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Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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Roundest Bellies 5 Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 18:21:19 Id:961c02 No. 192845 [Reply]
Round 5 for the roundest bellies you can find. Go! BONUS - some videos too: https://gofile.io/d/ckSMOH
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>>193248 It's bu1terfly on coomer.
>>193249 Thx what a treasure!
>>193169 isnt it obvious she is pregnant, just like victoriafoxx
>>193272 She's been like that for more than a year so no 🤤
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>>192845 >https://gofile.io/d/ckSMOH

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 14:37:30 Id:9750aa No. 180739 [Reply] [Last]
One of the newer ones, please share anything else https://gofile.io/d/Lz2zqO
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>>191430 He needs to touch grass cause he's telling the truth? Lol
>>190036 nah shes perfect where shes at. I know we all like weight gain but sometimes you gotta stop and appreciate a really fucking cute chubby girl. To me theres something so hot about a girl who looks basically conventionally attractive except theyre hiding a soft paunchy gut under their shirt.
holy shit the weight gain police on this site are so fucking annoying. maybe find someone fatter to wack off to idk. anyways i bought this one a while ago, enjoy. https://gofile.io/d/w13Uxo
>>191537 no, he needs to go outside becuase he's being a little dick about it.
New clip over on curvage! She doesn’t look fatter but she’s getting more rolls.

Jasminexo 10/03/2024 (Thu) 18:55:25 Id:0201bf No. 176296 [Reply]
last thread died https://mega.nz/folder/QTEh0IJT#FZy14d62gFbBNTQvm9Diug
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>>192758 Could you convert them into mp4?
I’ll try to convert them to MP4.
>>192842 Has anyone else had problems with gofile's new interface no longer providing previews for Apple files?
>>192862 you can use handbrake to do it pretty easily and without much headache yeah gofile has started wigging out and not showing previews for that file format. not sure why they're so retarded but they're still the best option for uploads
Does anyone have this please? "try on fail w/ corsets/shapewear ♥️ accidentally flashing my pussy to everyone almost the entire time lmfao"

lilsquishbaby thread 03/03/2024 (Sun) 11:03:10 Id:2a5faf No. 150001 [Reply] [Last]
some content to get the thread going https://mab.to/t/BJJRXUAS1ge/us3
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You gotta look at it this way: she's a person and if she doesn't want serious health issues, she can't keep ballooning indefinitely. The inflated look she sported was the tops but her new flabby caused by weight loss is nice too. She still looks hot. Not as hot as before, but come on. You want total fantasy, program a chatbot and hook it up to an image generator. This is the real world. Can't expect people to be okay with dead by 40 for the sake of content creation. She is never going to be slim again unless someone invents some magical surgery. Always going to be a cute little butterball. Why did she blow up in the first place ? Seems a little mysterious. Was she with a feeder guy and couldn't say no ? Or just a weed-loving pig?
>>189757 Haven't seen someone pull out "you'll be dead by 40 cause you're fat" statement in so long lmao.
>>189786 I mean.. is it a lie? With all said, concernfagging has no place here. I assume we're all adults that know what the long term effects of obesity are.
>>189906 Well duh. It was more on the fact she wasn't THAT big for it to be a concern or the reasons. Of course she's obviously healthier being small and all
>>150001 Does anyone have this video? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/42029-through-the-mirror-wg-shake-and-body-play/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/39337-busty-schoolgirl-gets-overfed-pt-2/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/19676-old-clothes-try-on/

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Onelovechels, Tiktoker/influencer purposefully gaining weight Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 17:17:09 Id:67191a No. 192840 [Reply]
Found this girl on tiktok who’s purposefully gaining weight and has supposedly gained 85 pounds in the past few years. Here’s her socials https://www.tiktok.com/@onelovechels?_t=ZT-8tkXdVSJFE2&_r=1 https://www.instagram.com/onelovechels?igsh=YXdnc2ZjbWU1aWw2 https://www.reddit.com/u/onelovechels/s/iF4KCwjhNp
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Before pic of her
saw her on twitter, she’s pretty hot I didn’t think she was into the fetish though
>>193301 Makes it hotter when they just naturally pig out and make themselves this way

Chubbinikki Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 00:57:21 Id:017f38 No. 181492 [Reply]
Anyone got more of her? This is all I got https://gofile.io/d/0hOskL
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>>189745 This one https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/108969.html
>>189712 Here's one of the Black Cat videos https://gofile.io/d/hBEgMu
>>189841 I actually already have that video, I wanted the I ate spidey one, but cheers.
>>191749 Thanks!

Jalisa elite Jelisa elite thread 12/13/2024 (Fri) 01:30:55 Id:1cbaab No. 185124 [Reply]
Anyone else got jelisa elite I’ll start https://gofile.io/d/HtXqOM
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>>191673 Thanks for the share. I wasn't able to get through them all in time, but there were some rare finds there. Finally got to see the entire Nina scene.
>>191845 >https://gofile.io/d/EW84WO Doesn't seem to be working
>>191845 Unfortunately I think this one’s been taken down bro. Any chance of a reup?
>>191845 Ain’t working, reup please
Does she do burp in any of her sets?

