/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Rushrabbit thread Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 14:35:23 Id:ae06e1 No. 54244 [Reply] [Last]
Post art by the trans skaterbun herself
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1. Glut, the blobby shoulder demon, haughtily eating in the middle of a massive (compared relative to him) ice cream cake, he holds his pitchfork high using it as an actual fork with a piece of cake lodged in it. He's surrounded by large buttery burgers, chocolate cake slices, and hotdogs. 2. Quite the chubby skater bunny lying on her belly in the nude, there's donuts seductively placed on her thick doughy asscheeks, boobs, and footpaws and she's giving you a silly look with her tongue out. 3. Rush the Rabbit with her thicc ass cheeks spray paints "TRANS PRIDE" over a brick wall, the wall is also scralled with other various tags. In the background is a towering megacity and a highway bridge.
Happy belated birthday.
>>68035 That's hot, but is that a gingerbread house?

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Fortnite Furry Dudes 02/25/2024 (Sun) 22:33:06 Id:cf9ec6 No. 55116 [Reply]
This is the same thing as the Fortnite Furry Chicks Thread, except males.
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>>64071 This is probably my fav video of meowscles...
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Inflatable Fursuits Thread 3: Big and Round Edition Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 08:22:24 Id:6da557 No. 63138 [Reply]
alright, last thread died, time to make a new one. Same rules as usual, just post anything related to inflatable suits n shit. While IRL vids and pics are preferred, art is also allowed too, just to keep the thread a bit more active hopefully. heres a MAB link to kick it off: https://mab.to/t/IVTTnH2t0PI/us3
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And does somebody have this video of Coco cow? https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/52559/6457989/bursting-size-10x-dress
Where is this from? Like who is this suiter?
>>68020 this girl made by zaelgoin
Speaking of zaelgolin Does anyone have any more zaelgolin videos?

Gillpanda thread Gillpanda thread 12/13/2023 (Wed) 04:51:36 Id:df6e50 No. 49934 [Reply]
Long live the panda queen
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>>67809 https://gofile.io/d/EXnEG7
>>66756 I tried https://civitai.com/models/538722?modelVersionId=598888
>>67817 https://archive.org/details/1_20240626_20240626_1731
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Ai is lovely caveduck io Gillpanda Claude 3 Opus
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>>67936 Anon...?

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Draw Request Thread NEO hpuser 05/30/2024 (Thu) 02:48:35 Id:80eaa5 No. 65467 [Reply]
Come put your requests here
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>>65467 this concept but with the boo twins Peeka and Lahla from paper mario 1000 year door
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>>65467 Requesting a two-panel drawing of Kindred Wolf devouring massive amounts of roasted chicken and beer (there's a table with dozens of stacked empty plates and wooden beer mugs, the Wolf himself is at his usual size, he's in the middle of drinking out of a beer mug) in some tavern (it's the first panel), while the second panel shows Kindred Lamb standing alone in the woods, panicking because her stomach is exploding, she's grabbing her swelling stomach with both of her hands, with her pupilless eyes wide from shock (like in the reference attached, no mouth and pupils) and sad eyebrows, there are some sweat droplets on her face. Her legs are buckling and shuddering (the knees are facing each other, her legs are surrounded by the anime "shaking lines") under the weight of her expanding stomach, which can be seen bloating up in real time. Please don't make the stomach too cartoonishly big, make it realistic, but stretched to its limit and on the brink of bursting, give it a navel as well. Her speech bubble reads "Oh no, not again *uuuurp* That fool... He forgot about our bond! He's going to make it burst this time, isn't he? *ulp*"
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no need to request hog, but Susie deltarune pregnant plz
>>65468 Bumpus threadicus

The one and only... Anonymous 03/15/2024 (Fri) 00:01:09 Id:b33d7c No. 57102 [Reply] [Last]
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(9.18 MB 1920x1080 The watering hole.webm)
>00:06 >Gloria's body jiggling after she gives her hip a light slap My dick is fucking diamonds.
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https://www.patreon.com/posts/full-june-2024-106754503 Anyone have this?

Honey inflation thread Anonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 18:49:14 Id:a8a7a6 No. 65871 [Reply]
Let's create a thread on it since it appears to be lacking.
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>>67848 Am not.
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Fat shark/sharkgirl 2 05/18/2024 (Sat) 16:35:54 Id:183a6a No. 64646 [Reply] [Last]
Thought I’d bring one of my favorite threads back
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alright last that i have< until next time people take care!!
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Vibri vib-ribbon Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 03:47:35 Id:b0d4af No. 22489 [Reply] [Last]
Remaking this! We need moar of this bunny!
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Does anyone have proper pics of this model?
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We need more Vibri chatbots.
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>>66568 I got ya fam.

Uber Inflation Uber Inflation 09/15/2023 (Fri) 04:27:01 Id:41abf9 No. 45033 [Reply] [Last]
New uber thread
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>>66877 Hey could we get the full rouge bubble comic?
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Edit Thread+ Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 13:43:38 Id:d3b29e No. 63833 [Reply]
Another T=thread for more edits
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Does someone fix Amy's color?
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>>67588 Bumping my request
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Make her look more like Judy Hopps in le movie (mostly lengthen the eyebrows)

Rouge the Bat thread Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 15:59:59 Id:9fc909 No. 52189 [Reply] [Last]
The unreasonable and probably unhealthy amount of gallons I lose to her on an almost daily basis is very concerning and likely a leading cause to me not getting shit done. Good thing I'm looking to not get shit done anytime soon.
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So, you Come across Rouge and her long lost twin sister, all fattened-up and you plan to fatten then up more. How should you do it?
If you want to kidnap and forcefeed Rouge until she's immobile. Have I got a chat for you. https://character.ai/chat/Rh408_Kp1BIKqlu_KpLkyO-MBLRBdK9ooHu8g92FAl8
>>67312 https://character.ai/chat/0Sn1wAaSlJ13VIMRkeRTKpZDhP9ieWorz59onSgb_S4
>>67312 Sauce on that second Rouge?

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Indigo Park Thread Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 23:58:38 Id:4663cb No. 65246 [Reply]
I'm honestly surprised a thread has not started on here yet for these characters. They're total fur bait but screw it, I bit on the hook.
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Bowser Weight Gain Thread Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 19:30:43 Id:00d2ed No. 67943 [Reply]
A thread dedicated to either the Inside Story scene or any other art of the King of Koopas being fat

Fat susie deltarune Anonymous 06/25/2023 (Sun) 03:53:12 Id:fcad65 No. 38667 [Reply] [Last]
we need to find and archive images of fat susie
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Forgive the AI slop, but the first two are real
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>>66279 man at least get the full quality image
>>67807 Oh shit you're right, I didn't even notice how shit that looked- Thank you
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>>67850 hey i dont blame you. the artist posted the low quality one on da, but twitter has the high res. weird situation
