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Underrated BBWs Thread NopeGuy 01/06/2024 (Sat) 06:20:27 Id:3f21e0 No. 142712 [Reply] [Last]
I made this thread for the bodacious BBWs who deserve more attention but wouldn't warrant an entire thread on their own. Whether that be because they're retired, are new and/or don't have too much to share, or just got buried Included: - Arana Coyote - BBW Peach - Cutejayne - Danica Moon - GemmiKakes - HelaBelaBBW - HoneyBunTV - HungrylilKitty - Jasmine Torres - Juliette Michele - KatiesBigFatButt - Klairvayzor - MammaGerth - Miss Magpie - MissLunaMagic

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>>191498 God damn I wish she was still postikng
>>191498 Shame about the tattoos Many such cases.
>>191513 Thanks a lot pk dude!
>>191513 Honeybun is definitely underrated. Thanks for the upload. Hopefully huge numbers from her this year.

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Button pop/Clothes Ripping Thread anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 19:29:50 Id:e6ee71 No. 190839 [Reply]
Post here your favorite vids of BBW wardrobe malfunctions, from button pops to straight up destroying pieces of clothing. I'll start with the iconic bellybusterr video of her tearing through a shirt with her belly : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzVKCID2T6c
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Speaking of classics, this old Jessicuh-video was probably the first time I got off on this sort of thing. https://gofile.io/d/kzoO0w
added another video to the gofile https://gofile.io/d/tPCBkM
>>191230 Dang, i cant believe the quality we used to fap to.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66aWiUsIh1Y Another great vid from BellyBusterr
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsTmGBltLjY A full on Button Pop compilation

sexy french girl 01/11/2025 (Sat) 15:32:12 Id:aaf3ef No. 188816 [Reply]
i dont know where i got these from or who she is. im pretty sure shes french. id like to see more of her. if anyone has vids or knows who she is please share https://gofile.io/d/RbuJ1k
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>>190591 Yeah, seems like it's going to be longer outtage. Here is all the 58 files I have, It's going to take a few minutes to upload https://mab.to/t/eJMhu4UfvdD/eu1
looks like the some of the IG posts I uploaded are starting to show up on stufferdb
Does she have any new shit? Someone recently posted a vid of her on ThisVid. Video looks new, never seen it before. https://thisvid.com/videos/french-bbw-shakes-for-a-bit/
>>191807 It's the one I uploaded to her stufferdb, check the ig folder
Hm, I must be on the wrong profile on Stufferdb cause I dont see that video on there

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Stuffedbelly1832 Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 19:32:53 Id:3ced5b No. 190710 [Reply]
Anyone got anything of this girl? Stuffedbelly1832 on instagram and feabie. Great belly, I've got some stuff she hasn't uploaded if people want. https://mab.to/t/SCV25POHfd9/us2
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Shes got a great gut. Good find
I didn't get to the vids in time, could you reup please?
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Here ya go https://gofile.io/d/u0yoCB

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Kailmessy AnybodyLost6726 12/21/2024 (Sat) 09:19:33 Id:a99b6e No. 186058 [Reply]
She's a super cute and beautiful 21 year old BBW latina. She gained her weight pretty fast during the last year and a half. She was a real 10/10 skinny model beauty before and comletely let herself go. She didn't develop a curvy shape, but a lazy, flabby junk food body with a lot of fat going her belly. I think her and flattering looks are extremely sexy and she still has a very beautiful face. I also like that she stoppüed to shave her pussy which perfectly fits her out of shape messy fatty looks. https://gofile.io/d/1GqSK2
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>>188532 def se asian, could be pinoy tho
Latest post...
She just keeps getting better...
Latest IG post https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFlGDOKpp2s/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

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Katie Cummings Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 20:39:03 Id:b9f304 No. 177356 [Reply] [Last]
If anyone has High School Reunion or Chubby Relaxing And Ice Cream Eatingit would be appreciated. https://gofile.io/d/lSmkne
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Looking for these in hd from 2015-2017: contribution: https://gofile.io/d/dQyrec
Didn’t she say somewhere a new Star Wars video was coming out? Still haven’t seen that
What would some of the videos be of her at her largest ?
>>190720 Her largest absolutely falls within the window from 2019 to 2021. Her best-selling video ever is Dr Kate & Dr Nito from May of 2021 and she's still got the pronounced belly that then fades over 2022 to now as she starts slimming down for the surgery/keeping it off after. Your best bet for BBW Katie content is the Plumber video, Cardio, and the Easter stepmom roleplay video. TONS of good belly angles.
She’s active again. Sellling a thong on her OF! Would love to see someone buy it

MissRubyLuxe Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 05:14:47 Id:1a19a3 No. 180392 [Reply]
Starting a thread of this beautiful slob bbw. Anyone have Sexy Fatty Eats Too Many Birthday Cakes? Here are some of her messy vids of my own: https://we.tl/t-51xZwQmHra
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>>185538 >https://gofile.io/d/HRKmcm thanks !!!
man, she is so hot
She's great. Miss her content.
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Big Belly Amber Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 13:31:36 Id:07c890 No. 179546 [Reply]
Kickstarting a thread on her by sharing this video, she's such a gorgeous pig. https://gofile.io/d/KIL7AG
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https://gofile.io/d/gSqs9k 💛
>>188384 Thank you!
Which videos does she seem to moan in the most. I know some people hate it, but to me it's great
>>188384 Reup pls
>>187513 i know its a long shot but can anyone reup these?

