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Girls Feeding Each Other 09/23/2024 (Mon) 02:23:25 Id:d10e65 No. 174801 [Reply] [Last]
This has got to be my favorite thing. Bbws feeding each other. Especially when they get messy, and when they lick or eat any kind of food off of each other. So I decided it's time to start a sharing thread for just this. Please share whatever videos you have of bbws feeding each other food. One can be a skinny girl. Can be forced feeding that's hot. Not necessarily looking for funnel feeding, but that's welcome too. Ssbbws welcome too. I just thought it more appropriate to post this in the real board. I'll start with a few of my own. A good deal of ones I own have been shared on this board. The more others share, the more out of my collection I'll share too. These pictures are of the videos I am sharing. https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/:~:text=https%3A//mab.to/t/AqERXudlaHa/us2
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Big Cutie Bonnie Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 18:22:52 Id:352720 No. 186705 [Reply]
I know she hasn't gained that much recently, but damn she gotta have the best bellies ever here's something for ya https://gofile.io/d/GjGpFL
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>>190707 This almost made me piss myself, this guy considers it fucking gambling to plug a link into a fucking decoder because it might not be worth the ten seconds it takes if he finds out the video wasn't worth it. It reminds me of someone saying they hate how we still have to hunt for food, talking about needing to go to a grocery store.
>>190707 He's not wrong about them being unnecessary, though.
>>190856 Gambling was poor verbage. It's still annoying and unneccesary going through encoded link after encoded link when poeple could just put that shit on MAB. Extra infuriating when you go through 10 of those encloded mfs just for all 10 to be busts. Also for something way older in the thread: models like this who pay a company to take down their shit, don't just do it for BBWchan - it's for most platforms. THat's why if you name your file BBW Bonnie or Big Cutie bonnie and upload it to a porn site it's getting yoinked
i know shes been in bbw jodies videos but is jodie in any of her videos that havent been deleted

Naty_1999 Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 10:09:04 Id:edaa28 No. 172306 [Reply] [Last]
New thread since last one was taken down. If anyone has anymore stuff to share please do so. https://www.reddit.com/user/naty_1999/
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>>192820 Not like this is a fetish or anything
>>192527 You're delusional, she looks no different than 9 months ago
She was prettier when she was skinnier>>172306
>>193111 This website isn't for you.
>>193116 But i like bigcutiechloe with 315LB

GS Thread Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 07:50:38 Id:67459e No. 182862 [Reply] [Last]
As usual old thread bumplocked, so here's a new one Here's gofilq link that contain all pf her videos: https://gofile.io/d/tAVoCD And here's her latest one: https://gofile.io/d/hBCLL7
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>>192514 "This video is a private video uploaded by Fiat9. Only Fiat9's friends can watch and rate private videos."
How much does she weigh now?
>>193093 She hasn’t had any recent weigh ins despite gaining some major weight. She looks to be in 250-260 range.
It looks like she just keeps getting fatter. Does she have a feeder boyfriend, or something?

The greatest plus sized model right now Morgan Louise 12/16/2024 (Mon) 06:44:37 Id:515f2c No. 185500 [Reply]
https://gofile.io/d/KOGObr Let's get more vids posted
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>>190610 I doubt she'll have a big gain but 10-20lb over her heaviest would be pretty hot
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I'd sell my soul to hear this chick burp just once
>>192291 Divine Her face is enchanting

Housecow Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 00:55:46 Id:84c2f7 No. 176471 [Reply] [Last]
Tumblr gainer, now on Curvage. Over 300 lbs, gained a lot in the last year or so. Here's her first Curvage video, apparently she also has videos for sale in a Google drive if anyone has them gofile.io/d/Cnw064
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go to her tumblr for higher res pics but her gain is just amazing
>>192380 I bet she moves really slow now and if she tried to move fast it would still be very slow. I love the way she talks on her tumblr too. Real immobility potential here. Very exciting stuff.
>>192821 There's a post on her tumblr showing a step tracker and it was only like 800 average per day for an entire week with most days being under that.
She's clearly overdoing the steps - needs someone to bring the food to her. I volunteer as tribute
>>192925 Having an army of feeders would make absolutely massive. She definitely needs less than 300 steps per day

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Alena Love smithjoey 01/16/2025 (Thu) 18:42:56 Id:a976dc No. 189466 [Reply]
Have to show love to such a beautiful belly. Here’s some Alena vids, pls share more vids if you have some https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-Bz-lqmHcfbphJFZslBMsOocYHlun1TL
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Fuck yes. This collection has the video where Alena holds on to her gut as she rides a guy to orgasm. Unfortunately it's early in her journey so her stomach isn't as big as it will become in her later videos, but it's still super hot to watch her get off on grabbing her only belly while she gets railed.
>>189941 which collection? what video is that?
>>189941 its a shame she quit so early. id love to see her as big as kimberly marvel or larger. the burping scene could use someone like her.
>>192719 What’s the strange link for? a c4s bypass?

SB Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 14:12:03 Id:7f3e56 No. 192950 [Reply]
Nothing new from this girl? Or an update on her Coomer would be appreciated. She seems to have gone back to posting videos consistently after some time away due to being banned from Instagram. Here’s a small tribute to start the topic https://gofile.io/d/ERIuPw
The last update on her Coomer was almost a year ago.

