/bbw/ - BBW Real

Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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Begging Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 06:55:59 No. 7 [Reply] [Last]
Okay guys, new site is gonna have a new feel. The begging problem was out of control and it's definitely something that isn't going to happen again. If you want to beg, do it here. Any threads posted with no content will be deleted, no exceptions. For /bbw/ you must link video, for /tits/ and /booty/ either a video link or four images are required.
Edited last time by BananaMan on 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:18:02.
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Anything out there different from what is on StufferDB about LenaVon Curves? Something I found while searching https://gofile.io/d/eZBYoG

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Model ID Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:37:37 Id:ef17a7 No. 9 [Reply] [Last]
Don't know who this chick is? Post her here.
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>>196984 not 100% sure but looks ai generated, the necklace, clasp of the bra, fishnet sleeves with deformations, and strange looking wall seem weird. still hot af though

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SITE UPDATE: FUNDING SECURED LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:23:32 Id:c64f9a No. 181697 [Reply]
>>>/gen/56560 The site has once again been funded. Please leave your thanks for donators in the above post. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.
Edited last time by admin on 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:39:08.

Curvybabes Curvybabes 03/08/2025 (Sat) 15:07:00 Id:dcaaf3 No. 196603 [Reply]
Anyone have any content of her? https://gofile.io/d/1go90U Is she still making new content?
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>>196704 She’s amazing wherever she is I hope she’s having a good life.
His burps are amazing bro https://es.thisvid.com/videos/curvybabes/
Hope she's doing well, ideally makes a return even bigger
They have someone who burps by chance?
>>197117 >They have someone who burps by chance? OnlyFarts

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Favourite bbw videos 03/13/2025 (Thu) 16:50:51 Id:dfb067 No. 197157 [Reply]
THIS IS NOT A BEGGING THREAD I see this thread in the ssbbw board and why not copy it here, post the best that you have saved https://gofile.io/d/nXctHK

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Kayla Paolini aka kaybearcutie95 🇮🇹 🍝🍕 Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 15:17:47 Id:262f6e No. 185869 [Reply] [Last]
The true and the only complete BBW on the planet, She got anything man dreams about pretty face huge tits big fat ass and delicious tummy, JUST A YUMMY 😋 GYAL GODDES WOMAN
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Hey I’d be willing to post some of my content cheaper .. if u guys can just not be so hard on me. I’m watching my grandpa die in front of me and it’s killing me . Expecially since my grandparents were my mom and dad basically . He has dementia and he’s also hallucinating too and forgetting who we are. On top of that I’m taking my mom to court and hopefully she’s getting arrested this time I’m so desperate for peace in my life! I mentally need to just have some peace ! It why I havnt posted much content recently I’ve been so idk
>>197038 I second this motion
>>197098 I third this notion. Everytime we start a thread it goes south. The whole point of this chan is to post content and admire a bbw. Don’t like her? Move on. Idk why folks are so negatively obsessed with this ONE bbw. I bought her new vid and I ain’t finna post it cause these gooners kill the vibe fr.
LMFAO ! This guys acting like I’m forcing him to buy my content ! Guess what? If u don’t like me and u don’t want me having ur money DONT GIVE IT TO ME! where does it say “must buy Kaybearcutie content or else?” Ur so pissed off about my political views THAT U THINK U KNOW WHICH CLEARLY U DONT! that ur trying to attack my career which is defamation btw ! Plus im sure not everyone here likes me but who r u to tell them they cant like me or not?! Do u think ur doing everyone a major justice here like ur the savior of their cocks or something?! “ dear fellow Kaybear followers , let me help u jerk ur cock to another model for she does not equip the right mental capacity that your cocks deserve, you must jack your dicks to a proper porn start with morals, someone you can bring back to your mother , a real true creature of god”
>>197145 I like you and you're fine by me. I'm glad you have a thick skin for all this BS. Keep on being your awesome self.

