/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Akari-Andalite/Darla-Gator Thread I_am_For_a_Reason_2 06/05/2024 (Wed) 22:05:35 Id:ed519c No. 66157 [Reply]
Since there is no Akari-Andalite/Darla-Gator Thread, I decided that I make a thread about it, so start posting some Akari-Andalite/Darla-Gator related inflation/weight gain
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Anyone got his patreon exclusives? They aren't on kemono

Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 19:13:47 Id:16f827 No. 23302 [Reply] [Last]
Colorization Thread II
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Could someone do this comic? Have to post it this way since it says someone already posted this but don’t see it anywhere
Colorize this. (Color palette reference here.)
Color Vanilla naked. Original sketches by doublef-returns
Color in this chonky cat however you like.
>>67897 what, like a blonde-haired cat?

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vimhomeless thread 04/11/2024 (Thu) 08:31:23 Id:b4d11a No. 61134 [Reply]
Let’s do this again
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>>61183 What happened here!? She looked better before in design.The fuck is this new one???
>>61134 If you have to try something again it means it's not worth it and you need to rethink your thread.
Make an OC thread next time.
>>66298 That has been arranged. >>67886

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Parappa/Um Jammer Lammy Thread 06/11/2024 (Tue) 23:39:00 Id:610fe7 No. 66486 [Reply]
Kicking off with one by yours truly weheheheh
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>>66840 Most excellent. Thanks much. >>67050 Adore the way this guy draws Lammies.

Jiggly Bunny Thread Reborn Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 03:42:17 Id:50b800 No. 63580 [Reply]
A thread dedicated to the sweetest and most sensual bunny from Kazecat, and her old thread has died, but she came back to offer us her enormous BUNS. P.S: If anyone managed to download and save their old PICS from their old thread, post them here including her friends like Luna Bunny, Jessica Bunny, Violet Bunny and Aroma Skunk. HAVE FUN! :3
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>>66767 To the rescue!
(1022.11 KB 4096x2009 media_GPjsDSlXYAAKE7e.jpg)

OC Thread Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 03:07:31 Id:89dee8 No. 67886 [Reply]
Original Characters go there.

tawnsyscrawnyleo Thread Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 03:14:16 Id:15e881 No. 58385 [Reply]
Post art of the lion and the tigress.
13 posts and 25 images omitted.
Anything new from her yet?
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Taokaka Appreciation Thread Anonymous 06/17/2023 (Sat) 10:58:17 Id:ab585c No. 38235 [Reply] [Last]
Gotta love this meatbun-loving cat gal!
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Still digging for more Tao content for this thread. Not much left, sadly.
Bump with content.
This thread is now officially one year old. Amazing on how long this lasted for.
>>66929 It's very amazing I'm surprised it's been around for this long
(9.76 MB 4409x2480 Commission_Taokaka.png)
Commissions I got done

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OmegaOverdrive and OmegaOverdrive related characters Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 01:14:23 Id:74c29f No. 57690 [Reply]
He was lurking here earlier. Making this thread just in case he comes back and maybe decides he wants to draw. Related characters include >Gyan the galaga wife >nosferatu16’s Vikki from that one sequence >Azmodan because he commissions him sometimes >Kasame the Kasa-Obake girl >Kunitsune the new masked girl And hopefully he’ll tell us more if he shows up here. Gallery: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/omegaoverdrive/ Twitter: https://www.sotwe.com/Omega_Overdrive
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(462.19 KB 1225x897 Smokii Gyan.PNG)
I’m currently sifting through the archives https://web.archive.org/web/20240429195016/https://bbw-chan.link/bbfurries/res/56155.html To find that Egyptian bird lady
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>>64139 Bump for more Gyan
(14.40 KB 399x362 06:19:2002.WEBP)
We missed his birthday.
(179.71 KB 2143x1437 13 Feb 2021 Themberchaud.JPG)
>>67468 Oh well. Looks like he had an idea of what Themberchaud was like. How about now that the movie’s out?
(260.69 KB 2048x1024 Two other birthdays.JPG)
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>>67468 Glad some people remembered

krystalvix77 thread Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 23:28:29 Id:95227d No. 66011 [Reply]
Though we could use one.
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>>67147 Lazy asses
(5.28 MB 4604x6400 Fifth.jpg)
Second commission with Zedd but this time with Katt and Bridgette. This image is too hot for Deviantart and you can see the uncensored version on Krystalvix's SubscribeStar! https://subscribestar.adult/pregfurcomics

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Kung Fu Panda Thread Anonymous 12/12/2020 (Sat) 17:32:29 Id:2eb59a No. 2724 [Reply] [Last]
Didn't see a Kung Fu Panda thread, so I thought I'd start one.
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>>51463 DrakeMOhkami

mammoth mutt Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 22:47:34 Id:f2cc3d No. 41411 [Reply] [Last]
remaking the old thread
155 posts and 117 images omitted.
If anyone wants to be in a Mammoth Mutt RP, be my guest.
>>65946 Okay!

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Fit to Fat Thread Anonymous 03/08/2024 (Fri) 06:32:09 Id:f1a3ea No. 56264 [Reply] [Last]
Post art of buff or fit furry characters that go from fit to fat. Example seen here.
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>>67745 That's hot.
>>66256 >>67767 More so when put together.

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Not sure if this is a good way to start a thread. Anonymous 03/05/2024 (Tue) 11:51:48 Id:21d9c6 No. 56009 [Reply]
I just wanna promote this inflation drive going on. https://www.vxtwitter.com/IncidentalSnail/status/1763693196280828262 https://ko-fi.com/joanssoup It's for a good cause, and you get to see a plump Samurott lady balloon up. There's a bonus if it hits $5K and above.
36 posts and 27 images omitted.
>>66294 That can be arranged.

General Weight Gain Thread Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 23:40:21 Id:2e8dda No. 62507 [Reply]
Let's compliment >>22496
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