/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Sly Cooper Thread 2 Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 17:14:31 Id:fb57ba No. 60594 [Reply]
The Return
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Does anyone have the original thread archived? Maybe send a link the the original archived thread.
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Dreamworks thread Anonymous 02/10/2023 (Fri) 04:21:23 Id:91dcdd No. 32140 [Reply] [Last]
post dreamworks fatties
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>>66466 Again, >>65708, concerning >>66446: what are your socials?
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Enjoy it!
>>43222 Sauce?

Queen Beezlebub Thread 06/21/2024 (Fri) 19:59:14 Id:329561 No. 67438 [Reply]
I figured to include the gluttony queen here since...well her title speaks for itself really.
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We already have a honey expansion thread. >>65871
>>67679 ..counterpoint, there's barley any queen bee pics in it.

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Art Fat BNA Part 2 BNA 06/15/2024 (Sat) 03:46:09 Id:7ac0a7 No. 66695 [Reply]
well let's go again
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Stella thread Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 14:02:53 Id:0d1d8f No. 61725 [Reply] [Last]
Octavia's mom deserves some love too, despite how much of a bitch she actually is
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Your reminder that Stella is superior, especislly obese.
>>67892 She is
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Anyone got this pic?

Chilli Heeler Chilli Heeler 02/12/2024 (Mon) 08:27:12 Id:805816 No. 54132 [Reply] [Last]
Post pics of bluey’s mum
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Post Chonky Cats here Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 17:36:13 Id:c85504 No. 66978 [Reply]
Come on, now. Let's do it.
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>>68072 You don't understand. Read >>68071
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>>68074 That is not very wholesome 100 and epic 100 of you, u/bigchungus. You deserve no updoots. No Reddit Gold for you. Go back to gooning and mewing to help develop your rizz. You should also start mining diamonds in Minecraft. Ohio.
>>68075 Do you have any fat cat art to post here or not?
>>68072 Pimpy son opp??
>>68083 Pimpy son OPP, best Pimpy son. We also have Glizzy and Percs, as well as 2XJERKOFF DICKHEAD X KIKI. You'll never see wholesome chonkers like these anywhere else. Only on r/chonkers. Updoot wholesome epic 100. >>68077 Your post has been downdooted and Reddit Karma removed. No more Reddit Gold. Get back to gooning and mewing NOW or you will lose your status as a mod of r/chonkers.

Octavia thread Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 12:45:14 Id:275a50 No. 61715 [Reply]
Gotta bring back everyone's favorite demon owl Lolita
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>>67948 the internet wont listen its the internet
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Both of these I have no idea who made but I know they were both made for a art trade for the same user It’s unknown what the user made back for both
>>67948 It’s called the public domain of fan inspired art, interpretations exist. That’s how.
>>67948 Creators going on social media to confirm a sexuality is already suspect. Having them display the sexuality of every single character in this eye vomit is nauseating. Helluva Boss needs to burn.

MLP Anonymous 05/11/2023 (Thu) 19:36:18 Id:6e5e0c No. 36921 [Reply] [Last]
My Little Pony Last thread: >>>13 https://web.archive.org/web/20230511192619/https://bbw-chan.nl/bbfurries/res/13.html
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Would you help her?

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Pyrocynical fat art Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 05:04:56 Id:435df9 No. 50343 [Reply] [Last]
Didn't see a thread for it, so why not start now? Got pics of a blubbery Pyro? Drop 'em here!
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After his unhinged food videos I literally need someone to commission or make art of pyro getting force feed Dunkin donuts coffees with at least a tanker of sugar! Sugar first unstirred "Evil laughter"
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The Lion King Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 16:07:26 Id:a3e790 No. 60070 [Reply] [Last]
Post TLK fat art to your heart's content
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Waiting for more Kionlicious pictures.
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Have some Ma.

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Toriel thread Anonymous 12/16/2021 (Thu) 01:29:48 Id:6638ec No. 9822 [Reply] [Last]
The beautiful goat lady who has that motherly nature thats almost impossible to resist
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>>67362 Still really good
>>67362 Source?
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A higher quality one
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elfilin/elfilis thread X Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 16:10:10 Id:c56dbb No. 64178 [Reply]
Post any fat/inflation/weight gain
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>>66410 Is that manga official????
>>64183 Let's stuff this turkey!

Community thread Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 05:10:09 Id:efa010 No. 66888 [Reply]
All the better for doing things like weight gain drive promotions.
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>>67865 >Pearl clutch about me calling you the "n-word" >It was the "-a" version rather than the bad "-er" one >Screenshot shows you replying to yourself with a question FUCKIN KEK
>>67867 Hey I was replying to the moderators!
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>>67865 Pov: someone called you the n word in your shit thread
>>67870 It's not shit! And even then, it's not my fault it went down a creek.
What fat characters do you love?

pyredaemos thread Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 16:27:04 Id:b04c05 No. 67633 [Reply]
For all your squigga needs.
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>>67633 Piss off wildcat
>>67646 You always say that so many times that's it's meaningless.