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C.U.K. Mysterymanedits 01/01/2025 (Wed) 22:12:53 Id:016fc7 No. 187476 [Reply]
Last one got bump locked. I know the name of the thread sounds dumb but that’s her acronym so bear with it. Anyways to keep anything related to her alive here’s my stash of her. https://gofile.io/d/eOKDwy Burp comp https://gofile.io/d/8dQj4b When she went under risquereds https://gofile.io/d/aOHJG5 If anyone could update her coomer it would much appreciated
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>>191048 Damn she looks like a bowling ball
I think people don't understand what gaining 30+ pounds in a short amount of time let alone 60 to 100 do to you. You go from perfectly functional to being winded and drenched in sweat doing bare minimum activities. Of course productiveness is going to fall off.
>>193195 If you aren't a porn addled loser yourself, what are you doing here? Don't act holier than thou
>>193240 Heh nice Tyler, The Creator reference
>>193195 speak for yourself bitching loser. I just want to see fat bellies

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Arilove Bruhhhhh 11/13/2024 (Wed) 22:57:46 Id:88bd24 No. 181480 [Reply] [Last]
Former twitch streamer who sometimes releases belly content. Still streams on kick. Has a coomer. Anyone ever follow her?
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any interesting clips in her latest stream?
>>192096 New belly bid worth it?
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>>181580 I could be wrong but the tone says to me she's either secretly or wants you all to think she might be. Otherwise she has very shitty literary skills even less than the shitty ones I myself am blessed with.
She literally has no interest in this community and was actively divorcing herself from it a few months ago. She suddenly had to move out of the apartment she'd just moved into due to a roommate issue which I'm sure was a hit to her wallet. If you look back at streams in November/December she was on a health kick, sudden move, starts making FA content cause she's still chunky and wants to make some money. She's knows what we're about so that's what she does, no hate. Big fan.

Extreme Stuffing / Overstuffing / Challenge thread the 2nd Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 23:02:26 Id:5d0600 No. 161689 [Reply] [Last]
It's back! Let's share extreme eating videos. https://gofile.io/d/azFyHh
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>>192313 Check the link in post >>192117 It’s the reup
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Lonelygirltv Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 20:32:28 Id:496b49 No. 188965 [Reply] [Last]
I think I found a gem for upcoming time, I don’t know if she is new or already made content, but she’s kinda hot and we can make her hotter with fattening her up. Hope others do agree with me ;). She’s supper hot and can get hotter with every pound if shes hooked. In the video I shared you can’t see her full belly because the shot does cut it off, hope the next ones that I’ll buy will be better, enjoy! You can find her on curvage! https://gofile.io/d/PBLJMg
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>>192718 you make it sound like it's her fault for being mentally ill, pathetic
>>192722 Her parents may be pieces of shit, and her upbringing may have been horrific, but that is not how your get schizophrenia, bp, or whatever serious psychotic illness she has. Genetics and brain chemistry are prime factors and not her fault. However, not having anyone to care for her and see she gets help is sad and beyond unfortunate.
I see so much potential with these results already… this girl is smoking hot
>>193247 And utterly crazy (as in mentally ill)
>>193247 Agreed. It's been shown that eating well is a form of therapy. I hope she gets lots of therapy.

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Lucy Collett/Vixen Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 13:26:13 Id:1c6d24 No. 154888 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have any of her vids? Particularly her belly play stuff? Here's a few for yous. https://mab.to/t/705orSdCPjb/eu1
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>>186682 let's not forget where Lucy came from
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She doesn't show her while belly in the video it's like maybe a split second when she moves and u can see how fat she is
>>171334 Any chance of a reup for this video?

Lana2002 Curvage Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 07:15:00 Id:6f543b No. 110147 [Reply] [Last]
Here is what I have https://we.tl/t-BWNPxIG4kZ?src=dnl Post more Lana2002
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>>193143 Is the video completely green for anyone else or just me?
>>193144 All green here too
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I just looked and her OF is normal
>>193144 >>193146 It looks like onlyfans has patched the way i download videos. How are we meant to get them off onlyfans these days?
>>193274 Try the Soul browser

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Caroline Quinn Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 08:19:21 Id:f3c485 No. 162044 [Reply] [Last]
Started as a fat cam model and has gained a bunch of weight over the past year, and just recently started on Curvage, seems like she’s leaning into the feederism stuff now. Linking her coomer and the small amount of content I have https://gofile.io/d/gChDSG https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/ilovecaroline https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/262659-carolinequinn/
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>>190352 why'd she do that to her hair?
She wanted it to be black I would have to guess
I honestly like her hair change, to be fair, all her hair colours have suited her
There honestly isn't anything better than a fatty with an actually attractive face. Cheers Caroline for doing this for us.
>>193264 100% this. She's one of the hottest fatties and with such a cute face

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Girls Feeding Each Other 09/23/2024 (Mon) 02:23:25 Id:d10e65 No. 174801 [Reply] [Last]
This has got to be my favorite thing. Bbws feeding each other. Especially when they get messy, and when they lick or eat any kind of food off of each other. So I decided it's time to start a sharing thread for just this. Please share whatever videos you have of bbws feeding each other food. One can be a skinny girl. Can be forced feeding that's hot. Not necessarily looking for funnel feeding, but that's welcome too. Ssbbws welcome too. I just thought it more appropriate to post this in the real board. I'll start with a few of my own. A good deal of ones I own have been shared on this board. The more others share, the more out of my collection I'll share too. These pictures are of the videos I am sharing. https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/:~:text=https%3A//mab.to/t/AqERXudlaHa/us2
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