/bbw/ - BBW Real

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Begging Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 06:55:59 No. 7 [Reply] [Last]
Okay guys, new site is gonna have a new feel. The begging problem was out of control and it's definitely something that isn't going to happen again. If you want to beg, do it here. Any threads posted with no content will be deleted, no exceptions. For /bbw/ you must link video, for /tits/ and /booty/ either a video link or four images are required.
Edited last time by BananaMan on 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:18:02.
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I'm old enough to still remember Skye from when BigCuties was new. >mfw I saw her pics in 03 I think she even appeared in My Big Fat Fetish?

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Model ID Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 01/19/2020 (Sun) 07:37:37 Id:ef17a7 No. 9 [Reply] [Last]
Don't know who this chick is? Post her here.
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>>193442 Klair Vayzor. Here you go, friend: https://www.reddit.com/user/Klair_Vayzor/?rdt=37822

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SITE UPDATE: FUNDING SECURED LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:23:32 Id:c64f9a No. 181697 [Reply]
>>>/gen/56560 The site has once again been funded. Please leave your thanks for donators in the above post. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.
Edited last time by admin on 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:39:08.

Laura Fatty Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 10:23:40 Id:29352b No. 184407 [Reply]
anyone have new-ish vids from her? https://gofile.io/d/4sasZk
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I've been looking for a video of her for a long time. It used to be available on the website. But it's not there anymore. Can anyone help me.
>>193398 been looking for that one for years
Here are her two Empress videos https://gofile.io/d/UcOpuu
>>193504 Thanks!
anyone have the queena queen pizza stuffing video, by chance?

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Kayla Paolini aka kaybearcutie95 🇮🇹 🍝🍕 Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 15:17:47 Id:262f6e No. 185869 [Reply] [Last]
The true and the only complete BBW on the planet, She got anything man dreams about pretty face huge tits big fat ass and delicious tummy, JUST A YUMMY 😋 GYAL GODDES WOMAN
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super cute hip rolls thats how some fat women grow. grow a pear you whiny. bbwchan is like a country of Complainistan
>>193354 bro wtf
Ever since I checked out her Instagram last November and found out she, shall we say, isn't a comrade, my running joke is that my dick could fix her. >Pic unrelated
>>193534 you be sayin' we in some kinda bizarro-McCarthy era?
>>193265 so, was that a "no" on the hotel stuffing video...?

Udderly Adorable Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 18:41:07 Id:e6f323 No. 192517 [Reply]
It's time for a new Udderly Adorable thread. She's still huge. Today, I have to share a compilation I made of her gain journey so far: https://gofile.io/d/iYvByh Enjoy.
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>>193185 I like how retards like you pretend to actually care about her. Deep down we all know seethe at her weight loss everyday.
>>193381 It's crazy how among all the knighters who are just like "I'm happy for her, who cares about a slight weight loss, at least shes healthy", you picked the most reasonable comment about it to make such an unhinged comment. They werent even pretending not to be bummed about it, all they said was that they understood why.
>>193352 Blah, you made it sound like there was a video, not a 3 second clip of it.
>>193381 >"we" Lmao no "we" don't. Normal people don't care this much about what someone else does with their body.
>>193458 ^ ^ ^ this

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Tianna's Tummy Dan The Man 01/27/2025 (Mon) 05:55:31 Id:98a0e7 No. 190762 [Reply] [Last]
Here's her last three OF vids since someone bump-locked her last page. Enjoy fellas https://gofile.io/d/R5BDKF https://gofile.io/d/JPFXvE
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Are you guys having a debate about fucking Diet Coke? Seriously? Wank to the fucking video man maybe she just prefers the taste who gives a fuck
>>193506 Genuinely, the sheer autism that flows through this site sometimes is worrying. BWS' thread on /bbwdraw/ is like an actual sped classroom.
>>193507 Well yeah it’s people that jerk it to literal cartoons
>>193427 Return of the king
>>193506 nothing new, man, this dude in the candii kayn thread was getting his panties in a bunch because some guys were incorrectly calling her swimsuit a bikini. don't know why it's so hard for people here to get off and keep it moving.

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Bigcutie Skylar Anonymous 11/11/2023 (Sat) 17:17:32 Id:1b0923 No. 136163 [Reply] [Last]
Hottest remaining BC model
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>>193487 you are not a true fan, buddy
Hey Gohan any new videos 👍
>>193489 he's not a moron. I wouldn't pay $78 for a clip like that either especially with no nudity
>>193487 Not even a weight gain or Weigh in for that matter. Just her drinking soda lol.
>>193489 if being a true fan of anyone or anything means getting suckered into paying for shit that's THAT overpriced, then i'm good

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ggg GGG 09/20/2023 (Wed) 19:08:53 Id:3dd5f9 No. 131847 [Reply] [Last]
can we have a GGG thread?
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>>193482 who would’ve thought that life circumstances packing the pounds on someone effortlessly would last a lot longer than someone making themselves put on weight when they never would have gained without effort. common sense. Muscle chub is hot. Chubby girls are hot.
Now she's a fitness model and should change her name to GoodGirlShrinks. She's just another case of a model who got wls and now needs to pay off the bill. Regardless of what these "members of the community" did to her, she didn't turn her back on feedism because of them. She was never a true gainer/feedee. "Skinny girl gains weight because of her partner and loses it when they break up" has become so common it's pretty much a trope now.
>>193466 it's about the journey, not the destination
>>193520 exactly --- and the fat world ballers pitch it the best and charge just enough and provide wildly entertaining delusion --- are named GOATS and the clients wake up with empty wallets like the end of a coke binge looking for pieces in the rug wondering what the fuck happened and swearing it won't happen again. Everyone thinks they're smarter and can beat this thing and are out to prove it and hopefully that helps some women to pay rent, eat, raise a kid or get ahead in life.
>>193505 personally, I hope she doesn't destroy the work she put in and stays smokin' for SWIM ---