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:^) edits & compilations vault :^) 10/26/2024 (Sat) 11:03:52 Id:b53304 No. 179073 [Reply] [Last]
hello all, been hoarding the majority of my edits to myself for quite a long while, figured I'd be based and upload all of it here. there's over 60 videos, mostly burp compilations, and pretty much anything and everything in-between. not to suck myself off here but most compilations are not edited well, be it scuffed export settings, or some bullshit music in the background for no reason. I hope you'll find that all of my edits are as high quality as I find them to be. in the breakfastchub video I literally seamlessly edited the fucking smoke detector beeps out of the audio track, lmfao. to explain the file naming scheme: ・c~ compilation, generally longer cuts ・s~ supercut, shorter cuts any files without ・cthat aren't labeled ・sare also longer cuts compilations.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>187951 never noticed her belly being that noisy but holy shit, thanks for doing gods work man!
updated mkfb button pop (new edit + special ending) https://gofile.io/d/UfDGAK
https://gofile.io/d/PoIxkt found on a thread
>>192985 Is it just me or do some of the videos just don’t have audio in them?
>>192986 it’s not just you idk why they haven’t been fixed yet

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layla thread no 924878 Anonymous 03/04/2023 (Sat) 22:43:04 Id:019beb No. 113469 [Reply] [Last]
idk where the old layla thread is but it's gone apparently?? anyways i figured out how to download vids from the site, lemme know which ones you want gang starting off with this cute gurgling vid: coke & mentos after three course meal https://we.tl/t-MQmemnnjej
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>>192469 "Chonk and bean" has to single-handedly be the cringest name in the entire community
>>192784 What's the matter anon? Not into a heckin stufferino?
>>192784 that clip has to be the cringiest clip in the entire scene. Absolutely NEGATIVE bed chem with that bearded puffgut, and then it just abruptly cuts to just the two girls?
what is the name of that blonde girl she used to do videos with? she had like super stacked belly rolls... im trynna track down her content. anyone know? i think it was like steph or something
>>193028 >>193028 >>193028 Katie Deluxe I think

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Savannah Montana Anonymous 09/03/2024 (Tue) 19:15:12 Id:25e9b2 No. 172104 [Reply]
She’s been gaining a bunch of weight lately and it seems the old thread has gone. Re upping some stuff I had, some recent some older in hopes for her new weigh in https://gofile.io/d/9oEcdX
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Here's another 2 videos I found, they're both really hot and some of her best https://gofile.io/d/tjHV2j
Her enthusiasm is the key factor to how sexy these videos are
Picked up the new bikini denial vid because she looked hot af https://gofile.io/d/pCFEur I did an edit with it using clips throughout her gain because it lent itself to a pseudo narrative. It also gives some perspective of her gains over the years.
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>>189513 good shit, love watching edits too. thanks my man
Reviving this thread with a new drop. Does anyone have her newest video? https://gofile.io/d/Jufxc4

ThickAsHoney Anonymous 02/07/2025 (Fri) 00:35:59 Id:11d34b No. 192572 [Reply]
Old thread got deleted. Hoping for some of her newer stuff
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>>192573 wtf the thin saggy laurenlush looks digusting :(
Wow never seen her before. Does she have onlyfans?
This girls belly is incredible holy moly hottest bbw belly I have ever seen!
That measurements video is just frustrating because she doesn't weigh herself

blondiee.18 Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 22:11:54 Id:0bf99e No. 163363 [Reply] [Last]
new thread bc the last one got bumplocked. hopefully we can keep this one more focused, she's been gaining like crazy this year, with the stretchmarks to prove it. here's a few newer vids and a couple older vids from her onlyfans. if anyone has anything that hasnt been shared yet, please upload. she has a 24 hour sale on her curvage right now for her latest 4 vids. https://we.tl/t-NHnRFrEEST
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>>192682 "She has got to be the dumbest feedee out there right now, absolutely zero brain activity in this ditzy bitch." lmao that's just stereotypical teenager/incel drivel and it should be called out as such. it's simply not how well adjusted people talk about women pretty much ever
>>192631 Kill yourself
Aww, looks like the retard simp brigade is out again. You morons do realize this entire fucking website is an incel circle jerk, this guy is messing with all of you and you took the bait hook, line and sinker.
The ideal situation here is that she gains enough weight and reaches such a size that she is no longer able to move around anymore. Some anons come off rude and crass, but the spirit is there and that’s what really matters. They’re cheering for the right thing at least.
>>192800 I hope she sees this, bro

Latinas Feederism 01/01/2024 (Mon) 19:46:54 Id:a9ef30 No. 142071 [Reply] [Last]
Starting a thread of latinas feedees Here are some vídeos https://we.tl/t-iMT1SPvKcu
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Newest Carlys and Lunaredonda vids https://gofile.io/d/PkhrHF
>>192356 Thank you!
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/57406-i-sale-the-feedee-farmer-feeding-ysabel27/ Fuck that looks hot!!
re-up pls>>192356
>>192844 It's still up, if you can't access it that's a matter of your internet provider or vpn

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Stuffer 31 girls Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 07:14:07 Id:c0dd38 No. 158634 [Reply] [Last]
Here are some stuffer 31 videos I have of certain girls, will post more in the following days. I'd like if anyone had videos of Honney(at her fattest), Kimmy and Pattie. https://we.tl/t-qv1G8UZVUM https://we.tl/t-0i6PSyR8Wt https://we.tl/t-CVFFJHaUSQ
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Which S31 model had the biggest gain?
