/bbw/ - BBW Real

Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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M1ssMyrc3ne23 02/03/2025 (Mon) 07:50:39 Id:93a77b No. 192015 [Reply]
Massive ass BBW, not mainstream and super underrated. She was on Onlyfans and Streamates for a long time and one day just disappeared out of nowhere. Does anyone know what happened or why? Her Onlyfans had no paywalls. She did hardcore anal and squirt videos. A lot of content on her Onlyfans that I didn't get to save. Please post whatever you have! I hope she comes back. https://gofile.io/d/KKvyNG
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https://gofile.io/d/v6hkJF Nothing better than a gigantic ass that can take some deep anal.
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https://gofile.io/d/JyGSqT I fucking love that gigantic fat ass and her pussy is so creamy
She is smoking fucking hot.
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The game needs you šŸ¤¤

KittyPiggy Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 22:19:49 Id:eeaf19 No. 174612 [Reply] [Last]
Wanted to start a thread for her again to see if we can compile what we all have. Looking for Workout Fail ft. Aliss Bonython. First pic is a screen grab from that video. Here is Secret Stuffing which I have not yet seen posted before: https://gofile.io/d/4NPRjM
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The best ever!
Would be cool if someone posted that vid
Would be cool to get some of her custom vids shared. Even better if she would come back šŸ˜­

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Bigcutie Cass Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 05:20:07 Id:e87682 No. 194300 [Reply]
Anyone remember Bigcutie Cass? This is the only image I can find of her online - originally it was badly morphed, and I have equally badly tried to undo the morphing, incase that's why this thread was deleted before. Cass vanished from the scene a long time back, and I never see her content posted. I used to have it until my HDD died - anyone got some of her stuff? In return, a mixed bag of goods in return: https://gofile.io/d/4mlIfW Thread got deleted on /ssbbw/ so i can only assume I'm better off putting it here?
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>>196597 You need a rar extractor. Damn I remember her now. She still looks cute even if smaller but lol what a fuckin chungus she married
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Meggyloo was another one I totally forgot about. She never modeled but just acted horny on feabie and tumblr and didnā€™t seem to mind being fat
>>196584 Is that really her? Where'd you hear she got surgery? She never got that big anyway. I thought she got smaller after big cuties. If that's her I guess she's a feeder.
>>196592 >>196737 Oh she was lots of fun to talk to! Loved being big and had no shame about showing that gut.
>>196756 Yes that's really her. She had gastric. We talked.

Udderly Adorable Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 18:41:07 Id:e6f323 No. 192517 [Reply]
It's time for a new Udderly Adorable thread. She's still huge. Today, I have to share a compilation I made of her gain journey so far: https://gofile.io/d/iYvByh Enjoy.
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There's a post on coomer of her covered in sprinkles and icing saying it's her birthday, this shit is about to be so sad to see after the one last year
>>196304 at the end of the day she can do whatever she wants but her videos at her peak were goated, good for her now though
>>195592 Oof. And another GOAT turns into a skin sac.
>>196502 Did she lose all the weight and become another deflated balloon person?
>>196358 So help her God?

Snagaslice Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 15:17:49 Id:8ea84d No. 195774 [Reply]
Don't think there's been a thread for her yet. She deleted most of her content but TT is still up. I really do wonder if there's anything else out there. She's stunning https://gofile.io/d/hWjAKx
Is she just some fat girl or does she know she's making content for people like us?
Looks like sheā€™s just a fat woman online. She doesnā€™t make content. But she also used to be a lot fatter. Sheā€™s damn near perfection in that one TT.
She's losing weight and I don't think there's still a lot out there besides her tiktok. One can hope, though
Nah move on boys this is a nothing burger. That first tiktok in the red is utterly peak but everything else is a trend in the other direction. This ain't for us.

Maggie Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 19:12:22 Id:8bc812 No. 179870 [Reply] [Last]
A hot, plump, body positive tik tok influencer who has been growing bigger over the years. She recently joined curvage and is fattening up into a proper pig. I think there was briefly a thread here but thought I would create another for sharing. I unfortunately don't have anything from her, so here is a random assortment of content from others https://gofile.io/d/3R1Z2q
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>>196460 Well it's your take but it's still shit. Some men here are just braindead people who probably have almost never sex in real life and behave like toxic idiots
>>196483 then why are you here if its all toxic, braindead men?
>>196510 not the guy you're replying to but.... THERES ALSO FREE PAYSITE CONTENT HERE FOO
Too much blabla/mimimi, too litlle postingā€¦
>>196712 German detected

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ATHE....NA!!! AND MOOORE ATHE....NA!!! 12/13/2024 (Fri) 04:43:41 Id:e5b647 No. 185148 [Reply]
Enjoy!!! https%3A%2F%2Fgofile.io%2Fd%2FzIJMg7
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Sheā€™s so good
Athena is just incredible ... I keep encouraging her to gain ...
>>196620 Let's go over there and give her a good feeding. I'll make her a big bowl of pasta with alfredo sauce.
>>196620 It's mad how disproportionately fat her belly is to the rest of her body. It's enormous and so flabby! She's gorgeous though
>>196582 Don't this vid end with her wanking?