Black girls/ebony bbw thread Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 00:19:31 Id:2a4590 No. 188508 [Reply] [Last]
An appreciation thread bc I feel like their very overlooked in the community https://gofile.io/d/hw49Ks
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>>196030 She's not gone but she said she's extremely close to leaving and not looking forward to making new content because all of it gets posted here and on coomer and because of backhanded compliments and subtle racist remarks and comments
>>196164 I think it’s a mix of what you said plus a feeling of not getting the same recognition and respect back.Probably spends way more time money and energy making the videos than the profit being made so when you spend hundreds arguably thousands on getting fat only for the videos to be stolen or uploaded elsewhere it gets draining Especially when you see so many other models who are like you said only in it for the money and do the bare minimum and get a large sum of money
Heres some edenn i collected https://gofile.io/d/0uFAeZ
>>196529 Probably the best belly on the site imo. Surprised she doesn’t get more love on this thread
https://gofile.io/d/mUoXVb here are some chocolatemilkduds vids that haven't been posted before, does anyone have lveevids?

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Tianna's Tummy Dan The Man 01/27/2025 (Mon) 05:55:31 Id:98a0e7 No. 190762 [Reply] [Last]
Here's her last three OF vids since someone bump-locked her last page. Enjoy fellas https://gofile.io/d/R5BDKF https://gofile.io/d/JPFXvE
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>>197085 Completely agree
Her bf is just using her as a resume anyways. You can tell when a feeder takes pride in his work this dude doesn't.
Y’all crazy. The car stuffings are the best thing she does. And I don’t want to see her rat bf in videos.
Ya guys are all morons for not liking the exact same thing as me!

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Katie Cummings Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 20:39:03 Id:b9f304 No. 177356 [Reply] [Last]
If anyone has High School Reunion or Chubby Relaxing And Ice Cream Eatingit would be appreciated. https://gofile.io/d/lSmkne
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Newest set
there's a great megapack torrent on pornolab that has all hear videos during her peak 2018-2020
>>197078 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9OMDVsaENDQyNNdnIzaWJSMzBqQ2VRVUxUTHFtcTRR This one has a lot of her stuff
she is looking pretty big now
What do you guys think, which vid was at her biggest pre-op?

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C.U.K. Mysterymanedits 01/01/2025 (Wed) 22:12:53 Id:016fc7 No. 187476 [Reply] [Last]
Last one got bump locked. I know the name of the thread sounds dumb but that’s her acronym so bear with it. Anyways to keep anything related to her alive here’s my stash of her. https://gofile.io/d/eOKDwy Burp comp https://gofile.io/d/8dQj4b When she went under risquereds https://gofile.io/d/aOHJG5 If anyone could update her coomer it would much appreciated
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>>197102 First of all I would like to thank you, you were very helpful.
Regarding the new video, I think I created a lot of expectations due to excitement, however, this expectation has a very high chance of being discouraged. That's exactly what I felt after watching it. I didn't think it was bad, but maybe it could have been a little more exciting? Maybe, or this feeling is due to anticipation. Anyway, she will do this 1 month challenge, so maybe The graph goes up even more. The video is cool.
>>197102 It was very underwhelming given how hot the preview GIF she posted was. Also it would be nice if she actually filmed in HD because these videos look and sound bad
Has she done any masturbation or even just nude videos?
>>197115 I don't think she's done masturbation but she does nude on OnlyFans.

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Brit from BC Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 04:46:05 Id:79c9f8 No. 189395 [Reply]
clearing up my collection, wanted to share a random photo archive I have of Britt from Big cuties (MEGA)/folder/lulnWBCb#ovtB_oR_ao0NKVh3Xt1syg thanks for the years, sharing more as we go
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>>190035 Dish on Lyssa, I remember her, she was cute, I want the gossip. She did a fill-in set for Cherries too when she pulled back from BigCuties in like 2014. Sami was kind of ugly, never cared about her.
>>196378 no meant to say i thought that lyssa model was cute, remember she had the belly play vid with sami that was way hot. Weird to hear shes a psycho
>>196618 If you thought she was ugly then should see her now lol she got weight loss surgery and is like 160s now and just looks horrible now face looks super fake and her body you can tell it’s not meant to be that small
>>196618 Stuff I’ve heard about Lyssa was the definition of completely fake and rich girl attitude. She hated this whole scene she prob hated being fat but did it for attention usually why most her vids were super awkward. Wouldn’t be surprised if she only became friends with Britt just to be in the spotlight with her
Anyone have some of her clothing try-ons she used to post on Youtube? I'm a fool for never considering to archive them