CouchQueen Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 16:33:55 Id:707933 No. 164082 [Reply] [Last]
I can’t find the last thread she had and I think it might be bumplocked, so I’m making this one. Anyone who would like to contribute content is much appreciated. Newer content is especially appreciated since she is looking bigger than she has in a while now Here are a couple vids of her: https://gofile.io/d/RTPXGT
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Somebody has her 2024 selzer chug?
>>189585 i think she's just got that sad face / lowkey personality too. she had to make a post after her "i regret getting fat" video a year or two ago because of the amount of people expressing concern for her well-being. i think she's definitely into the degradation / lack of control / shame aspect of it, but i wouldn't be surprised if she has moments from time to time of regret and associated thoughts. i remember one tumblr model explaining that the lack of control one has over their eating and the feeling of being trapped in a vicious cycle are real, but that they also enhance the arousal they felt from the whole thing humans are complex lol.
>>189779 *i should say, she had to make a post in response to the concern explaining to everyone that she was acting, if it wasn't clear
>>191838 Mf really put gran turismo music in her video...

Let's start a new thread of her again Disto thread 01/10/2025 (Fri) 07:52:00 Id:ab8c3e No. 188671 [Reply]
https://gofile.io/d/cZD0XA something to start
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>>190339 She never said she was a gainer, she's a foodie not a mocchiibaby and that's okay. We need more women like this, chubby in all the right places and also her ass is a piece of art
Wish she would show off her legs/ass more
You really are an idiot, she said she’s not a gainer. She shouldn't do it just because you want to 🤣 Because of people like you many models end up leaving of the community 🥱
>>188755 Neckbearded retard alert
>>188750 Straight Aryan alarm

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Olivia Jaide: Bonafide Pig johnny sack 07/12/2024 (Fri) 21:24:13 Id:00eae9 No. 165651 [Reply] [Last]
Can't believe this thread doesn't exist already. This bimbo has really turned herself into an absolute prize hog. https://gofile.io/d/BMvxxE Her belly is damn near perfect, probably the best in the game.
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>>190699 >https://thisvid.com/videos/force-feeding-4/ To get files off ThisVid and CamBro (and a number of other sites that haven't use javascript/other means to prevent it) you just - Open Developer Tools in the browser - Go to the "Elements" tab at the top - ctrl-F to search for ".mp4" - Might be 1 to 4 or more results but one should usually list the URL you need after "video src=" lik in my screenshot - Just double click on that URL to highlight it, then right click and choose "Go to [video source URL]" That should open the video in a new tab on it's own, where you can right click on the video to save it. All of this on Chrome on my laptop, so YMMV but it works for a surprising number of sites --------

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>>191438 Thanks for the explanation
you might not like this stuff as much, its from early on her first ManyVids stuff: https://pixeldrain.com/l/qyF7xa8m
>>191438 Thxs for this tip. Here's some vids i downloaded because of it. https://gofile.io/d/ccuBE5
>>191819 Also anyone upload whatever you have even if its old stuff that people haven't seen before.

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livpat3 / Olivia Patterson Anonymous 02/02/2025 (Sun) 01:28:50 Id:906989 No. 191791 [Reply]
Does anyone have any livpat videos? Here is a drive with a ton of stuff https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nDXG_77xnRFNDKbKfhV_pZVlXyGQQEmy

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Gothfeedee Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 08:30:46 Id:bf477a No. 191501 [Reply]
Anyone have any old vids Here's what I got aHR0cHM6Ly92aWRlb3NlY3Rpb24uY29tL3ZpZGVvLzEyNzg0MzYyOQ
Any have her more recent stuff she’s gotten bigger and hotter 🥹
Here's some other stuff from stufferdb you can download aHR0cHM6Ly9zdHVmZmVyZGIuY29tL2luZGV4Py9zZWFyY2gvNDUwNjcw
>>191577 Bro encoded a link to stufferdb unbelievable

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Bigg Softie Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 08:45:34 Id:e7b11e No. 191682 [Reply]
Anyone know if there’s more videos of this girl? I’ve compiled a mega with everything I could find of her, she was active around 6 years ago I believe. Real hidden gem https://mega.nz/folder/k9YlDIqB#lXl_9S7Oz5fqqRnpsCq1hw

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2bitwonder 06/08/2024 (Sat) 19:45:07 Id:1ee2fc No. 161668 [Reply] [Last]
Following the guy whose uploading shit from his harddrive. The past two months I've came to the realization that I have too much porn so I'm gonna upload shit that I'll delete on my drive. Idk giving back I guess. I'll start with darthjadder first https://we.tl/t-bkW711lnJV
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>>187664 Its not about quitting. I can easily delete the videos but my brains like I should upload this shit first so it can have some use before it goes. Thats why its taking this long and its 50/50. Some vids im deleting and others im just uploading to upload. Im being hyperbolic lol. Anyway I keep on forgetting to ask but if anyone has any new Olivia Jaide stuff, Double Denise , and UdderlyAdorable
>>187623 Another one https://gofile.io/d/mL2r5h
We gotta figure out who the main girl out of all of these videos is with the nude stuffings
>>186511 Names chubeefuzz shes retired
>>186493 Some of the videos seem to have been axed from the link, any chance to get these back?
