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Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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Happy Holidays Merry Christmas! 12/25/2023 (Mon) 23:19:56 Id:22ba18 No. 141370 [Reply] [Last]
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>>191296 >>191295 Does this lady have of or any social media ?
>>191295 impressive whale, congrats m8 for the such a great hunt
forgot where this came from, reupping here https://gofile.io/d/bAIH9k
These are the best videos ever made. I can’t stop watching them.

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Brit from BC Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 04:46:05 Id:79c9f8 No. 189395 [Reply]
clearing up my collection, wanted to share a random photo archive I have of Britt from Big cuties (MEGA)/folder/lulnWBCb#ovtB_oR_ao0NKVh3Xt1syg thanks for the years, sharing more as we go
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>>189927 She weighed more in an earlier set. 322 pounds in BC set 61. I dont have any other weigh ins.
Her biggest weight in was 339 on her OF
a small drop here, will post more later. Trying to keep Britt side alive. https://gofile.io/d/rqj1D5
>>192843 says it's not public
should be good now

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Big Angel Anonymous 02/03/2025 (Mon) 02:05:37 Id:07c2a6 No. 191973 [Reply]
I am making this thread so people have a place to post their favorite images and videos of these cute girls
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>>191988 I can hear Vader's theme playing in one of the scenes, wondering if it's public domain in Japan.
love them.
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>>192696 I love the yellow one especially, she seems to gain the most weight out of all the members that she's fat enough as is.
>>192804 She is currently the heaviest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5IcCUo_w3g but the one in brown has had the highest weight overall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3OeYBU6n-Q

Outgrown Clothing Anonymous 03/05/2023 (Sun) 20:24:43 Id:a9fdcd No. 113576 [Reply] [Last]
post girls who got a bit too fat for their clothes. bonus points for bellies poking or hanging out, tight belts and button gaps
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>>173663 what video is this from?
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Alice Valentine (Formerly CurvyGothGF + GainingGothGF) Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 22:20:37 Id:d90f54 No. 183828 [Reply] [Last]
Best fucking model ever, does some king have her latest weigh in vid? My humble contribution: aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9aU1ZFaEg=
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>>192550 https://coomer.su/importer There should be a tutorial or something here.
>>192576 Thanks dude I'm working on it now once I figure it out I'll start licking stuff here.
>>192534 if you really want to screen record you can try turning of hardware acceleration in your browser, works for netflix content, might work here
>>192535 Out of curiosity, what videos do you have?
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>>191884 Alice really does look like a model. With the red hair she reminds me of a chubby version of the hot maid from AHS. Very hot

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Tubbyemma Anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 06:04:50 Id:60d88b No. 185703 [Reply]
Small gainer/feedee. I don’t think there’s a thread on this but I use to see a good amount of content from around her tumblr days, now it’s almost like a void. These are some of the only vids I could find https://gofile.io/d/883ed8a8-69a9-4b39-b9d2-0a54f7a3baf3 There was one good burp comp I think it was even on yt for while it’s gone now tho
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>>192659 Imagine being so retarded you try to start beef with a bunch of anons on an imageboard. >>192729 >I accept Apple gift cards I will not stop redeeming the gift cards. They're MY gift cards, not yours.
>>192612 >look im not crazy >crashes out publicly over nothing
>>192738 generally how crazy a woman is happens to be directly proportionate to how hot they are. emma is pretty much perfect looking so do the math
I don’t get it, has this thread not brought more people to her socials? This is how I found her
>>192612 Trying to understand this gave me a headache

BBW BASH BBW BASH 01/10/2025 (Fri) 15:07:43 Id:7a8723 No. 188699 [Reply]
let's fresh , Beth, Lisa, Skyler, , Cherry
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>>189552 Do you have her IG ?

Maggie Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 19:12:22 Id:8bc812 No. 179870 [Reply] [Last]
A hot, plump, body positive tik tok influencer who has been growing bigger over the years. She recently joined curvage and is fattening up into a proper pig. I think there was briefly a thread here but thought I would create another for sharing. I unfortunately don't have anything from her, so here is a random assortment of content from others https://gofile.io/d/3R1Z2q
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>>192205 maybe its me but she doesnt look like she has gained that much in the new video
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I reckon she looks bigger. Imagine seeing her at the beach lol she’s brave to still wear such a tiny bikini
>>192367 it's been a month how much different do you think she would look realistically. give it another 6 months
most recent vid here. kinda boring tbh but she's still hot as hell https://gofile.io/d/zzPdbc
>>192619 Thanks for the drop! Yeah the vid on curvage looked like it would be dull especially with her being in public. But always love seeing her.

