/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Bear thread Bear thread 06/20/2023 (Tue) 13:26:28 Id:fcdac8 No. 38467 [Reply] [Last]
Let's redo this thread.
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Themberchaud and other fat dragons Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 23:38:28 Id:28b0ba No. 58686 [Reply] [Last]
Inspired by the failure of the previous Themberchaud thread. Get every fat dragon you can in here and discuss which ones are your favorite. Male or female, western or eastern, big or small, anthro or (not so much) feral. Just talk fat dragons and their artists
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like from behind and at a side angle
>>67499 OmegaOverdrive’s Themberchaud circa 2021

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Big Birds/Avians Thread (M&F) Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 06:33:16 Id:9e0bcd No. 51591 [Reply] [Last]
They are such a good species to see plumped the heck up
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>>63887 >>63888 >>63889 I love how all it takes is a lot of good art to make me think "Actually the Mcdonalds bird IS thicc as fuck" XD
birds are still the best species
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College Furries Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 04:26:20 Id:26fb85 No. 67156 [Reply]
A perfect time for fatties.
>>67156 >>67157 Wouldn't you agree?

Popping thread: Going out with a bang! Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 02:15:26 Id:2bb8cd No. 30648 [Reply] [Last]
For Anyone who's got any really fun Popping overinflation stuff to share both male/female/other boobs and literal blowjobed dicks, hell blowkissed to confetti and shit none of it matters so much as it ends in a fireworks show!
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>>65066 de-flator
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Chikn nuggit 2 Anonymous 03/26/2024 (Tue) 23:20:56 Id:7e7927 No. 58854 [Reply] [Last]
Now with canonical Cofi X Chee. Post more of the fat animals here.
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Found this image of Slushi. I know it aint much, but u gotta make the most out of anything ya find.
>>65900 how's the work coming along?
(Art Cred: danthetrain16 on Deviantart.)
>>65900 Did he dip?

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Cult of the Lard Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:14:11 Id:71a1d4 No. 57822 [Reply] [Last]
Post and Worship our tubby savior!
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So what do we do with him? .3.
>>66280 Let's fatten him up as well!
Now that's what I'm talking about!
>>66848 Okay! *Gives him s'mores*

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Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 18:30:23 Id:5a25cb No. 65504 [Reply]
*Meta Discussion* Why FurAffinity sucks so much? Bad user experience on desktop and mobile. Piss-poor security. You can't read stories there in the year of 2024, you have to donwload it. Full of little kids. Incompetent mods. An even bigger incompetent admin.
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>>65534 FurAffinity will never close and this is a (good thing) because it gatekeeps the community.
>>65694 That's funny. LOL It's run by the same people the gatekeeping is supposed to protect against.
The reason is because Furaffinity is run by just a guy and a handful of computer techs and not a souless mega corporation. Thast why theres so many bugs. They dont have the funding to run shit smoothly its mostly via donations from furry artists themselves that want to advertise their product. You dont see any mega corporations like coca cola or pepsi or vpn or video game companies. its completely funded by artists so it much more free than other sites but as a result it also more buggy
There's really only 3 choices I know of, InkBunny, which is just full of pedo's posting cp, and Deviantart, which is just 90% ai crap now. Furaffinity is the only one that doesn't allow for both which is why I use it. Yeah it's pretty primitive but at the end of the day it's a website for furry art/porn, it doesn't need to be perfect. This thread is just some autistic guy ranting on about a furry porn site because an admin pissed him off, dude grow up and move on, it's just a furry art site.
Why do so many websites have admins allergic to change that makes handling the website easier?

Vgfats thread Anonymous 10/13/2023 (Fri) 15:31:36 Id:92cd88 No. 46867 [Reply]
Post art of these two
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Are there any fans left who're artists or writers?
>>62494 I hope so.
>>63924 She the reason I stop working out. I walked out the gym one day she was sitting right there in her car stalking me. Like she wont let go. Forcing her way into our live every chance she get. Like go to turks. Fuck off
>>51435 Specifically? >>52901 I think it's because it's a webcomic.
>>51434 He could've made mad bucks with a Patreon and doing the occasional new strip without Aeris.

Fat Morgana Thread Anonymous 06/21/2023 (Wed) 22:05:14 Id:ca1204 No. 38532 [Reply] [Last]
Looking fat, Mona!
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>>63173 Im always mad because you take me for fool. I see right through you and you hate that i can.
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Furries + Health Issues 2 Anonymous 01/19/2020 (Sun) 13:56:21 Id:0efefb No. 27 [Reply] [Last]
old one lost, new one made.
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>>27 The end of an era

Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 03:40:53 Id:d64230 No. 22486 [Reply] [Last]
Five Nights at Freddy's Thread 4
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Has anyone ever imported Bubblefox’s Circus baby model to vrchat yet?
>>66811 Proof? I mean he stated they're private and they're not his.
Yea I seem to have found them in this blog already, so he did have them released to public wince but deleted them
>>37906 The models that someone had saved are right here, the ones Bubblefox uses
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https://www.furaffinity.net/view/30460660/ Can we get this image in full size?

Von and Ben BNA 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:53:30 Id:2380a5 No. 67014 [Reply]
a good thread for both
>>67014 Who? And can you please find examples of art featuring these two?
Seems they're two characters from Brave New Animal. There doesn't seem to be much art of them, however
>>67026 together or separately, the important thing is to have it

judy hopps Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 03:46:24 Id:ca871d No. 23983 [Reply] [Last]
seeing as how the last thread got deleted lets start a new one
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Not Pregnant; Just Fat Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 23:30:45 Id:a8692d No. 57087 [Reply]
Upload photos of anthropomorphic women who are mistaken for pregnant due to their big and/or inflated stomachs, or women with protruding, fat, and/or swollen bellies who are jokingly pretending to be pregnant.
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Where's OP?
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>>67076 Here I am. How do you do?
