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Feeder and Feedee aka Wilson Anonymous 08/31/2024 (Sat) 17:14:20 Id:815396 No. 171748 [Reply]
I feel like this girl never gets the attention she deserves. Here are four full length vids, hoping others have some to contribute. https://gofile.io/d/o0XJYo
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>>184551 Both true but it's a scar around her bellybutton. When she was pregnant it was obvious normal
>>180848 Does anyone have the full length vid if this one
she looks incredible in these pics every now and then you get to thinking that she's not *that* big but then you see something like this and you're like holy fuck, nevermind

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Aliss Bonython Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 09:11:00 Id:dda1c1 No. 174526 [Reply] [Last]
She's gone to ground a bit lately but just popped up on my TikTok feed https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeoe7sDC/
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While I don’t want her to quit, she could definitely take some constructive criticism rather than say she’s being viciously abused… there’s always going to be retards but people naturally are going to be unhappy with automated messages and weight loss that wasnt spoken of for like a year. She has every right to lose weight or quit or whatever, but being disingenuous will only bring out more people to dislike you
>>191199 Gonna assume she visited BBWchan as I dont know where else she's going to have been exposed to people picking her apart the way she described. Never a good idea. I also hope she doesnt quit. I know it's a tall ask but I wish models just didn't visit here, it's basically just a small percentage of entitled gooners (not pretending I'm not part of the problem) it's not representative of the general opinion.
>>191207 >>191199 Honestly, sucks if idiots are harassing. But I just can’t be bothered to give a fuck about following her anymore at this point. There’s been so much yo-yoing and false hope throughout the last few years. When she hit 350 I thought for sure we were gonna see 400 within the next year. At the end of the day she’s just not that into this and it’s fine. I’m just done with the LARPing.
>>191210 I posted a few days ago about her mass gainer being a goof. After reading her tumblr post and followup, I've changed my mind. she's always been into this and will always be fat. to keep it short, life gets in the way of what we want sometimes. It doesn't mean she's not a true (one of the goat) feedees
>>191199 From what I have gathered the automatic messages will throw anyone off for subscribing to any model. She should walk away with some dignity left. She got her bag and can easily return to professional modeling again it she wanted to. Those connections are still there.

TheNicoleT Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 20:27:05 Id:466981 No. 181812 [Reply]
Sharing TheNicoleT and some of her screen captures from her streams + a couple videos (anybody got her white bikini stuffing (overpriced asf) https://gofile.io/d/y0IfLi
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>>191175 This girl would probably put on 30lbs for 50k, maybe 50lbs for 100k, imo
>>191175 better save your money for better shit
>>191179 Lmao she's the kind of girl who'd eat a big mac if you bought it for her. 105 of those is 50lbs, and comes out to about $99400 less than your estimate, retard.
>>191238 Ah yes... Just because the girl eats 105 big macs she will gain 50lbs...that's exactly how it works
>>191256 it's the spherical cow of weight gain. You assume calories are absorbed perfectly and she doesn't burn any in any way.

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Kellijellibelli (KJB) Anonymous 09/04/2024 (Wed) 17:55:27 Id:e575cc No. 172230 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread died. I haven't been keeping up with her, but her belly at her peak was *chef's kiss*. Especially them love handles. Here are 3 vids I have of her. https://gofile.io/d/LiN3l8 Would be great if someone could bless us with more (especially the video with her wearing black that I've posted in the images)
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>>189700 Okay, okay, I was being generous - perhaps 8 ounces is more closer to the gain.
>>189746 Basically, a former fit collegiate Division 1 lacrosse player who got lazy after graduation. Many top level athletes also develop top level appetites, but stay trim and fit while they continue to be active. When they stop, keeping extra weight off becomes a struggle and I believe Kelli experienced that, and eventually gave in to her desires
>>189754 god that's so fucking hot
Who’s got her new rp stuff
Was requested above https://thisvid.com/videos/chubby-girl-enjoy-fat-belly/

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Sexycreolyta4u Bigger again 09/23/2024 (Mon) 15:17:37 Id:a89db5 No. 174886 [Reply] [Last]
She's looking bigger lately, hope this trend keeps going on. She seems even more inclined to fat fetish content and she often eats on camera. I think we should take advantage of this moment. Anybody has some fresh feedism-related material from her streams? Meanwhile I found this video: https://xgirls.webcam/videos/583627/sexycreolyta4u-2024-09-17-0636-webcam-video/
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She was at her biggest when she was eating an apple. Never saw her eat fruit before but saw her eating only when she would diet. She is currently at her biggest and is eating fruit. It’s just a sign she might be trying to lose, Time will tell.
man sometimes this fetish really is a mental illness. the woman can eat a fuckin apple. relax.
>>189946 >sometimes
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Looking great recently (pulled from recordbate)
>>190827 she big

CHERRIES BBW Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 08:02:57 Id:7ca9b7 No. 174520 [Reply]
Starting a new thread I need these bigcuties set: 252,263,267,272,273,274,275,277,278,279,281,282 and from set 284 to 315...Here some old videos. Thank you!!! https://we.tl/t-XORAl5bcnw
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>>186699 >https://gofile.io/d/xnYFHp this legendary drop should not go forgotten
>>190692 >https://gofile.io/d/xnYFHp Amazing drop! but OP has let the files "go cold" they aren't downloadable any longer
>>191139 I'm not OP but i do have premium. I imported them to make them accessible again. Cherries was the first bbw model that really hooked me
>>191150 https://gofile.io/d/hnqKyL
>>191151 Amazing drop, thank you!

