 14:00:30 Id:f164e0 No. 56743 [Reply]
Public embarrassment / Wadrobe Malfunction Thread. Post!
24 posts and 41 images omitted.
>>58828 More Diane?

Fortnite Furry Chicks Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 07:51:58 Id:12ef04 No. 21945 [Reply] [Last]
Females only
151 posts and 271 images omitted.
>>64827 Source?
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>>67726 this counts right

Beastars 2 Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 13:50:49 Id:af3a6f No. 41374 [Reply] [Last]
with the recent loss of the first thread and seeing that no one made another thread about the quintessential furrybait
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Hehe well the Haru grind never stops! Only when it takes breaks, right now I have more Haru goodness to share with y'all, oh and some fine pieces of Mizuchi too because gotta give the girl some love as well ;3!
Just one more pic of fat Haru that I found
Louis is well aware of the risks involved with him as a herbivore dating a carnivore like his beloved Juno. But he has found a way to curb any potential cravings she might have for his flesh (in any way that isn't sexual), and that is to keep her constantly full, ready to burst full. The rational is that she won't go savage and eat him if she's too full to eat anything at all. Naturally, being fed so much food so often has made Juno gain a tremendous amount of weight. But because she loves Louis she is reluctantly going along with it as it seems to be the only way to keep Louis safe from any carnivorous urges that she would otherwise have an incredibly difficult time controlling.
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Did the translation myself

Fawxen Thread Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 21:34:32 Id:bf3f6e No. 54613 [Reply] [Last]
old thread got lost in the masses. post and discuss art by and for fawxen
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He's got a lot of characters to work with and barely uses some. Which character of his do you want to be more developed?
>>66883 More Madeline. Insanely hot, seems game to be extreme fat.
>>66883 Samantha
>>66883 i think Samantha needs a gf
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Comic/Sequence General Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 17:15:40 Id:744868 No. 64077 [Reply]
Post any art that is part of a series or sequence. These can be story based, part of a series, or just general sequences. This includes any sequences (example seen with the pics up top), weight gain or inflation drives, or comics.
10 posts and 16 images omitted.
>>66137 (1) Sophia: "Just a little more..." Sarah: "If they meant for us to get fat when we ate through the door why did they make the doorway so small?!" Sophia: "For once you make a good point." (2) Sarah: "What the heck just happened?!" Sophia: "I don't know! We just went through the doors and were on this scale thing!" Sarah: "I thought you said you DIDN'T know what just happened."

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>>66138 >>66119 (1) Sophia: "Ok, I hit the button, we can stop now..." Sarah: *continued gulping* Sophia: *sigh* (2) Sophia: "Oh jeez, I feel so bloated..." Sarah: "Hey, look how big my boobs got!"

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Where's OP?
>>67333 >>67572 Here I am!

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Silent Jack/Mia mouse Thread Anonymous 03/05/2024 (Tue) 00:19:52 Id:f7c25b No. 55964 [Reply] [Last]
I'm surprised no one made this yet.
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Someone asked for a hug.

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Furry OCs Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 03:50:05 Id:40b157 No. 61581 [Reply] [Last]
Your favorite fat furries that don't belong to a franchise Post your sparkle dogs, your Donut Steeles, your actually original ideas. As long as you have a fat girl who's not part of a larger IP, we want her here!
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sandy cheeks 2 Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 22:23:52 Id:9717ce No. 54728 [Reply] [Last]
original thread was lost
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Enjoying Inflation (Furries Edition) Anonymous 10/08/2022 (Sat) 05:11:29 Id:076e76 No. 23363 [Reply] [Last]
Furries enjoying their inflation, smiling, grinning, 'gasming, everything! No bad fee-fees allowed.
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>>66182 I don't know if you're retard... Or just got confused by... any possible way but that isn't furry. It's Cantinflas.
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>>57405 Is that a yes?

Slob furs Anonymous 04/30/2024 (Tue) 21:51:39 Id:85ac29 No. 63349 [Reply]
Post your farting filthy furs here!
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Help >>66060!

New Happy Tree Friends Thread New Happy Tree Friends Thread 02/07/2024 (Wed) 22:25:23 Id:e11723 No. 53654 [Reply] [Last]
I've always thought that Giggles looked adorable when she's fat. Too bad that has never canonically happened to her!
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>>67336 source?
A Twitter user named e.s.s.
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>>67350 https://x.com/ess_n_stuffs/status/1761913303821881436

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Jelliroll thread Jelliroll 06/04/2024 (Tue) 04:34:04 Id:429332 No. 66039 [Reply]
Jelliroll's art and comics
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>>66300 Sorry for that loss.😔
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Obscure Webcomic Furries Thread Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 22:40:22 Id:ac21ba No. 53983 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for furries that are pretty popular in the Webcomic space, so.. go wild and find some webcomic characters to post.
66 posts and 97 images omitted.
>>66880 >>66985 This is fucking garbage
>>66988 Oh yeah?
That darn fox is here!

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GravitySecretAgent Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 05:42:01 Id:7c62f6 No. 59556 [Reply] [Last]
2 thread spaces were vacant at the time of posting. You can’t complain.
397 posts and 160 images omitted.
>>67466 Probably write one last thing, how many posts do we have left?
>>67486 4 more. >>67481 Wildcat is dead.
>>67486 Please do the Kujirako bad end that guy requested a while back. I’m curious to see your take on it >>64040
>>67486 Are the Janitor.ai bots done?
