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BBW BASH BBW BASH 01/10/2025 (Fri) 15:07:43 Id:7a8723 No. 188699 [Reply]
let's fresh , Beth, Lisa, Skyler, , Cherry
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Thick AF
>>188721 the one positive thing i get from this post is that there seems so be a point of ugliness even my fetish can not overpower
>>196289 What site is that 4?

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Big Cutie Lily devilishfeedist 12/29/2024 (Sun) 17:19:48 Id:ab6f8f No. 187124 [Reply]
Has anyone got Big Cutie Lily's picture sets, in particular her early ones? By way of a thank you, here is a grab bag of clips and pics for your enjoyment: https://gofile.io/d/90c2627d-fcd2-40e6-a2c5-f72d568ac446
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I'm glad she stepped away to take care of her mental health, I hope she's happy. She definitely had a great run and should be considered one of the hottest to ever do it.
>>188108 She’s was amazing but she is finished now
>>187142 >>187146 >>187147 How yall gonna bait like this and never follow up smh
>>188109 She step out to get lipo probably
>>193843 Yeah probably. Next time we see here she will me another empty skin sack of a person who shares her gross weight loss to gay guys and girls that support it on tik tok or something never to get laid again.

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Stuffer 31 girls Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 07:14:07 Id:c0dd38 No. 158634 [Reply] [Last]
Here are some stuffer 31 videos I have of certain girls, will post more in the following days. I'd like if anyone had videos of Honney(at her fattest), Kimmy and Pattie. https://we.tl/t-qv1G8UZVUM https://we.tl/t-0i6PSyR8Wt https://we.tl/t-CVFFJHaUSQ
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>>194792 holy shit goated
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>>194792 Her name?
>>195640 Cutie
Heres some edenn i collected, would love to see more https://gofile.io/d/0uFAeZ

Lana2002 Curvage Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 07:15:00 Id:6f543b No. 110147 [Reply] [Last]
Here is what I have https://we.tl/t-BWNPxIG4kZ?src=dnl Post more Lana2002
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>>196040 Yeah you definitely are cause seeing a cluttered room doesn't bother me unless it's some actual grimey shit going on. The only thing that takes me out of it is if I see their fucking pet walking around while their making a video.
>>196040 >>195802 Bro if you've never seen a woman in real life before just say so.... Every single woman on earth has discoloration, stretch marks, freckles, moles, hair etc. doesn't matter if they're skinny, fat or whatever like this isn't even fetish specific, for example you could examine yourself in a mirror and you'll probably notice exactly the same things, if you don't you're delusional and/or retarded
>>196029 You don't get that fat by being proactive
>>196437 My gf is just under 300lb and still gaining. She washes and creams everyday to avoid the discolouration where her skin rubs. I wasn’t tryna go on some next debate. Just simply stating from her videos she looks like a tramp. If that dosnt turn you off then fairs. But for me it does.
>>196492 I agree with you. These guys talking about “tELl mE YoUve NeVEr bEen WiTH a WoMan”. Being fat doesn’t mean you have to be dirty and unhygienic. Obviously discoloration is something will happen when you get towards that weight, but there are methods to mitigate it, being messy is a different story. not all fat people are messy and some fat women I’ve been with have had the cleanest houses I’ve stepped in.

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Big Barbie 02/27/2025 (Thu) 00:28:57 Id:4af9c6 No. 195390 [Reply]
Can we start a Big Barbie thread. Does anyone know what happened to her. I have a few more of her videos I'm still trying to figure out gofile. Here are a few I have downloaded: https://gofile.io/d/CJECRf
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>>195584 pics of your new GF?
>>195975 Probably because you showed her porn? Bro that isn't going to attract a woman at all. And definitely not going to make her feel wanted. You need to vocalize what you're into bit by bit. Don't show a girl porn or pics of other fat chick's and be like this is what I like. No girl likes being compared
>>195996 Tbf, he didn’t actually say he showed her the porn, just that she saw it, could have been unintentional. Also worth noting that saying you like bigger ladies still has a disconnect for many norms as to what ‘big’ is. The only way they’re going to find that out is by actually having an actual visual reference. There’s a lot of women who’ll put on stack of weight without trying as long as their in an actual stable and happy enough relationship, they’d probably be less comfortable if they realised exactly size what rocks your boat. Full legit feedee relationships can happen, but are pretty much unicorns.
https://thisvid.com/videos/barbie-s-hot-belly/ (Private)

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MI4 Dior 03/06/2025 (Thu) 09:37:00 Id:93b2bd No. 196342 [Reply]
She's been getting huge recently. Does some FA content. Go show her some love so she does more! https://gofile.io/d/XvxgiA
>>196461 also obligatory link to coomer page: https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/miaadiorr

Stephlynnxx Anonymous 03/06/2025 (Thu) 09:18:56 Id:982f69 No. 196340 [Reply]
Requesting her curvage videos https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/229288-stephlynnnxx/ My contribution: https://gofile.io/d/kOxsgE
Damn she’s fucking sexy

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Stnthcc Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 02:18:20 Id:69934a No. 167394 [Reply] [Last]
She's getting pretty large, here's a recent short from her OF.
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>>196324 Im not sure but last i saw from her subbed OF she looked skinnier unfortunately
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I believe she was at her heaviest last spring. Anyways, here's her latest weigh-in clip: https://gofile.io/d/RnODif
>>196343 Thanks 👑!
>>196343 God she is so cute, she has an amazing figure at 250... I'm not sure she wants to get much bigger but something tells me that somewhere between 300-320 would be damn near close to perfection given her proportions and height. I absolutely love this adorable Scottish little piggy.
>>196343 Big man coming in clutch!!!