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Passion Anonymous 12/31/2024 (Tue) 13:50:24 Id:88cadb No. 187332 [Reply]
New thread for Passion in hopes of digging up new gems, even though this gorgeous woman has disappeared. Here is everything I have, with some more of her colabs with Luna being uploaded now. https://gofile.io/d/CKrgbv
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>>187416 +1, same here. She's such a lovely blob. Does anyone know whether she is still active? Her content is so sparse and coomer quite outdated. Thanks a lot OP for such a great drop!
Didn't she do a vid with Luna last year?
>>187424 Seems retired, or at least semi retired.
Nostalgic, and very cute!
>>187424 she moved from canada to portland and married a man who then became trandgender. she is a little bit unstable and seems to have settled down out there. we dated many many years ago and have kept in touch a small amount over the years i wouldn;t expect any content ever again though, but never say never

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LadyBoobs Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 00:39:17 Id:204357 No. 191017 [Reply]
https://gofile.io/d/QEfENm Hard to find all of her stuff. She completely vanished ages ago.
Thanks for the share! Also went by LadyHugeBoobs
>>191082 Yeah I saw that last night. I couldn't find too much else of her though. I feel like she must have had way more, but she wasn't really known so her stuff wasn't archived in full.

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Weight Gain Progression: Part 3 Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 17:03:46 Id:bde758 No. 177536 [Reply] [Last]
We're so back! Share your favorite before and after pics/vids. https://gofile.io/d/31bvZG
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She used to have a thread here, big glow up
>>190936 >>190937 she's so sexy who is she?
SunnyJayne Australian fatty friends with BBW Layla

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Eva Stover/Lotionbottle359 01/25/2025 (Sat) 21:29:02 Id:c9b9d5 No. 190623 [Reply]
Not even sure if she’s into feederism, but she’s fat and insanely cute. Seems like her Reddit was wiped unfortunately. Anyone know if she’s still posting somewhere?
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Is she sevenjohnston's sister?
Reddit still there.
Sorry for being a fucking moron but where is her Coomer? I've searched both usernames everywhere and snooped around her reddit and her Feabie and I can't find any evidence of an OnlyFans or anything similar
>>190940 https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/evastover?o=200 Here
>>190952 Yeah ok was definitely being a moron, thanks anon

Thatgurlmariah 01/25/2025 (Sat) 06:32:46 Id:a6cff5 No. 190552 [Reply]
There was an old thread of her but i cant find it anywhere, it probably got taken down because it was inactive. Anyways, here's 2 clips I found of her: https://gofile.io/d/thWsem
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She looks so fine in this
>>190615 >>190621 >>190682 >>190691 I hate to have to bring that chick up again, but heard on the grapevine she managed to blimp herself up to almost 400lbs. That chick is like the definition of waste opportunityl
>>190759 I would die if this is true and I saw it. Love her so much as a ssbbw
Picked these up a few weeks ago, they’re newer videos. https://gofile.io/d/6jsZfE
>>190552 >>190818 Here's everything I have, hopefully we get get more https://gofile.io/d/D2As1m

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Sara Xeniia Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 05:25:14 Id:b70c37 No. 190643 [Reply]
I’ve never seen anyone post about this girl ever and I’ve been scouring the internet for feedism content for years. She’s hot as hell and real hidden gem Here’s some videos I’ve saved from her https://mega.nz/folder/t9gTVS6C#iMK8CMhaWzknlqczRgkm_g I’m currently updating the coomer for her, it’s https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/saraxeniia Here’s her instagram as well https://www.instagram.com/saraxeniia_?igsh=MTdzbmp0dzFnMGljaQ==
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Nice girl ! She make custom ?
>>190660 I believe so, she's inactive for long periods of time though, like a few months at a time. She recently started posting again so you could probably get one right now before she disappears
>>190643 You're doing the lord's work, thank you! She's really hot.
I’m currently subbed to her as well we need to encourage her to make some customs and her to gain more and frequently update

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Devithikk Dootster 09/10/2024 (Tue) 17:31:51 Id:0e30bd No. 173146 [Reply]
fuck i love her https://gofile.io/d/usjZnW
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+1 https://gofile.io/d/CmzTZA

Mochii Babii 09/11/2024 (Wed) 05:12:08 Id:2e91f6 No. 173222 [Reply] [Last]
https://linktr.ee/MochiiBabii shes offering a free subscription
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>>190764 Amen, brother
She gonna die
Ehhh I'll believe it when I see it. If she does come back, I know some models will be pissed
>>190747 "I'll return when I'm done uploading my old videos. Remember to stay subscribed until I return which will come definetly when I'm done uploading my old videos" Yeah we've heard it all before. their little influencer gig didn't work out and they need to return to the fetish to actually earn money. She will make a few vids and then get another health scare. I'll be happy if she's for real this time and start gaining again, but I'm not getting my hopes up...
>>190798 Only the lazy ones who do blame the success of others are their reasoning of leaving. Curvage is full of jealous heifers with inflated egos.

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QueenLilly Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 14:41:00 Id:e97ca4 No. 165497 [Reply] [Last]
she’s been gaining at a pretty steady rate, not too big yet but she has great potential, as far as I know, she only has an onlyfans https://onlyfans.com/queenlilly69
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>>182564 Probably not, mostly just chubby girl trying to make quick cash
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Is anyone subscribe to her fansly?