NADYA BBW Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 10:40:19 Id:3af6c0 No. 181756 [Reply] [Last]
The last thread was removed, here a new one with a very hot video: https://gofile.io/d/MCP3sC she's so hot
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>>192379 You're missing out, dude - put a thin pic next that obese pic of your fav model next time you jack it. Worth the try, you might like it
>>192375 Certainly. Not bf, some dude on FL east coast she visited and did several vids with, including a couple hardcore (believe he was paid) https://gofile.io/d/eTzZwi
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>>192467 >>192384 I hesitate to respond to such a full of shit lying asshole getting his pathetic jollies & apologize for the wordiness. But anyone who has followed Eatme/Nadya for some time knows she hasn't had a bf for years. If there's anything to speculate on, is that's she's into girls. One of her bbw model friends (who she's done g/g collabs with, adding to speculation) found this guy in SoFL willing to do b/g and filmed several vids with him (they're easily found). Nadya was interested (mentioned on her OF) and contacted him, and the result was her doing a set of both hard (ppv) and soft (curvage) vids. This lying joker wants you to believe she fucked and filmed with her bf after letting her friend fuck and film with him. Go try your stunt somewhere else where you might be better believed. Visual evidence doesn't lie, and your efforts are wasted here with those that have any clue of her long feedee history Nadya & Casey having some fun - https://gofile.io/d/GhzfrJ
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new video must not be doing well per nadya n aria, does anyone have feedback? dunno if i should grab it
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>>193499 It certainly can be expected that a vid on an FA site is not going to do as well as previous when the model is now half her former size. However, from this post, it looks like she is now very close to having the boob job, and then back to gaining. Buy it (and share please) we'd all likely learn something

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Lonelygirltv Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 20:32:28 Id:496b49 No. 188965 [Reply] [Last]
I think I found a gem for upcoming time, I don’t know if she is new or already made content, but she’s kinda hot and we can make her hotter with fattening her up. Hope others do agree with me ;). She’s supper hot and can get hotter with every pound if shes hooked. In the video I shared you can’t see her full belly because the shot does cut it off, hope the next ones that I’ll buy will be better, enjoy! You can find her on curvage! https://gofile.io/d/PBLJMg
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I see so much potential with these results already… this girl is smoking hot
>>193247 And utterly crazy (as in mentally ill)
>>193247 Agreed. It's been shown that eating well is a form of therapy. I hope she gets lots of therapy.
>>192717 >>193269 Back from "vacation" with the sex partner who doesn't like her doing fetish shit (how ironic, met her on OF). Says she's making "progress" with her mental stability, but is sounding just as messed up. My advice is stay away. Won't be renewing my sub.
>>192727 having experienced this in RL and making a study of it, I cannot unsee the phenomenon all over these boards and everywhere on the net and in the news

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New Juicy Angel Thread 12/04/2024 (Wed) 17:17:45 Id:cd5af4 No. 184066 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have the video oficial the imagen? https://gofile.io/d/Bf9ETW
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>>193417 >https://gofile.io/d/bn5jy0 thanks daimyo
Anyone have this video? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/33563-help-me-mommy-%F0%9F%A5%BA-being-a-pig-in-public-18-%F0%9F%90%B7/
>>193523 Here you go: https://gofile.io/d/7jEIQ4
Thank you

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Stuffer31 Aileen Legacy Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 12:26:44 Id:70486b No. 176141 [Reply]
I think Aileen just deserves to have her own thread, she is literally the goat. Here's the collection of Aileen I found over the years. I want to archive as much of her stuff as I can! I hope you guys can contribute as well. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9xY1JTaEpJRCNaZXhWOXpoN0lMWWF1WjRsSXRhb2hR=
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Wish there was more out there https://gofile.io/d/QSRHFW
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A new model for stuffer31 trying to be the next aileen, she looks pretty good
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BBW Asian Thread III Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 15:47:47 Id:088078 No. 179564 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread got bumplocked. Gotta start fresh once again with more fatties of asian descent influenced by the likes of gluttony/plus sized modeling
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>>193371 i follow her on twitter and she doesn't post herself anymore
>>193371 I’m subscribed to her Onlyfans her most recent post was last month in January 23 where she posted a pic of herself and her current weight to be 155 kg. I’ve never used Coomer but I’ll update it. Check back on there to see if it worked.
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>>193380 You're a real one, have a photo of former thread mascot Mika Hoshima
>>192815 >https://gofile.io/d/9apuHm This is Chagu, a plussize model of La Farfa, she weighs about 143kg https://lafarfa.jp/models/detail/8
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dearest great elders of the asian enthusiast page, I come requesting more videos of bbws throating ehomaki. regards, anon https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19989304

Weight Gain Comps Weight Gain Compilation Videos 09/27/2024 (Fri) 21:56:17 Id:5fb7ca No. 175536 [Reply]
I love seeing weight gain compilation of a gainers journey from skinny to fat but have issues finding new content has anyone got any links to some of their favourites
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>>192957 Need a updated version with videos of her in 2023-2024
Here's a comp of Udderly Adorable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlKigCCw8Yc
>>175541 Forgive my lack of knowledge, but how do you see/download these links? Thanks in advance :)
>>193464 You go to base64.com, don’t change the encryption format, paste the encrypted link into the decode text box, and then press the decode button. You may have to do it again since people sometimes double encrypt it but that’s not as popular anymore so I doubt you will