Goddess Shar + Aliss Bonython Sharing Collection in Protest 02/19/2025 (Wed) 21:47:10 Id:e1a911 No. 194391 [Reply] [Last]
My ASN was banned for about a week for alleged "schizo posting." Assuming that I am the only person commenting under the ASN that was banned, I would just like to make it known that I vehemently contest the decision to ban me as well as its justification. I have not engaged in hate-spewing towards any model or user on this forum; have not posted long-winded, out-of-touch fantasies about a model; have not stirred the pot intentionally with baiting comments or white-knighted—and certainly not in the time immediately preceding my ban. If occasionally getting into brief exchanges on trivial matters and asking for videos more often than I share them constitutes "schizo posting," then I apologize. Furthermore, if that does constitute "schizo" posting, then I'd like to refer you to the Kayla Paolini thread (for instance), request you read every response following my February 11th upload of her McDonald's stuffing, and ask what you think those comments—that entire thread, really—might be categorized as. (Mind you, the comments that stand come after many have been removed.) Anyway, getting banned from a porn-sharing forum was a low point for me in my current battle with depressive symptoms (and defending myself may represent an even lower point), but, in any case, it strangely motivated me to use the forum for its intended purpose (ironic, I know) (/s) and be more generous than I previously had been once my ban ended. So, unlike that last guy who posted a picture of his collection only to not follow up (I assume), here's ~30 GB each of Goddess Shar and Aliss Bonython for starters. Most of my collection is from links shared here, so apologies in advance for any duplicates or a lack of any content beyond what is posted. More from other models to come. Aliss: https://gofile.io/d/Y52bAF Shar: https://gofile.io/d/91LqDe
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I hope your hungry fellow patriots. Here are some fresh baked American Muffinmaid. https://gofile.io/d/GAudIH
>>197070 Not public
>>197071 Let the muffins cool down before you eat them.
>>197071 The muffins are cool and ready to enjoy.
>>197070 >organized by date you are such a wonderful president

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Kellijellibelli (KJB) Anonymous 09/04/2024 (Wed) 17:55:27 Id:e575cc No. 172230 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread died. I haven't been keeping up with her, but her belly at her peak was *chef's kiss*. Especially them love handles. Here are 3 vids I have of her. https://gofile.io/d/LiN3l8 Would be great if someone could bless us with more (especially the video with her wearing black that I've posted in the images)
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The videos she shares are really super hot and sexy. I love her and SavannahMontana's videos. They're a perfect match. Her and SavannahMontana's videos are really super hot. If anyone has videos of her and SavannahMontana, please share them. Unfortunately, there isn't a SavannahMontana thread. At least, I haven't found one. I hope there will be one someday.
New video tomorrow
>>197089 oh baby
>>189754 Look at the new video and then read this resume. Hottest thing ever
Old naked vid enjoy Ya'll https://gofile.io/d/qQXBM7

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 14:37:30 Id:9750aa No. 180739 [Reply] [Last]
One of the newer ones, please share anything else https://gofile.io/d/Lz2zqO
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>>194170 Posh face, peaches & cream complexion & getting tubby. A+ Thank you.
anyone have her full hypnosis vids?
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>>196371 Is it finally happening? Oh God yes!
>>196371 Seems she gained a lot recently

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violet_harmon Anonymous 03/08/2025 (Sat) 21:59:32 Id:e52211 No. 196649 [Reply]
I found this girl while exploring a bit. Shes so pretty with a nice lil belly to go along with it. Her OF is free but PPV, so if anyone has anything that’d be great. Heres a bunch of random vids in return since she’s not well-known. https://gofile.io/d/XEBmsM
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Dude she's got a fair pair of norks on her too
>>196649 Literally a bot that reposts the same 10 photos every for the last 3 months
Yeah after joining her OF its pretty apparent it's run by bots. Just constantly bombarded with PPV messages and the same photos used over and over. But regardless, whoever this girl actually is is cute as fuck and wish she found this community
>>197088 that's a shame, hope who ever this girl is she's a model and posts or at least living the good life
>>197045 haha yeah after 2 days of following her this is absolutely the case
