I looked it up, she had a BBL, but I’m guessing everyone else already knew that, but that’s why her hips and ass look weird and uncanny valley esc now. More unnecessary surgery like she had on her face, sad
>>196550 so yeah, must have body dysmorphia - I guess every gainer is fucked in the head slightly.
Still can’t believe how she rebounded so small after getting so massively obese for 3ish years though, I remember her saying she’d be one of those women who could get pregnant and bounce back easily… then you think of women like Gabbie Carter whose tits deflated into “empty tube socks” (her words) after one pregnancy.
Still must be a little odd though, imagine a guy picking up this tight tiny gym shorts wearing chick, taking her home, then she strips and flops out this soft squishy sagging belly and unperky tits. Pretty hot in its way, especially when she did it to herself.
Big fan of her not doing the baby voice anymore too.