FatAssRuby 02/02/2025 (Sun) 02:42:19 Id:9fa840 No. 191799 [Reply]
Share everything you have https://gofile.io/d/a6c17e63-62c0-4b31-91e5-16090639c23d
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Wonder what happened to her. Saw that she essentially nuked her curvage.
>>191811 thank you man. never heard of this chick before so very nice addition to the collection!
>>191811 Dude comes in with the most epic of drops!!!
>>191811 Thanks a lot. It's a pity she disappeared. She had one of the best bodies in the game imo. She looked so big and thicc.
https://gofile.io/d/zJo3iZ most has already been posted here but might post most more later

Lillysothick 01/05/2025 (Sun) 13:24:10 Id:e37cc9 No. 187979 [Reply]
https://gofile.io/d/sEXXiM Her last post was in September is she still active?
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wow, she is amazing
sadly, she still hasn't posted anything new since her instagram story
Fuck I completely forgot about this goddess!!! Good to hear that she’s coming back, can’t actually wait, she’s super super hot and yes I hope she lost a bit of weight to see her gain it all back again. Hope she gets the support that she deserves too. Let’s try to keep this thread up and running
I see she hasn’t got a curvage page too. We need her to make one!! You guys agree?
I just subbed to her fansly and she only posted really short vids of like 40seconds, we need her to make or curvage or longer videos

Aurora Keiko Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 12:56:47 Id:0c5a37 No. 180439 [Reply]
underrated model, I've never seen her here, if anyone has more of her I'll be grateful https://gofile.io/d/txzWIR her curvage: https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/50771-100-nuggets-challenge/
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Becky Lesabre anonys 02/07/2025 (Fri) 08:39:34 Id:e1b6a4 No. 192606 [Reply]
Does anyone have videos of becky lesabre? Back in the day there were lots of her vids online but they all got taken down. Here is my contribution https://gofile.io/d/vAIPmM

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Fat belly & huge tits combo 01/11/2025 (Sat) 19:35:23 Id:050f7c No. 188841 [Reply]
I love this combo so here is a part of my collection for guys who love this body type too : https://gofile.io/d/HpqNZQ
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>>188841 Who is that in the 9th vid ( IMG_4865.MOV)?
>>190657 Love her face and figure
>>190595 She used to cam on CB as lily_tayler and lily_tayler51
>>190597 yeah after I posted it I found a couple of her vids via google image search but no luck on Wayback on my end either.
Her name is Pethugeballon if ANYONE has any more content of her plz bless us https://gofile.io/d/ONvzTi

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Diary of a Growing Girl - DOAGG 04/03/2024 (Wed) 06:37:51 Id:ea0a40 No. 153487 [Reply] [Last]
Pretty new on the scene, started her curvage in January. Sounds like she has pretty genuine plans to gain some and talks about loving her curves and has just posted her second weigh-in. Share any videos you might have, I’ve got one to start us off: https://mega.nz/file/AadCQTDI#g5svL2KQm1EUMPQXsQcjryABc8m31clkXgz-d9JtSPc
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>>192342 I always supported her, but now I support her more. The gain is noticeable now
Is this the new goddess shar?
She actually got huge this last month https://gofile.io/d/dtTqk3
>>192489 Dude thanks so much!! I salute my liege
I think she is hot. Has great body and sexy accent. Where I disagree is… that she is into gaining. She has been at this a year? She looks like she gained 0 to 7 pounds. I see giant cheat meals and a girl teasing about getting fat. Most girls who go a cruise will gain that. Fake effort. Not taking away that she is hot.

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19 year old Colombian cam model "Marafox69" Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 21:06:20 Id:47a44c No. 166986 [Reply] [Last]
This is not a request for content. This is a post for awareness. I saw this girl for the first time via an autogenerated ad on stufferdb today. She was eating a lot in the thumbnail and few enough bbw cammers actually do that that it piqued my interest. The attached image is not the thumbnail I saw, it's literally a full-res screenshot I took once I decided to make this post. Anyway, after I sat around for 5 minutes I noticed two interesting things: 1) her profile picture and banners were all significantly less fat, and her banner menu below the stream has normal camming options, whereas her live stream menu was all to get her to eat more 2) she is only 19 which means she blew up like this in just a year I thought this was too good to be true, so I started sleuthing on recurbate. https://recu.me/performer/marafox69/page/14?sort=date It's completely real. You can go forward from her first stream just under 1 year ago and watch her turn from an 18 year old chubby new cammer trying to be normal, into a girl flirting with the idea of flaunting her chubby tummy more, into a 19 year old slobby pig who eats junk food for money. If you look at her now and don't believe she's only 19, you will look back at her streams from last august and 100% believe she was 18. That's just how much she's destroyed her body with fat. So yeah, aside from having more normal-sized tits for her weight (they're still huge, just not monstrous), this girl is everything everyone wanted creolyta to be. I've been watching her stream for an hour now and even when she's not getting tipped to eat specific foods, she still grazes on the ice cream in front of her because she just can't help herself.

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>>189495 to be fair, eating that much food every day has got to be pretty exhausting when you consider the sheer amount she ate before, shes probably just taking a break from it / felt sick of it after doing it for so long
>>190044 You're probably right. This is what those bozos who raid threads like Candii's and Tiana's need to see.
>>190158 I saw a show yesterday and she looked thinner.
Is there a progression comp on her yet?
>>190166 Okay and? If she's not stuffing her face the the brim anymore she's gonna lose weight over time.