Albelly010 and Latinas Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 01:13:22 Id:ff873a No. 179659 [Reply] [Last]
Again I come to post about Albelly010, because they always remove this topic, I don't understand why since it doesn't bother anyone https://gofile.io/d/ijygvx This link someone else posted and I took it, I'm sorry whoever posted it firstšŸ˜… but here we will post about other Latinas like Albelly010
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Sheā€™s not fucking around
>>195918 Isnā€™t she pregnant?
Pregnant or not her growth is hot as fuck! She seems to really push herself to her max capacity. Idk wtf is with all the new accounts all the time. But if anyone could upload anything recent they would be a king.
I guess she admitted she was pregnant but Iā€™m still not 100% certain because 9 months back her belly looked much the same just slightly smaller so maybe sheā€™s 3-4 months along in which case sheā€™s got a lot more growing to do Also she posted a gif of her sucking in then bursting out of a dress the other day, unless she recorded is months ago that wouldnā€™t be possible if she was like 5+ months along but I guess time will tell I do wish models would be more upfront with this shit, a lot of people are into pregnancy anyway
What is albelly's current Instagram

gothicc_princess 02/16/2025 (Sun) 11:15:03 Id:8c72bf No. 193847 [Reply]
There was a sub for her a bit ago, she seems to have disappeared again, but thought Iā€™d get something going to get some more of her. In love. Hereā€™s an old video of hers to get it started. https://gofile.io/d/s4RF5P
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Had a date with her some years ago, that girl is way more bigger than in the pics, also super tall
found this: https://thisvid.com/playlist/437413/video/obese-girl-training/
>>196122 It's empty bro
>>196677 it wasn't that special, only her drinking "blood", which is a new fetish i guess

CocoCraves Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 05:05:45 Id:757b7b No. 174371 [Reply] [Last]
Hoping anyone has any of her new Curvage (https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/263411-cococraves/) stuff? She's looking bigger than ever. Here's What I've got https://gofile.io/d/7a351bb7-50c8-48d6-a440-e462266c5d03
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https://gofile.io/d/MpFNKn Anyone got da vid of her working out if so pls post pls n thank you
>>196645 Who is the girl in the first video
>>196661 Chubbycat666
>>196645 Yes who is that Iā€™m dying to know.

D0ublā‚¬Dā‚¬nisā‚¬ 02/11/2022 (Fri) 20:26:01 Id:336ccc No. 76231 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone got som of her vids? Fresh Eliza Allure material in return. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVWxaUXpsaFlqUjZOV1U9
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She really is something special, when she said sheā€™s ā€œround as hellā€ omg hard as diamond
>>194565 Finally he can stop begging lol thanks. Here's my drop. I found a video and I don't think has been uploaded before. https://gofile.io/d/TocGY2
>>194582 Damn her lardball bally drives me crazy! What a butterball
>>194582 How long ago was this work of art of a photo taken!? šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ„µ
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Girls Feeding Each Other 09/23/2024 (Mon) 02:23:25 Id:d10e65 No. 174801 [Reply] [Last]
This has got to be my favorite thing. Bbws feeding each other. Especially when they get messy, and when they lick or eat any kind of food off of each other. So I decided it's time to start a sharing thread for just this. Please share whatever videos you have of bbws feeding each other food. One can be a skinny girl. Can be forced feeding that's hot. Not necessarily looking for funnel feeding, but that's welcome too. Ssbbws welcome too. I just thought it more appropriate to post this in the real board. I'll start with a few of my own. A good deal of ones I own have been shared on this board. The more others share, the more out of my collection I'll share too. These pictures are of the videos I am sharing. https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/:~:text=https%3A//mab.to/t/AqERXudlaHa/us2
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>>196612 Easy you ask if someone has it while also offering something in return. What your offering should be in the same post of the video your asking for. If no one gets back to you accept the fact that someone probably doesn't have the video or does not feel like uploading it.
>>196612 You posted this shit in 2 threads. Not off to a strong start
>>196612 You keep hitting up the begging thread on and off hoping someone answers your call one time or you acknowledge that youā€™re probably not going to get it and move on, which is the healthy thing to do.

Last thread was nuked so I'm reviving it Anonymous 03/08/2025 (Sat) 16:25:38 Id:2c1fb0 No. 196616 [Reply]
The last post on co.omer is from last month, but her OF is now gone. I think I'm out of the loop. Here's a link from another thread because I've got nothing: https://gofile.io/d/QxK5LF
>>196616 Whoa, who's the girl behind?
>>196622 She is/was softshortnsweets's roommate. Everything she ever made is on her coomer. https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/deviousroomie

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Geminiinky Thread Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 14:51:26 Id:e3682d No. 186187 [Reply]
Best model left on S31. Hereā€™s something to start us off. https://gofile.io/d/1Msy7H
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No not Miamanhattan thereā€™s an actual model called Miami
Do you need to pay money on stuffer31 to see preview?
>>196524 No after you pay you have unlimited access to view all the videos without paying anything else.
So, now its the netflix of belly porn?

Blondiee.18 Anonymous 02/26/2025 (Wed) 17:36:24 Id:414405 No. 195337 [Reply]
https://gofile.io/d/gDluaO https://gofile.io/d/M0DqXn https://gofile.io/d/jK5knQ https://gofile.io/d/e0Hwmz New Blondiee thread since old one is bumplocked, enjoy
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>>196377 Thanks! How are you busting her drm encryption?
>>195337 >>196141 That would be amazing she was really starting to gain too
>>196381 I paid for a special software that bypasses the encryption. You gotta pay to get the good stuff :D
>>196439 Where can I buy the same one?
>>196538 Should be the first result in this search. i don't directly list the name since I don't want it to get banned or OF to find a way around it. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=buy+yt+saver