Who this fatty? 3 clips free 02/27/2025 (Thu) 15:17:56 Id:cb03d0 No. 195447 [Reply]
Anyone know who this model is and where I can find more clips? Share if you have https://gofile.io/d/CaK5is
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She posted 2 clips recently
She got bigger
>>195454 No shit you think she’s posting to entertain you lonely fucks like everyone else she’s making money you fool
alright, it's been long enough. here's the goods https://gofile.io/d/qYrkQM
W the goat

Outgrown Clothing Anonymous 03/05/2023 (Sun) 20:24:43 Id:a9fdcd No. 113576 [Reply] [Last]
post girls who got a bit too fat for their clothes. bonus points for bellies poking or hanging out, tight belts and button gaps
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GS Thread Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 07:50:38 Id:67459e No. 182862 [Reply] [Last]
As usual old thread bumplocked, so here's a new one Here's gofilq link that contain all pf her videos: https://gofile.io/d/tAVoCD And here's her latest one: https://gofile.io/d/hBCLL7
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>>195542 Her prime was when she first started, she needs to bring back the brown/black hair
You are an idiot she is in her prime every day she only gets better if you disagree its because you don't have enough inches or you aren't high enough level feeder. She is true to the name a goddess and she looks way better blonde but looks good either way especially at this size.
>>195876 She's not gon let u tap lil bro 😭😭
>>195236 You are so right!!!!
>>195876 Get a grip mam

Mexican BBW Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 22:05:52 Id:ecc09b No. 196279 [Reply]
Her latest update

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ggg GGG 09/20/2023 (Wed) 19:08:53 Id:3dd5f9 No. 131847 [Reply] [Last]
can we have a GGG thread?
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>>196243 mememagic is not a thing, it will never be a thing. brain rot
>>193009 Holy shit, just saw this. Wtf happened, the Ozempic craze? She was so hot with the belly-dominant no-ass gain, like a perfect sphere. Always hoped she’d get pregnant like she always was teasing. I never thought her body would bounce back like this, even if her belly is a little flabby now, her tits still look pretty big, so retained some of that fat - though I wonder how saggy and ruined they are now? Like she has a stretched out MILF body but without any kids. Outside of Mal Malloy she was my favourite gainer by far, and now it’s all over for both of them. Sad times.
>>196547 Also, speaking of no-ass, has she had work done on it? No into fake shit. Just end up looking like any other plastic ho. Hmm, I guess she is still petty hot overall, but I was so shocked, just fuck, wth.
>>196547 I think she might have some sort of body dismorphia. She's pulled stuff like this in the past then gets the urge to gain again and does for awhile before she decides to drop weight. It's a cycle that she's going to repeat forever.
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I looked it up, she had a BBL, but I’m guessing everyone else already knew that, but that’s why her hips and ass look weird and uncanny valley esc now. More unnecessary surgery like she had on her face, sad >>196550 so yeah, must have body dysmorphia - I guess every gainer is fucked in the head slightly. Still can’t believe how she rebounded so small after getting so massively obese for 3ish years though, I remember her saying she’d be one of those women who could get pregnant and bounce back easily… then you think of women like Gabbie Carter whose tits deflated into “empty tube socks” (her words) after one pregnancy. Still must be a little odd though, imagine a guy picking up this tight tiny gym shorts wearing chick, taking her home, then she strips and flops out this soft squishy sagging belly and unperky tits. Pretty hot in its way, especially when she did it to herself. Big fan of her not doing the baby voice anymore too.

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lilb4tfac3dgiirl Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 00:02:38 Id:e94619 No. 183059 [Reply]
found out about this beautiful girl a couple of weeks ago, decided to buy a couple of videos today, including her most recent weigh in if anyone has anymore of her content or is considering buying and sharing (3$ per clip) it would be appreciated https://gofile.io/d/tpB4wY
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>>191408 Here's a couple more recent videos. Vacate your prostates, soldiers https://gofile.io/d/CkWxwk
Thx for the upload Super hot
She was just starting to get big-big too, hope she comes back
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Is she gaining?

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Stuffer31 Aileen Legacy Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 12:26:44 Id:70486b No. 176141 [Reply]
I think Aileen just deserves to have her own thread, she is literally the goat. Here's the collection of Aileen I found over the years. I want to archive as much of her stuff as I can! I hope you guys can contribute as well. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9xY1JTaEpJRCNaZXhWOXpoN0lMWWF1WjRsSXRhb2hR=
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>>192388 She looks great I wish there was more of her out there.
Really cute gut on this girl
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